smartboyhw | JackYu, congratulations:)\ | 08:33 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, thanks:) | 08:34 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, 中秋节快乐~ | 08:34 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, BTW, so we have to re-apply for membership? Did you talk to the Ubuntu Community Council about being a official Ubuntu Council? | 11:21 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, the membership is two years. After that, should we re-apply or just update? | 11:36 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, technically, mmembership is renewed by the member itself via Launchpad | 11:37 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, yep, I think so:) | 11:37 |
smartboyhw | But if you are seriously making yourselves a Council with members under it, you should contact CC to become a full Ubuntu Council having Ubuntu Membership approval rights | 11:37 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, I think there should be a period between being a member and a Council? | 11:39 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, oh come on, I want to type faster-.- | 11:39 |
JackYu | :) | 11:40 |
smartboyhw | Do talk to the CC, they will be happy. | 11:40 |
smartboyhw | You can contact via e-mail | 11:41 |
smartboyhw | (Meetings are bi-weekly, but at 1:00 AM Beijing time0.0) | 11:41 |
JackYu | you mean I can apply for Ubuntu Community Council directly? | 11:41 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, you can ask the Ubuntu Community Council to relegate Ubuntu Membership approval rights | 11:41 |
JackYu | OK. Seems interesting:). | 11:41 |
smartboyhw | So, every UbuntuKylin Member will be a Ubuntu Member | 11:41 |
smartboyhw | (Of course, if that happens you need to kick everyone in the current team) | 11:42 |
JackYu | Yes, I'm going to do that. | 11:42 |
smartboyhw | Should I quit for easier work on you? ;) | 11:42 |
JackYu | Did you receive the email I sent to UbuntuKylin Members? | 11:43 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, of course not:) | 11:44 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, yes I did | 11:44 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, You are a UbuntuKylin contributor:) | 11:44 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, I will be more busy in Beta 2 and RC, I'm temporaily taking over Phill Whiteside's job of Lubuntu Release Manager (since he made a fuss at the Ubuntu Release Team and he quit accordingly) | 11:45 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, I saw that:(. | 11:46 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, we will talk to CC after 13.10 released and all of current UbuntuKylin members should start to re-apply:) | 11:47 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, sure | 11:48 |
JackYu | hapyyaron, ping. | 12:03 |
happyaron | JackYu: pong | 13:30 |
JackYu | happyaron, feature freeze的时间是下周一? | 13:33 |
happyaron | JackYu: feature freeze早就过了啊 | 13:33 |
JackYu | 我是说Beta Final的。。。 | 13:33 |
JackYu | happyaron, beta freeze | 13:34 |
happyaron | 我看下 | 13:34 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, Beta freeze is next Monday | 13:34 |
JackYu | good:) | 13:34 |
smartboyhw | Now we are in UIFreeze + DocStringFreeze | 13:34 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, so only bugfixes, plz. | 13:34 |
happyaron | 对,刚刚过的是UI freeze | 13:35 |
smartboyhw | (Or rather, features that don't involve UI or DocString changes will be great:P) | 13:35 |
happyaron | 所以ubuntukylin-theme传得比较及时 | 13:35 |
happyaron | JackYu: 主要是等qimpanel了,这个我还没权限传 | 13:35 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, sure:) | 13:35 |
happyaron | | 13:36 |
JackYu | happyaron, 是啊,我一直在等着。好像barry,dholbash,seb128都不在。这次真是奇怪了:) | 13:39 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, hah? dholbach managed to upload some packages for Xubuntu and Ubuntu Studio this afternoon | 13:39 |
smartboyhw | That means your ability to find sponsors suck:P | 13:39 |
JackYu | 看到了,在ubuntu-devel | 13:40 |
happyaron | JackYu: steve 也没理你? | 13:40 |
JackYu | happyaron, 是的,没看到回复:( | 13:41 |
happyaron | 比较悲剧的是这几天貌似都没patch pilots | 13:41 |
* smartboyhw saw at least two the past three days | 13:42 | |
JackYu | smartboyhw, 今天是谁? | 13:42 |
happyaron | 现在没有 | 13:43 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, today dunno | 13:43 |
happyaron | 看 -devel 的 /topic | 13:43 |
smartboyhw | There is a calendar | 13:43 |
JackYu | OK. | 13:44 |
JackYu | 好像/topic上没有写patch pilots | 13:44 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, where is the calendar? | 13:45 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, searching | 13:45 |
smartboyhw | | 13:46 |
smartboyhw | Today it's barry + robert_ancell | 13:46 |
JackYu | got it. robert在。 | 13:47 |
* smartboyhw thinks it's ridiculous that there are 5 patch pilots the day before yesterday-.- | 13:49 | |
smartboyhw | Some days only have one | 13:49 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, for some nice jokes today, see (for it's build scores and building time0 | 13:49 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: I think it's normal | 13:53 |
smartboyhw | happyaron, not the 99999999 build score;0 | 13:53 |
happyaron | then what? | 13:53 |
smartboyhw | And for reference, armhf itself took only 7 hours. | 13:54 |
JackYu | 99999999 是最大值? | 13:54 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: it's using simulator, with very low efficiency | 13:54 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, normally, you just can't get that | 13:54 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: arm64 is not so fast by design, and a simulator may have no more than 1/10 efficiency. | 13:55 |
happyaron | maybe 1/100 sometimes. | 13:55 |
smartboyhw | Stupid simulators-.- | 13:56 |
happyaron | :) | 13:56 |
smartboyhw | happyaron, JackYu holy **** | 14:06 |
JackYu | happyaron, 今天大家都很忙啊,你能找个人upload不? | 14:22 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, 这是什么啊:) | 14:23 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, some typhoon striking at Hong Kong:( | 14:23 |
happyaron | JackYu: 貌似我没你面子大呢。。 | 14:23 |
happyaron | JackYu: 他们说Laney表示还需要一个archive admin approve,不知为何 | 14:24 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, OH....那快到HK啦 | 14:24 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, Sunday Evening - Monday Morning | 14:24 |
JackYu | happyaron, 是的,我也奇怪。 | 14:24 |
smartboyhw | happyaron, JackYu archive admin | 14:24 |
smartboyhw | ? | 14:24 |
* smartboyhw can get you someone | 14:24 | |
smartboyhw | Just give me the bug no. | 14:24 |
JackYu | marrtboyhw, bug #1226492 | 14:25 |
happyaron | JackYu: 貌似他们都在开会,但不知道是什么会 | 14:29 |
JackYu | happyaron, 是的,很无语啊。好像Anthony也要过去了,在加拿大。 | 14:32 |
JackYu | happyaron, 不知道是不是同一个。 | 14:32 |
happyaron | 不知 | 14:32 |
JackYu | 恩, 这两天都没见到seb128,他每次响应都很及时:) | 14:33 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, did you get one? :) | 14:34 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, the archive admin wants you to subscribe ~ubuntu-release | 14:35 |
smartboyhw | Ah no:P | 14:35 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, ACKed. | 14:35 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, done | 14:37 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, no need to subscribe | 14:38 |
JackYu | great, jr done:). | 14:39 |
JackYu | thanks, smartboyhw. | 14:39 |
JackYu | happyaron, 那咱们明天在找人upload? | 14:45 |
happyaron | JackYu: 只能这样吧,jr得ack之后才行 | 14:45 |
happyaron | 额,貌似jr这样算是ack了? | 14:45 |
JackYu | 是的:) | 14:45 |
JackYu | 现在只要upload就行了 | 14:46 |
happyaron | JackYu: 这个随时有人能帮忙upload都行啊 | 14:46 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: can you find someone to do that, MOTU should be enough | 14:47 |
happyaron | it's targeted for universe | 14:47 |
smartboyhw | happyaron, unfortunately, MOTUs are quite difficult to find;P | 14:47 |
JackYu | happyaron, 我平时常找的几个朋友都不在啊:( | 14:47 |
happyaron | JackYu: 嗯 | 14:47 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: core-dev is even better... :) | 14:47 |
JackYu | happyaron, 你什么时候会申请motu?zhengpeng也到日本出差了,他好像有权限。 | 14:56 |
happyaron | JackYu: 我估计目前还申请不了, | 14:57 |
happyaron | JackYu: 不管motu还是core-dev都是要archive wide contribution,我只缺这项于是上次core dev application挂了 | 14:57 |
JackYu | happyaron, 呵呵,继续加油。 | 14:57 |
happyaron | JackYu: 感觉就是不太愿意给这种能上传新包的权限了 | 14:58 |
happyaron | JackYu: 2012-2013年core dev就过了一个还似乎两个 | 14:58 |
JackYu | happyaron, 是的,这个权限很难,我有关注过:) | 14:58 |
JackYu | 不过你再加油一段时间应该就OK了。 | 14:59 |
happyaron | JackYu: 主要是得到处参与 | 14:59 |
happyaron | JackYu: 什么事情都参与下。 | 14:59 |
JackYu | 恩。。。 | 14:59 |
smartboyhw | happyaron, make more contributions:P | 15:00 |
smartboyhw | Core Dev is VERY difficult to get. | 15:00 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: 我都在ubuntu社区进进出出好几次了…… | 15:01 |
* smartboyhw would rather work hard to become a MOTU in 1.5 years, rather than to spend 4 years to become a Ubuntu Core Dev:P | 15:01 | |
smartboyhw | happyaron, heh | 15:01 |
JackYu | good luck for you two guys:) | 15:02 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, you should work to at least gain upload access. | 15:02 |
JackYu | yes. That's my goal! | 15:03 |
JackYu | happyaron, 你成为ubuntukylin-dev是在哪儿讨论的? | 15:04 |
happyaron | JackYu: DMB meeting | 15:04 |
happyaron | JackYu: 当时申请core-dev没过,就给了我ubuntukylin-dev的ppu | 15:04 |
happyaron | :( | 15:04 |
smartboyhw | (While me being a kubuntu-dev is given by kubuntu-dev) | 15:05 |
JackYu | happyaron, 我晕。。。还兴给安慰奖啊。 | 15:05 |
smartboyhw | Some teams can be relegated to approve among themselves | 15:05 |
happyaron | 话说当年MOTU还是很容易得到的,zhengpeng还进进出出过几次。。。 | 15:05 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, 是的。 | 15:05 |
smartboyhw | happyaron, now MOTU means that you have to work on packages unaccessible in Debian-.- | 15:05 |
JackYu | 呵呵,好日子一去不复返了。 | 15:06 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: 是啊 | 15:06 |
happyaron | smartboyhw: DMB meeting那天他们就说我,DD yes, but no archive wide contribution, +0 ... | 15:06 |
happyaron | 然后就悲剧了 | 15:06 |
smartboyhw | heh heh | 15:07 |
happyaron | JackYu: 你们最好能尽量多的人获得ubuntukylin-dev的ppu | 15:10 |
happyaron | JackYu: 这样这个flavor才能在社区里让人觉得更加靠谱 | 15:11 |
JackYu | happyaron, 是的,我先准备一下,等我过了,再告诉其它同事如何准备。目前NUDT这边都以开发为主,对社区不太熟悉:) | 15:12 |
happyaron | JackYu: 你问问那个jbicha能不能帮你upload | 15:12 |
happyaron | JackYu: 他是社区的,我认为私聊就行 | 15:12 |
happyaron | JackYu: 连续在-devel -desktop为同一件事ping人不太好 | 15:13 |
happyaron | 没搞错的话他是MOTU | 15:13 |
JackYu | OK | 15:14 |
smartboyhw | JackYu, you need to make NUDT be more community-ized | 15:17 |
JackYu | smartboyhw, yes, I'm doing that... | 15:17 |
JackYu | happyaron, jbicha也很忙啊,他说不一定有时间。 | 15:25 |
JackYu | happyaron, 你的Wiki上“Discovering the best FOSS user experience for Chinese by cooperating with Linux Deepin project.” | 15:25 |
JackYu | happyaron, "Currently focus on"这部分好像该更新了:) | 15:26 |
happyaron | JackYu: ok | 15:28 |
happyaron | JackYu: 我都不知道啥时候更新过的了 | 15:28 |
JackYu | happyaron, just a suggestion:)。应该是去年2011的信息了。 | 15:29 |
JackYu | 2011年。 | 15:29 |
happyaron | 正在改 | 15:29 |
JackYu | great! | 15:30 |
happyaron | updated | 15:31 |
happyaron | | 15:31 |
happyaron | 这是我的developer application,最近用过的 | 15:31 |
JackYu | 恩,这个我看到啦 | 15:33 |
JackYu | 正在学习。 | 15:34 |
happyaron | JackYu: 基本上就是debian new maintainer's guide + debian policy | 15:41 |
JackYu | 恩:) | 15:41 |
smartboyhw | And the Ubuntu Packaging Guide;) | 15:41 |
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