
=== smng is now known as sweemeng
ejathyperair, 14:10
ejatu still maintaining rhythmbox ?14:10
hyperairnope, i've never touched rhythmbox14:12
hyperairi maintain banshee14:12
ejatowh my apology .. forget :)14:27
ejatbug 117910014:28
lubotu2bug 1179100 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Crash when Rhythmbox reaches end of a song" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117910014:28
ejatsometimes .. this make a reason y im on kde .. :)14:30
* ejat use amarok for the time being ... 14:35
ejathyperair, how many year to go ? 14:35
hyperairejat: what od you mean how many years?16:30
ejatyour study 16:30
ejator u already finished ? 16:30
ejatand working now?16:30
hyperairfinished already16:30
ejatworking in SG?16:31
hyperairworking at red hat16:31
ejatwow … 16:31
ejatu r lucky guy … 16:31
ejathow long u already work ?16:31
hyperairheh thanks16:31
hyperair1 year +16:31
ejatomg … how come i didnt know/realise .. sorry dude 16:32
ejatwhat is your pet project now ? still banshee ? or got other debian project ?16:33
hyperairhmm, still banshee mostly16:35
hyperairi'll be picking up dropbox soon16:35

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