
blankleySo I just tried my very first testdrive of a nightly saucy ISO, using testdrive and Virtualbox, and I'm getting a PAE kernel error on boot02:01
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blankleyMy host device is a Toshiba laptop from 2007, with an Intel Core 2 Duo T525002:03
blankleyAny workarounds to be able to test ISOs using this laptop?02:05
blankleyIf someone is curious, I found an existing bugreport for my problem: #94075502:15
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blankleyAlright, I've found a solution to that bug in the testdrive source code, but I don't know how to create submit a patch02:57
jibelGood morning07:26
DanChapmanGood Morning all08:11
Noskcajevening DanChapman08:14
NoskcajAre you able to move your branch from /+junk to /testdrive yet? It would make watching it a lot easier08:15
DanChapmanHey Nosckaj, its already in lp:testdrive mate08:15
DanChapmanwell i think it is..... just checking08:15
DanChapmanyeah its there08:16
NoskcajDanChapman, ok, i'll take a look later.08:25
slickymastermorning all09:25
Noskcajhey slickymaster09:25
slickymasterNoskcaj: hi, feelling good?09:26
DanChapmanmorning slickymaster09:26
slickymasterDanChapman: DanChapman ;)09:26
DanChapmanxnox, ping11:18
pittiGood morning12:37
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DanChapmanmorning pitti12:37
pittihey DanChapman12:37
DanChapmanpitti, if you get a chance at all today could you run your eyes over this for me https://code.launchpad.net/~dpniel/autopilot-gtk/autopilotgtkemulators12:38
pittiDanChapman: sorry, I've been on conferences last and this week, and today is packed (I'm speaking, too)12:39
pittiDanChapman: I'm afraid that will have to wait at least until Friday (depending on the schedule) or next wek12:39
jibelGood morning pitti and DanChapman12:39
DanChapmanpitti, ok mate thats not a problem. :-) Enjoy your day12:40
pittibonjour jibel12:40
pittiDanChapman: thanks12:40
DanChapmanhey jibel12:40
thomigood morning all12:43
DanChapmanmorning thomi12:43
JackYugood night, thomi:)12:43
JackYuIt's 8:43pm here:)12:43
* thomi makes the most of his time in the USA12:44
jibelit is always morning somewhere anyway12:44
jibelor good mornoon might fit all12:45
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thomiballoons: hey - who was it who reported the saucy autopilot slowdown?13:39
DanChapmanthomi it was senan, but I can confirm it aswell. Its not the case for all applications though13:40
thomiwell, I fixed it yesterday13:40
balloonsohh did you?13:41
thomiin a typical case, test speed went from 15 seconds to under 5 seconds. It landed in 1.3 trunk last night, should get released to distro sometime soon13:41
thomifixed it but good :)13:41
DanChapmanthomi, awesome :-)13:41
thomiyou can try it out manually until then: lp:autopilot/1.3 is th branch to grab13:42
balloonsjust yesterday I had a 13 min run.. I'm curious to see if this fixed it :-)13:47
elopiogood morning avengers.14:17
SergioMeneseselopio, \o morning14:29
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elopiohello SergioMeneses.15:13
elopioSergioMeneses, are you guys doing a Software Freedom Day in Colombia?15:13
SergioMeneseselopio, yes, but in another cities not mine15:14
thomielopio: or pitti: could I ask one of you to review this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/forward-port-changes/+merge/18636915:43
thomielopio reviewed it yesterday, but I had to make some changes, re-merge in some new features and re-submit15:43
thomibut this branch will bring trunk in line with the 1.3 series15:44
om26eranyone with a mako. can you confirm bug 122667215:50
ubot5bug 1226672 in powerd (Ubuntu) "With screen dimmed, it takes ~1sec for it to lighten up when touched" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122667215:50
balloonsom26er, looking16:06
balloonsom26er, there seems to be a non-smooth transition with the dimming/un-dimming stuff16:06
balloonsturning it on displays the same symptoms16:06
thomicgoldberg: perhaps you could review this for me please? https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/forward-port-changes/+merge/18636916:07
om26erballoons, yeah, for me if the screen is dimmed and i touch it afterwards it take like a second for it to comeback to bright state16:08
om26erits a recent regression like ~1week old16:08
* balloons confirmed16:08
cgoldbergthomi, sure16:16
thomicgoldberg: thanks - it's tricky getting stuff reviewed in this timezone :)16:16
cgoldbergthomi, I was just looking at AutoPilot.  you know how test results only get printed in batches after the run? (rather than as the tests execute)16:18
thomicgoldberg: yes16:18
cgoldbergI think I can change that without using subunit... just using a TextTestRunner16:18
cgoldbergand you'll get results as they execute16:19
thomicgoldberg: yeah, but that won't play nicely with the verbose log output16:19
cgoldbergthomi, how so?16:22
cgoldbergthomi, it displays like this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6124578/     just needs some indentation and line wrapping and it would look nice16:23
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balloonsom26er, can you run autopilot directly on the images anymore?16:25
balloonsom26er, it fails with this for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/6124593/16:26
om26erballoons, I didn't try, I guess I need to make it rw first16:26
balloonsom26er, yes16:27
om26erballoons, what do i need to touch ?16:27
om26ertouch as in command lol16:27
balloonsom26er, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting#Switch_from_RO_to_RW , /userdata/.writable_image16:28
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balloonsI feel like I need more than 1 phone now, lol.. it's hard to test AP stuff and manual tests at the same time16:36
rvrballoons: lol16:44
rvrballoons: Let's hope you don't receive any call during an AP test ;)16:45
balloonsom26er, so I installed the ubuntu-sdk do to the qmlscene error in the trace, but it changed nothing. it still fails16:45
balloonsrvr, :-) That would be funny..16:45
om26erballoons, I enabled rw on my phone, I am going to try that16:45
balloonsom26er, if you get it to work I want a log from the calendar app tests16:47
om26erballoons, the problem could probably with the MTP support as well, it just disconected while my test was running16:49
om26ernow running the test directly on the phone terminal16:49
balloonsom26er, ohh right, that's a nice workaround16:50
om26erballoons, it ran fine on my phone now16:50
balloonsom26er, can you capture the log and push it to paste?16:50
om26erballoons, I think that's a known issue with MTP atleast a_sac knows about that16:50
om26erballoons, sure16:52
thomicgoldberg: yeah, but if you run it with a functional test....16:53
om26erballoons, that didn't work, I ran the test as autopilot run -v test_name > calendar.log and the logs only had16:54
om26erLoading tests from: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages16:54
om26erTests running...16:54
om26er__pthread_gettid -216:54
om26erRan 1 test in 49.076s16:54
om26erwhile the screen did show logs :p16:54
balloonsom26er, only 1 test? there should be 516:56
om26erballoons, I only ran the one that was failing for you. let me run all16:56
balloonsom26er, you'll need to redirect stderr too, not just stdout :-)16:56
balloonsom26er, they only fail when run as a group16:56
balloonsom26er, use &> calendar.log16:57
balloonsor the 2>&1 stuff16:57
balloonshurray, I merged the pending manual test requests.. ty everyone who had one waiting ;-)16:58
pittithomi: back, can do it now17:09
pittithomi: yay new ap in saucy!17:10
thomijfunk: I'm finding and reporting a lot of touch bugs - from the wiki it looks like I just need to report it with the correct tags: is that correct? I don't need to add it to a spreadsheet somewhere?17:14
pittithomi: ah, still pep8 fun in the forward port :( (did you see the failure?)17:15
thomioh FFS17:15
thomiI thought I fixed that17:15
* thomi fixes it now17:15
jfunkthomi, I believe that is correct17:15
jfunkballoons, and iahmad made up some new ideas this morning I haven't fully caught up with yet17:16
balloonsjfunk, thomi yes, I have no plans to use a spreadsheet17:16
balloonssane or not, launchpad will be my only data source for bugs :-)17:16
pittithomi: done17:17
thomipitti: pEP8 issues fixed & pushed17:17
thomiok, cool17:17
pittithomi: don't these pep8 tests run during package builds? I had assumed they were part of the non-DISPLAY unit tests17:17
thomipitti: no, it's a pbuilder hook that automation adds17:18
thomipitti: top approving it now17:19
pittithomi: ah, would probably be better to add that to setup.py test (or whatever) so that you get these locally?17:19
pittithomi: did you run the full tests with both py2 and py3?17:19
thomipitti: yes, with tox17:19
jfunkballoons, can you update the note at the top of the spreadsheet with the process that you've decided on for tracking automation - http://goo.gl/dwidOm17:29
balloonsjfunk, we can just point to the wiki page.. I'd prefer that I think17:31
jfunkballoons, would you like to join our standup in the AM or PM17:32
balloonsI'm typically around for both, haha, but my EOD is closer to the pm.. when is the pm again/17:33
elfyballoons: about 1am I think :)17:44
thomijfunk: is the camera app missing from this list for a reason? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting/BugFiling17:45
balloonsthomi, because you haven't added it yet.. No, probably an oversight, let's add it17:46
thomiI seem to be finding a bug a minute... literally17:47
thomiballoons: are you adding it, or shall I?17:47
balloonsI'm on it, ty17:47
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cgoldbergthomi, I reviewed your forward-port-changes MP.  few suggestions in comments18:32
thomicgoldberg: thanks, good catches there :)18:34
thomiI'll fix it upand TA18:34
elopioalecu: are you trying to run the tests on the phone?19:01
alecuelopio: I was requested to run the unity8 autopilot tests on a branch I did for unity-lens-applications19:02
alecuelopio: I suppose I need to run it on the phone, yes.19:03
elopioveebers: are you here?19:03
thomijfunk: this one's good fun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/powerd/+bug/122731919:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227319 in powerd "Can cause device to lock up by stressing greeter and lock screen." [Undecided,New]19:03
veeberselopio: yep, what's the haps?19:03
elopioawesome. alecu wants to run the unity8 autopilot tests using his application lens branch.19:04
elopioveebers: I have a vague idea of how to do it, but it would be better if you tell us both how to do it.19:04
jfunkthomi, hah nice19:06
veebersright, well I would build the package and use phablet-test-run. i.e. something like: phablet-test-run -n -c <package I've built 1> -c <package built 2> unity819:06
thomijfunk: yeah, it's totally reproducible as well19:06
veebersthat will run all the unity8 tests, make that more specific if you want to run only a subset19:06
alecuveebers: do I have to flash anything before that?19:07
veebersalecu: actually that's a good point, are you using cdimage-touch or ubuntu-image when you're flashing your device?19:08
alecuveebers: I've been using ubuntu-image, but I'm setting it readwrite and installing some deps to build my packages19:08
alecu(deps= the vala compiler, and misc libraries)19:08
veebersah ok, so your building on the device?19:09
alecu(actually, I've been just running my code from binaries, not from actual .deb packages)19:09
alecuveebers: yes, I've been doing that so far.19:09
veebersright, well a couple of options. You could just run the autopilot tests from your source (i.e. ssh in and run the autopilot command)19:10
veebersor you could install the debs and, again, ssh in a run autopilot19:10
veebersor you could run that command I mentioned (that will work as you have your ubunutu-system set to r/w)19:10
alecuveebers: awesome. I need to be afk for an hour or so now (kindergarten run), and I'll get to do it after that19:11
veebersalecu: no worries. I'll still be around then so ping me if you have any issues19:12
elopioveebers: thanks!19:19
thomiveebers: ping?19:41
veebersthomi: pong19:44
thomiveebers: hey - you did some OSK tests to test the various input hints right? Like the numeric input hint?19:48
veebersthomi: yep19:48
thomiany chance you could send me an html file that has all the different input hints?19:48
veebersat the moment the autopilot tests aren't running for the ubuntu-keyboard, I'm currently working on fixing that19:48
veebersthomi: let me have a look19:49
thomiI'm pretty sure I've found a bug in the OSK, but I need to be able to bring up a numeric keyboard19:49
veebersthomi: ah I see, neat. I think this is what you're looking for: http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-stable/qtquickcontrols/qml-qtquick-controls1-textfield.html#inputMethodHints-prop19:51
veebersyou can find an example of using it in a qml script in the ubuntu-keyboard autopilot tests19:51
thomiveebers: I was hoping for html, but that's OK19:52
thomiI can fix it19:52
veebersthomi: ah I see. Sorry, not sure about that one19:52
balloonsafternoon letozaf19:52
letozafballoons, hey19:55
letozafballoons, I did not carry on with the sudoku app migration to emulator, because yesterday I installed ubuntu touch on a nexus 4 I bought :P19:56
balloonsletozaf, oO19:56
letozafballoons, so I was playing around with it19:56
letozafballoons, well after the Ubuntu Edge thing, I couldn't wait and so ...19:57
balloonsletozaf, I was just going to say. I tried the tests this afternoon as they are and got this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sudoku-app/+bug/122734019:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227340 in Sudoku App "Autopilot tests don't run" [High,New]19:57
letozafballoons, good! I mean at least I wasn't doing something wrong19:59
letozafballoons, :P19:59
letozafballoons, so should I wait for migrating that test or what ?19:59
balloonsletozaf, lol.. I was going to ask if I could assign you the bug as well :-) It *looks* simple enough20:00
balloonsbut yes, I would fix the test and convert it as part of that20:01
balloonsbut lest I derail things too much, what did you think of ubuntu touch20:01
letozafballoons, oh ok :P20:03
letozafballoons, well I like Ubuntu touch a lot,20:03
letozafballoons, there is still a lot to work on though20:03
letozafballoons, I was wondering if you prefer me to test on the Nexus 4 or carry on writing autopilot tests20:04
letozafballoons, wish I could do both20:04
letozafballoons, but haven't got enough time :P20:04
balloonsletozaf, did you see this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting20:04
letozafballoons, I saw the page but did not finish reading it, I will read it now20:05
letozafballoons, mmm looks like it-s a lot of fun :P20:06
balloonsletozaf, yes basically we're finding and reporting bugs, and then writing tests were it makes sense.. Feel free to join in however you wish.. Since you have a device, you should definitely have fun with it, but it will also make writing tests easier ;-)20:07
letozafballoons, yes I also though that it will be easier now, if you tell me how to run them on the device :P20:08
balloonsletozaf, ohh, well that's easy!20:08
balloonsthere are several ways to go about it, but you can run them from your desktop to a connected device via a phablet-test-run tool20:08
balloonslet me see here..20:08
balloonsadb shell into your phone and make sure you have what you need installed20:09
letozafballoons, ok let me connect it to my PC20:11
alecuveebers: ping20:11
alecuveebers: I'm running the tests, after installing unity8-autopilot20:12
veebersalecu: pong20:12
cgoldbergthomi, ping.. I can add pep8 to the tox runs for AP.  where can I see what's being run now for static tests by it's CI?  is it just pep8, or anything else?20:12
thomicgoldberg: it's just pep8. That information is stored in the cupstream config file20:12
thomiballoons: jfunk: There's a lot of bugs filed with the avengers tag. How are we handling prioritisation and escalation of those reports?20:13
alecuveebers: weird thing is that "unity8-fake-env" was installed too, and the tests used a fake camera app, and had a text watermark20:13
veebersalecu: ah right, that's part of the mocking. It's used for instance on the desktop20:13
alecuah, great.20:14
cgoldbergthomi, ok... any interest in pyflakes or flake8 (aka, the combo) ?  while I'm in there I can add those also20:14
veebersalecu: you are wanting to run actual apps right?20:14
thomicgoldberg: autopilot fials pyflakes - most need to be fixed, but there are some places where we fail for good reasons20:14
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thomicgoldberg: if there was a way to silence certain pyflakes errors in certain locations... that would be nice20:15
thomicgoldberg: there's already a hook for pyfkales, so adding that would simply be a matter of changing the cupstream config20:15
alecuveebers: yes, I'd like to add tests to install some app from the click store, and run it. But that can wait, what I need to do today is run the current unity8 tests, and those seem to be working fine :-)20:15
cgoldbergthomi.. I can run it and cleanup what I can, and silence the rest.. it's pretty configurable20:15
thomicgoldberg: well, the thing you won't be able to silence is the unused imports20:17
veebersalecu: ah ok, because I'm in the midst of landing some autopilot tests in unity8 that provide a decorator to disable that mocking for a single test20:17
thomiWe have several unused imports that are there for backwards compatibility20:17
veebersah awesome, it looks like the autolanding issues have been worked out. alecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/adding-app-lifecycle-tests/+merge/18551420:18
veebersthat has an example of the decorator that should be available very shortly (seeing as though it's merged)20:18
slickymastergood night all20:20
alecuveebers: looks good, thanks!20:23
cgoldbergthomi, why are the unused imports needed?20:35
thomicgoldberg: to maintain backwards compatibility with autopilot v1.220:35
elopioom26er: here you go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/122735520:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227355 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "unity needs applications to inform about some details on a desktop file" [Undecided,New]20:39
elopioI'm sorry for the delay.20:39
cgoldbergthomi, so i just looked at pyflakes more.  i can't selectively ignore lines... (though I can monkey-patch it with a small wrapper script to do the job :)  but flake8 supports a "#NOQA" tag you put on the offending lines so they are skipped by pyflakes20:40
om26erelopio, cool, I'll try to talk to indicators developers about this20:40
thomicgoldberg: that sounds like *exactly* what we need then :)20:40
elopioom26er: yes, please mark the other projects as also being affected by this bug.20:41
thomicgoldberg: maybe work with the CI guys so we get flake8 support? We either need it in the upstream packaging code, or as a hook in the CI. I think I prefer the former, TBH20:41
thomibut we don't want to run pep8 twice20:41
cgoldbergthomi, gotcha.  what's the upstream packaging code?20:43
cgoldbergor where/who? :)20:43
om26erelopio, you were working on a branch to fix that, is that ready ? can I have a sneak peak ?20:43
thomicgoldberg: we're upstream. "upstream packaging code" == debian/ dir in lp:autopilot20:43
om26erthomi, hey! what's the progress on Mir? landing anytime soon on the touch image ?20:43
balloonsom26er, I'm confirming all your bugs :-) Anything you think is critical?20:43
thomicurrently pep8 is run as a pbuilder hook, which is patched in by the CI infrastructure20:44
elopioom26er: almost https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/base_autopilot_class/+merge/18517020:44
thomiom26er: it's in the touch image already!20:44
om26erballoons, there are high priority bug but nothing critical for today20:44
elopioom26er: but it will just work for the sdk. All affected apps need to add the .desktop.20:44
cgoldbergthomi, ah.  ok.. so move pep8 invocation to our tree?20:44
om26erthomi, right, I meant landing as default.. I do run it with 'touch .display-mir'20:45
thomiI think so, especially if we can use flake8 and selectively ignore some lines20:45
thomiom26er: I see, I guess that's a question for asac or someone.20:45
thomistill need to land a few fixes yet I suppose20:45
om26erwell that would have been a question for anyone present at the Mir sprint :p20:46
om26erI hear you on the needed fixes20:46
thomihowever, there are *soooo* many other bugs, I think mir is the least of our worries20:47
thomifor example, I can deadlock the kernel pretty easily20:47
om26erI am not caring for Mir as in "my work" rather my curiosity for the new technology20:47
balloonsom26er, ugh, I'm finding more bugs trying to confirm yours :-(20:49
elopioom26er: your review will be nice, even if it's still not passing on jenkins ^^20:49
om26erballoons, I found a lot of bugs today20:50
om26erballoons, report the new one's and give them to me to confirm :)20:51
asacom26er: MIR? wait till folks get closer to the end of the sprint20:51
asacthen we see20:51
asacthey currently work in submarine mode on stuff :)20:51
om26erelopio, I'll review that ;)20:51
om26erasac, two days, two days :)20:51
asacom26er: who knows. maybe they decide to extend the sprint for another month :)20:52
asacoh wait... we dont have that much time left :)20:52
asacwell. i am sure they will come along20:52
asaclets just be ready when that happens20:52
balloonsA LOT can happen in 2 days20:53
cgoldbergthomi, sounds good.  I can do that...  only 1 prob I see.  flake8 isn't in repos.  it's in a PPA, and on PyPI, or I can check it into a dependency branch?  Not sure  how to deal with that.   I don't know the current build system well.. any tips, or someone I should talk to?20:53
thomicgoldberg: yeah, you'd need to package it and get it into the repo20:55
cgoldbergthomi, ok.. on my todo list.  for now I can add it to tox.  since that's only used for local testing.. it will just pull it from PyPI.  does that sound ok?20:57
balloonsom26er, could we have your tool add the bug tag too?20:57
balloonsI feel like there should be a way20:57
om26erballoons, I tried that but seems to be a bug in apport-cli, tags don't work20:57
om26erballoons, I tried apport-cli --tag=avengers but that does not work20:57
balloonsshall we blame pitti ? :-)20:58
om26erprobably him, or launchpad ;)20:58
thomicgoldberg: I guess that's OK, but it'll cause issues if we ever want to use tox during the package builds... but I guess we won't want to do that20:59
elopioom26er, balloons: this might be important for you, too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/122735920:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227359 in unity-mir "desktop file parser is too strict" [Medium,Confirmed]20:59
om26erI tried to run calendar_app testsuite under mir and the app never showed up (a few hours ago)21:00
om26erelopio, ^ that could be related ?21:00
balloonsom26er, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/address-book-app/+bug/122736121:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227361 in address-book-app (Ubuntu) "Adding a new contact doesn't save there mobile number" [Undecided,New]21:01
elopioom26er: yes. I think the calendar is missing the desktop file. It's launched by a script that doesn't pass the desktop_file_hint argument.21:01
elopioom26er: on the tests, do we need to unlock the greeter?21:02
om26erelopio, yes we need to do that21:03
elopiouitk is certainly not doing that.21:03
elopioagh, I hate this branch so much. It started being a lovely clean up.21:03
om26erelopio, that needs more thinking, you would need to restart unity8 before unlocking since you cannot talk to unity821:04
om26erand restarting unity8 is not a good thing as of now as that causes focus problems for apps21:04
elopioom26er: how was this working before?21:04
om26erelopio, you unlock the screen by hand. and in the upstream merger I have a script to unlock21:05
balloonsman, launchpad is timing out this afternoon on page loads :-(21:05
elopioom26er: ah, so it will not fail thanks to your script, that's what I wanted to know :)21:05
om26erballoons, that worked for me :/ I don't think we need to click the first button because there is a field for mobile number already21:06
om26erthat plus button is supposed to give us an option to add a second number21:06
om26erelopio, yeah21:06
balloonsom26er, feel free to add 'touch-needs-autopilot' as needed to these bugs.. lots of these shuld be easy tests21:07
om26erballoons, sure21:08
om26erballoons, fwiw, adding a new contact screen is too complex and something that needs fixing21:08
elopioom26er: tests are passing! So, ready for review now. Please leave your vote.21:15
om26erelopio, i'll do that after the update-meeting, if thats fine ?21:16
elopioom26er: sure, no hurries. I'll need an approval from the sdk team to merge, and they are already gone.21:16
jfunkping cgoldberg - check ##qa21:35
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om26erballoons, ping21:42
om26erballoons, re bug 122699521:42
ubot5bug 1226995 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 uses 30% CPU with greeter activated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122699521:42
balloonsom26er, pong21:42
balloonsom26er, ohh yes21:42
om26eris that with demo active ?21:42
om26ermterry wants to know21:42
balloonsom26er, no the demo is not active21:42
om26erballoons, can you hop into #ubuntu-unity21:43
balloonsit's really easy to see.. something funny is going on21:43
balloonsping om26er22:07
om26erballoons, hey22:07
balloonsdoes the browser work for you?22:07
balloonsit doesn't work for me on the 9/17 or 9/18 image22:07
om26erballoons, sure, it seems to be22:08
om26erballoons, I have the latest image ("blessed")22:08
balloonswell I'm doing updates via the system.. sigh, I wonder if my phone isn't right then22:09
balloonsI believe the issue I was seing with jibel's bug was due to the browser having crashed22:09
balloonsaka this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/122699522:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226995 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 uses 30% CPU with greeter activated" [High,Confirmed]22:09
om26erelopio, on which image did you run those tests?22:09
om26erwas that from cdimage ?22:09
elopioom26er: today's make flashed with ubuntu-system, then made writable.22:10
om26erelopio, try this test ubuntuuitoolkit.tests.gallery.test_gallery.GenericTests.test_progress_and_activity22:10
elopioom26er: sure.22:11
om26erelopio, it does not bring up the sample window rather clicks inside unity8 and opens an app22:11
elopioRan 1 test in 12.631s22:11
om26erelopio, hm, for me it does something different22:11
* om26er reboot22:11
elopioom26er: I'm running it from source.22:12
om26erelopio, did you run the whole suite at once ?22:12
om26erelopio, I am running the installled package22:12
elopioom26er: the installed package doesn't have my fix.22:12
om26erelopio, aah, why  not  ?22:12
elopioom26er: did you build the deb from source?22:13
om26erelopio, I got these debs from your MR http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-saucy-armhf/1141/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip22:13
om26erextracted them and pushed to the phone, and installed there22:13
elopioom26er: latest jenkins run was for rev 76822:13
elopiowe need it to get rev 77122:14
om26erelopio, ok, I guess jenkins is building it right now, once it does I'll pick that again22:14
elopioon 768 it failed because of bug #122735922:14
ubot5bug 1227359 in unity-mir "desktop file parser is too strict" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122735922:14
elopioom26er: yes, thank you.22:14
elopiolet me know how it goes.22:14
elopioI'm going to get some rest, but I'll be back in ~1 hour.22:15
om26erelopio, I have the debs now, downloading them22:15
om26erelopio, that test is working now. running the whole suite just to be sure. code looks fine22:18
elopioom26er: \o/22:18
om26erelopio, 1 test failed http://paste.ubuntu.com/6125902/22:25
elopioof course, I only tested that one on the desktop :)22:26
om26erelopio, how about 'from testtools import skipIf'22:27
om26erand use skipIf as a decorator to skip22:27
om26erwon't fail the test that way22:27
elopioom26er: no, take a look here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/base_autopilot_class/revision/77322:28
elopiowhen you instantiate a test case, you need to pass the name of a method to run.22:28
elopioabout using the skipIf from testtools, you are right.22:30
elopioI'll get one less import. Changing...22:30
elopionow I'm leaving for real. I hope to get good and green news from jenkins when I'm back.22:32
elopiothanks om26er.22:33
om26erelopio, bye. jenkins will never go green with one failing test I would say22:33
om26erso you need to find a way for it to not show a failure22:33
elopioom26er: I already pushed a fix.22:33

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