
fgintherwgrant, yes. any idea what might be causing the 401 Unauthorized error here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-saucy-armhf-ci/5/console00:44
fgintherwgrant, it's intermittent, the same exact job will pass if retried00:45
fgintherit's a relatively new issue, I don't recall seeing it prior to this week. Now they are fairly frequent00:46
wgrantfginther: Nothing's changed on the Launchpad size00:46
wgrantThere are two rules when Launchpad checks OAuth timestamps:00:46
wgrant - The timestamp must be within 60 minutes of the current time.00:46
wgrant - The timestamp must be no more than 60 seconds older than the latest request from the same OAuth token.00:46
wgrantIn this case, the second criterion is failing.00:47
wgrantYou're making a request with a timestamp that's a minute older than some other request with the same token.00:47
wgrantPerhaps the slave's system clock is incorrect.00:47
fgintherwgrant, let me check00:47
fgintherwgrant, it does appear to be 10 minutes behind00:49
wgrantThat'd do it.00:50
fgintherwgrant, thanks for the help00:50
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dholbachgood morning07:04
apwpitti, these started recently i assume, can you tell what kernel did not show these issues 'before'07:48
apwpitti, as the recent kernel upload on the face of it does not have any ext4 changes at least07:50
apwpitti, so perhaps what i need is an example of the test that is failing that i can try and run here07:55
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zequenceAnyone available for a fairly simple upload (artwork update)? lp:ubuntustudio-menu08:33
Laneyzequence: I recommend that you file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors08:34
zequenceLaney: Right. Thanks08:38
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dokomwhudson, are you porting libgo to aarch64?10:48
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dokocjwatson, is Gerhard Fuchs still supposed to maintain packages.ubuntu.com?11:09
cjwatsondoko: Gerfried; but yes, I believe so11:13
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pittiGood morning12:36
Ursinhagood morning pitti12:36
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pittiapw: so far I know https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-firefox/150, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-adt-update-manager/93, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-skimage/6/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/12:39
pittiapw: it only seems to affect amd64, and their syslogs have all rather random messages like that12:39
pittiapw: it seems to trigger with lots of I/O, like installing lots of dependencies with dpkg and all that12:40
pittiapw: haven't examined in more detail yet (sorry, plumbers conf and all that jazz)12:41
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apwpitti, those were the only three i could find also, can we get one of them rerun, as i have run the skimage one 20 times without reproducing it12:55
apwpitti, following the instructions in your wiki on the subject12:55
pittiapw: these VMs run on precise, perhaps that's related?12:56
pittiapw: yes, I'll try to re-run the three, at least to get some more patterns12:56
apwpitti, sounds good12:56
pittirunning now12:57
apwpitti, testing on a raring system indeed, so that might relate12:57
apwpitti, that tends to imply it is not the payload kernel in this case of course ...12:58
pittiapw: or that some of the assumptions it makes aren't valid any more on top of an old kernel or so?13:00
pittiapw: u-manager failed again (link coming)13:00
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apwpitti, are we able to run these against older kernel easily, as they seem to have appeared so suddenly13:01
apwpitti, and we prolly need to ask the host if it changed kernel recently as well13:01
apwpitti, feel free to pass me on to whoever owns that box to ask13:02
pittiapw: jibel and I do, but I'm afraid my day today is packed with plumber conf stuff13:02
pittihttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-update-manager/94/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ is the new failure (look at syslog)13:03
pittiapw: ah sorry, unrelated this time; it didn't even get that far, pykde got uninstallable13:04
pittiso let's wait for the other two13:04
apwpitti, ok13:06
pittiapw: hah, skimage succeeded now; so what kind of sun rays hit us this time..13:09
apwpitti, indeed, can we tell which host ran the previous ones (is it the same one, ie is there more than one)13:10
apwpitti, i suspect some poking of the host is appropriate13:10
pittiapw: yes, we can13:10
pittineed to run now, sorry13:10
apwpitti, np, that the reruns are working takes the pressure off13:10
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cjwatsoninfinity: I rebuilt some Fortran packages for gfortran 4.8, but I don't think that's the scilab problem after all - I think it's a missing build-dep or some other similar thing that was on the Debian maintainer's system when they built the package.  I filed http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72364413:25
ubottuDebian bug 723644 in scilab "scilab: FTBFS when building architecture-independent packages" [Serious,Open]13:25
cjwatsoninfinity: If you can figure out https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mpich2/1.4.1-4.2ubuntu2/+build/5025697, that would be good.  I've tried it three times, and each time it's mysteriously SIGILLed somewhere in the middle of debhelper.13:26
cjwatsoninfinity: Which would make a lot more sense to me if it were, you know, doing anything odd there.13:26
apwcjwatson, there is a strong correlation between the explosions and collect2 in that log13:30
apwcjwatson, whre you see the command and a real looking error rather than "in your output was" messages13:30
cjwatsonapw: Oh, you think it's dodgy output ordering?  Very odd for it to terminate at that particular point in debhelper though13:34
apwcjwatson, yeah that last one could be real, there are a lot of collec2 make failures as well with sigill and sigsegv as well before we get that far13:36
cjwatsonI guess dh_installmime is the last thing in that particular cdbs make target13:36
cjwatsonSo it could be make failing and not debhelper, but that's still WTF.  Why isn't everything else failing to build then?13:36
cjwatsonIt's failed on three different builders13:37
apwyeah, most odd indeed13:37
apwdid we get a new compiler by any chance recently13:37
cjwatsonOther things are working fine13:38
apwmakes no sense indeed13:39
cjwatsonIndeed there's a test rebuild fairly happily chunking through13:40
apwi wonder if they are assertions failing, a c assert drops one of those doesn't it13:42
cjwatsonapw: That usually raises SIGABRT13:44
apwbah not that then13:44
* apw woudl like to know if the buildd in question is producing any dmesg noise to go with it13:46
apwalignement for instance13:46
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bdrungchrisccoulson: why did you bump the epoch in thunderbird?14:26
chrisccoulsonbdrung, because we already manually added one to the language pack binaries (carried over from when they came from a separate source), and it was either that or add extra hacks to manually add an epoch to the -dbgsym binary packages too14:27
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dobeypitti, jibel: how do i see what triggered a certain autopkgtest run?14:38
dobeybah, i guess rdepends autopkgtets breaking doesn't block packages after all :(14:47
dobeyLaney: or maybe the previous "exit with non-zero when allow-stderr" bug was the issue. but new squid3 and new python-oauthlib broke a couple of the u1 packages autopkgtests :(14:50
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slangasekdobey: which packages?15:05
dobeyslangasek: ubuntu-sso-client and ubuntuone-control-panel15:05
slangasekok.  python-ubuntu-sso-client certainly depends on python-oauthlib, which should be enough to make an ubuntu-sso-client adt failure block python-oauthlib migration.  However, the last update of python-oauthlib happened on Sep 3, and the ubuntu-sso-client build failures didn't start happening until Sep 10?15:08
slangasekso which package actually caused the regression?15:08
dobeyslangasek: eh? it was synced to ubuntu on sept 9, and copied into the release pocket on the 10th15:08
slangasekdobey: ah - sorry, I was trying to go by the changelog, which of course only shows the Debian upload date15:09
dobeyslangasek: but there was also a bug in adt-run that caused the tests to 'pass' even though they should have failed, which looks like it probably landed on the 10th, which is when the tests start failing15:09
dobeysquid was updated on the 2nd, so it probably also slipped in due to the adt-run bug15:10
ochosislangasek: sorry bout that15:10
Laneyyeah you got a passing run with the new oauthlib15:10
ochosislangasek: so the thing is that there seems to be a cross-flavors issue with logout taking ~8secs (even on fast machines)15:11
ochosislangasek: i noticed in xubuntu, then similar issues were reported/confirmed by ubuntu-gnome users, ubuntu users, lubuntu users15:11
ochosislangasek: as there was a switch to logind (and in our case, xfce4-session was patched to support logind), i was wondering whether sessions need more work for logind15:11
slangasekochosi: logind isn't meant to be in the critical path for session teardown.  When the hangs happen, what processes from the user session are still left running?15:13
ochosislangasek: it's a bit hard to say for me, tbh i wasn't entirely able to debug it (and Laney mentioned that this hasn't been debugged yet in ubuntu either)15:13
ochosislangasek: i checked xfce-session (as in ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4) but there wasn't anything suspicious, i also checked lightdm's logs15:14
slangasekdebbugged in Ubuntu?  Has it been reproduced in Ubuntu?15:15
slangasekah, yes, you said15:16
ochosiwell i haven't *personally* reproduced it in ubuntu15:16
slangasekare all of the affected flavors using upstart user sessions now?15:16
ochosibut it was confirmed to me15:16
ochosii think so, but i can also say for xubuntu for sure15:16
slangasekochosi: so my first guess would be that some user upstart job is not shutting down cleanly when asked, leading to timeouts with the session teardown; it could be related to logind, though I don't see any particular reason why15:22
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slangasekdebugging this probably involves either taking snapshots of the process state from outside the login session and seeing what's running when, or putting debug "echo"s in each of the upstart jobs15:22
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ochosihm, i'm not sure i'm technically fit to take care of that15:24
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ochosii mostly suggested logind, because i realized it was new and used by all flavors15:25
ochosi(so it was more an idea than an informed conjecture)15:25
slangasekochosi: are there open bug reports about this?15:28
ochosislangasek: not yet, i wasn't sure what to report it against...15:30
slangasekI'm not either ;)15:30
slangasekbut better to have it in launchpad than not15:30
ochosiif you have a suggestion i'm happy to write a bugreport15:31
ochosiit's also that i'm not sure what to report, as i haven't found anything relevant in the logs15:31
ochosislangasek: so should i just report a generic bug..?15:40
slangasekochosi: report it against upstart for now15:40
ochosislangasek: ok, thanks, i'll paste the bug# as soon as i'm done15:40
ochosior i can subscribe you to it15:40
ochosislangasek: submitted the bug and subscribed, thanks so far!15:48
happyaronwho's patch pilot right now?15:50
rbasakhappyaron: there isn't one in right now. It's listed in the channel topic when there is.15:59
rbasakhappyaron: but if you have a question, go ahead and ask it.15:59
happyaronrbasak: would like to find someone review/upload LP #122649216:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1226492 in UbuntuKylin "[FFE]upload fcitx-qimpanel into archive" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122649216:00
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shadeslayercjwatson: could you update the packageset?17:50
shadeslayerI put mplayerthumbs in the Kubuntu supported seed17:51
alkisgbdrung: hi, I'm using adblock-plus from https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/xul-ext, but it needs updating now with thunderbird 24... thanks in any case!18:06
alkisgapt-get dist-upgrade ==>18:07
alkisgThe following packages will be REMOVED:   xul-ext-adblock-plus18:07
alkisgThe following packages will be upgraded:    thunderbird thunderbird-gnome-support thunderbird-locale-el thunderbird-locale-en18:07
brainwashfile a bug report against the affected package18:08
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dobeyxnox: ugh. the new python-paste you uploaded, is pretty well broken. its own unit tests don't even pass. and it breaks things that use it (like u1db)18:30
dobeyxnox: who wrote this patch to convert it to python3?!18:39
rbasakdobey, xnox: ah, sounds like the same root cause as https://launchpadlibrarian.net/150553029/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.convoy_0.2.1%2Bbzr20-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:43
dobeyrbasak: indeed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/paste/+bug/122729118:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 1227291 in paste (Ubuntu) "NameError: global name 'StringType' is not defined" [Critical,New]18:44
rbasakStringType is not defined (a 2 to 3 thing) from inside /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paste/18:44
dobeyrbasak: looks like someone tried to make it work with py3 and failed horribly at it :(18:44
dobeyrbasak: i don't know if it's a 2to3 thing exactly, but the new version of the paste package has a few patches which remove the import of that and several other FooType names, and doesn't quite resolve the usage of them properly18:48
rbasakdobey: I didn't mean 2to3 specifically, just a general issue when moving code between 2 and 3.18:49
dobeyi'm not sure that's why it was there18:51
dobeyif paste wasn't already supporting py3, then it was there for some other reason18:51
rbasakIt might be an attempt to make code work under both 2 and 3 gone wrong.18:52
dobeyrbasak: and anyway, fixing that one error by defining it in that file, onlyh results in other things breaking for another reason18:52
rbasakYeah I don't think that's the root cause18:52
dobeyrbasak: i don't think so. it's a pre-existing thing. the patches in the new package are an attempt to work under both 2 and 3 gone horribly wrong18:53
bjsniderin instances where apt has two different repositories providing the same package, how does it pick which one to use?18:53
bjsniderversion string is exactly the same18:54
rbasakbjsnider: see the output of "apt-cache policy <package>".18:58
rbasakIt scores them. If scores are the same, then it's non-deterministic I think.18:59
dobeywhee, and the new squid moved junk around again18:59
rbasakYou can alter the scores. Search for "apt pinning"18:59
tarpmanbjsnider: apt_preferences(5) says it'll pick the one listed earliest in sources.list18:59
bjsniderrbasak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6125062/18:59
bjsnidertarpman, oh my god you're kidding me19:00
bjsniderit's that trivial19:00
bjsniderit really is that g comes before l19:00
rbasakAh. The APT preferences do not affect the choice of instance, only the choice of version.19:01
bjsniderrbasak, multiarch turned this into a problem19:01
bjsniderhere's what this guy just described to me19:01
bjsniderhe's got the amd64 version of that lib installed. came from the libreoffice ppa19:02
bjsniderhe then adds the gnome3 ppa some time later. he asks for the multiarch lib19:02
bjsniderapt picks the gnome3 ppa version for trivial reasons19:02
bjsniderexcept the two changelogs are different19:02
bjsnidercan't overwrite, now his system is broken, can;t do updates and -f install doesn't fix it19:03
dobeywtf can't people pick names that aren't used by other pieces of software, for things?19:03
bjsniderwould have been avoided had pat realized it's safer to pick the libreoffice ppa version because the amd64 lib is already there19:04
bjsnider* apt19:04
rbasakPPAs are like that. If users want to use multiple PPAs, their maintainers need to be careful to not collide packages.19:04
rbasakUsers can pin PPAs to a low priority to help with this to some extent, but that doesn't change their fundamental nature.19:05
bjsnideryeah but i think apt needs to be smarter than this19:06
bjsniderg comes before l is not good logic19:06
rbasakSo pin your PPAs as you wish to have them.19:06
tarpmanis there a reason why the gnome ppa copies the package instead of depending on the libreoffice one19:07
dobeytarpman: cross-ppa dependencies is a huge pain to get right19:07
bjsniderthe two ppas have nothing to do with each other19:07
dobeymuch easier to simply copy or build your own19:07
tarpmandobey, ok19:07
rbasakbjsnider: yes they do. They share the package namespace on the user's system.19:08
bjsnideraverage users aren't going to know why these failures are happening or what to do about them19:08
rbasakSo PPA maintainers should get their work into a release or backports or whatever.19:08
dobeymajority of people probably aren't using either PPA, let along both19:08
dobeyand this problem is extremely rare in practice19:09
rbasakIt's fine to use PPAs to override small things, but for entire sets of packages, it's dangerous for exactly this reason.19:09
rbasakI wouldn't recommend that an average user uses a PPA at all.19:09
dobeyand the issue in apt really has nothing to do with PPAs or ubuntu, directly19:10
rbasakThis is why we have releases.19:10
rbasakPackages in a single release are engineered to work together.19:10
bjsnideronly use a ppa if you're na expert?19:11
bjsniderhow about only use linux if you're an expert too19:11
dobeyaverage users will by definition use a PPA if they install any "for purchase" apps from the software center, or use google hangouts19:12
rbasakIf you use a PPA, you immediately lose security updates from the security tesam.19:12
dobeybjsnider: if you want to complain about apt's behavior, the place to do it is in a bug against apt upstream, not in inrc19:12
dobeyerr irc19:12
rbasakOnly use a PPA if you trust the maintainer of the PPA to have engineered the PPA to work with all the other PPAs you have added.19:12
rbasak(at least for average users)19:12
bjsniderdobey, i just wanted expert opinion on the logic behind apt's decision-making in that case19:13
dobeybjsnider: well this channel isn't for the development of apt. it's more about the development of ubuntu (ie, building the packages that go in the archive)19:13
rbasakapt isn't smart enough to read the minds of PPA maintainers. It's designed to resolve things specified by package maintainers. If they haven't declared Conflicts, then it won't work. I don't see how it's a problem with apt.19:14
dobeybjsnider: #debian or an apt/dpkg-specific channel would be a better place to ask that19:14
dobeyrbasak: it's a problem which apt deals with poorly19:14
rbasakdobey: I think it's more fundamental to how packages work.19:15
dobeyrbasak: there are several things apt could do, which it doesn't, that would help. regardelss of the quality of the packages or repositories19:15
bjsniderdobey, agreed19:15
bjsniderg comes before l is not good enough19:15
dobeyrbasak: as in other situations, apt could simply ask what to do (ie, pick which one you want)19:15
rbasakIt is an error to show apt the same package and version from multiple sources that are not the same.19:16
rbasakPerhaps apt should detect the checksum difference and flag that.19:16
rbasakBut whichever way, I don't think it can be expected to work.19:16
dobeyit doesn't have to work. it just needs to be graceful19:17
dobeypretending to work and ending up with a broken system, is pretty bad19:17
bjsniderit's just a failure of imagination going back many years i'm sure. the original designers couldn't envision the circumstances that exist today19:18
dobeyif we were still using the same version of apt that was shipped 10 years ago, i'd think we'd have far worse issues to deal with :)19:19
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geniiHello. Since -frecord-gcc-switches seems not to be used, how to find what compile options were used to build ?20:22
cjwatsongenii: simplest to look in the build log20:26
cjwatsongenii: or anything unusual will normally be in debian/rules20:26
cjwatsongenii: debian/rules is the entry point to the package's build system20:27
geniiOK, thanks20:34
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cjwatsonshadeslayer: Done, I think, feel free to check22:36
shadeslayercjwatson: well, Riddell already uploaded it, so I got a rejection message that it's already in the archive22:39
shadeslayerI suppose I'll have to wait till next time now ;)22:39
cjwatsonwhat's your LP account name again?22:39
cjwatson$ edit-acl -p rohangarg -S saucy -s mplayerthumbs check22:40
cjwatsonRohan Garg (rohangarg) can upload mplayerthumbs to Saucy/Release22:40
shadeslayerthanks :)22:40
shadeslayerneat, will remember that22:43
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