
AlanBellbluesabre: hi, were you waiting for a cloak?14:20
AlanBellyeah, that all looks fine, staff can we have an ubuntu/member/bluesabre cloak for bluesabre please14:23
Picithanks Myrtti :)14:23
Myrttino problemos14:24
Tm_Tbluesabre: congrats (:14:25
cjohnstonAlanBell: is it possible to get someone to setup #ubuntu-ci-eng with the correct flags and such for maintaining the channel?14:26
AlanBellsure cjohnston :)14:26
AlanBellstaff, can ubuntuirccouncil have +fF in #ubuntu-ci-eng please14:27
* Myrtti has a looksee14:31
* Myrtti squints14:35
AlanBellthanks Myrtti14:36
Myrttiyou're welcome ^____^14:37
bluesabrethanks everyone!14:40

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