
=== thumper-gym is now known as thumper
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quicksilverbzr: ERROR: Unable to delete transform temporary directory ......./.bzr/checkout/limbo12:38
quicksilverhow odd.12:39
fullermdObviously, it couldn't go THAT low.12:43
quicksilverit then suggested I look in that directory for any files I wanted to keep12:49
quicksilverthere was nothing there at all12:49
quicksilverexcept .DS_store which is always everywhere12:49
vilaquicksilver: eerk, no, .DS_store is only where you look with your Finder13:00
vilaand bzr is overly peeky about that limbo dir, there is a bug for that13:00
vilaquicksilver: workaround is empty the dir with $whatever (!= Finder)13:01
quicksilvervila: it's odd because the only command I had issued was "bzr co bzr+ssh://path/to/remote"13:02
quicksilvervila: and I've done that many many times before to the same remote, never seen this error13:02
quicksilverit appears harmless, the working tree looks fine13:02
quicksilverPS I have never looked inside that dir with the finder13:02
vilaquicksilver: it is generally harmless, let me find the bug13:08
vilaquicksilver: meh, can only find fix released or incomplete bugs, what bzr version are you using ?13:17
vilaquicksilver: are you the only one that can visit that directory with the finder ?13:18
quicksilverit's possible that the person who pushed the remote directory had visited it in the finder on his mac13:20
quicksilvernobody browses the remote directly with a mac (it's a linux machine, we don't have afp or samba running)13:20
vilaquicksilver: wait, is ./bzr/checkout local or remote ?13:22
quicksilverlocal, vila13:33
quicksilverit was a brandnew checkout13:33
quicksilverit gave that error at point of chekcking out13:33
vilaquicksilver: then I'm lost :-/ The thing is: limbo and pending-deletions must be empty or bzr whines13:36
vilaquicksilver: the rationale was that if some bug occurred, precious files may have been left there (.DS_store is not preicous ;) so remove it and forget about the issue13:37
vilaa "brand new" ??? Wow, if you can reproduce that would be an annoying bug13:38
quicksilvervila: yes, it was a fresh checkout into an empty directory14:53
AmisI'm checking out a project from FTP but it never finishes18:36
AmisI know Bazaar does some repacking but the .bzr directory is "only" 152 MB but the network traffic while checkout out exceeds 2 GB18:37
AmisAnd it never seems to finish18:37
AmisWhat can I do with this?18:37
vilaAmis: pack the repository in the server (*not* from your client)19:18
vilaAmis: avoid ftp as most as you can, it's a protocol that is provided for convenience but there is no way to get good performances out of that19:19
* fullermd continues to dream of the day FTP is eradicated from the face of the Interweb.19:23
* vila thought he could avoid summoning fullermd by dismissing ftp but realized that was bound to failed ;)19:42
AmisI have no real choice here since the repo is managed by someone else, meh19:49
AmisI'm at 3.5 GB now, yay19:50
vilaAmis: something weird is going on, you're sure you're checking out not committing there ?19:52
AmisYep, checking out using the GUI19:52
AmisIt's doing inserting stream19:53
vilaAmis: first time ever ? You don't have another branch from the same repo ?19:53
vilaAmis: the bzr log file may give more details (bzr version will tell you where it is)19:54
AmisLet me see19:54
AmisI see a bunch of these:19:55
Amis4014.845  Adding the key (<bzrlib.btree_index.BTreeGraphIndex object at 0x02F3D5B0>, 503597, 48833298) to an LRUSizeCache failed. value 100672643 is too big to fit in a the cache with size 41943040 5242880019:55
AmisBy bunch I mean a few thousand19:55
fullermdTotally logical.19:55
fullermdAfter all, you can't spell "pathological" without "logical".19:55
AmisSeems messed up19:56
fullermdThe two aren't contradictory   :)19:56
AmisIt seems my bzr is stuck forever19:58
AmisI may not even be able to checkout this?19:58
fullermdNo, it _is_ progressing.  Just very slowly and painfully.19:59
AmisThe value is always the same19:59
AmisEvery little detail in these messages are the same20:00
AmisI don't see any progress here20:00
vilaAmis: including 0x02F3D5B0 ?20:12
Amisvila, yap20:14
AmisIt downloaded a 4.7 GB before I shut it down20:16
AmisIt's pointless20:16
AmisJust as a reminder, the .bzr folder with all the history and stuff is 152 MB20:16
vilaAmis: remotely ? what about the local one ? (May me too late if you killed it ;)20:18
vilaAmis: during the checkout, bzr was storing stuff under .bzr locally, but it has probably cleaned it when it died20:20
vilaAmis: I can't find such message in my logs of the last 3 weeks, what bzr version are you using ?20:38
Amisvila, 2.5.120:55
AmisI think the repo is v220:55
vilabzr info -v <url> will confirm but then I don't know what's happening there, sorry, try filing a bug at  http://pad.lv/fb/bzr20:58
AmisI'll see tomorrow, now I can an important task pending called sleeping20:58
AmisThanks for the help20:59
=== anunnaki is now known as naacals

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