
belkinsaphillw: Did that last reply to your last e-mail come to you or the list?01:03
phillwbelkinsa: I've got quite a few emails flying around... by the minute... can you let me know the subject? thanks.01:05
belkinsaphillw: Re: Suggestion (Re to Jonathan Aquilina) and this was your reply time: On 09/18/2013 08:32 PM, Phill Whiteside01:10
phillwbelkinsa: I'll have to look up the delay bit again. Been a long time since I've used it and bypassed it :) One of things people are asking for is also going to be a really good look-up section of lesser used commands.01:13
belkinsaSo, i guess you didn't see the reply that I sent you.01:15
belkinsaNoting private here.01:16
belkinsaI figured you were going too, but I wanted to see a small preview in01:16
belkinsacase I need to do it for a wiki page edit.01:16
belkinsaThat's what I said.01:16
phillwthat was my reply in the email.01:25
belkinsaNo, what a posted was mine to that e-mail, that the mailing list seems to not have posted yet.01:28
eagles0513875_hey guys19:52
eagles0513875_is this where one can come and discuss even wiki documentation?19:52
eagles0513875_hey bkerensa  :)19:54
bkerensaeagles0513875_: I guess so but the channel is very quiet and not many contribute to wiki doc19:55
eagles0513875_bkerensa: hopefully we can change that19:55
eagles0513875_im goign to be working on the nvidia stuff as phil had posted on the forums bout it :)19:55
* bkerensa goes away for epic bbq lunch19:55
eagles0513875_have to get through this monday deadline first19:55
eagles0513875_bkerensa: enjoy :)19:56
phillweagles0513875_: welcome! feel free to ping me anytime.20:03
eagles0513875_hey phillw  :)20:04
eagles0513875_was wondering when you would shw up20:04
eagles0513875_btw this is thjonathna20:04
eagles0513875_wow i cant type20:04
phillwHe he, I was just replying to an email. I guessed it was you when you said about nvidia :)20:04
eagles0513875_yes it was phillw20:07
eagles0513875_phillw: you mentioned a channel for nvidia?20:07
eagles0513875_i think that would fall under ubuntu-xorg20:07
eagles0513875_i am not sure20:07
phillweagles0513875_: I only half notice links for hardware I do not have.20:09
eagles0513875_wrong channel20:09
eagles0513875_hold on20:09
phillweagles0513875_: #nvidia :D  obvious, really !20:09
eagles0513875_ubuntu specific one20:09
eagles0513875_i think there was ubuntu-edgers or xorg for graphics in general20:10
phillwI do recall one being mentioned... let me go ask.20:10
eagles0513875_phillw: ask in ubuntu-xorg20:10
phillwno such channel20:12
phillweagles0513875_: just plain #xorg exists, they may be able to direct you?20:14
phillwBut, it is not something that needs doing immediately. Get your RL deadline out of the way 1st :)20:15
eagles0513875_i have work out my ears not just this deadline.20:15
phillwthen take your time, if you cannot make time then do not stress! I can go ask the testers... one of them *must* have an nvidia card :)20:17
eagles0513875_phillw: go ahead and ask others but you know i have the hardware if you dont manage20:21
phillwwill do, thanks for the offer.20:22
eagles0513875_no problem :)20:27
eagles0513875_hey Darkwing21:39
eagles0513875_phillw: you still sturring up trouble this late at night21:49
phillwit's still quite early for me... only approaching 11pm here :)21:52
belkinsaI think we need to split some topics apart and title them on the mailing-list...but it doesn't really matter, right?21:52
phillwI have a VM to set up tonight.21:52
phillwbelkinsa: that the mailing list has gone 'mad' with ideas is, to me, fantastic! People are popping up suggestions, new people are arriving... It is every teams dream come true! We *need* more people, they are asking to be skilled up to help with the workload. It would be a fatal mistake for us not to spend time ensuring that they are provided with these skills and also ensure that in doing so we have such 2training"21:55
eagles0513875_phillw: are you in the uk21:55
phillw"training" notes available to other newcomers21:55
eagles0513875_belkinsa: i think for both teams21:55
phillweagles0513875_: yup.21:55
eagles0513875_i mentioned this in an email21:55
eagles0513875_documentation sprints so to speak like they do bug fixing and traging sprints same should apply to documentatio n21:56
belkinsaI agree with you, Phillw.21:56
eagles0513875_phillw: if you are going to do presentations etc for new comers use something like libreoffice21:56
phillwwiki / docs and manual all feed from one thing... people wanting to put into writing that which will help others.21:56
eagles0513875_phillw: in a way that is what I am doign on my website putting together simplified how to's21:56
eagles0513875_sometimes i find the documentation both wiki and official docs too long winded21:57
eagles0513875_and not too the point21:57
phillweagles0513875_: there is a dedicated system for holding classrooms. I'm a veteran of them :)21:57
eagles0513875_ok :)21:57
eagles0513875_well my site atm is offline undergoing a revamp21:57
eagles0513875_other wise i will show you21:57
belkinsaAye, I know about them via Ubuntu Women team.21:57
belkinsaThem= classrooms21:57
eagles0513875_for instance i have an ssh how to a kernel compilation how to21:58
phillweagles0513875_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy21:58
eagles0513875_some how to's on git21:58
eagles0513875_and a tutorial on how to harden ssh.21:58
phillwwas when I was fully immersed in all of QA, it got too much and I've rolled right back on my duties.21:58
eagles0513875_i need to start getting down to mine and focus and get things off my to do list21:59
phillwjust as an aside, as this channel is fully logged; if anyone wants to chat off-topic, or just chat, ##phillw is the channel I have. Several team members from across areas do pop in for a chat.22:03
belkinsaThanks for the heads up.22:04
eagles0513875_phillw: its empty btw22:05
phillweagles0513875_: it is 2 X # ... ##phillw :D22:05
belkinsaIt's clickable if you have X-chat.22:05
eagles0513875_its late here after midnight and ill be here till 3am22:05
eagles0513875_im in web chat22:06
belkinsaWow, I think we broke the mail-list number of messages in one month record.22:16
phillwquite possibly, but it is good to see things being discussed. This all bodes well for one of the biggest challenges that crops up every two years.... LTS23:25

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