[00:00] Can't find decent shots from or off Mt Albert, the third hill (the lowest of the three, but makes for the longest run, 16.7k) [00:01] do you ever run barefoot? [00:01] I run in fivefingers [00:01] too much broken glas [00:01] i used to run barefoot [00:02] but the dog got too old and i stopped [00:02] now we just walk [00:02] every time I ran in bare feet here I ended up with cut feet or shards of stuck in them [00:02] glass [00:03] meh [00:03] yeah i never did it in town [00:03] just trails from here into the hills [00:03] Nice [00:03] fivefingers are a good enough approximation :) [00:04] yeah or any flat bottom sneakers i guess [00:05] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP8TnEkXMOY [00:05] bos - YouTube [00:05] hehe [00:05] bos means barefoot [00:05] Yup - I remember that [00:05] tecem bosonog :) [00:07] what does your nick mean? [00:07] "idiots" [00:07] in swedish [00:08] Heh [00:08] it's also a title of a danish movie [00:08] you're polyglot :) [00:10] i used to travel a lot [00:10] before i got kids [00:10] heh [00:10] koliko si star? :) [00:11] 33 [00:11] mladic! :) [00:12] yeah [00:13] Right ... time for me lunch time walk - it's sunny today :} [00:13] me=my [00:13] srecno [00:13] good luck [00:13] Hvala ;) [00:14] srecno as in "srecno pot"? [00:14] just in general :) [00:14] yeah i should say godspeed :) [00:51] heh [00:51] I'm not fast, I'm afraid, but persistent ;D [06:49] dz0ny_: kul [06:53] [Ubuntu.si] gregor3000: Re: Dual boot ne deluje https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/40694/#p40694 [07:00] lp [07:00] lp [07:54] [Ubuntu.si] sailor: Re: Ubuntu sestanek https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/40695/#p40695 [07:56] [Ubuntu.si] dusang: Re: [rešeno] Zamenjava gonilnika NVIDIA https://www.ubuntu.si/punbb/post/40696/#p40696 [08:45] o CrazyLemon [08:45] si pa zgodn! === sasa84_ is now known as sasa84 [08:47] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/10316456/Sober-up-in-drunk-tank-and-pay-400-to-leave.html [08:47] Sober up in drunk tank and pay £400 to leave - Telegraph [08:47] »Drunks causing a nuisance in towns and cities will be held overnight in privately run “drunk tanks” and charged up to £400, under police leaders’ proposals.« [08:47] jutro sasa84 [08:47] ma nisi ni ti picko tako losa :D [08:47] jutro miha [08:47] er...morning [08:48] slax0r: lol [08:49] ma spomnila me je na un vic :P [08:50] slax0r, ? :) [08:50] miha, drunk tanks niti ni tko napačn :P [09:25] sasa84: kak to zgleda? :) [09:25] pojma nimam.. ampak nekam te zaprejo in gledajo nate, da ne gagneš zarad alkota...pol pa jim na konc plačaš :P [09:26] luksuzna storitev :) [09:31] kdo je pa pika? [09:31] pitko with typo? [09:32] anchy clon? [09:32] :p [09:32] !g there are no women on internets [09:33] There Are No Girls On The Internet | Know Your Meme http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/there-are-no-girls-on-the-internet [09:40] hm ena druga ki ima žblj psevdonimov [09:40] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BUb4gHkIQAAE4mx.png:large lol [10:18] 99 little bugs in the code [10:18] 99 little bugs in the code [10:18] Take one down, patch it around [10:18] 117 little bugs in the code [10:18] (kopirano od win8) [10:36] Congrats on becoming a Dropbox Guru! We've awarded you 23 GB of bonus space for the next 24 months. You now have 34.22 GB on Dropbox. [10:36] yay [10:39] s čim si si pa to zaslužu? [10:40] dz0ny_, ... [10:40] can i be ur friend? [10:44] miha hint xda patched dropbox [10:48] kul [10:48] !g xda patched dropbox [10:48] [ROM]Official 4.1.B.0.587+ Deodex patch[ROOTED][mediafire,box ... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1838052 [10:50] (12:36:34) dz0ny_: Congrats on becoming a Dropbox Guru! We've awarded you 23 GB of bonus space for the next 24 months. You now have 34.22 GB on Dropbox. [10:50] DOWN WITH THE 1% [10:50] http://www.funsted.com/pdata/t/l-3842.jpg [10:57] hm a vam neti kaj nagajajo [10:57] mhm [10:57] google images je brez slik :) [10:58] nope, got dogs. [10:59] http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/68524084/Selah+Sue+PNG.png [10:59] .stran last.fm [10:59] last.fm(null) NI dosegljiva. [10:59] uf [11:01] a so ukinl down: ~11 hours 44 mins [11:09] za vse ki boste dobili bonus na dropbox prek patchev.. zgubili boste bonus v nekaj dneh :) [11:37] http://www.wikileaks-forum.com/index.php?topic=23050.msg53248#msg53248 [11:37] NSA Spy Community Architecture 2011 [11:37] »NSA Spy Community Architecture 2011« [12:14] dan [12:14] Hej anny, lepo te je videti! [12:15] kok je ta breza en cukr! [12:16] skrob pa dekstroza [12:17] same redilne stvari [12:17] hm [12:17] a silikati redijo? [12:18] zgleda da bl ne [12:18] niti prov zlo tasty ne zgledajo [12:18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nesosilicates_exhibit,_Museum_of_Geology,_South_Dakota.jpg [12:18] File:Nesosilicates exhibit, Museum of Geology, South Dakota.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [12:19] pomoje rabs kr kaloricne omakce da to spravs dol [12:27] GNU turns thirty in less than two weeks! Wherever you live, we hope you'll join us for our big anniversary celebration and hackathon on September 28 - 29. [12:28] http://www.gnu.org/gnu30/gnu30.html [12:28] GNU 30th anniversary - GNU Project -Free Software Foundation [12:28] http://www.wikileaks-forum.com/index.php?topic=23053.msg53251#msg53251 "His job was to do what he did. He wasn't a ghost. He wasn't that clever. He did his job. He was observed [moving documents], but it was his job." [12:28] Officials: Edward Snowden's Leaks Were Masked By Job Duties [12:28] »Officials: Edward Snowden's Leaks Were Masked By Job Duties« [12:53] Brskalnik, s katerim poskušate prevzeti digitalno potrdilo SIGEN-CA, ne podpira prevzema digitalnih potrdil. [12:53] oh god [12:59] CrazyLemon: dela samo z IE. [12:59] miha pa FF [12:59] s FF izpred 10 let ja [12:59] s trenutnim ne [13:00] miha lepo te prosim no.. si probal s trenutnim? [13:04] CrazyLemon: maš kak vinograd v bližini [13:04] http://distilleryimage4.ak.instagram.com/6cfca9b41d4a11e39d3822000a1f90e8_7.jpg [13:04] :P [13:05] ubuntu vino :) [13:05] dz0ny_ kar nekaj jih je.. :D [13:05] !g agraria [13:05] Agraria Koper http://about.kz-agraria.si/ [13:05] CrazyLemon: sem probal, pa ni delal [13:05] CrazyLemon: mam IE v virtualbox :D [13:05] CrazyLemon: to res ne dela mislim da moraš met ff 3.5 [13:05] pač zelo staro zadevo [13:05] dela pa če pofejkaš user agneta [13:05] vspovsod [13:05] :P [13:06] vsepovsod [13:07] http://www.haber.ba/zanimljivosti/luda-planeta/57028-zeludac-mu-sam-pretvarao-hranu-u-pivo.html [13:07] Kakav (ne)sretnik - Želudac mu sam pretvarao hranu u pivo! - Haber.ba [13:07] »Zahvaljujući tome što su mu se u crijeva nastanile gljivice, odnosno pivski kvasac, muškarac se nehotice opijao jer bi škrob koju je unosio u sebe fermentirala u etanol.« [13:08] dz0ny_ js sm ga pravkar prevzel z FF 24.0 [13:08] CrazyLemon: hm mogoče so posodobili [13:09] sem 90% da mi ni htelo z chrome pa ff (latest) na ie pa je [13:10] z chrome tudi meni ni hotlo.. izpiše Brskalnik, s katerim poskušate prevzeti digitalno potrdilo SIGEN-CA, ne podpira prevzema digitalnih potrdil. [13:10] ff pa gre.. [13:11] ja idioti so [13:11] ceprav oba znata [13:12] tud 4k bitno zaščito znata uvozit [13:12] no 4k ne ponujajo..sam 2k [13:13] neumnost je tudi da sploh nimajo spletne strani za preizkus certifikata [13:17] https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1240549_617732121602790_1912434185_n.jpg [13:18] o lej smo že terorista: Slovenec na bratislavskem letališču ni imel bombe. Šlo je za lažni preplah. [13:20] http://images.dropmeme.com/uploads/meme/image/1320/1379510434-a34cdf18edb5018f307beeb3f1eaad22.jpg [13:20] ^^ paše zraven [13:31] http://distilleryimage8.ak.instagram.com/a422136e206211e3ab6822000a1f96e8_7.jpg [13:31] pica recesija :D [13:33] lol [13:33] hm kako se že temu reče [13:33] ocvirkovka [13:34] http://allthingsd.com/20130917/android-open-source-tech-lead-heads-to-yahoo/?reflink=ATD_yahoo_ticker [13:34] Android Open Source Tech Lead Heads to Yahoo - Mike Isaac - Mobile - AllThingsD [13:34] »Another mobile hire for Yahoo under Marissa Mayer.« [13:36] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BU19RDaM0I&feature=player_embedded [13:36] Simon McCoy shows off latest must have gadget for BBC newsreaders - YouTube [13:36] »BBC news presenter Simon McCoy left viewers baffled today when he presented a report while carrying a stack of photocopier paper - after mistaking it for an ...« [13:37] dz0ny_: prosjaca? [14:43] [Web Upd8] Andrew: Map Keyboard/Mouse Input To Your Gamepad With AntiMicro http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/webupd8/~3/Oggnbu8kWGo/map-keyboardmouse-input-to-your-gamepad.html [16:00] kuga delajo ti španci...ccc! [16:44] http://www.engadget.com/2013/09/18/cyanogen-is-now-a-company/ [16:44] Cyanogen is now a company, aims to be third major mobile ecosystem [16:44] »CyanogenMod has grown unusually quickly in the past several months, polishing its custom Android firmware and introducing new services. We now know why« === NiceLurk_ is now known as NiceLurk [17:50] http://guru8.net/2013/09/cyanogen-gets-7m-funding-aims-at-building-a-better-version-of-android/ [17:51] Cyanogen gets M funding, aims at building a better version of Android! - GURU8 [17:51] »Remember the company that makes the alternative rom for your android phone called, Cyanogen? Probably yes. The software company that started as a personal venture to create an alternative ROM for android phones has today announced that it has raised 7 million dollars from Benchmark Capital and Redpoint Ventures. Cyanogen Mod has more than 8…« [19:33] idioterna - some of your clips are broken :) ... they will make like they're caching for 10-15 seconds, and then skip to the end [19:34] dz0ny, baje so ene težave z matično v temu netbooku, tko da tut zamenjava notranje nebi delala [19:34] moram najdt enga ustreznga zunanjega [19:34] on cyanogen lead je zapustu samsung, ja? [19:34] andrej: i'd blame youtube if i were you :) [19:35] Heh [19:36] they all work for me, but sometimes not [19:36] i don't know what the issue is [19:38] jesus mail mi bo pregoru https://twitter.com/acer_chile/status/380149290108452864 [19:38] Twitter / acer_chile: Convierte tu #computador en ... [19:38] »Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.« [19:39] revcek [19:39] :) [19:39] msev: menji laptop [19:39] ah [19:40] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BUeB3wUCYAAraiY.jpg [19:41] http://de2.eu.apcdn.com/full/108240.png [19:41] mja jaz tud ne ce pa z modro pobarvajo besedilo pa font 16 ffs [19:41] leave it alone [19:42] NSFW ^ [19:42] mhm :) [19:43] a franci vse nabuta [19:43] nase [19:44] !g gomer pyle [19:44] Gomer Pyle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomer_Pyle [19:45] afkors [19:47] http://www.zdnet.com/intel-the-year-of-the-linux-desktop-is-here-7000020849/ [19:47] Intel: The year of the Linux desktop is here | ZDNet [19:47] »Intel CTO Dirk Hohndel sees Linux as the leading end-user operating systems - thanks to smartphones, tablets, as well as the rise of Chromebooks.« [19:47] zdobbie je ja [19:47] (zapustu samsung) [19:49] sem mislu, ce bi samsung nameravu na cyanogenmod preklopt [19:49] preveč se ukvarjajo s touchwizom [19:54] CrazyLemon: zakaj se nisi executif v Samsungu? [19:54] zdobbie i have no freakin idea [20:23] .yt system of a down mr jack [20:23] System OF A Down - Mr Jack(4 minute) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uUruXmq_Kc ♥5,888 ▶1,735,383 [20:28] zdobbie igraš doto? :) [20:31] CrazyLemon: zdle se kosarko gledam [20:32] zdobbie ?? [20:32] kaj pa je narobe da gledaš košarko??? [20:32] [rtvslo] -5 pred zadnjo četrtino. [20:32] a si v redu? tako duševno kot telesno? [20:32] ?? [20:33] zgubil... bodo [20:33] dz0ny -7 je [20:33] in ja..nimajo šans proti parkerju [20:36] dragič je nadležen [20:36] kter? [20:36] ta ki se dela da igra sam [20:38] a ne igra za Slovenijo? [20:38] igra ja [20:38] zato pa pravim da je nadležen [20:45] škoda da ni blo kj joksimoviča not [20:45] mogoč bi pa njemu šlo pa ga ni niti sprobou [20:45] joksimovic je igral [20:45] ja nakonc [20:45] čist mal [20:46] sm mislu tko več minutaže [20:46] gogi se je preveč silu [20:47] mhm [20:47] ma sj so bli dobre [20:48] dobri* [20:48] načeloma [20:48] silu se je da si zrihta še kak miljonček ob podaljšanju pogodbe :) [20:48] zj bo pou miljončka u minusu [20:48] ;:D [20:52] A kdo uporablja od breze news ticker? [20:53] http://cyngn.com/ [20:53] Cyanogen Inc. - Team [20:53] not me [20:54] Mors bit v ZDA če hočeš za njih delat [21:03] večer [21:03] Love it - wouldn't want to live anywhere else. It's so compact, yet full of options in terms of culture, food and recreation [21:03] meh [21:03] :) [21:03] we lose [21:03] -.- [21:03] the perils of sloppy focus models [21:03] kaj pa si zgubil? [21:04] i watch basketball :) [21:04] ah well ... everyone has their foibles :) [21:04] we slovenian lose in quter finals against french [21:05] aha [21:05] :/ [21:06] a bicycle in Beijing got stolen [21:06] you now how it is when maribor play in fotball :) viole [21:06] *football [21:07] heh [21:07] I don't watch or folow any sports [21:07] :) [21:08] i think you are not the only one in this chat room :) [21:09] who dont folow any sports [21:09] I'd rather go for a walk or run than to watch others ... it bores me [21:10] hm mybe in some pub with cold beer and pizza :) ? [21:10] or home [21:10] Heh [21:11] Still unappealing ... happy to go for food/beer, but why ruin it with a telly? [21:12] :) [21:13] then what do you do ? you go to work? school? [21:14] Work ... tad too old for school :D [21:15] ok i must ask then i am the youngest in this chat room :D [21:15] bom 50 naslednje leto [21:15] :D [21:15] i coudl be my dead :) [21:15] i am 19 [21:15] LOL [21:15] I think you meant to say:"You could be my dad" [21:15] ye [21:15] :D [21:17] my english is bad -.- [21:18] i understand very good but my writing skills ... :) [21:22] dz0ny zanimivo tisto k si poslov [21:22] i still cant believe that you are a translator :> [21:22] :) [21:22] to je spirit res [21:22] drazen [21:22] spodbuda [21:22] :D [21:22] lahk neham [21:22] :D [21:23] pitko spomni se kar sem ti reku glede novic.. veš kaj me boli če ti nehaš ali ne :) [21:23] vem [21:23] sej mene tut kaj ti govoriš [21:23] sam jaz zadržim kometar zase [21:23] lahko ga tut ti [21:23] zakaj le :) [21:24] zato k je še kdo v tem ircu k havala bogu ne razmišla tako k ti [21:26] sej men je čist usen če je sam ena novica na strani al pa če jo ukinete še bol [22:36] http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/project_syndicate/2013/09/mark_zuckerberg_the_facebook_founder_has_a_plan_to_bring_the_internet_to.html [22:36] Mark Zuckerberg: The Facebook founder has a plan to bring the Internet to the poor. - Slate Magazine [22:36] »Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King dreamed of an America that would one day deliver on its promise of equality for all of its citizens, black as well as white. Today, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has a dream, too: he wants to provide Internet access to the world’s 5 billion...« [22:36] http://internet.org/ [22:36] Internet.org [22:36] »Internet.org – Every one of us. Everywhere. Connected.« [22:36] ja not for free [22:38] * andrej barfs [22:39] also color palete of page is nice [22:39] nyan cat like [22:39] pa nokie ki je ni vec se tam neki ves [22:39] heh [22:39] neresni [22:40] nc ln [22:43] se eninneresni [22:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6125942/ [22:43] Ubuntu Pastebin [22:44] so se odlocil da bodo preimenovql funkcije [22:44] od linusa fantje [22:44] itak porem nic ne dela [22:44] pol so rekel dejmo nacin kako se izvozi fs spremenit [22:44] ne dela nic x2 [22:46] aja oss driver je pa omejen na 1mbps [22:46] svasta