
kentbxnox: if / when the following merge proposal goes through, will it go into 13.10 or 14.04 (wasn't sure due to feature freeze, etc):  https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/hw-detect/fix-firmware-order/+merge/18188615:31
xnoxkentb: that merge will go into 13.10 and then get SRU into 12.04 as far as I understood the plan.15:31
kentbxnox: ok. cool. just making sure. thanks!15:31
xnoxkentb: do you have a way to test that branch, to make sure it's want you need / want?15:32
kentbxnox: not currently.  If there is a way to do it, I'd be glad to help out.  I personally was kind of looking at 13.10 as our way of giving this some bake time with ultimately having it all polished up for 14.04.15:34
xnoxkentb: ok.15:34
cjwatsonkentb: Words cannot express how happy your last mail just made me16:56
cjwatsonkentb: I think grub2 is the main thing still missing for 12.0416:57
kentbcjwatson: glad I could make your day :-)  I really appreciate the help, and yeah, I think the grub2 pieces are the last items to put into place.  Again, thanks for all the work on this.16:58
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