
* apw yawns07:35
apwheh, that makes so much sense09:06
MarexI'm hitting this issue here http://www.spinics.net/lists/git/msg217736.html when I try to clone from kernel.ubuntu.com GIT repositories12:38
Marexwould it be possible to contact the admins somehow ?12:38
MarexThe patch for the issue has to be applied server-side and is already in upstream GIT repository, see http://www.spinics.net/lists/git/msg217744.html12:38
apwMarex, is that after a very long wait ?13:07
apwMarex, and ... does dropping the -q help13:07
apwwas that you who said that ?13:07
Marexapw: dropping -q fixes it, yes13:08
Marexapw: it was me who posted to the git@vger ML, yes13:08
apwso you have a work around at least13:08
Marexapw: I'm invoking the git from Yocto build and as yocto adds the -q option to the git command line, the workaround is not much of an option13:09
Marexapw: would it be possible to get a proper fix applied ?13:10
apwMarex, well yokto isn't being very helpful now is it13:10
apwMarex, everything is possible, though that machine is on lucid, ick13:11
apwMarex, so i wouldn't bet my house on it13:11
Marexcan the patch not be backported on that version of git? the patch doesn't seem too big13:11
Marexapw: the patches are here http://www.spinics.net/lists/git/msg217019.html http://www.spinics.net/lists/git/msg217020.html btw13:14
apwMarex, in the unlikely event that a patch against tip still applied it might well be possible, though it would have to go thorugh the SRU process so its not going to be less than weeks13:15
apwMarex, you would need to file a bug against git in the first instance 13:16
apwMarex, though can you not work round this by cloning the tree locally and then just doing the yocto commands against a local mirror?13:16
Marexapw: it's a server side bug, why would I work around it instead of fixing the server ?13:16
apwMarex, presumably because you arn't running the command for fun but to get somethign donw13:17
Marexapw: certainly, but it's not only me running into these issues13:17
Marexapw: I just so happened to be too annoyed by it to push for a fix13:18
apwMarex, the backport looks to be non-trivial, so its not going to happen right now13:19
apwMarex, can you file a bug against git with the relevant info above in the description please, 'ubuntu-bug git' and give me the number, so i can thnk about it13:20
MarexI dont even have a lunchpad account, would it be too much to ask to leave this in your hands ?13:21
apwwell normally one gets the reporter to test etc13:21
Marexapw: let me see13:23
Marexapw: where do I need to navigate to file a bugreport for ubuntu kernel git ?13:27
apwfile it against the package git, as that is the issue13:28
Marexit's rather git-core , no ?13:28
apwold 'git' went away somewhen in the last 2 years, and git-core -> git13:29
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Marexapw: is this the correct bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git/+bug/1228148 ?13:49
apwMarex, yep that lookfs goo thanks13:51
Marexapw: thanks, I will also update the redhat bugzilla, where this was initially reported and the git mailing list13:57
apwjsalisbury, yo ... we discussed using aliases for git bisect good/bad to allow reverse bisects to not blowup ones head ...14:25
apwjsalisbury, if you ended up codifying that, i wonder if it would make sense to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBisection with that knowledge14:26
jsalisburyapw, never put anything into code, just been keeping track in my head when I do them15:01
apwjsalisbury, ok ... 15:05
apwjodh, yo ... i have a couple of boxes which 'recently' are rebooting when i ask for power off ... ie when i say sudo poweroff it doesn't16:46
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* apw wanders to another location where there are beverages18:16
* bjf thinks that's a fine idea18:18
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