
=== forestpi1kie is now known as forestpiskie
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DanChapmangood morning all06:38
elfyhi DanChapman06:42
DanChapmanelfy howdy :-)06:43
jibelgood morning07:04
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slickymastermorning all10:08
DanChapmanmorning slickymaster :-)10:08
slickymasterDanChapman: hi Dan, ;)10:08
slickymasterelfy: ping10:09
davmor2Morning all10:10
DanChapmanmorning davmor210:13
slickymastermorning davmor210:18
* DanChapman is well impressed with the autopilot sandbox :-)10:25
elfyslickymaster: pong11:06
slickymasterelfy: good morning. I was planning on taking a stab at Forum Wiki Team, but it seems that there's nothing going on in team, is it stalled?11:09
elfyI think so - I've not had anything to do with it for a year11:09
slickymasterbut do you think it's worthwhile?11:10
hkkeri want to get involved in QA, but my computer is so old that it's processor doesn't support virtualizing 64bit systems in virtualbox11:11
hkkeris there any other way i can contribute?(32bit is way too slow in virtualbox, basically freezes my computer)11:12
hkkerlike maybe test live cd-s11:12
DanChapmanhkker you can always run Saucy on your computer. were getting close to Beta now so its pretty stable and report any bugs you come across.11:14
slickymasterelfy: but do you think it's worthwhile?11:15
elfywell ... possibly if you can find a thread that could be wikified - not sure the team is worth resurrecting, the thread/wiki converter should still work11:16
hkkerDanChapman : fortunately i have two hard drives so i can even install it OR i can make a LVM partition using the live cd. which one is more preferred in QA? in my view it shouldn't make a difference11:18
slickymasterelfy: I see. Well I won't waste much time on it, then. But if I do find one I'll do it then11:18
elfywelcome :)11:18
DanChapmanhkker:  Everyway you can think of is 'preffered'. It all has to be tested somehow. :-) You could also get involved with contributing tetcases if your computer is not up to it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases11:20
DanChapmanhkker: and here is an overview of some more stuff you can contribute to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview11:21
hkkeroh also, i have never ever tested anything so i might need some mentoring from someone who has the time11:21
hkkerbut i'm more or less quite fast learner, i just need some guidance at first. as i have read from these pages you linked, there should be enough information for now.11:22
DanChapmanhkker, read those links also check out here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ to see how we record our testing. And just fire any questions you have in here and someone will be about to help11:24
hkkerthanks DanChapman11:25
DanChapmanhkker: your welcome :-)11:25
hkkerokay, ill do it later, i have a lecture11:25
hkkerfunny enough, the courses name is "Operating systems" and we are using win8(which i hate for obvious reasons) and 13.04 ubuntu. i just love it so i want to contribute somehow :)11:28
pittiGood morning12:26
DanChapmanhey pitti o/12:26
jibelGood morning pitti12:26
pittihey DanChapman, how are you?12:27
pittibonjour jibel, comment ça va ?12:27
jibelpitti, ça va bien et toi? Comment se déroule plumbers?12:28
DanChapmanpitti, I'm good thanks and yourself?12:28
pittijibel: c'est bien, mais les derniers jours sont calmes12:29
pittijibel: most of the talks happened Mo - Wed, yesterday and today are mostly workgroups12:29
pittimais après deux semaines de conférences j'attends avec impatience à rentrer à maison12:30
jibelpitti, I can imagine :) Do you know if there are any videos/slides of the  talks? I didn't find any online.12:34
pittijibel: they said they'll publish the videos etc. after the conf12:35
pittijibel: slides are downloadable from the schedule, and I guess people put them into other places together with the notes12:35
pitti(I did so with umockdev)12:35
pittithomi: having fun with https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/1.3-fix-warning/+merge/186640 ?12:42
pittithomi: so is that now the first unit test which actually assumes having a running session bus?12:42
thomipitti: fun?12:43
pittithomi: i. e. which you need to run through dbus-launch --exit-with-session?12:43
* thomi is confused12:43
pittithomi: or should that be a functional test instead?12:43
thomipitti: ahhh, I hadn't actually seen that12:44
pittithomi: fun> I thought the PS test rejected that like 5 times already12:44
thomiI'll provide a fake instead I guess12:44
pittibut that could have been on another MP12:44
thomiyeah, first rejection12:44
thomiugh, too hard to fake. Will make it a functional test instead12:48
rvrthomi: Trying to run an autopilot test on the phone "Tests running... Ran 1 test in 0.208s OK", so seems that it didn't run any12:49
rvrthomi: Any tip?12:49
thomirvr: run with -v and see what test ids it's actually running12:50
rvr12:51:00.558 ERROR __init__:63 - Unity doesn't appear to be running, exiting.12:51
thomipitti: I wonder if you could do a quick review of this please? I just moved the test case: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/1.3-fix-warning/+merge/18664012:55
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thomipitti: of, and if you could top-approve it when you're done, that would be awesome12:55
asacwho is leading the avengers testing efforts if jfunk isnt on?12:57
thomiasac: I don't think anyone is nominated. jfunk should be on about now though12:58
asacok i wait for a moment :)12:59
pittithomi: meeting now, but queueing12:59
thomielopio: ping?12:59
thomipitti: thanks12:59
pittithomi: ah, easy one, approved13:01
thomipitti: I wonder if you could do this as well? It's kind of urgent: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/1.3-fix-click-packages/+merge/18677913:01
thomimy merging from 1.3 <-> trunk introduced a regression in click package support :-/13:01
thomitop of my TODO list for 1.4 is to refactor that code so we can get it under test13:02
thomibut for now, I want to get it fixed and released into saucy13:02
=== jfunk is now known as jfunk-otp
asacmzanetti: ok so build 57 will go out as the regression seem to have happened in the latest we landed today. so next build is blocked13:04
asacmzanetti: i commented on the bug13:04
asacit seems reproducible against build 57 by first apt-get update13:05
asacand then installing the unity8 autopilot13:05
mzanettiah... ok... didn't do the apt-get upgrade.13:05
mzanettithat's why I couldn't reproduce so far13:05
asacmzanetti: dont do an upgrade ... just apt-get update; apt-get install unity8-autopilot13:05
asacmzanetti: thats enough13:05
asacthe dist-upgrade will bring you more stuff in and who knows what other funny behaviour you might be fighting first then13:06
asacjfunk-otp: hi13:07
asacjfunk-otp: importnat thing13:07
pittithomi: yep, queueing13:08
pittithomi: done13:15
thomipitti: thanks!13:16
=== jfunk-otp is now known as jfunk
elopiogood morning!14:00
elopiothomi: pong.14:00
thomielopio: hey, sorry, I wanted some reviews, but I got pitti to process them14:00
thomielopio: wasnt' sure what time you started :)14:01
elopiothomi: no problem.14:01
elopioI almost always start at this time.14:01
thomiI'll have to re-learn what that time is when I get home :)14:03
elopiothomi: do you return today?14:10
thomielopio: I fly out tomorrow morning14:10
thomiget home on Monday morning14:10
rvrthomi: Do autopilot needs any kind of setup to run on the phone, besides su - phablet?14:14
rvrLike setting dbus session14:14
thomirvr: don't think so, but you're probably better off using phablet-test-run, since (AFAIK) that's what the CI team uses, so any magic that's required would be encoded in that script14:15
mzanettiasac: if you do a dist-upgrade. is the crash still there?14:15
thomirvr: and really you want 'sudo -i -u phablet'14:15
thomirvr: oh, sorry, I misread that - disregard14:16
thomiit's early :)14:16
cgoldbergthomi, quick MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~coreygoldberg/autopilot/change-tox-tests/+merge/18680614:20
thomicgoldberg: on it14:20
cgoldbergthomi, I had to leave early yesterday.. do you still have AP reviews you need looked at?14:20
thomicgoldberg: when I run 'tox' I get lots of flake8 issues14:22
thomicgoldberg: I wonder if we should fix those in a separate MP14:22
cgoldbergthomi, i was running into that.  it's running clean for me now though.  try `$ rm -rf .tox` and run again14:23
thomicgoldberg: since I just branched your branch, shouldn't it be clean to begin with?14:23
cgoldbergyup true14:23
cgoldbergthomi, strange.. i get no flake8 errors.  "flake8: commands succeeded"14:25
thomicgoldberg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6132919/14:26
thomipitti: or elopio - easy review: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/fix-warnings/+merge/18663914:35
thomithat's the trunk version of the last fix14:35
elopioiahmad: I left a comment on your textfields branch.14:41
asacmzanetti: yes its still there14:41
asacmzanetti: check with ogra.14:41
elopiothomi: I'm looking at your MP, but I don't understand it. I'll read some more code.14:42
thomielopio: pitti acked the first one - maybe just push it to his plate :)14:43
elopioyes. I'll still try to understand what this part of the code does.14:43
elopiothomi: and one PITA detail, according to pep257, the first sentence of a docstring should be just one line.14:45
thomielopio: I know, and we should fix that, but this MP isn't about that, and it does make it *more* compliant than it was :)14:46
elopiothomi: agree.14:48
cgoldbergthomi, ok.. i can reproduce the flake8 errors you see now..  want me to fix them in this branch, or in a future one?14:48
thomicgoldberg: I'm happy either way14:51
thomicgoldberg: if you'd rather do it in a separate MP let me know and I'll approve your current one now14:51
cgoldbergthomi, umm.. I'll just push them in the same branch14:52
cgoldbergso feel free to reject the MP :P14:52
thominah, I'll just leave it un-approved14:53
thomimakes you look better :)14:53
elopiothomi: did you get my message about bug #1225026 still open?14:56
ubot5bug 1225026 in Autopilot "It takes a lot of time from the application launch until autopilot can excercise it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122502614:56
thomielopio: nope14:56
elopiothomi: I upgraded using the experimental ppa, and it happens the same.14:57
thomielopio: ahh, the experimental PPA is old, and needs to be deleted, sorry14:57
thomior actually, maybe I should just update the build recipies14:57
thomielopio: you need trunks14:57
thomielopio: *or* autopilot from saucy14:58
pittithomi: re14:58
elopiothomi: ok, let me try.14:58
pittithomi: ah, LGTM; acking14:59
elopiothomi: yes, it works now. I'll mark the bug as fixed.15:28
thomielopio: \o/15:28
pitticgoldberg: reviewed your branch15:29
elopiothank you thomi.15:29
elopioom26er: that was the bug that made the webbrowser tests to fail on my machine, in case you were wondering :)15:29
thomielopio: can you close the bug for me please?15:30
elopiothomi: I marked it as fix released. Is that ok?15:30
thomielopio: yup, thansk15:30
* elopio goes out to feel the sunshine.15:31
cgoldbergthomi, fixed all flake8 issues.. *all* were in docstrings/doctests15:37
thomidoes anyone know where I can find a list of all the indicators that should appear on the phone? It seems like today's build is missing bluetooth and messaging indicators, but I'd like to be able to confirm that before filing bugs15:58
thomiiahmad: balloons ^^ ?15:59
davmor2thomi: from what I understand messaging is a bug but bluetooth is dropped apparently16:01
=== jfunk is now known as jfunk-afk
thomidavmor2: OK. thanks16:04
thomicgoldberg: your docstring changes to autopilot are incorrect I'm afraid16:54
thomicgoldberg: for example: 36+        >>> from autopilot import press16:54
thomicgoldberg: that's not a correct import16:55
cgoldbergthomi, ah.  i'll fix17:17
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
* elopio going for lunch.17:50
thomicgoldberg: did you get anywhere with this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/1206805 if not, I'll look in to it now18:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1206805 in Autopilot "Autopilot Eventually matcher gives an obscure message inside the Eventually matcher" [Critical,Confirmed]18:04
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
cgoldbergthomi, not yet.. was gonna look at it this afternoon.  go ahead if you want :)18:27
thomicgoldberg: OK, I'm on it18:28
cgoldbergthomi.. for those docstrings where I botched the import.. like: from autopilot import press.  what's proper way to import "press" for example18:34
thomicgoldberg: well, it's a method on the class18:34
thomicgoldberg: so I guess you'd need to show the entire process of creatingthe class, like:18:34
thomifrom autopilot.input import Mouse18:34
thomim = Mouse.create()18:34
thomifor example18:35
cgoldbergthomi, most of the doc doesn't use doctests anyways... I could leave them as documentation examples, and remove the ">>>" so flake8 doesn't complain.. and revert the imports I used18:35
cgoldbergunless you want fuller examples in docstrings18:36
thomicgoldberg: Right, I think maybe the best way is to not make them docstrings, but make sure we still get syntax highlighting in the docs18:36
thomiI bet you can't run them as doctests anyway18:36
rvrGood weekend, everyone!18:36
cgoldbergyea.. i can just put them as code snippets that sphinx will like (they mostly already are.. except for the ">>>")18:37
cgoldberg... and i hate doctests anyway :)18:37
jfunk-afkballoons, we're talking about having a lightning talk next tuesday, is "Gating process" &/OR "Unity/SDK/Apps Integration Failures (and what we should do about them)" something you think anyone wouyld be interested in attending?18:42
=== jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk
jfunknm - will email18:42
thomicgoldberg: agreed onn doctests being awful19:00
thomiso I have confirmed this bug, but I'm not sure what the desired behavior should be19:01
thomiif, in the middle of us processing an assertion the dbus backend dissapears (probably because the application is no longer running), what should we do?19:01
thomicurrently we raise ann unhandled dbus exceptiion19:01
thomiwe could raise a RuntimeError, but then we'd probably want to do that everywhere, which is a significant amount of finger-work19:02
thomiI'm starting to think that this might be something to delay until 1.419:02
thomicgoldberg: any thoughts?19:02
cgoldberg1 sec :)19:02
cgoldbergthomi, im not sure I follow.  sounds like raising a dbus exception is the right thing, no?19:12
thomicgoldberg: well, yes, except it's not exactly obvious to the test author what went wrong19:13
thomiI think changing it in some places only is probably worse than not changing it at all19:13
thomibetter to be consistent.. for 1.3 anyway19:13
cgoldbergsounds reasonable19:14
cgoldbergthomi, btw, I re-pushed my branch.. ditched the doctests and bad imports and just made them code samples19:14
cgoldbergpitti, i also made a change on that branch so you can pass a test arg to tox.  "$ tox -- autopilot.tests.unit"19:15
thomicgoldberg: ok, reviewing now19:15
cgoldbergand "tox" alone to run them all19:15
thomiI still think we should just run the unit tests by default, but I'll defer to pitti's better judgment19:16
thomiapproving now19:16
pittithomi: not necessarily better, we just seem to disagree on that; but it's not a dealbreaker either way19:30
thomipitti: yeah, it's no biggie :)19:30
pitticgoldberg: anyway, thanks for the adjustments, it's really nice now as you can do both (or just single tests)19:30
elopioom26er: I'm back. Do you still need help with the set up?19:41
om26erelopio, I'll work on that tomorrow, I am stuck in other stuff today :/19:41
om26erwell Monday ofcourse19:41
elopioom26er: ok.19:42
om26erIts been a looong week.19:42
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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