[01:03] huh. never noticed this before. if I `ifdown lo` I get a "net-device-down IFACE=lo" event. [01:03] but if I `ifup lo` there's no corresponding net-device-up event. [01:06] * marrusl looks at /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart [01:06] ahhh [01:06] ok it's specific to lo [01:08] argh this is a mess [01:09] the "quiesce" code has hardcoded minimum times of 5 seconds [01:09] best case it takes 5 seconds, worst and average case it takes 10 seconds [01:10] none of the jobs actually respond to the first request to stop [14:13] Is it possible to run pre-start as root, but "start" as setuid user-foo? [15:35] igalic: often requested feature. that is not available at the moment. [15:36] xnox: we did the su hack [15:36] igalic: yeap. [15:38] igalic: or you can have two jobs. One which is task and run as root and does "start main-job" and the "main-job.conf" only has the exec with setuid. [15:42] hi [15:42] i'm trying to run an interactive shell script before lightdm starts... [15:43] xnox: a colleague of mine after I told him: 17:43:13 < andreasntaflos> my god ... its full of hacks! [15:44] I passed on, "Patches welcome." [15:44] i'm thinking on modifying the lightdm.conf to start on stopped myservice [15:44] and adding myservice.conf to do everything [15:44] but i can't make it work :\ [15:45] prosys: "start on starting lightdm" should make your job to run before lightdm, and block lightdm starting. [15:46] prosys: or do lightdm.override file with "start on stopped myservice" [15:46] igalic: two jobs is not that hacky, imho ;-) and rather clean. [15:50] xnox: i've tried that, but for some reason it doesn't show the terminal, boots right into lightdm :| [15:55] wait [15:55] i think i've missed something here [15:55] brb [16:00] no, no luck :| [16:00] i have lightdm with autologin [16:00] and it just starts with no problem [16:01] and never gets into the interactive shell script i've done [16:02] do i need to hide plymouth before starting the script ? [16:03] prosys: what do you mean "interactive shell script", all jobs started by upstart do not have stdin..... [16:03] prosys: can you paste your "interactive shell script" ? [16:04] er, it's kinda big [16:05] but yeah, i need to read input [16:05] if jobs started by upstart do not have stdin, what options do i have ? [18:14] Under what condition does upstart try and respawn a process? [18:15] Doing `service foo start` correctly starts foo, but for some reason upstart doesn't think so and starts respawning it. [18:15] It does return a successful exit code of 0 upon starting. [18:19] Nevermind, the process was forking itself.