
=== wallyworld___ is now known as wallyworld
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smoseri am building in a ppa some packages that are in saucy back to precise (specifically for cloud-archive)15:17
smoseri am just wondering if there is any magic in place to correctly resolve dependencies15:17
smoserie, if package-A depends on package-B > 1.2.015:17
smoserand i upload package-A and package-B at the same time15:18
smoser(package B at 1.2.0)15:18
smoseris there any intelligence that blocks build of package-A ?15:18
smoseror do i just have to manually click 'rebuild' if one goes before other. (or upload-wait myself)15:18
dobeyit will dep-wait if the dependencies in the control file are correct (requires verison of b that is not yet satisfiable)15:21
dobeyyou may have to manually hit "rebuild" on A though, after B builds.15:22
dobeythe builder itself doesn't attempt to parse the control file outside the context of trying to run the sbuild, afaik15:23
smoserdobey, wait. thats confusing.15:24
smoserwhat is 'dep-wait' if its not 'wait'15:24
dobeysmoser: it is the build was started, and the dependencies were not satisfied; the error is parsed, and the status is "dependency wait"15:25
dobeybut in my experience it doesn't automatically rebuild once the missing dependency has been built15:25
smoseroh. is ee.15:26
smoserthanks. dobey.15:26
dobeythe actual archive builders might do that, but in PPAs i've had to hit "rebuild"15:26
smoserwell, having a 'dep wait' state that is at least good.15:27
cjwatsonit depends on the exact way in which it fails15:28
cjwatsonLP detects some dep-waits automatically but not all15:29
cjwatsonone of these days I might try to integrate dose-builddebcheck, maybe15:29
cjwatsondobey: It's possible you just didn't wait long enough.  buildd-retry-depwait runs every half an hour, and I don't see evidence that it's archive-limited.15:32
dobeycjwatson: maybe. 30 minutes is a long time, though i seem to recall some being hours after. it's rare that i have to upload a package and a new dep for it, at the same time anyway, and a large portion of the PPA stuff i deal with is automated now anyway15:34
cjwatsonThe log is fairly useless for working out whether it actually did anything.15:36
cjwatsonwgrant,StevenK: Would it be an idea to run buildd-retry-depwait at DEBUG?15:36
dobeytz-wait on that :)15:36
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
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wgrantcjwatson: Yes, IMO scripts should be cronned at DEBUG unless there's a really good reason to do otherwise.23:32

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