
sarnoldgartral: the first one will go a long way if your processes all need consistent accesses but don't have a common primary group in common00:00
sarnoldgartral: but if one user has umask=0077, it won't help :)00:00
gartralsarnold: my issue is that I have a folder /home/minecraft/plugins and I can read/write to *THAT* folder, but when I add a plugin too the server that plugin makes a new subdirectory there in which I only have read access.. meaning I have to contact the Server Owner to have her fix the perms each time I add a new plugin >.<00:02
gartralwe both agree that this is becoming a PiTA.00:03
gartraland I'm in the minecraft group on that machine00:03
sarnoldgartral: how are the plugins run? does the minecraft server start them?00:04
gartralsarnold: yes, on load00:04
sarnoldgartral: is the directory created at load time? or during an install mechnaism?00:05
zuladam_g:  ill have a look00:05
gartralwhich means that stop/starting the minecraft server process loads the plugins in /home/minecraft/plugins, most plugins as part of their initial load create a new subdir containing all of the configureation information for the plugin00:06
gartraland I'm sick today, so if my spelling is a little screwy, i apologize00:06
gartraldangit, i have a fix for GarretKajmowicz00:09
gartralsarnold: yea, bootchart. it'll profile the boot proccess and let him see where the boot failed00:10
sarnoldgartral: it might be hard without a rw filesystem..00:10
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gartralsarnold: this is why my /log partitions are always on an NFS share :P00:11
sarnoldgartral: haha :) nice, but he's stuck even without a / ...00:11
gartralsarnold: but back to my issue, any thought?00:11
gartralsarnold: ohh.. ewww.. his kernel just isn't loading right, huh?00:12
sarnoldgartral: hrm, I'm having trouble finding his pastebin of dmesg.. here's his askubuntu question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/307509/upgrade-to-12-04lts-dumps-to-busybox-on-boot00:13
sarnoldgartral: I'm surprised the plugins would execute as your user, rather than a minecraft user..00:13
sarnoldah, here we are, his failed boot dmesg: http://pastebin.ca/245500800:14
sarnoldgartral: is there a dedicated minecraft user account? is that user acccount starting the minecraft server?00:15
gartralsarnold: yes and yes00:16
sarnoldgartral: hrm. well, you can try the setgid thing easily enough, 'chmod g+s /path/to/directory/' -- I'm not sure why it doesn't Just Work, but I'm not familiar enough with minecraft to know what to look for.00:21
gartralsarnold: it's not a minecraft specific issue, this happens with all folders in that directory no matter what made them00:22
sarnoldgartral: can you get an ls -ld /home /home/minecraft /home/minecraft/plugins   output? I'm curious about user/group/permissions..00:26
gartralls: cannot access /home/minecraft/plugins: No such file or directory00:31
gartraldrwxr-xr-x 5 root      root  4096 Sep 16 19:23 /home00:31
gartraldrwxr-xr-x 8 minecraft users 4096 Sep 18 15:17 /home/minecraft00:31
gartralthought I had my browser focused00:32
sarnoldno /home/minecraft/plugins ? how odd..00:33
gartralsarnold: sorry, stand by00:43
gartralsarnold: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6130558/00:44
sarnoldgartral: looks sane enough... you might try: chmod g+s /home/minecraft/unl-testing/ /home/minecraft/unl-testing/plugins/00:46
sarnoldthat'll set both those directories to force new directories and files created within to have 'minecraft' group ownership. it's a start. :)00:47
gartralsarnold: should that be run as root or my user?00:58
sarnoldgartral: it could either be run as the minecraft user or as root00:58
gartralsarnold: that still doesn't fix my access01:00
sarnoldgartral: hrm, ls -ld on the newly created directories and maybe ps auxw | grep minecraft   ... or whatever the server runs as..01:01
gartralsarnold: does that chmod a+s fix already created directories?01:01
sarnoldgartral: no, just new directories and files01:02
sarnoldgartral: do you have any currently-existing 'broken' directories?01:02
sarnoldls -ld on them would be helpful too..01:02
gartralsarnold: yes, about 1201:02
gartralsarnold: yea, they just "fixed" it by chmod 775 /home/minecraft/unl-testing01:03
gartralsarnold: well, nvm then01:04
GarrettKajmowiczI'm back, now with a dedicated IRC client.01:11
gartralGarrettKajmowicz: so your server isn't mounting / at all?01:26
sarnoldGarrettKajmowicz: gartral suggested trying bootchart, there may be a mechanism it provides to discover how far through boot you get before you're hung up, and it might provide some way to get the data off the system ..01:38
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mojtaba1Hi, do you know how can I connect to my c$ windows partition from ubuntu cmd?03:47
mojtaba1They are in the same LAN.03:47
dingo311i cannot ssh from outside my network. canyouseeme.org sees my port, port forwarding is on. i dont know what to do. help please.04:35
Questwhat doss attacks are still with no solution and i should be prepared for defending?05:49
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Guest65934roundcube sucks that all i have to say ...05:56
josephtacosi started getting a red 0 in front of my prompt in byobu. some how i triggered it. any clue on what it is05:57
Guest65934I see that also today 12.04 lts server not sure it went away itself tho--- hummm06:02
josephtacosi think there exit codes06:07
sarnoldQuest: there are hosting providers with unbelievable amounts of bandwidth available, e.g. cloudflare. If you're worried about the reliability of your site even in the face of modern DDoS attacks, it'd be worth having a conversation with them before you need their help.06:17
foubarreHi everyone. I have an ubuntu server acting as a DHCP server. I changed the gateway address. Now machines randomly receive the old or new gateway. DHCP config only contains the new address (dhcp service was restarted many times just in case). Any idea of why that can happen?07:55
linociscofoubarre, restarted on server? let clients PC restart08:00
foubarrelinocisco: restarted the server, restarted client machines too. Does that since yesterday.08:01
foubarrelinocisco: on the PCs, doing "ipconfig /renew" returns a mix of old and new gateway. Does the same on OSX so i excluded a local caching problem.08:02
elnurHey. I'm trying to figure out why nginx and PostgreSQL don't start on system boot. Where do I start?08:03
elnurOther stuff like PHP-FPM *do* start.08:03
Roryelnur: Do they start correctly without errors when you start them manually?08:30
Roryelnur: If so, make a service start at startup with: sudo update-rc.d SERVICENAME defaults08:31
elnurRory, yes.08:33
elnurLet me try that.08:33
elnurRory, it says: System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/nginx already exist.08:34
elnurWhat else should I try?08:40
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elnurI'm trying this:09:56
elnurcat < `crontab -l` <<EOF | crontab -09:56
elnur@reboot service nginx start09:56
elnur@reboot service postgresql start09:56
elnurBut it doesn't work.09:56
elnurWhat I want is to append those two lines to the output of running `crontab -l` and then pipe it to `crontab -`09:56
elnurHow should I do that?09:56
sgranelnur: don't do it that way10:01
elnurHow should I do it then?10:02
sgranfirst, since you know the two lines you want to add, just do crontab -e :)10:02
sgransecond, fixing why they don't come up at start up is probably the saner approach10:02
elnurI need to script this.10:02
elnurI've spend the whole day trying to fix that already.10:02
sgranls /etc/init/*nginx* /etc/init/*postgres*10:02
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elnurNo such files.10:03
sgranls /etc/init.d/*nginx* /etc/init.d/*postgres* /etc/rc?.d/*nginx* /etc/rc?.d/*postgres*10:04
elnur# ls -l /etc/rc?.d/*nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc0.d/K20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc1.d/K20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc2.d/S20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc3.d/S20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc4.d/S20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc5.d/S20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnurlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 19 21:23 /etc/rc6.d/K20nginx -> ../init.d/nginx10:04
elnur# ls -l /etc/init.d/*nginx10:04
elnur-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2091 Dec 17  2012 /etc/init.d/nginx10:04
sgranthat looks fine.  Can you paste the contents of /etc/init.d/nginx at paste.ubuntu.com10:05
elnursgran, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6131972/10:06
elnurThe script works when I run it manually.10:07
elnurJust doesn't work on boot.10:07
sgranis there anything in the logs?10:07
elnurNothing in syslog about nginx and nothing in nginx's error.log.10:08
sgrananything in upstart's log?10:08
elnurLet me check.10:08
elnurWhich file?10:09
sgranhmm.  I see upstart only logs jobs, rather than overall status10:12
elnur(crontab -l; echo "@reboot service nginx start") | crontab -10:14
elnur(crontab -l; echo "@reboot service postgresql start") | crontab -10:14
elnurOf course, I'd like to fix the root issue.10:15
elnurI'm just not that good with advanced linux stuff.10:15
sgrando you see anything in boot.log ?10:15
elnurI'm recreating the VM. Will tell you in a couple of minutes.10:16
elnurBTW, can Vagrant/VirtualBox be the reason?10:17
sgranI'm guessing at this point that they're failing to start because of some network or other related configuration that isn't there when they start at boot time, but are there later when you run the script by hand10:18
sgranso, maybe?10:18
elnurWould I be able to find this information in any log file?10:18
elnurI'll check boot.log soon.10:18
elnurBTW, PHP-FPM starts okay.10:19
elnurIt's nginx and PostgreSQL failing for some reason.10:19
elnurThe VM is up.10:25
elnurWhere's the boot.log file?10:26
sgranin /var/log10:26
elnur`locate boot.log` gives nothing.10:26
elnurAny other ideas? :)10:29
sgranI see a /var/log/boot and a /var/log/boot.log on precise, here10:31
sgrandoes vagrant give you a console log from bootup?10:31
elnurLet me see.10:33
elnurI'm looking at `vagrant up` logs and it looks like it's adding network interfaces after the machine boot up.10:35
elnur[default] Machine booted and ready!10:36
elnur[default] Configuring and enabling network interfaces...10:36
sgranso that'll be the problem, I'd guess10:36
elnurHm. I'll try another network configuration.10:37
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elnurWell, I tried different network configuration, but that didn't help.10:54
elnurI also checked out PostgreSQL logs and found this:10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:42:31 UTC LOG:  database system was shut down at 2013-09-20 10:42:30 UTC10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:42:31 UTC LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:42:31 UTC LOG:  autovacuum launcher started10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:42:32 UTC LOG:  incomplete startup packet10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:49:34 UTC LOG:  received smart shutdown request10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:49:34 UTC LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:49:34 UTC LOG:  shutting down10:54
elnur2013-09-20 10:49:34 UTC LOG:  database system is shut down10:54
elnurNothing interesting, I guess.10:54
elnurI'll go with @reboot cron job for now.10:55
elnursgran, thanks for the attempt. :)10:55
sgranno sweat :)11:17
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sarthorHI, I did apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade, Now when I rebooted, machine is not booting in normal way, I went through recovery mode, and then Network.. So I can use my machine, .. when machine is booting in normal way, it says..  udevd[468]: timeout: killing '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00008086d000027D8sv00001028sd000001DEbc04sc03i00' [473] .. and never boot...HELP please.12:33
sarthorHI, I did apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade, Now when I rebooted, machine is not booting in normal way, I went through recovery mode, and then Network.. So I can use my machine, .. when machine is booting in normal way, it says..  udevd[468]: timeout: killing '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00008086d000027D8sv00001028sd000001DEbc04sc03i00' [473] .. and never boot...HELP please.12:46
newhiteWhat is a good socket monitor for Ubuntu?12:47
greppysarthor: !repeat12:48
sarthorgreppy: OK. can i quit?12:48
greppysorry, was trying to trigger the bot, out of practice.12:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:49
sarthorI love this channel. I got a lot of help here, You guys helped alot. Thanks a lot12:50
greppysarthor: if no one is awake that can help you, you won't get any help, sorry.12:50
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newhitegreppy, that is very logical.  Haha :)12:56
Rorysarnold: Any time13:05
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/housecleaning/+merge/18661213:15
jamespagezul, wrap-and-sort -s required13:17
zuljamespage:  fixed13:18
jamespagezul, looks good, built tests OK13:33
zuljamespage:  cool ill merge it13:33
jamespagezul, wait13:33
jamespagezul, one thing - oslo-config needs an epoch13:34
xerxas_utlemming: I somehow cannot find how you built the ubuntu cloud vagrant images13:51
xerxas_do you provide any script, or any doc ?13:51
Diegonatcan i create a link file in two different devices?14:14
bjfon a maas server what does "node added but never seen" mean?14:26
bjfi'm trying to enroll a single system14:26
bjfi'm on a saucy installed system14:27
bjfif i look under "Nodes" i see the node, it's status is "Declared" (whatever that means)14:27
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zuljamespage:  im re-enabling the tests for glance as well15:13
jamespagezul, good luck15:22
jamespageplease don't melt my laptop again :-)15:22
zuljamespage:  ill try not to ;)15:24
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zuladam_g/jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/glance/housecleaning/+merge/18683616:20
zuladam_g: i dunno if you saw this https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/glance/housecleaning/+merge/18683617:15
adam_gzul, i did, gonna look at it in a bit17:18
zuladam_g:  cool thanks17:19
adam_gzul, please merge you changes into the ubuntu-server-dev branches instead of pushing them directly17:19
zuladam_g: yep17:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
zuladam_g:  fixed17:42
adam_gzul, its still not wrapped to 80 and there are extra newlines17:46
zuladam_g:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/housecleaning/+merge/18684918:14
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
hamnstarhey folks - getting that pesky "waiting for network configuration" message on startup (ubuntu server 12.04).... it's odd, because my configs both work (2 NICs each with a static IP, only one default gateway)... is there anything other than /etc/network/interfaces that i should look into?18:26
=== Rory is now known as Ruby
=== Ruby is now known as Rory
zuladam_g:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/neutron/housecleaning/+merge/18687019:20
adam_gzul, looks okay but i'm not approving it unless you promise its going to get pushed to ubuntu-server-dev as a merge and not a direct commit19:25
zuladam_g:  uh?19:30
adam_g.:adam_g:. zul, please merge you changes into the ubuntu-server-dev branches instead of pushing them directly19:30
adam_g<zul> adam_g: yep19:30
zuladam_g:  i thought i was dong that19:30
adam_gzul, doesn't look like it19:31
zulfrig sorry19:31
zuladam_g:  so you want me do bzr branch the neutron branch and then merge my branch19:32
adam_gzul, ideally, yes19:32
adam_git can be automated19:32
th299792458Hi guys! I'm new to linux. I would like to run ubuntu server on a machine that I would also like to use as a media center. What do you guys think is the best way to do so?20:26
th299792458Ubuntu server with a gui would be somewhat weird, right? But a media center without a gui is also somewhat weird20:27
ikoniath299792458: why do you need ubuntu server for this ?20:27
ikoniath299792458: why not use the desktop CD for this ? it comes with a gui20:28
th299792458Yes but I would also like to run ubuntu server to host a site for example20:28
PiciAlso, you need to define 'Media Center' many media centers have a gui.20:28
ikoniath299792458: you can do that on the desktop install20:29
ikoniath299792458: it has the same access to packages, such as apache web server20:29
qman__the only real difference between the server and desktop editions is the set of which packages are installed; you can install any package you like on either version, so choose what suits your application best20:38
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nikolaj_basheris there a way I can buck an error of af php site through my apache log20:57
ikoniabuck ?21:10
arthur789im trying to edit my hosts file to allow acess from my ddns inside my network. im not sure exactly what to put into the hosts file.21:11
ikoniawhy are you changing your hosts file ?21:12
arthur789ikonia: from reading that my router has no NAT or loopback service. i thought the next step was the hosts file.21:13
ikoniawhy ?21:13
ikonianat has nothing to do with your host file21:13
gholmsutlemming: If I reconfigure cloud-init's upstart bits with "console output" and systemd bits with "journal+console" can we just let those send stdout to the console instead of trying to open it explicitly?21:14
gholmsutlemming: I'm trying to deal with containers that don't have /dev/console and whatnot.21:14
arthur789ikonia: then i probably have my terms confused. connected to my local lan i can not use my ddns to access my machine. i can only connect from outside the network21:15
ikoniaarthur789: that's not controlled by host file21:15
arthur789ikonia: then i am severly confused. i enabled port forwarding and have a dynamic dns set up. sitting at home, connected to my local LAN, i want to type buffet.dlinkddns.com:4040 and get what i want, not how do i do this?21:17
ikoniaarthur789: you need a dns service and/or you need to edit the host file on the CLIENT21:17
arthur789ikonia: i have dns service. So i need to edit a file for every computer on the LAN? i have done this before and that doesnt seem right. right now im editing the hosts file on the server machine.21:20
ikoniaarthur789: you don't have a dns service for your internal lan21:21
ikoniaarthur789: editing the hostfile on the server is going to do nothin21:21
arthur789ikonia: i will stop messing with the hosts file then.21:21
arthur789ikonia: in the past, when things where set up correctly i could get to my server through the buffet.dlinkddns.com while connected to the wifi router21:23
arthur789ikonia: things went bad and now im trying to re-set-up and this is being a headache21:23
arthur789ikonia: this is what i have been googling, mainly 'ddns not working inside network'21:27
ikoniaarthur789: it's totally possible, but it's awkward to use an external dns service to resolve internal addresses21:32
ikoniaarthur789: as you're advertising private addresses that are probably going to be dynamically allocated from a private source (your internal router) to a public service21:32
arthur789ikonia: well, i dunno what i did in the past, but i could do what i am speaking of. editing the hostfile seems familiar... even though you say it has no effect....21:34
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arthur789ikonia: thanks for your help, i need a reboot21:45
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arthur789hi all. in the past i have been able to access a single machine behind a wifi router no matter if i was away from the LAN at a friends or at home, on the LAN by using my dynamic dns. the computer went south and i am on a fresh install of server 12.04. for some reason i cannot get this going again. ikonia tried to help, but im sure i edited the /etc/hosts file in the past. either way im pretty sure i need to edit a file because my rout23:02
hamnstararthur789: you likely need to poke a hole in your routers built-in firewall.  Any previous rules might have been associated to a past (DHCP?) IP of the previous install23:21
arthur789hamnstar: thanks for the response, this is a new router too. there is no firewall setup on the routers config page.23:37
hamnstararthur789, any port forwarding settings?23:38
hamnstaron the router23:38
arthur789hamnstar: yes, three. all can be seen on canyouseeme. all can be accessed via say cell phone on 4g. but once im home and on wifi i must use the local ip23:40
hamnstarohhh yeah routers dont like routing "out" and back "in"23:41
hamnstaryou could use a hosts file on your LAN devices to get around that?  is that what you had going on before?23:41
arthur789im pretty sure. when i came in here before asking about esiting it someone else didnt think that was correct. im not sure how to config the /etc/hosts file.23:46
* gholms does exactly that "out and back in" routing all the time, is now confused23:49
arthur789i think the hosts file needs work, from the googling i did23:49
hamnstargholms: looks like i dont recall correctly then... i think some routers might prevent routing a LAN address to wAN and back into LAN to prevent cyclic routing??23:51
arthur789gholms: i think its cause my router isnt advanced enough? missing some technology.23:51
hamnstararthur789, /etc/hosts would statically map the dynamic dns name to a LAN ip... so as soon as you're off your lan, you would lose ability to contact again23:52
arthur789when i google dyndns not working inside network i get most results refering to hosts file, im just too noob to know what to put23:52
hamnstarbut would work in the home :P23:52
hamnstaryeah from some googling it looks like some routers do not handle "out and back in" aka "loopback NAT"23:54
arthur789i have connectbot on my phone. previously, i could ude the same preset no matter where i was or what network i was on. thats my end goal23:54
gholmshamnstar: Could be.  What I end up with is traffic going to the public IP on the router regardless of which interface it's coming from and getting forwarded to the appropriate box.23:54
gholmsBut maybe the router needs some sort of magic to make that work or something.23:55
arthur789hamnstar: correct, and from my understanding that means the hosts file needs edit23:55
arthur789gholms: got any extra magic laying around?23:55
gholmsarthur789: Not if you need something that'll work on linux.  :(23:55
hamnstararthur789: a more elegant solution would be to set up a dns on your local lan.... quite a bit more involved23:56
arthur789hamnstar: well, i can barley handle the easy stuff. but im up for it.23:56
hamnstararthur789, using the hosts file will always resolve the name of the server to the same ip.... which is not what you want, as you need a local lan address when on your lan, and your routers publicly routable ip when off your home network23:57
jrwrenwhat? no mdns love?23:58
hamnstarI can't help you too much in setting up a DNS server... but, what you can basically do is set your primary DNS to a local dns server (managed by you) and secondary DNS to your ISP/preferred DNS server23:58
arthur789wow. i cant belive i ever had it working23:58
hamnstarI'm gonna guess your old router handled the "loopback NAT" stuff that some routers do not23:59
arthur789well, i thought i upgraded. guess i need to get my old one back23:59

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