
=== Greylocks_ is now known as Greylocks
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest86544
hexacodeanyone know a terminal based email client? im wanting to get into multiple email accounts via imap, but i need scripts to run on those emails...so im looking for one thats scriptable or at least hackable via pipes..and can take commands to do certain things, like download attachment from X00:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:14
Daskreechhexacode: tried pine or mutt?04:02
Daskreech!info alpine04:03
ubottualpine (source: alpine): Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02+dfsg-2 (raring), package size 3092 kB, installed size 6996 kB04:03
Daskreech!info mutt04:03
ubottumutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.21-6.2 (raring), package size 795 kB, installed size 3556 kB04:03
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snkton ubuntu 11.10 for cups.... i am getting "lpinfo : Internal Server Error"07:31
skreech_snkt: what's give you?08:05
skreech_snkt: bah08:07
skreech_http://localhost:613/admin 08:08
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ghostcubehi folks tried to dist-upgrade my 13.10  and get kept back packages python-kde4 : Depends: sip-api-9.2 but it is not installable09:04
ghostcube  any idea 09:04
SukApx_Hey there, anyone knows how to enable "^" Key in latest Kubuntu with german layout ? "°" works09:23
yofelghostcube_: 13.10 talk please in #ubuntu+109:46
ghostcube_oh ok :)09:46
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:24
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ss_hazemplayerthumbs doesn't work in my dolphin15:48
ss_hazeI can't see file I'm typing for in dolphin15:48
ss_hazehow to change this15:49
armykimse yokmi16:06
ss_hazemplayer thumbs wasn't activated16:23
ss_hazebut why no dialog for typing file in dolphin16:23
greylocksss_haze: do you mean the address bar at the top?16:33
ss_hazeno, I found filter option16:33
ss_hazebut usually when you type in other fm you get bar at buttom16:34
greylocksif you click up by the word "Home" you will get what I think you are looking for16:36
ss_hazewhat do you mean by that16:45
Se7enArchhullo everyone 16:58
Se7enArchhow is it possible to connect to VPN under KDE 4.5 16:58
Se7enArchI have greyed-out buttons in thr VPN configuration dialogue in knetworkmanager16:59
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SoruGuys, I have a plasmoid that I can't disable. It does not appear the options bar17:28
Se7enArchhow is it possible to connect to VPN under KDE 4.5 ?17:31
Se7enArchI have greyed-out buttons in thr VPN configuration dialogue in knetworkmanager17:31
alesanhi, how can I setup the clock to it shows the correct time?????????????17:54
alesanI am in LA time zone (-8) but it only shows UTC17:55
alesanI have everything setup so it's LA in the clock settings17:56
alesanio devo settare la time zone adesso17:56
alesanops sorry for the last message17:57
alesanit was not intended for this channel17:57
SoruGuys, I have a plasmoid that I can't disable. It does not appear the options bar18:01
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shadeslayeralesan: you could run sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata18:08
shadeslayerand then choose your timezone18:08
alesanlet's see if it works18:08
alesanok that worked18:09
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genii!es | v818:37
ubottuv8: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:37
mokushany idea why I can't 'pin' items on icon-tasks? I click the 'show a launcher when not running' checkbox, but it just doesn't get checked. it stays unchecked18:45
mokushshould I chmod some config files for it, or any other ideas?18:45
jacob__Would anyone know how to disable notifactions for messages in a chat room for KDE-Telepathy while leaving them enabled for direct messages?18:58
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gorgonzolahello folks! has anyone else experienced this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319172 ? it's driving me nuts :(20:44
ubottuKDE bug 319172 in general "Ambigous shortcut detected with pressing Ctrl+Shift+w" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:44
L1nuxN00bhi guys22:06
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