
slangasekScottK, Riddell: so it looks like kubuntu active images are still being built, but haven't been released in a while.  Are those still a going concern?00:26
xnoxadam_g: looks good.03:19
adam_gxnox, nice03:20
adam_gxnox, you want me to prepare a proper debdiff? EOD here in a few but will tomorrow03:20
xnoxadam_g: nah, it's ok =)03:20
xnoxadmins: Please promote python3-repoze.lru to main, the source and python2 are in main and the python3 package is now needed to build python3-routes from routes(main) src package now.03:21
xnoxit's in components-mismatches-proposed.txt =)03:22
xnoxI don't think I need to fill out M.I.R. for it.03:22
adam_gxnox, thanks, a lot. if it helps speed things along at all. http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/lvm2_2.02.95-6ubuntu4.1.debdiff and there is a raring package built in https://launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/+archive/cinder03:34
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knomejust FYI: it's highly likely xubuntu will need a bunch of sponsored uploads, or exceptions to freezes07:04
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jamespagedoko_, rbasak is dealing with the mysql gcc-4.4 bug you pinged about08:44
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dokojamespage, yes, thanks, he did ping me yesterday09:28
Riddellslangasek: there's a new version of active from upstream to be FFe'ed today so I'll let you know later09:45
loolHi there, would I need a FFE to add some multi-arch headers to valac?11:39
loolI'm trying to resolve a cross-build issue, but it's not trivial to unconfuse APT about multiarch headers without uploading11:39
loolI'd like to add Multi-Arch: foreign to valac and valac-0.20 as I believe any architecture of this package on the build machine is good to generate code for the host system11:40
lool(NB: arch: all and arch: any respectively)11:40
loolthere are some very old multi-arch headers on that package already, but seemed to be incomplete IIUC11:40
cjwatsonI think an FFe might be worth it to record the analysis of whether it's safe; in particular it's not totally obvious to me that vapigen/vala-gen-introspect are safe11:43
cjwatsonSince GI files are often arch-specific, IIRC11:43
cjwatsonIt'd need considerable care with --cc options and the like too, wouldn't it?11:44
looldebdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/6123553/11:48
loolcjwatson: that's indeed possible; I haven't actually tried it11:48
cjwatsonYou should be able to preinstall valac:$DEB_BUILD_ARCH in the chroot, manually install all other build-deps, and debuild -d -aarmhf -B11:49
cjwatsonOr something along those lines11:49
cjwatsonI'd definitely recommend ensuring that this isn't a difficult blind alley before adding M-A headers, based on past experience with getting this wrong :)11:50
cjwatsonIf it's confirmed to work then indeed the risk is low11:50
loolcjwatson: Ack; I was trying to make a step into that blind alley and then see how that works, but you're right I can just try with -d11:50
Laneycheck with mbiebl too11:51
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slangasekRiddell: ok :)12:51
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rbasakWhat's the current turnaround for FFes? I'm waiting on bug 1194632 and am concerned that I have omitted doing something I should have causing it to be missed.13:26
* cjwatson looks at that one13:27
cjwatsonrbasak: approved13:29
rbasakcjwatson: thank you!13:29
cjwatson(though with a comment)13:29
rbasakcjwatson: next question then. It's KVM related, and seeded-in-ubuntu reports it's seeded in ubuntu-server only. May I have another exception, please?13:30
rbasakack on the comment13:32
rbasak(ie. ubuntu-upload-permission tells me I can't upload)13:35
cjwatsonrbasak: done13:35
dokocjwatson, is this still the python3 uninstallability issue?13:37
cjwatsondoko: python3-all-dev isn't Multi-Arch: allowed13:38
dokohmm, it did build before ...13:38
dokocjwatson, looks like a broken merge :-/13:40
cjwatsonA merge?  python3-defaults is in sync with Debian13:41
cjwatsonI see file has the same problem13:41
* doko grumbles at ScottK 13:41
cjwatsonOh, you mean a merge into Debian13:41
dokoapparently he did decide to drop the changes :-/13:42
slangaseknever attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by fatfingering a manual merge?13:43
slangasekhmm, so why does c-m no longer say anything at all about ubuntu-ui-toolkit?  I poked in the Extra-Exclude for -examples, but was expecting to see the rest of the bits still listed there13:44
cjwatsonScottK: Is anyone looking at language-pack-kde-en's unsatisfiable dependency on calligra-l10n-engb?  It's been like this for a month.14:34
cjwatsonRiddell: ^- Maybe I should have directed that at you as the last uploader ...14:34
cjwatsonSee http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#language-pack-kde-en14:34
Riddellcjwatson: oh hmm didn't I fix that?14:35
Riddellcjwatson: will take a look14:35
jbichaRiddell: that's bug 122479714:42
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didrockscjwatson: sorry for the stupid question, but if I have libfoo1 in main transitionning to libfoo2, libfoo2 needs a manual promotion or this is automagic?15:37
cjwatsondidrocks: It's automatic once the reverse-dependencies are migrated15:38
didrockscjwatson: ok, sounds good then, thanks!15:38
didrocksso it does know about library transition15:39
cjwatsonLet us know which so we can keep an eye on it15:39
cjwatsonVery much so :)15:39
didrocks(because in the case something in main add a dep on another binary package in universe, where the source is in main, it doesn't do this auto promoition)15:39
didrocksthanks cjwatson for the confirmation :)15:41
* didrocks still afraid if Mir bumps the ABI every 4h15:41
didrocksbut at least, one less issue15:41
cjwatson16:39 <didrocks> so it does know about library transition15:44
cjwatson16:39 <cjwatson> Let us know which so we can keep an eye on it15:44
cjwatson16:39 <cjwatson> Yes15:44
cjwatson16:39 <cjwatson> Very much so :)15:44
didrocks17:39:38   didrocks | (because in the case something in main add a dep on another binary package in universe, where the source is in15:45
didrocks                    | main, it doesn't do this auto promoition)15:45
didrocks17:41:00   didrocks | thanks cjwatson for the confirmation :)15:45
didrocks17:41:11          * | didrocks still afraid if Mir bumps the ABI every 4h15:45
didrocks17:41:22   didrocks | but at least, one less issue15:45
cjwatsonproposed-migration indeed doesn't understand componnts15:45
ochosicjwatson: ping15:55
cjwatsonochosi: hi.  please include content with pings so we don't need to spend time round-tripping15:58
ochosicjwatson: oh, sure! sorry bout that then15:58
ochosicjwatson: i've noticed that there is a logout-delay issue in many flavors (if not all, only tested xubuntu personally though, but others have confirmed other DEs), do you have any clue how that could be debugged or what could be the culprit?15:59
cjwatsonSorry, I don't16:00
cjwatsonNot really my field16:00
ochosiok, no worries16:00
ochosiit's just that i'm not the right person so i thought i'd keep asking around16:00
ochosiso in case anyone else has an idea or knows who to talk to best, here's the bugreport: #122721216:01
ochosioh, no bot? well here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/122721216:01
xnoxbug 116:04
rbasakOK. Who upset the bot?16:12
xnoxrbasak: reported on #ubuntu-irc that ubot2` seems to be asleep =)16:13
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loolis it worth relaunching the desktop livefs build since it failed for some days and the fix is in the archive now?16:59
lool(libunity-webapps lost its dep on webbrowser-app)16:59
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adam_gbdmurray, ^ that cinder fixes a regression in the package you accepted last. if you could take a look it would most appreciated20:27
infinityadam_g: Accepted.20:38
adam_ginfinity, thanks20:38
dokocjwatson, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html says that codespeak-lib autopkgtest is failing, however the jenkins package shows that it succeeds22:29
dokoor isn't it yet run? because the last run is from Sep 1822:29
cjwatsondoko: I'm not totally sure, but I think there's some confusion because there was a sync of 1.4.15-1 which was later deleted22:34
cjwatsondoko: I *think* I've cleared it for the next run22:38
dokothanks, will see if I'm still awake later. else I'll give the test rebuilds tomorrow22:39
cjwatson(I edited ~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/work/adt.request.saucy and removed the bogus entry, being careful to ensure proposed-migration wasn't running at the time)22:41
bluesabrehello everyone23:08
bluesabrewith UIF just around the corner and our main packagers away, I've updated xubuntu's shimmer-themes package.  Normally a debdiff is sufficient for package updates, would that still be the case for a set of gtk-themes, or would it be more involved?23:10
bluesabrefor reference, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shimmer-themes23:10

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