
santhoshhai how to delete f11 key in lubuntu06:24
bioterrorcould you be more specific06:24
santhoshi want to remove minimize and maximize option in lubuntu06:25
santhoshit is possible or not06:26
mapitowhy would you want to06:37
bioterrorsanthosh, configure your lubuntu-rc.xml06:38
bioterrorthere's keybindings06:39
santhoshthanks but i remove that f11 code in lubuntu-rc.xml biut same error gettong09:32
=== Hukkinen_ is now known as Hukkinen
mistaknlyperformance question anybody?21:24
wxl!ask | mistaknly21:26
ubottumistaknly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:26
mistaknlyk thx21:27
mistaknlyI'm re-installing lubuntu on an older system due to HD failure.  Had 12.10. I tried 13.04 "regular" but it didn't run well. I'm now installing 13.04 "alternate".  I'd like to know if there is a way to partition the disk for maximum performance? Do I hand create swap, root and user(home) or do I just let it create a single partition?21:29
mistaknlyI'm single booting.21:30
mistaknlyAnybody, do I need more than swap and / for 13.04?21:50
Unit193"Need", nope, that'd work.21:51
Unit193You can check https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html for more info.21:52
mistaknlyThx, I had read that before and read it again. That's what I used to do in the "old" days.21:55
mistaknlyI just don't know if there is a performance impact for a single user system by just having root and swap.21:56
updi have problem with docky weather dont work its allways -19, should i download the last one and compile it, or it will be worse ?22:17
updi mean is the one on the docky page same as in apt-get or is it modifiyed to work on lubuntu22:17
pepeethis fix should be applied to xfce4-power-manager in ubuntu 13.10 too:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1180513    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1180513/comments/622:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 1180513 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "lid close actions are ignored laptop always suspends" [High,Fix released]22:19
mistaknlyDoes anybody have information or links concerning performance on old systems between 12.10 and 13.04?23:07
mistaknlyI'm trying to run 13.04 and it isn't going so well.23:07
phillwmistaknly: please explain what "it isn't going so well." is.23:22
mistaknlySorry, back now.23:48
mistaknly13.04 appears to be a lot slower. I'm using the alternate install.23:49

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