
=== ScaredWeems is now known as weems
nikolamI don't like my every search on help.ubuntu.com going to the google's hands :(07:35
nikolamIt should be avoided and use somethin in-house.07:35
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bazhangnikolam, so learn to use the bot in /msg07:37
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:38
bazhangnikolam, is  a PRIV MSG with the bot "in-house" enough for You?07:38
ubottuThe Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.07:40
bazhangubottu, shaddap!07:41
nikolambazhang, it is very nice. but  I need to point people to the solution fast. And using google on help.ubuntu.com goes against everyone's privacy.07:41
nikolami'll try ubottu07:41
bazhangnikolam, its the very best. and there is nothing faster.07:41
ObrienDavebazhang, lmao :))07:42
azizHi everyone! Does somebody here own an MSI notebook from the GP60 series? How is your experience with it and Linux?09:40
floyyI have problems with my sound10:52
floyywhat should I check..10:53
floyyit's little bit quiet when I volume it up10:53
ngomeshello, brainwash , u there ?10:55
ngomesgot a bug to report10:55
ngomeswell, i think it is10:55
knomengomes, then report it on launchpad10:56
ngomesupdate-manager told me i had 79 upgrades to make , i did ... "computer is up to date" appear ... 1 minute later it tells me i have more 3 updates to make but i cant update by network manager it always tell me "computer is up to date". running apt-get upgrade showed me the 3 upgrades i had10:57
ngomesknome, launchpad is an aplication or a website ?10:58
baizonngomes: website10:59
knomengomes, bug 122478411:00
ubottubug 1223321 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1224784 update-notifier notifies of phased-updates for which you may not be eligible" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122332111:00
xubuntu232I still have a few questions11:01
knome!ask | xubuntu23211:02
ubottuxubuntu232: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:02
xubuntu232I know what a meta question is...just wanted to be nice and good instead of just shooting out my noob questions :/11:02
knomexubuntu232, no problem, but feel free to jusk ask11:03
ngomesknome, so its known , i dont need to report , right11:04
knomengomes, that's right11:05
ngomesbut mine is a little different11:05
ngomesit updates X then tells me there's more Y11:05
knomein what way?11:05
xubuntu2321. I was wondering what the desktop thingy is called which is like a task manager and shows you your cpu power and temperature. the one which is embedded into the wallpaper11:05
ngomesbut fails to update Y , but with apt-get upgrade , it does11:05
knomexubuntu232, conky11:06
xubuntu232which is working on xfce?11:06
knomexubuntu232, it's an additional package11:06
ngomesconky ?11:06
knomengomes, which version are you running?11:07
knomengomes, i think what you're having is that bug, the rest of it is normal11:07
ngomesok fine11:08
ngomesthanks for your help11:08
knomeno problem11:08
xubuntu2322. transmission is just a torrent client? I need something for easy sharing with other ppl. I dont have dropbox or so. any suggestions? small ftp?11:08
knomexubuntu232, yes, transmission is just a torrent client.11:08
ngomesxubuntu232, share with lan or share with internet ?11:09
xubuntu232over the internet unfortunately11:09
ngomesyeah ftp or sftp will do11:09
knomedropbox or other similar services might be better, depending how much and how often you need to share files11:10
knome(or how big)11:10
xubuntu232but that's not rocket science to configure a sftp server? I always need port forwarding in my router?11:10
ngomesxubuntu232, few days ago i saw a tutorial how to make an ftp server with openssh , does it interest you ?11:10
knomeit's not the most trivial of tasks, but there are tutorials. and yes, you'll need port forwarding11:11
xubuntu232they are not that big or not that often but friends use trillian or icq and I have pidgin -> no file transfer possible -.-11:11
knomexubuntu232, how's email?11:11
xubuntu232not everybody has a good provider which allows bigger attachment11:11
knomei imagine dropbox or such services might be good fit for you then11:12
ngomesxubuntu232, here's the tutorial i saw -> http://xmodulo.com/2013/06/how-to-set-up-secure-sftp-server-in-linux.html11:12
knome(s)ftp server might be a bit overkill, but that's of course up to you11:12
xubuntu232I dont like having my stuff on the internet. especially when it's an american company11:13
ngomesyeah , can be ftp with vsftp daemon11:13
knomexubuntu232, then you probably should set up an sftp server. as i said, it's up to your needs11:13
xubuntu232well..my friends are not really into computers so as long as they can access (s)ftp over their browser and use a guest login ..that would be enough11:13
ngomesi dont know about the browser ... but they can use filezilla , an ftp client ... ?11:14
ngomesthis filezilla client available on windows and linux11:14
xubuntu232uhm..every major browser can handle ftp (afair)11:15
ngomeshe told (s)ftp11:15
ngomescorrect , every major browser can handle ftp11:16
ngomeswell , gotta go , good work with it11:17
xubuntu232thanks _^11:17
xubuntu232uhm...where is my conky :/11:26
xubuntu232conky is installed. Do I need to get into my desktop settings?11:28
xubuntu232ah..just start it in the terminal11:30
xubuntu232conkey's manpage feels like never ending story :D11:36
bullgard4xubuntu232: You better claim that to the mailing list so it can be dealt with in due time.11:48
bullgard4Or even better to Launchpad.11:49
xubuntu232bullgard4: oh no.maybe it's a bit big for starters but it gives you so many options. I just need to find the one I need11:49
knomebullgard4, the conky man page? it's not installed by default and it's not essential, so no action will be taken regarding that anyway11:49
bullgard4knome: A manpage is an essential part of any Linux program.11:50
knomebullgard4, yes, and an exhaustive one exists for conky.11:51
knomebullgard4, i don't think it would make much sense if the manpage didn't list all the options11:51
bullgard4Right. - No worries.11:52
=== Ninja is now known as Wulfe
linux_newbieHello guys!15:47
linux_newbiePlease, I need help ...15:47
linux_newbieI downloaded the lasted version xbuntu ...15:47
linux_newbiebut, I can change the screen resolution ...15:47
linux_newbieI can't*15:47
linux_newbieWhere are the configuration file of X in the Xbuntu?15:48
linux_newbieHow I can add a new screen resolution mode?15:48
linux_newbieHello guys15:53
bgardnerlinux_newbie: Have you tried Settings->Display?15:54
linux_newbiebgardner: yes15:58
linux_newbiebut I don't have the option to change ...15:58
linux_newbieI've just 1024x768 ... but my screen monitor is 1900x120015:59
linux_newbieI'm in the directory: /etc/X11 ...16:00
bgardnerlinux_newbie: What is your video card?  Are you 100% certain it can output at the full resolution that the monitor can accept?16:00
linux_newbieis a Virtual Machine ...16:02
bgardnerlinux_newbie: Probably should have led with that.16:02
bgardnerlinux_newbie: So you installed Xubuntu 13.04 in a VM and now you want to increase the display resolution, is that correct?16:03
linux_newbieVGA compatible controller: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox Graphics Adapter16:03
linux_newbieyes, correct16:03
linux_newbiecan I create a new xorg.conf and move to /etc/X11 ?16:04
bgardnerlinux_newbie: I'm afraid I don't have any experience with a Linux guest on a VM, only as a host.  Perhaps others here can assist.16:05
bgardnerlinux_newbie: You can, but that's not to say that you should.16:05
linux_newbiebgardner, ok16:05
linux_newbiethank you for your help16:05
bgardnerlinux_newbie: Certainly, good luck.  Sorry I can't do more for you.16:06
linux_newbiebgardener: no problem, thanks any way ...16:06
elfylinux_newbie: you'll need to install Guest Additions16:08
elfythen you'll be able to get other resolutions16:08
GridCubelinux_newbie, you need to install the vbox addons16:10
bgardner!hi | bufalo197316:23
ubottubufalo1973: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:23
Pwnnais it possible to map something like awesome wm into CTRL+ALT+F8 while having the xfce default still in CTRL+ALT+F716:59
bgardnerPwnna: Yes... although not sure why you would want to.17:02
Pwnnawell i want my regular window manager17:02
Pwnnaright now what i'm doing is i'm coding in tty117:03
Pwnnabut i need to switch back occasionally17:03
Pwnnaas i like my regular window manager. for non-coding i would not really want to use something like awesome, or tty117:03
bgardnerPwnna: Well, whatever your reasons you can start a new X instance on display :1 and set it up on vtty8 or whatever.  Let me see if I can find you a HOWTO for that.17:05
Pwnnayeah. idk where that is17:07
Pwnnathe tutorials/docs17:07
bgardnerPwnna: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14873/how-to-run-multiple-user-x-sessions-on-the-same-computer-at-the-same-time#1487417:07
Pwnnathat's what i'm trying17:07
Pwnnais there a way to reload the window managers installed?17:07
Pwnnai don't want to reboot as i'm compiling..17:07
bgardnerPwnna: No idea.  You are pretty far off topic from the standard #xubuntu info you can expect, I'm afraid.17:08
Pwnnayeah. probably17:09
Pwnnawell thanks, bgardner17:13
bgardnerPwnna: Certainly, good luck17:13
=== Maple__ is now known as o3o
xubuntu669Ciao a tutti18:21
bgardner!it | xubuntu66918:21
ubottuxubuntu669: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:22
GridCubexubuntu669, :) don't worry18:23
xubuntu669Hello, in italian chat nobody answer my question... can you help me?18:27
bgardnerxubuntu669: We can sure try18:28
xubuntu669i need a suggest18:28
xubuntu669i've a very old notebook with 480 mb ram and Celeron M Processor  1.4 (Acer Travel Mate 2312)18:29
xubuntu669i need to install Xubuntu o Lubuntu?18:29
xubuntu669i think lubuntu is too minimal, isn't it?18:30
bgardnerxubuntu669: Honestly, 480Mb is below the minimum recommended RAM for both Xubuntu and Lubuntu.18:31
bgardnerxubuntu669: What do you intend to use this machine for?18:32
xubuntu669office application, internet18:33
xubuntu669my friends suggest me vector light....is more light than xubuntu?18:34
bazhangI doubt office apps will run in that18:34
xubuntu669libre office?18:35
bgardnerxubuntu669: I agree with bazhang - it likely doesn't matter which you run (Xubuntu, Lubuntu, etc) when Libreoffice is going to struggle in that amount of RAM.18:35
bazhangand a browser? a command line could work18:35
bazhangI doubt it will even open18:35
bazhangthe actual distro makes no difference; no modern day browser/office suite will run on that amount of ram18:36
xubuntu669actually i use this notebook with win xp ice version with office 2003...firefox18:37
bazhangwhat is "ice version"18:38
xubuntu669a light version of win xp18:38
bekksxubuntu669: Thats not an official version.18:38
bazhangthats very hard to believe18:38
xubuntu669i'm chatting with u now18:39
bazhangoffice is not exactly lean on the ram usage18:39
bazhangsure, irssi and screen with links or other cli browser would be doable18:39
bekksxubuntu669: Doesnt matter - "win xp ice" is not an official XP version.18:40
Unit193Abiword and gnumeric are default, not as heavy as libreoffice.18:40
xubuntu669but are compatible with office suite?18:40
bazhangsure, but even then it would be for all intents and purposes unusable18:40
Unit193Some try that little ram with Lubuntu, but I'd personally use antix or plain ol' Debian.  You can try the mini.iso for the same effect, though.18:41
bazhangunless you enjoy very slow "mono-tasking"18:41
bekksxubuntu669: Ask Microsoft, if some unofficial XP release is compatible with their software.18:41
bazhangI doubt any gui browser would even launch successfully18:42
xubuntu669ok thank's18:42
Unit193bazhang: Firefox and chromium wouldn't, but midori or xombrero have higher luck.18:43
bazhangUnit193, very good point18:44
bazhangan office suite though? thats what I doubt seriously18:44
Unit193Well, libreoffice and openoffice are more compatible, but abi and 'meric are much less resource intensive, still not sure how well it'd go though.18:45
bekksabiword and gnumeric arent compatible with everything else, nor that capable.18:46
Unit193Quite true.18:47
bekksSo I'd not us'em.18:47
bazhangheh he quit18:48
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