=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam [00:25] hi there [00:49] is there any wiki containing the documentation for ubuntu touch [01:20] lool: oh, geez. I suppose it will be easy to fix once we get an icon. [01:41] hi I have been able to replace ubuntu touch kernel with my onw kernel yay! [01:53] mfisch: hey, i'm back for a bit === Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo [02:37] barry: still back? now I'm back [02:37] mfisch: for a little bit [02:37] tinti: there is a wiki, wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch [02:38] barry: well lets just chat tomorrow, I think I have a way to do what I want without changing the updater code [02:38] mfisch: cool. i'm around all day tomorrow so feel free to ping me [02:39] barry: sure [02:41] mfisch: thanks I will follow it :) [02:48] I was able to install ubuntu touch on my phone, but it boots with a black screen, i could `adb shell` on it, and it seems that it doesn't mount the drives cause there's no fstab, and just stops there, what can i do ? [02:55] coalwater: ubuntu touch runs adb? [02:55] I thought it was only meant for android [02:55] coalwater: are you able to do adb shell? [02:57] tinti: yea, it starts a busybox, with an ubuntu version in the welcome message [02:57] with some initramfs? [02:57] "BusyBox v1.20.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.20.0-8.1ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) [02:58] oh no [02:58] over adb right [02:58] yea [02:58] what does mount gives you? [02:58] only basic stuff [02:58] let me get it [02:58] look this post should answer most of ur basic questions http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=45751765&postcount=112 [03:00] can you check your /proc/cmdline [03:00] maybe you are booting on the wrong partition [03:00] 1 sec [03:01] console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom androidboot.emmc=true hw=6 [03:06] tinti: sorry disconnected for a sec there, did you get the cmdline ? [03:08] cat /proc/cmdline [03:09] my on ubuntu touch I was booting in mmc1 and it should be mmc2 [03:12] tinti: ok i guess that [03:12] that's a no, console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.battchg_pause=true hw=6 [03:13] you should have a root=/dev/something no? [03:13] tinti: in what? cmdline ? [03:14] yes [03:14] I think [03:14] no idea, don't really know what that file is for [03:16] anyway, can i mount stuff manually and continue the boot somehow ? === fenris-_ is now known as ejat [03:21] dunno [03:23] tinti: ok, thanks :D [05:47] morning === iahmad is now known as iahmad|afk [06:39] good morning === _5m0k3 is now known as wellsb === bob is now known as Guest46099 === Guest46099 is now known as b0bben === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away [07:44] lool, hi, I'm not sure what the current protocol is, but do you mind if I upload alsa-lib and pulseaudio to fix audio on Nexus 10 ? [07:44] (and I actually need sponsoring from ogra or someone else for alsa-lib) [07:50] diwic: hold on, OTP [07:51] diwic: you need a landing ask for this [07:56] diwic: do you have bug ids or branches or debdiffs somewhere? [07:56] lool, branches, yes [07:57] lool, but I'd like to have a final look at them before upload. Just checking the procedures with you first [07:58] lool, anyway, the changes should be very low-regression for other devices than N10 [08:00] Maliit and Unity8 are dying over and over with "Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config" [08:01] I'm not sure what this config is or where it should go [08:01] I have checked and the libraries are in place and the kernel modules are loaded [08:04] diwic: ack, cool [08:05] diwic: added as last row of https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=1 [08:05] diwic: in landing asks [08:06] diwic: I'd like to get it in fast, what we need next are details of the debdiff/bzr branches, a reviewer, lists of tests you have run and that should be run once these are landed in an image [08:06] diwic: when that's ready, it can go in quickly [08:06] since it's a low risk change [08:09] ogra: Hey, any thoughts oh what to do for "Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config" in maliit and unity? I think I am really close to having this thing working [08:10] lool, ok, let's start with alsa-lib then: branch: lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/alsa-lib/ubuntu [08:10] lool, tests; I don't have a N10 unfortunately, but it was working on the sprint last week when I had access to one === JamesTait is now known as Guest95192 [08:11] lool, suggested test; not much really, it depends on the PulseAudio change too, to have any significant effect [08:14] drachensun: make sure you have the boardconfig pointing to the correct egl.cfg, make sure you didn't screw with that... and make sure your vendor files have gone in. === Guest95192 is now known as JamesTait [08:14] then hug a capybara for luck [08:15] namidairo: Ok, where is the boardconfig? [08:15] in your device tree [08:16] asac: ogra tested 57 on mako, seems good. [08:17] Namidairo: Everything from Android is there, I took the egl.cfg file and copied it over the linux /etc too in case it was looking for that [08:17] all the EGL libraries should be in the Android container though right? [08:18] aye [08:18] I mean, arrrrrrrrr... [08:18] is it talk like a pirate day? [08:19] wow, I guess it is [08:20] diwic: would you mind staging binary packages of alsa-lib, either with ~ppa or with the target version number in the daily-build PPA? [08:20] diwic: and of pulseaudio [08:20] diwic: or in your own PPA [08:21] diwic: In fact, I think this would be the easiest: create a PPA with them, upload them there, test the binaries by upgrading to them from an installed image on the devices where it's relevant, once the slot is open we copy the binary + source packages from that PPA to archive [08:22] ok, how can I run strace on maliit-server or unity? They want to crash before my real problem because I'm on them over adb [08:22] lool, "test the binaries by upgrading to them from an installed image on the devices where it's relevant" <- I can't do this myself [08:22] because I don't have an N10 [08:23] is there a way to direct them to the right display from the prompt? [08:23] in nemo seems like I could pull display:=0 [08:23] diwic: ok, prepare the binaries and get someone to test them I guess :-) [08:24] diwic: and you probably want to test on the device you have to see they don't cause a regression [08:24] diwic: sorry, this is all a bit heavy but we're trying to have super precise testing of the binaries that will be copied to the image [08:24] popey, great, i'll test in ~1h ... landing meeting first [08:25] cool [08:25] bah [08:25] not all tests did run on mako [08:26] ah, unit8 it was [08:33] dbarth: just to confirm, cordova-ubuntu-2.8 and ubuntu-html5-theme were seeded in the *sdk* touch seed and not in the touch seed which is currently what goes in the image [08:33] dbarth: sdk is what's used to build the ubuntu-sdk meta package that people install on their machines [08:33] dbarth: we should fix this to have sdk-runtime, sdk dependency on sdk-runtime, and sdk-runtime pulled on image [08:33] dbarth: but anyway currently unseeded in images [08:40] jdstrand, so daker uploaded his app rad.io again with "architecture": "armhf" in the manifest, still the review tool complains - do you know what to do? [08:40] dpm, ^ [08:49] dbarth: so we've missed unity-webapps-qml when publishing stuff for yesterday's image build [08:49] dbarth: how bad is it? [08:49] dbarth: could you tell me what's broken without it, and what we get by updating it? I think we could it today [08:50] dbarth: also, it seems no test failed despite this was missing, so it sounds like we miss tests :-) [08:52] lool, asac, you guys invited me to the "landing task force standup" to discuss moving the core apps to a staging PPA to prevent direct landings, but it seems the standup is not today but it was yesterday? I'm fine waiting for another week to discuss the changes, but perhaps this might be more urgent for you guys? [08:53] dpm: it was today too, not sure why you're not there [08:53] dpm: hold on, pinging asac [08:53] I only got the invite for the yesterday one [08:54] dpm: ok, asac moving the invite to a shared calendar and adding your for monday [08:54] best not to discuss possible new infra changes on friday, we'll have forgotten by monday ;-) [08:55] lool, sounds sensible, thanks :) [08:57] lool: just reading [08:57] lool: unity-webapps-qml is not in the image? or the new version [08:58] lool: unity-webapps-qml is required to run any of the new webapps we have in click [08:58] it's what contains our shell integration in particular [08:58] dbarth: the new verison isn't [08:58] ah, pfeww [08:59] dbarth: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/cu2d/results [08:59] hmm, so we miss support for the new flags that improve the experience [08:59] it doesn't break things, but would be nice to upload next [08:59] i'll add a line in the asks tab if you want [08:59] dbarth: that would be nice, thanks [09:00] dbarth: which autopilot covers this? (as in, if it passes we didn't break anything) [09:01] lool: that's what i need vrruiz to confirm; hang on [09:02] lool: unity-webapps-qml-autopilot; is that what you need as a ref? [09:02] or a job? [09:03] dbarth: yup, thanks [09:04] dbarth: it doesn't seem we run these now sadly http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4356/ [09:05] dbarth: is there any reason these shouldn't be run as part of image testing> [09:06] psivaa: around? [09:06] psivaa, plars: Would you mind checking where we run unity-webapps-qml-autopilot at merge time, and adding it to the image tests? [09:07] #hello [09:08] hi [09:08] do you have a youtube install video? [09:09] dbarth: if you have other autopilots for things that are in the image but aren't run in image testing or during upstream merging, please ping psivaa + plars and get them added :-) === Nick is now known as Nick|Zzz [09:12] lool, do you have a good suggestion for a PPA (or can you create one)? I just realized that if add one for myself, it is not armhf enabled === zsombi is now known as zsombi|afk === iahmad|afk is now known as iahmad [09:15] diwic: amanzi-team/testing perhaps? AIUI bfiller mentioned that it is used ad-hoc when armhf builds are needed [09:16] popey, hmm, amanzi-team looks like a very secret team to me (i e no access) [09:16] awwww [09:17] Mirv may have one secreted somewhere [09:17] popey, but maybe I can delete all packages in ppa:phablet-team/pulseaudio [09:17] diwic, arent you in canonical-arm-dev ? [09:17] there is a PPA [09:17] popey, the stuff in there is obsolete anyway [09:18] ogra, seems I'm not [09:19] ogra, there are no signs of that team in launchpad.net/~diwic/+participation [09:19] Namidairo: rules out my lxc-android rules didn't get copied right, so /dev/pvrsrvkm didn't have the right permissions [09:19] turns out I mean [09:19] ugh, its so late [09:20] but now just the sensor service seems to be holding things up [09:20] Saviq: hey! I've just MPed a small enhancement - https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity8/canned-queries/+merge/186594 [09:22] diwic, let me add you then :) [09:22] diwic, done [09:27] thanks [09:27] ogra, oh, that team...I think I let it expire like a while ago because I wasn't doing much arm stuff right then, and it caused a lot of build failure emails in my inbox [09:29] that PPA is useful [09:39] Saviq: hey [09:39] Saviq: are you awake or US timezone? [09:45] mpt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AboutThisDevice#phone-storage what is "Other files"? [09:45] mpt: Also can I display "Calculating" for all of the values while they're being worked out? [09:46] or a spinner or something [09:57] How do I un-install / remove a click package | http://askubuntu.com/q/347879 [10:04] asac i went ahead and updated the landing sheet last night, altho our mp for api change is still hung up on a ci failure for amd64 robert_ancell and i think it''d still be good to land what we have [10:05] kgunn: can you check if your stuff is already there: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/cu2d/results [10:05] ? [10:05] guess search for === mir === [10:05] and [10:05] === mirslave === [10:06] thats basically what is staged and ready for landing [10:07] tvoss: err... [10:07] tvoss: how do i install the music-hub? [10:07] i only see libs [10:07] guess thats a null op? [10:07] asac, yup, at least on trunk [10:07] asac, if you want to have an automatically starting executable, you have to wait for me to push out the upstart configuration [10:07] ok so its a null op [10:07] good [10:08] then we just punt it through [10:08] tvoss: i assume we need to see landings on qt etc. first? [10:08] right [10:08] dont bother [10:08] just wondered if i am missing something with this package [10:08] so close......... [10:08] E/SurfaceTextureClient( 2268): queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32 [10:08] E/IMGSRV ( 2268): :0: UnlockPostBuffer: Failed to queue buffer 0x4d5b0694 [10:08] asac, both in parallel would be best [10:08] asac, nope, from trunk, it's mostly an interface spec [10:09] kk [10:09] good that its in the archive though [10:09] I think its trying to show an image, everything in the adb and console looks like its running [10:09] but I'm getting nothing on the LCD [10:10] Morning all [10:11] asac: says it failed and gives possible reasons...is there a way to know details? [10:12] asac: nvmd...at least i see experiemental ppa has a i386 failure [10:12] kgunn: where are you looking at? what do i need to search for on that page? [10:13] asac: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/150875268/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.mir_0.0.10%2B13.10.20130920.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [10:13] should surfaceflinger be running a root? or system [10:15] kgunn: ok well.. those are your own build time tests from what i can see [10:16] asac: yep [10:21] hi, is there currently a bug open on mobile data connections not working on mako? [10:23] I guess I'm the only one who has gotten the surface texture error? [10:25] does anyone know if there's some kind of apparmor / security policy type thing required to access the phone's microphone now? HUD's voice input seems to have stopped working, and other commands like parec don't work either [10:26] pete-woods, parec should work. On what device? [10:28] oSoMoN: when can we get a replacement for this test_shoot_disable test? [10:28] oSoMoN: :) [10:28] i think omer was discussing that [10:29] asac: gusch, I guess that’s a question for you ^^ [10:31] asac: I recall seeing a discussion by e-mail about this failure, and interestingly it seems it’s failing earlier in the test than where the potential problem was [10:31] asac: which only confirms that this specific test really needs some love [10:31] oSoMoN: its a known bad test [10:32] so... please help so this problem goes away somehow :) [10:32] asac: yep, the question is how to turn it into a known good test [10:32] asac: will do, will coordinate with gush on this [10:32] right. it should be in your interest [10:32] your merge prooposals should fail all the time on camera [10:32] or 2 out of 3 [10:32] if we dont run the tests, we should do that to remind you :) [10:33] diwic: this is on a nexus 10, although I have reports it doesn't work on other devices [10:36] diwic: while paplay does not work, aplay does work [10:37] ogra: okay what's new in phablet tools today? It's like each day there is a new phablet-tools to install :D [10:40] asac oSoMoN I take a look at the test - I thought omer was takeing care [10:40] davmor2, only test improvements [10:40] gusch: yueah. just ended up bouncing again because of that [10:40] gusch: are you running those tests during merge? or were those disabled? [10:41] ogra: ah okay, 57 here we come [10:41] gusch: I added a couple of comments to the bug report (bug #1227373) [10:41] bug 1227373 in camera-app "test_capture.TestCapture.test_shoot_button_disable autopilot test failure" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1227373 [10:41] and I assigned it to you, too [10:42] asac: there is not a lot of development happening in camera-app (and not even from me) [10:47] pete-woods, I'm just working on the Nexus 10 today. If it weren't for the new uploading process, the fix would already be in. [10:48] pete-woods, it should work on the other three devices already (Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7). [10:48] popey: can I get a +1 for https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1228082 the bug from yesterday I forgot to file [10:48] Ubuntu bug 1228082 in camera-app "Maguro: Camera app seems to restart on app switching" [Undecided,New] [10:49] pete-woods, hey, btw, that makes you an excellent candidate for testing my stuff before it goes in. :-) [10:49] diwic: sounds good to me! [10:49] pete-woods, because I don't have a Nexus 10 here [10:49] * popey looks [10:52] pete-woods, if could you do that testing today, that would be great - just wait for alsa-lib and pulseaudio to finish building in the ppa, then use PA and alsa-lib from that ppa and confirm that it resolves the issues on Nexus 10 [10:52] ogra: I just got this Unable to open MTP device '[usb:003,009]' on the desktop [10:53] davmor2, hmm, that should be gone with my last changes [10:53] davmor2: done [10:53] davmor2, file a bug, seems we still have a race somewhere [10:54] diwic: which PPA? [10:55] ogra: this is image 57, and it wasn't shutting down it was firing back up, the nautilus window didn't open like it normally does I got that instead. /me hopes that all made sense but I will file a bug for you :) [10:55] popey: thanks [10:55] np [10:55] davmor2, yeah, gvfs gets insane if it finds an mtp device but no mtp server on the other end [10:56] since a normal user doesnt have the permissions to set the mtp property for the usb device it is a bit tricky to not have a race between the system job and session job for mtp [10:57] ogra: no worries, what am I filing the bug against by the way? [10:57] mtp [10:57] there s a source package with that name === zsombi|afk is now known as zsombi [10:58] i think we should move the property setting to a debus service [10:58] you can mentin that in the bug [10:58] *mention [10:58] pete-woods, ppa:phablet-team/pulseaudio [11:01] diwic: cool, thanks, will get on that! [11:03] ogra: apparently not https://bugs.launchpad.net/mtp [11:04] ogra: nevermind I found it [11:04] :) [11:06] pete-woods, the builds have not finished yet [11:06] diwic: I understand, arm build estimated 4 hours away :O [11:07] zsombi: hi! Is Jenkins still failing? === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [11:08] mardy: yep :( [11:08] zsombi: any ETA? Is someone working on it? [11:09] pete-woods,diwic: I can fix that [11:09] mardy: no ETA, QA works on it [11:09] cjwatson, many thanks [11:09] mardy: we have LOADS of MRs pending because of CI and autolanding [11:11] ogra: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mtp/+bug/1228090 tada [11:11] Ubuntu bug 1228090 in mtp (Ubuntu) "Maguro: On reboot post flash I got an error from mtp on the desktop" [Undecided,New] [11:12] diwic,pete-woods: should be starting shortly [11:14] ogra, not sure what you guys did, but I just realized how much the battery life on my nexus 4 has improved [11:14] * rickspencer3 assumes the power indicator is not crashed :) [11:15] rickspencer3, coincidence i think, we didnt specifically look at that :) [11:15] ogra, oh? I suspect folks systematically killed their power consuming bugs [11:16] yeah [11:16] I remember the CPU used to get pegged a lot more and stuff [11:16] we certainly have a few filed [11:16] now when I wake up in the morning, the battery indicator is still on full [11:17] popey, no update this morning? [11:17] I've been spoiled, used to updating every morning :) [11:18] rickspencer3: i have tested 57 already on mako, ogra have you tested on maguro? [11:19] hi, is Jenkins running? [11:19] m-b-o1: no, it's beoken [11:19] er, broken [11:19] Hi, would I be able to run Python and Lua/LOVE on Ubuntu Touch? [11:19] popey: okay. seriously broken? [11:20] m-b-o1: qa looking into it, I don't know how serious [11:20] diwic: there you go, building now [11:20] popey:okay, thanks. will wait :) [11:20] Extricated: python ships on the device, lua doesn't by default, love would need porting to mir I think? [11:20] we really must get buildd pooling done so we don't have to manually rebalance builders like this [11:21] Extricated: would be great to have Love2D on the phone! [11:21] popey: So it wouldn't just be as simple as sudo apt-get install love? [11:21] cjwatson, thanks [11:21] Extricated: i don't think so, it would install, but I suspect it would need X which we don't ship [11:21] popey: That's a shame, I was going to pick up a Nexus 10, had it been possible [11:22] Extricated: we should talk to love upstream [11:22] Extricated: would potentially be a great way to get some games on the platform, that's for sure [11:22] Yeah, it'd be pretty neat. Eventually, it'd be nice to see a Linux distro run just as it would on a desktop, but on a tablet [11:23] Extricated: looking at the package. looks like love2d depends on libgl / libsdl.. [11:24] so sdl would need porting I suspect [11:24] Damn, that's a shame [11:24] I'd really like to have a tablet which performs the same as a desktop [11:24] hello! https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/libsdl/sdl-mir-support [11:26] Extricated: I'll ask Brandon when he's about [11:26] popey: Thanks, appreciate it! [11:26] np [11:26] Saviq: oSoMoN: so this shoot_disable seems to not go green anymor [11:26] Saviq: oSoMoN: its the test preventing 100% [11:26] err [11:26] Saviq: sorry :) [11:27] om26er: ^^ [11:27] and in theory is preventing to release the awesome image with big rocks in it [11:28] asac, mind if I disable that test for now ? I am not sure what the solution thomi suggested that day. I could reduce one line of code and the test will still be pretty much working [11:28] asac, talking of big rocks, Mir as default does that mean ? :D [11:28] no [11:28] other big things :) [11:29] om26er: i dont know... just fix it :) if you dont listen for disable, then maybe rename it to something more reasoanble [11:29] i want a trade... something in for something out :-P [11:29] anyway ... qa team is somewhat monitoring where we drop tests etc. and should prioritize then accordingly afterwards [11:30] asac, working on that now [11:30] rickspencer3: you can install the Rad.io app now, the update has been pushed now [11:31] thanks daker, I'll try it now [11:32] hey daker, it worked perfectly :) [11:32] * rickspencer3 plays with app [11:32] rickspencer3: wow! [11:32] kexp! [11:32] daker, omg, this app is so cool [11:33] It's great isn't it? [11:33] :D glade you like it [11:34] * rickspencer3 hugs dakert [11:34] * rickspencer3 hugs daker [11:34] I can't believe I am listening to kexp on my phone [11:34] * daker hugs rickspencer3 back [11:34] i hope that the heroku instance will not get down, because i am on the limit of the number of rows on the DB [11:36] rickspencer3: i am also planing to add more features, like allowing you to favorite your stations, alarm and more [11:38] ooh, I like the sound of that [11:38] those are exactly the two features of TuneIn I used on iOS that I miss [11:38] :) [11:39] daker that sounds very cool [11:39] daker the app *looks* very nice as well [11:40] thanks, the assets are made by Lucas [11:44] om26er: https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/camera-app/camera-disable-unstable-test/+merge/186753 [11:45] gusch, that may not be enough. This test can fail at two points for me. at line 146 and 152 [11:45] better disable it. if a phone is fast like mako there is a bigger chance of failure since the photo is take more quickly and the button have less time to expose its state [11:46] om26er: check the diff ;) [11:48] rickspencer3: So you've just managed to install Rad.io from appstore? :-) [11:48] lool, "managed"? [11:48] rickspencer3: I tried, and I ran into what looks like the issue with the .desktop file [11:48] yeah, I clicked the button [11:48] rickspencer3: just right now [11:48] :) [11:49] lool, hmm, I had previously deleted the download service cache for it [11:49] I did that yesterday, maybe that's the x-factor? [11:49] rickspencer3: ah, you just ignored the error [11:49] if so, would be good to know [11:49] indeed it launches then [11:49] lool, no, I got no error this morning === edulix is now known as edulix2 [11:49] gusch, still: 47 +# self.assertThat(exposure_button.enabled, Eventually(Equals(False))) === edulix2 is now known as edulix [11:49] gusch, it fails there as well [11:49] did the .desktop file error give a full path to the file including the version, by any chance? [11:49] might want to check that it isn't an error with a still-installed old version [11:50] cjwatson: I definitely never installed this app and used --no-backup yesterday evening anyway [11:50] lool: rickspencer3, daker re-submitted the app and we let it through [11:50] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6132338/ is the .desktop file [11:51] popey: when was that? [11:51] this morning [11:51] lool: What's the error message? [11:51] cjwatson: I missed it unfortunately [11:51] cjwatson: looking for it in log [11:51] cjwatson: [unity-scope-click] - DEBUG: click-scope.vala:183: Error building preview: Error using keyfile com.ubuntu.developer.daker.rad-io_rad.io_0.2.desktop: No such file or directory [11:52] contents of /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/ ? [11:52] gusch, btw the branch says disable tests, while I don't see it disabling anything :p [11:52] om26er: did you check if it fails there? if yes, than that's a real bug [11:52] gusch, yep, like a few minutes ago [11:53] om26er: diff line 32 - 48 all the test is disabled [11:53] gusch, its racy, things sometimes are fast enough that autopilot does not handle that [11:53] cjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6132352/ [11:53] as com.ubuntu.developer.daker.rad-io_rad.io_0.2.desktop [11:53] lool: I meant a file listing [11:53] ok [11:54] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6132359/ [11:54] lool: plars: appear to be the job that's installing autopilot tests. but i dont see them *running. may be i a am missing something. [11:54] gusch, hah, ok,... I didn't see the #, sorry I was expected it to be @unittest.skip [11:54] loicm: fginther may be able to help [11:54] gusch, that would make more sense probably. I'll approve it if you want [11:55] om26er: what's @unittest.skip ? [11:55] lool: not sure I can explain that - do you know whether that error appeared before or after the package was installed? [11:55] om26er: sounds like a better way to disable that test [11:55] gusch, so you don't need to comment out the whole code, rather add that as a decorator over the test and it skips that gracefully [11:56] om26er: ok I'll update my MR ... [11:56] I guess that has to be on Open [11:57] cjwatson: it was when the click scope is installing the package [11:57] cjwatson: can give you the scope log if that helps [11:57] or look at file timestamps [11:58] I wish the scope's error message gave the full path it's opening [11:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/6132379/ [11:59] * cjwatson makes a branch for the above [12:01] om26er: ok - updated the MR [12:01] rickspencer3: are you able to hear anything from speakers ? [12:02] daker, I used the app wihtout headphones, if that's what you mean [12:02] and it worked just fine [12:02] rickspencer3: do you use the latest image ? [12:03] gusch, approved, will top approve once the CI runs [12:03] daker, I am on the latest blessed daily, yes [12:03] I updated yesterday [12:03] rickspencer3: ok because timppa isn't getting audio from the phone speakers [12:03] hmmm [12:04] maybe he has the phone muted? [12:04] anyway, all I can say is ... wfm ;) [12:06] gusch: I added a couple of comments to https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/camera-app/camera-disable-unstable-test/+merge/186753, which you might want to address === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:10] thostr_: Ok, I finally found enough time to understand the upstart jobs for "legacy" vs. click applications / .desktop files; now two questions 1) can you confirm why we need this for legacy? my understanding is that it allows us to e.g. start a single music-app instead of launching multiple ones, indeed I see two if I tab a file mutliple times 2) how is uniqueness of click instances guaranteed? [12:10] thostr_: I have some detail questions for Ted when he's around, but not particularly blocking [12:13] Interestingly the sound died on the music player app also [12:13] Note to self: Two questions for Ted: 1) why do we need to handle the case where desktop-single is missing? 2) why did we use upstart events to trigger start rather than just using start? [12:13] I tried to reboot the phone but no effect [12:13] It did work earlier today === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch [12:15] lool: noted your questions. [12:19] om26er: its not going away :) [12:20] 11 times ... fail [12:20] wow [12:20] can you give me a fix so i can ack this image regardless? [12:22] thostr_: hmm the stop thing also seems slighlty too brutal; I wonder whether we could grep the .desktop for % to decide whether to kill; we can revisit this, but that means that if you open the browser, switch to another app, then open the browser again you lose open tabs [12:23] thostr_: that said, webbrowser-app uses %u too :-) but I [12:23] lool: sure. but overall question here is, how much do we want to invest in that workaround [12:23] thostr_: well I dont want to degrade the webbrowser experience for a hack for the music experience [12:23] thostr_: we could e.g. hardcode music + mediaplayer app for the hack [12:23] asac, the branch is proposed by gusch the problem should not happen anymore [12:24] lool: yes, that's a possibiltiy [12:24] asac, https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/camera-app/camera-disable-unstable-test/+merge/186753 [12:24] ted should be here in 30 minutes or so [12:24] asac, debs will be ready in a few minutes [12:25] thostr_: I think I need to discuss the kill thing with ted some more; I would think the single instance for legacy apps stuff can land though [12:25] thostr_: but I dont see the changes to the .desktop files [12:26] om26er: amazing [12:26] if that thing works, i am happy to get the build through for these [12:26] * asac adds a landing ask to ensure we double check that this is in next batch [12:26] lool: e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/gallery-app/single-instance/+merge/186611 [12:27] asac: ogra we pushing 57? [12:27] popey, i think we were waiting for inspection of a test crasher [12:27] lool: seems something with jenkins as this change shouldn't trigger any build issues... "Re-approving after resolving jenkins issues." [12:28] popey: waiting for unity team to get me an assessment of the reproducible unity crashes [12:28] k [12:28] popey: if i am sure that they are fixed on trunk and understood i am happy to get it out [12:28] thostr_: ok [12:28] popey: can you tell me if its dogfoodable? e.g. not crashy? the crashes happen 100% of time in automation when running unity8 autopilots [12:28] asac, i tested lightdm on 57 [12:28] popey: use unity a bit more extensive maybe.. just to see if it goes down [12:28] my unity tests went through [12:29] thostr_: So I've tested the single instance + kill stuff; I dont have single instance in the music-app (not in CI) so it launches a bunch of time [12:29] k [12:29] ogra: no crash frile? the test are ok in automation too [12:29] which is odd cause it's supposed to default to false, I dont get it [12:29] ogra: just settle fails at the end and we have crash files [12:29] asac, let me check for a .crash file [12:29] ogra: check /var/crash [12:30] asac, oh, there was one ... sadly my device just rebooted (flashing at the same time as i was looking) [12:30] lool: seems that ted simply forgot the music-app... let me check [12:30] the tests finished anyway though ... and i'm not sure if it was created during the test run or i.e. at startup of the session [12:31] thostr_: did you fill in "Not sure why some app fail or report unstable"? where did you see this behavior? [12:32] thostr_: home-scope is yours? we see crashes: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4356/unity8-autopilot/ [12:32] thostr_: thats in 57 ... maybe thats fixed in latest [12:32] but please check [12:32] asac: already taking care of taht [12:32] ah cool [12:33] thostr_: is this affecting dogfoodability? [12:33] i lost my backlog... what was the bugid? [12:33] got it [12:33] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1228097 [12:33] Ubuntu bug 1228097 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 and home scope crashes in automation in build 57" [Undecided,New] [12:34] lool: yes, i added that. check e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/notes-app/single-instance/+merge/186618 [12:34] thostr_: the url-dispatcher stuff seems unrelated [12:35] thostr_: it seems to be to report bad URLs [12:35] thostr_: can you put an assessment of impact on dogfoodability once you know more in the bug? also about whjether its already fixed in trunk and if not, what the current thinking is? [12:36] asac: yes [12:37] thostr_: will check in 20 minutes :) [12:37] 3pm would be nice to have decision on build 57 [12:38] thostr_: so we're about to do another build, but with the merging issues, the number of packages to land, the number of open questions I dont think I'm confortable pulling all of the packages (*-app + url-dispatcher + upstart-app-launch) right now; we erroneously copied upstart-app-launch with just the keyfile handling in the archive yesterday evening (after building the image), so I think I might try to land just that since it's probably harmless; [12:39] lool: I think we should be good if you just land url-dispatcher [12:40] upstart-app-launch has the rude kill in it [12:41] thostr_: Actually we have a version in saucy that has only the singleton key change, not the kill [12:42] ok, good [12:42] asac: how can we reproduce build 57? [12:42] thostr_: I don't understand the url-dispatcher thing enough to give it a go; it seems like an orthogonal bugfix to what we're doing and I don't really know how to make sure it works as intended [12:42] cjwatson: can we talk about your fix for bug #1227604? [12:42] bug 1227604 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "Boot speed is significantly affected by installing apps" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1227604 [12:42] asac: the logs are not very enlightning [12:42] asac: not managed to crash it yet [12:42] thostr_: just install daily-proposed channel [12:42] cjwatson: I saw your comment and glance at your trunk commit messages [12:43] asac: thanks [12:43] popey: can you help thostr_ to install 57 and make it writeable? === jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp [12:43] thostr_: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel daily-proposed --no-backup [12:44] thostr_: adb shell touch /userdata/.writable_image [12:44] jdstrand: sure [12:44] thostr_: adb reboot [12:44] done [12:44] popey: thanks [12:44] np [12:44] cjwatson: I was thinking I could rely on your upstart job instead of needing stgraber to add a first boot hook for when apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu changes [12:45] cjwatson: but it isn't clear (to me) from the commit if that is true [12:45] s/is true/is something I can rely on/ [12:45] jdstrand: So you need to look at both r265 and r267 to understand this [12:46] jdstrand: After a bit of thought I decided to guarantee that the Exec command is always run once per hook even if click doesn't think anything changed, because the hook might think something had changed [12:46] jdstrand: So your hook will always be run at boot via "click hook run-system" (I think this was generally true before as well) [12:46] (previously called "click hook install-system") [12:47] cjwatson: right, it was before, I wasn't sure if it still was going to be. it is, so that is perfect :) [12:47] jdstrand: As long as your hook notices that easyprof has changed, you can use that to do the work, yes [12:47] it will [12:47] I'll triple check that, but that is exactly what I wanted to happen. great! :) [12:48] The main difference is that previously the hook would be called (number of installed apps) times rather than once [12:48] ah [12:48] now all your commit comments make perfect sense [12:49] The "don't run its associated Exec command" is in the case where you install an app; this shouldn't actually generally happen, it was more in the nature of internal cleanup, but maybe the case of installing an app over itself [12:50] I guess I could be persuaded to change my mind on that [12:50] We should probably run the hook anyway, thinking about it [12:50] Oh, and in fact we now do following another rearrangement, so my commit message there is now wrong [12:50] I'll edit the changelog [12:51] jdstrand: hopefully debian/changelog as of r270 makes more sense [12:53] sforshee, hello :) [12:53] is there a way to interact with powerd from python ? [12:54] maybe extract some states of the device through powerd [12:54] thostr_: FYI: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart-app-launch/+bug/1228125 [12:54] Ubuntu bug 1228125 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "--file= breaks with spaces and single quotes in filename" [High,New] [12:55] thostr_: also, is it known that I have to search for something on the music lense for music to appear there? It seems mediascanner/mediscanner results only update once I do a search [12:55] * popey goes to get new tyres.. back in a bit === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:55] lool: yes, that's known and we're working on a fix [12:58] lool: the spacing one is a bad one... will take care of it === pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski [12:59] thostr_: Yeah; TBH I suspected it from the time of the fix where I saw the exec line was a single line joined with space -- saw no escaping there [13:00] lool: IIRC ted "fixed" the spacing the other day :( [13:00] jdstrand: (this is all landing ask 69, awaiting feedback) [13:00] thostr_: It might be fixed for URLs though, since I did see some %20o [13:00] Changed in unity8 (Ubuntu): [13:00] importance: Undecided → Critical [13:00] ups [13:00] that was a bad paste [13:00] thostr_: I saw some %20 for URLs [13:01] cjwatson: yes, very clear [13:01] lool: but it should still be check if the url is valid or properly escaped before splitting it up === jfunk is now known as jfunk-otp === boiko_ is now known as boiko [13:05] popey, 201230919/57 released, mind mailing the avengers ? [13:05] Hi. Is there a way to start a web browser on Ubuntu Touch from the command line? (Or as auto-start app?) [13:06] * rickspencer3 clicks Download button [13:07] ogra, popey, (this is for everyone, but ... ) you guys are rocking it, I love getting a new image sans regressions each day :) [13:08] :) [13:10] lool, I'm a bit confused on bug 1228125, do you think we need to put '--file="%u"' in the Exec line? [13:10] bug 1228125 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "--file= breaks with spaces and single quotes in filename" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1228125 [13:12] ogra: am fk [13:13] er afk [13:13] asac, can you mail avengers then ? [13:13] ogra: sure [13:13] can do in 30 mins [13:13] or that [13:13] popey: thats good enough [13:13] yay irc from phone ☻ === Nick|Zzz is now known as Nick [13:17] asac, here now [13:18] cyphermox: is there anything I need to do to this phone for the call after? Currently it has a clean non-functioning 3g from todays 57 image, Do I need to reinstall your modded nm or anything? [13:18] asac, ah, no me, then [13:18] asac, unping [13:18] Saviq: not sure. its a crash in unity8 [13:18] Saviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1228097 [13:18] Ubuntu bug 1228097 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 and home scope crashes in automation in build 57" [Critical,New] [13:18] * popey updates to 57 over 3g [13:18] it might be gone with everything updated [13:19] davmor2: the NM version I sent you shouldn't be affecting phone calls [13:20] davmor2: ah, sorry, I had a parse error [13:20] davmor2: just reinstall the same NM version and reproduce the problem, and we'll discuss it then [13:20] cyphermox: no worries will do :) [13:22] tedg: no, the arg passed to the app should be "--file=/xyz/foo bar.mp3" not "--file=/xyz/foo" "bar.mp3" [13:22] hey lool so I just updated to 57 and I still am having 2 of the icons for many/most apps [13:23] lool, Correct, so the Exec line should be "--file="%f"" not "--file=%f" [13:23] alecu, ralsina: ^ [13:24] tedg: ok, fair enough, can you move it back to music-app? [13:24] lool, Yup, I'll write that comment as well. [13:26] cjwatson: ^ rick sees two icons for installed lcicks [13:26] lool, what should I check to debug? [13:26] rickspencer3: ! [13:26] cjwatson: I wonder whether it might be due to .desktop files persisting [13:26] rickspencer3: first, click list from shell as phablet user, this should list only one app [13:26] rickspencer3: then ls .local/share/applications/ [13:27] rickspencer3: I suspect what happened is that clicks from previous image runs are still listed there, were not removed as you updated [13:27] Guys out of interest is there a reason we are not using one folder and one file name format for the . files that change the system? [13:27] lool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6132659/ [13:27] com.ubuntu.developer.daker.rad-io 0.2 [13:27] com.ubuntu.developer.daker.rad.io 0.1 [13:28] that's bad [13:28] cjwatson: ^ [13:28] lool: ya [13:28] lool, well, that one is only listed once in the scope [13:29] rickspencer3: right, I dont think it relates to the bug you're seeing, but it's still bad; we had a bug in the .desktop parsing of this file that caused this weird situation [13:29] rickspencer3: ls .local/share/applications/ ? [13:29] that's requested, i was told to changed the namespace from rad.io to rad-io [13:29] to [13:29] ralsina, lool does click list --manifest look right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6132668/ [13:29] oh - versus . [13:29] that's goo [13:29] good [13:30] I only see the apps in there once [13:30] yup [13:30] is there some way I can comfirm that I got the updates scopes code with 57? [13:30] rickspencer3: which one you see duplicated? We could search for .desktop files for it in your fs [13:31] ralsina, most of them are duplicated [13:31] dpkg -l unity-lens-applications [13:31] dpkg -l unity-lens-applications | cat [13:31] or it will be truncated [13:31] I can list it, but it would be easier to list the ones that aren't duplicated [13:31] rickspencer3: we can try to track down one at random [13:31] lool, 7.1.0+13.10.20130903.1-0ubuntu1 [13:32] am I imagening that this basically says I have the version from September 3rd? [13:33] rickspencer3: hmm odd, it's not in the image [13:33] looks lke it [13:33] so, something went very wrong somewhere along the pipeline :) [13:33] bfiller, popey, can I get one of you guys to ack this: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/music-app/spaces-in-filename/+merge/186799 [13:34] lool, is there some way to look at 57 on the server and see what version is in there? [13:34] rickspencer3: yes, and the right version is *not* there [13:34] ok [13:34] I dont get why it works for me now though [13:34] WTF [13:34] sooo ... that explains it my phne :) [13:34] lool, you are an rw? [13:34] no [13:34] weird [13:34] I also have 7.1.0+13.10.20130903.1-0ubuntu1 [13:35] uh === jfunk-otp is now known as jfunk [13:35] but we want 7.1.0+13.10.20130919.3-0ubuntu2 [13:35] I don't get why it's not in [13:35] Is Ubuntu Phone ready to use? | http://askubuntu.com/q/347943 [13:35] rickspencer3, alecu, ralsina: So anyway, my bad: I thought it was in the image and it dind't make it [13:35] no reason to panic, I am sure it was just a small hicup in the line somewhere [13:35] will be in next image [13:35] lool, no worries [13:35] maybe we'll get one today [13:35] lool: yeah, that landing was tricky enough [13:36] ralsina, can you please do me a favor? [13:36] rickspencer3: sure [13:36] do you have access to a phone with the right version of the scope installed? [13:36] rickspencer3: a tablet, but yes, in ~20 minutes I will [13:36] ralsina, ok, tablet is probably fine [13:37] could you please grab a screen shot of the preview for a click app and a screen shot of the preview for a deb app and post links here? [13:37] tedg: approved, but for some reason can't top approve [13:37] rickspencer3: sure [13:38] rickspencer3: unless the current flashing I am doing breaks stuff, should have it in 30 minutes or so [13:38] thanks ralsina [13:39] plars: did you see the ping about adding new autopilot tests? [13:39] plars: for webapps [13:40] ralsina: you must have a phone [13:40] lool: I did, I'll take a look at those. I'll try them locally and get them added if they seem to work ok [13:40] ralsina: the tablet might have lots of issues [13:40] :) [13:40] asac: buying them in .ar is nearly impossible, I am getting one at the next sprint though [13:40] we dont knwo because we dont drive that [13:40] yeah [13:40] ok [13:41] alecu has one at least [13:41] right. then he is your man :) [13:41] lool: we also have some ui-toolkit tests to add, if they are stable now. They were not the last time I tried them [13:41] plars: ok thanks === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [13:45] lool: would saucy-proposed have the updated scope? Or perhaps devel-proposed? [13:48] ralsina: it's in saucy [13:48] ralsina: next image will have it [13:49] * popey returns [13:49] ralsina: it missed the image by some minutes due to me miswaiting on the wrong publisher run [13:49] lool: I ask because I just brokee my tablet and need to reflash it so if it's on any channel I can do what rick asked. If not I have to install manualy (no problem either way) [13:50] bfiller, Thanks! Is there a reason you didn't top approve? I can fix it if you just forgot. [13:50] bfiller, Hah, missed the ping. [13:50] it's not showing up for me for some reason [13:50] bfiller, I can (not sure why I could and you couldn't) but I'll just do it. [13:50] ack [13:50] bfiller, Hmm, I can only set it to "merged" [13:51] popey, Can you top approve this? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/music-app/spaces-in-filename/+merge/186799 [13:51] tedg: one mo.. [13:52] It seems a bit odd that I can say it was merged but not approved. [13:52] ralsina: it's going to be in the -proposed channel a bit later today [13:52] ralsina: or you can use either channel and then add the package from saucy [13:53] asac: mail sent [13:54] tedg: done [13:54] popey, Thanks! I think bfiller may want to be in the appropriate group there as well. [13:55] popey: awesome [13:55] In case there's a Dr. Who marathon or something where you become incapacitated. [13:55] ;-) [13:56] Don't make me get my sonic out! [13:56] dbarth: can you confirm the change for cordova-ubuntu-2.8 [13:56] ubuntu-html5-theme [13:56] dbarth: just pull these two in the image? [13:57] plars: could you prioritize adding unity-webapps-qml-autopilot so that I'm confortable updating unity-webapps-qml? :-) [13:57] plars: the other one that needs adding is the cordova one, but you need to add cordova packages for this one [13:58] lool: I'll start working on it right after this meeting - in the meantime, could we just run it by hand on the current image? === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [14:00] plars: yes === kRONOS is now known as Guest9132 [14:02] davmor2, cyphermox, ping [14:02] just finishing a call, you guys on the hangout already? [14:03] hey ;) after i flashed ubuntu touch on my lg optimus g ( e975 ) all works, appart of cellular line, back camera and going on system update, he show's me one new, but after clicking on download all blocks, any suggestions? [14:08] barry, ping [14:08] mandel: pong [14:10] Cimi, you were blocked on the OOBE setup due to a missing panel right? [14:12] bfiller: wow that was quick [14:16] dbarth, plars: /!\ cordova testsuite doesn't pass for me [14:17] nice work on 57 you guys [14:17] lool: I had to do some childcare. It looks to me as though this is mostly explained by the changed app namespace and maybe the app scope hasn't been fixed yet [14:17] * rickspencer3 hugs music lens [14:18] lool: ok [14:18] hang on [14:18] dbarth: filed [14:18] cjwatson, if you are referring to the duplicate application entries, lool tracked it down to the new app scope not being in 57 yet [14:18] dbarth: looks like missing dep on gcc [14:18] if you are referring to something, excuse the interruption ;) [14:18] dbarth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cordova-ubuntu/+bug/1228170 [14:18] Ubuntu bug 1228170 in cordova-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "autopilot testsuite doens't pass" [Undecided,New] [14:19] is ubuntu on nexus 4 generally stable enough for primary phone use? [14:19] is there a status page somewhere, describing what works and what doesn't? [14:19] (as I've seen for other devices.. just can't seem to find it for mako) [14:19] lool: ok [14:20] rickspencer3: Sounds right, thanks [14:22] jrr, it has glitches here and there (less every upgrade now) but its fully usable as daily driver i'd say [14:23] ogra: thanks, I'll give it a shot this afternoon === Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc [14:26] jdstrand: so, renato investigated the contactlist accessing telepathy thing, and it turns out it is caused by a temporary workaround we have for switching from/to the address-book-app [14:26] jdstrand: it is going to be fixed once the URI handling is complete (and apps get ported to use it) [14:26] jrr, my only phone is a nexus 4 running Ubuntu touch [14:26] my current issues are pretty minor [14:26] boiko: awesome, thanks! :) [14:26] occasionally have to restart because unity won't let me swipe [14:27] and I have to sometimes restart network manager from the terminal to get 3g to start working, though I think that might be fixed really soon [14:27] other than that, as ogra says, there are some glitchy things, but nothing that blocks me [14:28] dbarth: Ah: creating surface at (0, 58) with size (768, 1222) with title 'qmlscene: cordovaView'file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/CordovaUbuntu.2.8/CordovaViewInternal.qml:2:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtWebKit": Cannot load library /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/QtWebKit/libqmlwebkitplugin.so: (libgstvideo-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) [14:28] dbarth: this might relate to new webkit backport [14:29] I do have a libgstvideo-1.0.so.0 [14:29] but it's not an ELF dep of/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/QtWebKit/libqmlwebkitplugin.so [14:29] aha [14:29] /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgstvideo-1.0.so.0: broken symbolic link to `libgstvideo-1.0.so.0.104.0' [14:30] that's very odd [14:32] barry: pmcgowan has some upgrade issue and is filing a bug with verbose log [14:32] awe_, cyphermox: script still running browser displaying home page each time [14:32] I'll stop at 10 [14:33] ack [14:33] cyphermox: the connections seems snappier too but that might just be me [14:34] lool: Looks OK in the package [14:34] -rw-r--r-- root/root 196404 2013-09-09 16:31 ./usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgstvideo-1.0.so.0.104.0 [14:34] lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2013-09-09 16:31 ./usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgstvideo-1.0.so.0 -> libgstvideo-1.0.so.0.104.0 [14:34] lool: ok [14:35] lool: that's another one [14:35] cjwatson: I wonder if it's something to do with mounting read-write and missing stuff if you reboot after heavy writes [14:36] lool: but there seems to be an issue with qtcontact symbols as well [14:36] * cjwatson raises the "software engineer assumes that the filesystem works" flag [14:36] mterry, y [14:37] well I guess we need someone to repro [14:37] Cimi, which panel are you missing? Can I help yell at someone to get that closer to being landed? [14:40] awe_: cyphermox: 10 out of 10, and the home page loaded each time on top of the scripts test :) I'd say that was provisionally fixed congratulations. I'll give it a test in different loacations over the weekend and ensure it stays connected and get back to you Monday with a report but it's looking good so far :) [14:41] davmor2, awesome! [14:41] davmor2: thanks! [14:42] mterry, wifi [14:42] Cimi, can we land the rest of it? [14:42] mterry, yeah why not [14:42] I'd like to get some wider testing [14:42] mterry, actually I need a toggle for the sim card [14:42] dbarth: yeah just ignore the gst one [14:42] dbarth: seems to be local corruption; reinstalling that package and the tests are running ... now sure how long they last [14:43] Cimi, hm? a backend ofono toggle or some widgets to share with system-setting? [14:43] mterry, toggle I mean, a way to check if the simcard is present or not [14:43] awe_, ^ do we have an API for that? [14:43] mterry, if it's not present, I'll show the no sim card page [14:44] Cimi, still, could land rest of it :) [14:44] mterry, depends... yes there's an API for that, but is this from an app or a core system component? [14:44] I'm trying to get the boot looking more like it will in final [14:45] awe_, this is for OOBE setup [14:45] mterry, try the wizard and let me know... [14:46] mterry, ofono exposes an interface called SimManager [14:46] Cimi, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/ubuntu-system-settings/welcome-wizard/+merge/180105 ? [14:46] you can see the properties exposed by running /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems [14:46] Cimi, ^ have you looked at SimManager for the sim stuff? [14:46] mterry, yes [14:46] there's a 'Present' that is set to 1 if a SIM is inserted [14:47] Cimi, ^^ [14:47] rickspencer3: I destroyed my tablet (not even booting) so I can't deliver you the screenshots, alecu will do them in ~1 hour when he comes back from some errands, sorry [14:47] awe_, I'll have a look [14:47] Cimi, /opt/wizard/bin/wizard o.O [14:48] ralsina, oops [14:48] rickspencer3: it happens :-) [14:48] mterry, so, it's not integrated yet [14:48] ralsina, let me ask you this ... do you expect the previews to be different than what I am seeing on 57? [14:48] mterry, we need to find a place to install it [14:48] rickspencer3: actually, no [14:48] rickspencer3: they should look the same [14:48] ralsina, so ... the previews seem fine to me [14:49] ralsina, is there a problem with the previews for deb apps the way they are on 57? [14:49] rickspencer3: yes, they are just inconsistent, no big deal IMHO [14:49] Cimi, OK, will play with your branch a little today, think about how to integrate a bit [14:49] rickspencer3: thostr wanted to discuss them because of where they get the data from [14:49] rickspencer3: I am not really familiar with how the deb preview works [14:49] hmm, they look exactly the same to me [14:49] mterry, push to ~unity-team? [14:50] Cimi, if I have some changes, maybe. Or maybe I'll propose into your branch. We'll see how big any possible change is :) [14:50] rickspencer3: you could be seeing the deb preview even for click apps because of the duped icons [14:51] rickspencer3: try longpressing the OTHER repeated icon ;-) [14:51] ralsina, ok, I see [14:52] the click apps have "uninstall" and "pin to launcher" [14:52] oh, and the app icon [14:52] ralsina, does uninstall work? [14:52] * rickspencer3 tries [14:52] rickspencer3: nope [14:52] rickspencer3: mid-next-week it could [14:53] ralsina, ok [14:53] ralsina: Is that already in progress or do you need help with it? [14:53] cjwatson: it's just that we are doing some bugfixing first [14:53] I guess the main problem is getting hold of the annoying PK ID [14:53] cjwatson: I don't expect it to be complicated really [14:55] I'm about half-tempted to JFDI, but we'll see if I have time :) [14:55] cjwatson: haha can I do anything to tempt you further? ;-) [14:56] invent a teleporter and teleport me beer? :) [14:56] cjwatson: give me coordinates and I will make it happen. [14:56] you may have to answer the doorbell, tho [14:57] pah, your teleporter is weak [14:57] don't worry :) [14:57] it's *polite* ;-) [14:57] I should finish testing my current landing ask first [14:57] I can get a teleporter that breaks into your house but he may charge you by taking electronic devices or petty cash [14:58] popey: open the terminal type in network does the word disappear on the K? [14:58] * awe_ did someone say "beer"? [14:58] davmor2: no, disappears on the letter w [14:59] popey: ah mine hates capital R's and K's too I think [14:59] popey: do you happen to know if there is a bug for that? [14:59] davmor2: its not the letters [14:59] its the font size [14:59] make it not notch larger [14:59] bug 1214126 is related [14:59] bug 1214126 in Ubuntu Terminal App "Text disappears when typing special characters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1214126 [15:00] popey: ah nice thanks [15:00] cjwatson: what kind of beers do you like ? :) [15:01] it's all right, I accept them at conferences and then I'll see what the bar has :) [15:02] hehe [15:02] cyphermox: Yay just managed import my google contacts via 3g WOOHOO! :) I'm not happy no sir not me :) [15:03] dbarth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-qml/+bug/1228196 [15:03] Ubuntu bug 1228196 in unity-webapps-qml (Ubuntu) "autopilot tests miss dependencies" [Undecided,New] [15:03] * davmor2 wonders what he can persistently break now that gprs seems to be fixed [15:03] diwic: the new pulse / alsa stuff definitely helps, I get segfaults now, though [15:06] davmor2: import google contacts?! [15:07] cyphermox: I normally have to enable wifi, to get my google contacts onto my phone so I have a contacts list :) Now I can use 3g :D [15:07] dbarth: so unity-webapps-qml will be in next image; tests passed for me manually [15:08] dbarth: click rename needs some of sergiusens' time, and cordova needs tests to be fixed [15:08] mhall119: do you by any chance have access to triggering a music-app rebuild from the bzr branch into the coreapps PPA? [15:09] gusch: would you have a moment to review a couple of trivial (really) MRs? [15:09] sergiusens: here's a present for you and thomi: https://raw.github.com/akkana/scripts/master/termsize [15:10] run that and it resizes your term to what it should be [15:10] doanac: sergiusens is so old school he probably won't use it, but I sure will - thanks! [15:10] doanac: think we can get that in the image? [15:10] cyphermox: it is the first time that I have been able to do that over 3g for a long while just another trial that it passed :) [15:10] daker: hey, have you seen my comment on your MR? [15:10] thomi: that's why i pinged sergiusens. i figured he might know where we could throw it in [15:10] how do you do this? [15:11] mhall119: actually sorry, I also need https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/music-app/spaces-in-filename/+merge/186799 to land in bzr first [15:11] thomi: i'm looking at jdstrand's email and trying to patch testcase.py. we need to try and get a patch to autopilot today that will have this fix and his click rule. you think you'll have time to review in a bit? [15:12] doanac: yes, there's also a MP that fixes the error in the click package path [15:12] excellent. thanks [15:12] my pleasure [15:12] doanac, nice [15:12] \o/ [15:13] ohai [15:13] thomi: should I just give you a patch for trunk, 1.3 or both? [15:13] doanac: if you want it in saucy, please give me a MP for both [15:13] okay [15:13] popey: can you try another copy of NM? [15:13] doanac: I suggest writing it for 1.3, and then forward-merging it into trunk [15:13] still in http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/ [15:14] currently that merges cleanly [15:14] ^ seems to fix the issue for davmor2 now, so just making sure it's still good for you as well [15:14] oSoMoN: sorry - I have to leave [15:14] gusch: no worries, I’ll find someone else to review my MRs, have a good week-end [15:15] damn, he left too early [15:15] cyphermox: app downloaded, also click apps and dash net lens are visible too :))))))) [15:16] scopes even [15:16] bfiller: I have a couple of really trivial MRs pending approval, would you have a moment for them? [15:16] oSoMoN: sure [15:17] bfiller: thanks! that’s https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/pot-only-under-src-app/+merge/186546 and https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/permission-hide-chrome/+merge/186126 [15:17] thomi: you already beat me to it: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/1.3/revision/335 :) [15:17] thanks [15:20] doanac: oh, that's what you were talking about? [15:20] doanac: yeah [15:20] oSoMoN: done [15:20] doanac: I thought you were talking about packaging the AA hook and installing it [15:20] thomi: i'm looking at that now. was just pinging jdstrand on how to do that [15:21] bfiller: thanks [15:21] thomi: do you know how or have time to do it? [15:22] doanac: I know how, kinda [15:22] doanac: shove the file somewhere, and install it in a .install file [15:22] probably autopilot-touch.instal [15:23] l [15:23] but, that's about as far as I know :) [15:23] doanac: also, we'll need to make sure that the autopilot-touch package is actually installed in the image. I have a suspicion that it's not, since we don't install recommends by default, so there's a chance that we just install the "real" packages instead [15:24] davmor2: got a failure... what about if you boot with wifi disabled? or switch between enabling/disabling wifi? [15:24] oSoMoN: yes, i can't do it rightnow i am on 12.04... [15:24] thomi: dpkg -s autopilot-touch indicates its installed [15:24] doanac: cool [15:24] lool: on the email thread? [15:24] thomi: and I think jdstrand can help you with a diff for the rule [15:24] well, one less thing to think about then :) [15:25] daker: no worries, just wanted to ensure that you’d seen my comments [15:25] lool: the confirmation? [15:25] cyphermox: I haven't touched wifi give me 5 [15:25] daker: really nice job btw [15:25] oSoMoN: the only thing i can do quickly is to remove the ids [15:25] oSoMoN: thanks :) [15:25] dbarth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-qml/+bug/1228208 via plars [15:25] Ubuntu bug 1228208 in unity-webapps-qml (Ubuntu) "autopilot tests for unity-webapps-qml fail to run completely" [Undecided,New] [15:25] thomi: it should ship in autopilot-touch? [15:26] daker: I can do the translation template regeneration in a separate branch and submit it for merge into yours [15:26] oSoMoN: just do it [15:26] daker: will do that in a moment [15:27] daker: btw, would you be interested in implementing the certificate verification dialog? it should be pretty similar to the other dialogs you already implemented [15:27] oSoMoN: sure i'll look into implementing the others [15:28] daker: there’s a bug report to track this one already, is that ok if I assign it to you? [15:28] fginther, Hi our merges of the music app seems to have hit a wall. they just sit and wait. where is Jenkins? :P [15:28] oSoMoN: assign it [15:28] Hm, so I'm pre-testing my click landing [15:28] daker: cool, thanks, that’s bug #1227055 [15:29] bug 1227055 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu Saucy) "unhelpful error message on SSL errors" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1227055 [15:29] When I install a click app, it all looks fine as far as the filesystem is concerned [15:29] I can launch it from "adb shell" and it shows up sensibly [15:29] danielholm, looks like jenkins fell over. looking [15:29] cyphermox: so enabling an disabling is working for me, I've gone to whatismyip.com enable wifi give it a second and then refresh ip address changes, disable wifi and refresh ip changes again and so on [15:29] But when I launch it from the app lens, I just get a black screen below the top search bar [15:29] fginther: thanks a lot [15:29] :) [15:29] Is this something anyone else has seen? [15:29] mhr3: ping [15:29] mfisch, pong [15:30] davmor2: ack, I see it works for me as well [15:30] I guess I was just in a place with too low signal [15:30] mhr3: can you chat for a bit about unity hacks? We're on G+ [15:30] mfisch, k, url? [15:31] cyphermox: I need to go over the road in a bit so I'll check that the auto disconnect/connect for 3g/wifi works too [15:34] daker: I just submitted https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/fix.1212980-tweaks/+merge/186828 [15:35] davmor2: so how do I import contacts? is there an app to do this? [15:35] cyphermox: http://sergiusens.github.io/posts/google-contacts-on-ubuntu-touch.html [15:35] ah, cool, thanks [15:36] hmm, can that support two-factor auth? [15:37] cyphermox: you only need go from the su - phablet eds is in the install now :) [15:37] or, I guess probably an application-specific password [15:39] oSoMoN: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/webbrowser-app/fix.1212980/+merge/185932 === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk [15:40] Hello [15:40] Whats Ubuntu touch ? [15:40] Is it tablet edition ? [15:41] oSoMoN: not why i am getting Merge conflict, maybe it's coming from your MR [15:41] not sure* [15:42] daker: Are you a ubuntu developer ? [15:42] daker: no, it’s coming from more recent changes in trunk, I’ve merged them back into my branch, if you merge it again into yours it should resolve the conflicts [15:43] oSoMoN: merge what in what ? [15:44] fahadash, http://www.ubuntu.com/phone [15:45] daker: merge my branch (lp:~osomon/webbrowser-app/fix.1212980-tweaks) into yours [15:45] rickspencer3: I am looking for Ubuntu for my Dell XPS 10 tablet which currently has Windows 8 [15:45] oSoMoN: i did that https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/webbrowser-app/fix.1212980/+merge/185932 [15:46] daker: can you do it again? I resolved the conflicts in my branch [15:49] how long does the downloading 'boot.img' during the installation usually take? [15:49] oSoMoN: done https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/webbrowser-app/fix.1212980/+merge/185932 [15:53] hello [16:01] lool: so you don't need a rebuild right now? [16:02] mhall119: it woul dbe nice to have the branch landed in bzr and the package built in PPA [16:02] mhall119: the branch is approved, but the jenkins bot didn't pick it up === jfunk is now known as jfunk-afk === dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|lunch [16:05] hmm, so how am i supposed to select a background ? [16:05] gallery comes up, but then ? [16:05] ogra, will ubuntu be ever be supported for other devices ? [16:05] not nexus type and officially [16:05] sure, once there are ubuntu phones [16:06] ubuntu phones ? [16:06] really? [16:06] and i know various people that are pretty busy keeping their ports running [16:06] well I do lol [16:07] but without radio my phone is good as useless [16:07] lol [16:07] bfiller: the MR for the contextual menus is there: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/contextual-menus/+merge/186581 [16:07] and I think everything will change when it rolls out in oct 16 [16:07] bfiller: and the one that fixes the selection rectangle positioning when zoomed is there: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/selection-zoomed/+merge/186808 [16:08] oSoMoN: I'll test them [16:09] bfiller: thanks [16:09] cyphermox, i'm still not happy about mtp and the usb device handling, i was wondering if we shouldnt better make the properties stuff a dbus service so the session job has permissions enough to toggle the property [16:09] :( does canonical developers get free phone or something? [16:10] iKillCypher: presumably? [16:10] iKillCypher, we have some nexus devices sharde across the teams === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [16:10] ho else woould we be able to develop :) [16:15] lool: I've added another approval, we'll see if that works [16:17] if i try to install ubuntu-touch. THe routine starts CWM-based Recovery after finishing the boot.img and another thing right after [16:17] i dont see any errors [16:17] alecu, ralsina: Shouldn't this be closed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1224938 ? [16:17] Ubuntu bug 1224938 in Unity Click Scope "Click apps listed twice on home screen in "installed apps"" [High,Confirmed] [16:17] mhall119: thanks [16:17] mhall119, laet me know if it did (or failed) i'm holding an image build back [16:18] i just get a few finished in Xseconds (which all look fine) then bam recovery [16:18] ah, well, sems i'm supposed to build now ... mhall119 so no hurry [16:18] thomi, doanac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6133385/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/6133388/ [16:18] but why nexus device [16:18] why not make your own device o.O [16:19] because that's prohibitively expensive? [16:19] ogra: let's not wait for it [16:19] xD what about google play edition devices ? [16:19] lol [16:19] ogra: we will build at least one more image over the WE anyway [16:19] yeah, firing off a build [16:19] ogra: and tests are too long to release one today anyway [16:20] right [16:20] all I know is the ubuntu-team are focus on nexus devices as of now xD [16:20] oh ! [16:20] my settings work [16:20] i can set the wallpaper and stuff [16:20] so pretty much all other devices are dead xD [16:21] pete-woods, segfaults sounds like a bad thing. I don't have time to look at it today but please try to send me a backtrace or anything you think would help [16:21] ogra: crazy [16:21] ogra: don't tell me you can place phone calls! [16:21] noone an idea? [16:21] zz [16:21] lool, but only after fixing one messup i did with the session merge :( [16:21] jdstrand: nice! thomi you have time to apply? [16:22] lool: when you're done with ogra, i need to discuss a build-dep we have [16:22] lool, phone calls ? who would want to do that on a pocket computer ? [16:22] lool: closing, thanks [16:22] fginther, did you find anything? [16:23] ogra: on reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install, I notice that the system-image is the official one. But for developers isnt cdimage-touch still recommended? [16:23] OK, so even without my click modifications, if I install a click app and open it, I get a black screen [16:23] I am surprised to see cdimage-touch marked as deprecated [16:23] But the process is running [16:23] Can anyone else reproduce this on a current image? [16:23] nik90_, for ports cdimage is what you want ... [16:24] nik90_, for work that goes into the image you should use the system image though [16:24] lool: yeah, closing [16:24] cjwatson, something similar is going on for some webapps [16:24] or at least test on it [16:24] ogra: so if I was using the device to develop for the clock-app, I should still use system-image [16:25] ogra: but it doesnt allow writing into filesystem..wouldnt i need that? [16:25] nik90_, yeah, preferably ... for testing it before landing the code at least [16:25] sergiusens: I tried with com.ubuntu.developer.diegosarmentero.tabugame which doesn't appear to be a webapp [16:25] you can make it writable and install debs [16:25] cjwatson, stock ticker works fine on latest (flashed 2 hours ago) [16:25] but that falls over at some point [16:25] so you need to re-flash [16:25] cjwatson, hmm, I had that until recently, let me get it back on [16:26] you will also lose the ability to update [16:26] ogra: ah. I use qtcreator to test code on the device [16:26] thats fine then [16:26] ogra: I am not sure if it creates debs and installs it [16:26] i dont think it does [16:26] mfisch: sure, shoot [16:26] sergiusens: I get a white screen with the preinstalled stock ticker. variety! [16:26] but it should have all automation you need to work with the system image [16:27] cjwatson, just got a unity crash when searching though, might take a bit [16:27] ogra: since it doesnt create debs, I do not need to mark it writable? This way I can update over the air :) [16:27] lool: all the demo/example scopes rely on libmrss0 [16:27] lool: which I think has 1 dep itself [16:27] cjwatson, I start the apps through upstart when seeing that, easier to get an isolated log [16:27] nik90_, i would hope qtcreator crates a click and pushes that, but only sdk people can tell what they actually do i guess :) [16:27] stock ticker launched here [16:28] ogra: okay I will enquire about that [16:28] mfisch: ok [16:28] ogra: thnx [16:28] lool: so we'd like to get it into the image, for now we'll statically link to it [16:28] mfisch: hmm static linking is bad [16:28] rpath are bad too, but slightly less [16:28] diwic: I'm trying to get a segfault out of it, it happens when pocketsphinx_continuous is SIGTERM'ed, I don't actually know how to get a stacktrace out of GDB in this situation [16:28] sergiusens: We should get upstart-app-launch-tools into the RO image ... [16:29] Not least because click can make use of it to fine-tune GC [16:29] lool: we need to get a demo out to some internal folks by eod, so statically linking for today works [16:29] mfisch: I'd say rpath is the closest to what it would eventually look like in a click; we'd likely setup some lib search dir for you or so [16:29] mfisch: or just use a wrapper that prepends the right dir to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, that's clean [16:29] lool: sure, once scopes can be click packages [16:30] lool: I wonder if we can make unity call the wrapper [16:30] mfisch: hmm ok, well you're free to put what you want in the custom tarball I guess [16:30] mfisch: sure, just update the scope config to point at it, or move he real scope out of the way and use the wrapper instead? [16:31] mfisch: it's either dbus activated or launched anyway, so just replace the binary with a shell script that extends LD_LIBRARY_PATH and execs the real scope [16:31] cjwatson, well that's a tedg call, if they are prime time and reliable, then why not [16:31] lool: we'll try that [16:31] tedg: did you want to sync today? [16:31] tedg: I had a bunch of questions on upstart-app-launch changes [16:31] and url-dispatcher [16:32] tedg: albeit I'm a tiny bit tired [16:32] and it's 6:30pm friday [16:32] sergiusens: Lots of "QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program" and similar [16:32] cjwatson, tabu just opened fine here [16:32] cjwatson, grouper? [16:32] Yeah [16:32] cjwatson, that's probably apparmor at work [16:32] jdstrand, ^^ [16:33] Ah, yeah, lots of [16:33] Sep 20 16:32:14 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [ 112.713884] type=1400 audit(1379694734.429:83752): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" parent=866 profile="com.ubuntu.developer.diegosarmentero.tabugame_tabugame_0.1" name="/dev/tegra_sema" pid=1839 [16:34] I wonder if there was a recent new kernel for grouper? [16:34] mterry: whats the status of lightdm? seems like still pending from the mr comments? [16:34] mfisch, it landed, but in a slightly misconfigured way. ogra will update to fix. It's functional, but doesn't fix the logind issue the way it is now [16:34] I'm on apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu 1.0.31, and current is 1.0.32, but I'm not sure I see anything obvious in the changelog [16:34] Oh, yes I do [16:35] mfisch, but it should fix your locale thing [16:35] "add more Nexus 7 accesses" [16:35] strange since it was supposed to be working [16:35] I'll upgrade that and try again [16:35] unless everything was supposed to land in one snap and didn't [16:36] mterry, we hardcode the locale in /etc/environment ... might be that we should drop that :) [16:37] +1 on dropping that [16:37] there's also /etc/default/locale [16:37] sergiusens: re upstart-app-launch-tools, I think tedg was really expecting people to use the library, but I can't do that until click's in C (without using ctypes, anyway, which I'd strongly prefer not to do) [16:37] ogra, well lightdm also uses the user-configured locale now once logged in [16:37] mterry, from .dmrc ? [16:39] ogra, AccountsService [16:39] ah [16:39] ogra, .dmrc is so old-school man [16:39] all the cool kids use AS [16:39] haha [16:39] mterry: we're going to ship an upstart job that sets the locale to something [16:39] is there a decent chance that the manual install works? [16:39] mterry: we'll need to work with the config guys on that [16:40] if the automatic doesnt* === bfiller is now known as bfiller_lunch [16:42] cjwatson: that is fixed in 1.0.32 [16:42] mterry: does that fix the polkit issue too? [16:42] cwayne, it will with the next upload [16:42] cjwatson: I meant to make that changelog more specific. I jotted that down then didn't come back to it [16:42] sorry, i messed that up [16:42] cwayne, it will, once the misconfiguration is fixed (you can do it yourself by doing: mv /etc/lightdm.conf /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [16:43] danielholm, the jenkins master is back up now, but one of the slaves is still not connecting. I'm still working on it [16:43] cwayne, if you try it out, let me know how it works for you [16:43] Hi [16:44] Do you know which process handles the touch input? After replacing my kernel I got stuck :S [16:48] fginther: great. thank you! :) [16:52] cwayne, ping [16:53] tintix: pong [16:53] hi, are you busy I have one doubt concerning ubuntu touch on Nexus 7 [16:54] tintix: always busy :) whats up? [16:54] jdstrand: Yep, much better now that I've upgraded, thanks :) [16:55] \o/ [16:55] lol, looks like you are behanw. Well I have replaced the kernel but after that my touch screen application seems to have stopped [16:55] I checked /dev/input/event0 and it is fine, but the UI is not handling it anymore and the mouse cursor has apper [16:56] So I would like to ask if you know which app should I dig to find the problem [16:56] if anyone could also provide the official kernel repo would be awesome too [16:56] :) === kentb is now known as kentb-afk === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [17:14] ogra: the properties should be something you select in system settings, really [17:14] but hey, it's kind of late to be playing with this now [17:14] well, the server will die if the device goes away [17:14] yeah, i didnt mean for this release [17:14] just generally [17:14] they are racy currently [17:15] (server vs device) [17:15] my change made it less racy but apparenlty you can still get into situations where there is a device up but no server running on shutdown [17:15] that's on purpose, you shouldn't have to keep the server running [17:16] which makes gvfs freak out on the desktop [17:16] I don't follow [17:16] oh [17:16] if the mtp device is up and there is no server running, gvfs falls over [17:16] well there is only so much you can do with this [17:16] and on shutdown we kill the server before the property gets unset [17:16] the fix is indeed to make the property completely external to when the service starts [17:17] i would say managed by the server upstart job [17:17] via dbus to a privileged dbus handler [17:17] so the server can toggle it as needed [17:17] I don't think that's a good idea [17:17] we're still limited to two gadgets at once... [17:18] so once we have rndis and mtp, then what happens if someone tries to enable adb? [17:18] rndis would have to go down [17:18] and you know, whatever other gadget there is [17:18] yeah [17:18] adb and rndis shouldn't have to be mutually exclusive [17:18] they are in all configs i have seen [17:19] but it doesn't have to be; it's only done that way for convenience [17:19] there is never an adb,rndis entry in the init.rc's i know [17:19] we can still tweak the user job slightly to DTRT [17:20] it will still exit with the session [17:21] yes [17:21] so as long as the property setting lives in a system job, i see no way to do that [17:21] let me test something [17:32] ogra: yeah, no. there will be a need for some kind of property service that we can poke via dbus [17:33] right, and i think we should plan some generic interface [17:33] or it's just a matter that the system upstart job isn't quite doing what it should [17:33] i guess there will be other session services that would like to flick properties === bfiller_lunch is now known as bfiller [17:34] well, can system jobs pick up events from session jobs ? [17:34] we could emit something from the session job [17:34] cyphermox: you have an nm package for me to test? [17:34] popey: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathieu-tl/network-manager/ [17:35] cyphermox: same test as before, go for a walk? [17:35] ahah yeah [17:35] ;) [17:35] ok [17:36] this will build more hunger for the chinese food that just arrived :D [17:36] haha [17:37] lucky... though I'll be making spring rolls tonight :) [17:37] popey, do a take out and take it with you :-P [17:38] stop making me feel more hungry! [17:38] my recovery mode doesnt allow me to adb push things [17:38] can i instead just sideload? [17:38] probably not [17:40] day you should be able to do that [17:41] sergiusens: do you see an issue with: adb sideload /home/day/Downloads/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armel+grouper.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [17:43] day, yes, you can only sideload one at a time [17:44] sergiusens: screw it i just do it [17:47] cyphermox: not successful. the OSK died on me so I couldn't kill and restart mtr [17:47] cyphermox: will test again after food ☻ [17:48] https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_ro-mako-smoke-unity8-autopilot/110/console [17:48] this isn't good [17:48] all unity tests are failing on the latest build [17:48] mzanetti: ^ [17:48] Saviq: ^ [17:48] plars, any commonality? [17:48] ogra: rfowler just gave me that broken GN back... but now it's fixed! [17:49] sergiusens: yeah [17:49] sergiusens: GRID_UNIT_PX [17:49] TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType' [17:49] plars: looks like the GRID_UNIT_PX is set to some non-number? [17:49] or not set :) [17:49] plars, thomi might be the new lightdm stuff [17:49] thomi, ! [17:50] ogra, did the lightdm /session change make it into the image? [17:50] other tests don't seem to be complaining about it [17:50] sergiusens, yes .... but it sets the value fine here [17:51] plars, ogra thomi others tests might not complain since unity and the session is already setup [17:51] how is unity being loaded? [17:51] phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ env|grep GRID [17:51] GRID_UNIT_PX=18 [17:51] for the tests [17:51] also, other tests don't check it in the test case [17:52] sergiusens, via upstart i would guess [17:54] sergiusens: so far so good :/ [17:54] plars, note that i ran the ubnity8 suite several times before uploading the session changes ... in four runs i had no errors [17:55] ogra, then it may not be that, but it did change how the gird unit was exported so was my first thought [17:55] yeah [17:55] mine too,, but i see it set here [17:55] and thats a fresh install [17:59] ok, GRID_UNIT_PX is set in a different place [17:59] it used to be in the phablet user's .bashrc [17:59] not anymore [18:00] sergiusens: ogra: ^ [18:00] that's why we are not picking it up now [18:00] plars, yes, it is exported by lightdm now [18:00] i sideloaded the saucy-preinstalled. rebooted into recovery and sideloaded the armhf...after reboot im still greeted by android :/ [18:00] i get it properly set in my session [18:00] did i miss something important? [18:00] see above [18:01] plars, in the terminal as well as in adb [18:01] day you need to sideload both files [18:01] ogra: but when we adb in, and switch user to phablet (even ensuring that we do so interactively so that we get the .bashrc brought in) we don't get it set [18:01] ogra: how are you getting it in adb? [18:01] sergiusens: without a reboot? [18:01] plars, sudo -i phablet -i [18:01] nothing special [18:01] sergiusens: because i uploaded both..just with a reboot inbetween (which i did because the wiki says so) [18:01] * ogra checks for an old bashrc [18:02] ogra: to run autopilot tests, we basically just do: sudo -i -u phablet bash -ic "UTAH_PROBE_DIR=$UTAH_PROBE_DIR PYTHONPATH=$curdir autopilot run -v $*" [18:02] sergiusens: but the wiki doesnt use sideload. it uses push [18:02] day, no need to reboot, just respect the order [18:02] Cimi, I started some changes here: lp:~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/welcome-wizard (added an upstart session job for it). Still doesn't correctly display, but how it will start should be sorted now [18:02] plars: BTW, you don't need to export PYTHONPATH, since the autopilot test runner does that for you... it can't hurt though [18:02] plars, bah, i have indeed an old bashrc around even though i flashed with --no-backup [18:03] ogra, really? [18:03] ogra: we use --bootstrap, but I thought sergiusens said they should be equivalent [18:03] plars, its the same dest var :-) [18:03] sergiusens, apparently === dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader [18:04] right, it isnt set in adb anymore [18:04] sigh [18:05] sergiusens: ah fuck. i should read more T_T... the first package installation gets aborted :/ [18:06] day just a reminder that you can't swear on this channel [18:06] sergiusens: apparently im a magician :o [18:06] sergiusens: sadly my magic stops there :L [18:06] ogra: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/ubuntu-touch-session/saucy/revision/21 I'm guessing? [18:07] cyphermox: there might be an issue when connections go from one tower to another and from 3g to wifi if a page is loading, (but I believe that is the same on android and ios for the 3g → wifi with a page loading) [18:07] plars, right [18:07] davmor2, what *kind* of an issue? [18:08] plars, the exporting happens in the ubuntu-touch-session script [18:08] if you're pulling bytes over once connection, and the route changes out from under you, recovery will depend on how the application has been written [18:08] davmor2, seems appropriate since your tcp,ip socket would be invalid [18:08] plars, we need to find something better than bashrc ... else that will bite us again [18:09] davmor2, this shouldn't be much different than what happens today on the desktop [18:09] awe_: sergiusens: indeed for wifi → 3g and visa versa but I get the same issue switching between towers [18:09] ie. wifi roaming, or wifi to 3g [18:09] davmor2, what's the *issue*? [18:10] awe_: the page just stops [18:10] hmm [18:10] does you ip change when switching towers? [18:10] in the browser [18:10] davmor2: what page precisely? [18:10] cyphermox, any random web page [18:10] I'm assuming [18:10] sergiusens: no, IP shouldn't change [18:10] davmor2, how do you know you've switched towers? [18:10] cyphermox: it was the insight link from the main page [18:10] awe_: no, I mean the actual page is improtant [18:11] if it's just one large html page, then yeah I could understand [18:11] yea... I guess [18:11] if it's one html page with lots of external links, things may still be loading === Kyle_ is now known as Kyle [18:11] awe_: strenght went from 1 bar to full as I got closer to the tower up the road rather than the one in town that I'm closer to at home [18:12] awe_: So I'm assuming a tower change [18:12] basically, the data call should theoretically stay active as you roam between towers [18:12] theres a preinstalled-system-armhf+grouper.img and a preinstalled-touch-armhf+grouper.img. The touch is much smaller, but its the right one (grouper is apparently the right version for my n7 non 3g) [18:12] it's possible for it to temporarily suspend [18:12] davmor2: awe_: for this we'll need logs from ofono [18:13] but is it the right one* [18:13] awe_, cyphermox: I'll be moving around a hell of a lot tomorrow so I'll keep an eye on it and see if it happens again [18:13] davmor2: ack [18:14] I'm planning on perhaps doing some roaming of my own as well [18:14] either way a simple refresh loaded the page okay after it stopped [18:15] davmor2, yea I'm not sure this is a bug [18:15] davmor2, if you have another phone, we should compare android behavior [18:16] basically there are times when you lose the transport layer of the mobile data connection temporarily [18:16] awe_, cyphermox: hey guys would Edge be a different route to 3g? if so then it might of been that it dropped to edge then when the signal went back up to 3g again maybe? [18:16] yes [18:16] nope [18:16] ;) [18:16] on second thought, what cypher said [18:16] again I *think* that's transparent to the data call [18:17] in other words I don't think a new call is established, but as I don't have a full blown test environment, that's a bit hard to simulate [18:17] this is the kind of stuff that needs to go into a "telephony system test plan" [18:18] no worries as I say I'll keep an eye on it as I go out and about tomorrow see if it locks up or not, may just of been a freak coincidence :) [18:18] k [18:20] would it help to install another bootloader? [18:21] cyphermox, right, IP shouldn't change, not sure what happens when you switch to a tower that provided by another operator though [18:23] the bootloader says its unlocked. thats all i need right? === brion_ is now known as brion === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [18:26] om26er: around? [18:27] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4371/notes-app-autopilot/424889/ is failing on both devices [18:27] plars, i'm putting the bashrc hack back in [18:27] plars, yes, sure [18:27] om26er: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4371/notes-app-autopilot/424889/ - any ideas? [18:27] something to do with the OSK visibility :/ [18:28] it expected the OSK to be hidden but it was "shown" [18:28] let me dig up the code [18:29] om26er: there's lots of new failures in gallery too [18:29] http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4372/gallery-app-autopilot/ [18:30] *chocks himself* [18:31] several of them seem to be ToolkitEmulatorException: The tab with index 0 was not selected. === jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp === jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk [18:43] om26er: it's also worth noting that for camera, we have not only the previous known racy test, but a new one that is failing: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4372/camera-app-autopilot/ [18:43] test_zoom.TestCameraZoom.test_slider [18:43] plars, yeah that, never really understood what was wrong with that one. [18:44] so it seems we have three failing apps [18:44] :( [18:44] om26er: no, more [18:45] om26er: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_ro/4371/webbrowser-app-autopilot/ web browser fails too [18:45] plars, maybe something bad happened with this image ? [18:45] ogra: we have a *lot* of breakage in 58 :( [18:46] :( [18:46] I might fade [18:46] om26er: there was a new webbrowser in 58 though, so at least that one might be easier to explain [18:49] plars, pick one, which app should I start with ? :) [18:49] om26er: wow, I don't know... I know it's late for you though :( [18:49] om26er: which one looks easier? [18:50] om26er: the tests aren't even done running, is there someone in a better tz that should look at some of these? [18:50] bfiller: ^? [18:50] I'm hoping that a lot of these are related to some change that didn't happen in the app, as there were a lot of things that didn't seem to fail because of anything wrong with the app itself [18:50] err [18:51] plars, I don't think anyone is. I am here till 2:30 am (my time) for a meeting. so I am looking [18:51] sorry, that was poorly phrased [18:51] I mean that there wasn't an update in the app [18:51] plars, those failures could be due to some test getting stuck and in the meanwhile screen turning off [18:51] plars: yeah I doubt the app change caused the failure [18:51] I can check [18:52] bfiller: for webbrowser you mean? I know that at least one test got reenabled [18:52] there were also apparmor changes that touched a lot of stuff [18:53] apparmor changes didn't touch a lot of stuff [18:53] what are you referring to? [18:53] jdstrand, wow do you have a buzzer for 'apparmor' ? ;) [18:53] I do :) [18:54] and its come in handy, let me tell you :P [18:54] the apparmor changes were to data files that only affect confined apps-- ie click packages [18:54] plars, I have the "blessed" image on my device. I am going to flash to the very latest (--pending) to test the failures [18:55] I did just upload something to unbreak webapps shipped as click packages when running under mir [18:55] and a boot performance improvement for lxc-android-config [18:56] but nothing that should break anything [18:56] jdstrand, good to know, we are trying to figure what else could have broken [18:56] or maybe its just a bad juju for that run [18:56] what is broken? [18:57] om26er: I'm doing the same here [18:58] om26er: actually I have one running on a local jenkins that is seeing similar failures... want to try it by hand too though [18:58] plars, it could be OSK change [18:59] (if there was any) [19:02] brb === kentb-afk is now known as kentb [19:10] SSJ9318 [19:10] I wish guidance on how to make a report Bugs with Ubuntu Nexus4 touch [19:14] fginther: ping [19:15] mfisch, pong [19:16] fginther: in the jenkins job can I use comments per bash/sh? [19:17] mfisch, yes. it's executed with 'sh' by default (hit the little '?' for the full story) [19:17] im still trying to install ubuntu-touch on my nexus7(nakasi). so far the grouper.img seems to be incompatible with my device :/ at least the installation gets aborted everytime after verification [19:17] fginther: thanks, the job is getting more complex and I'd like to note some stuff [19:17] fginther: also good job to KC last night [19:18] mfisch, indeed, it's been a good run so far [19:18] fginther: I'm ready for the draft [19:20] mfisch, don't give up so early, no other team in the east is going to run away with it [19:29] Is there a "spinner" qml/ubuntu-sdk component? [19:30] looks like ive 2 problems [19:30] 1. the installation cant acces /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command [19:30] 2. it cant find the autodeploy.zip [19:30] any idea how i can fix this? [19:31] i used phablet-flash .... [19:37] danielholm, music-app autolanding jobs are running again [19:37] fginther: thank you so much! :D [19:38] fginther: now you have a great weekend :) [19:38] danielholm, so for the long delay [19:38] danielholm, thanks, you too! [19:38] danielholm, sorry for the long delay [19:38] fginther: no worries. thank you. take care. off playing gta 5 gain [19:38] .pack to root Nexus4 https://mega.co.nz/#F!nJkyjAwC!SnZe5nRj6dMUAA_YXchGoQ [19:43] sergiusens: here's a small change we need to support click tests: https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/test-run-click-support/+merge/186875 [19:44] doanac, right, so now is the time to change that dirname if you want to btw ;-) [19:45] it works for me. [19:45] sergiusens: i guess I need to add this to the landing pipeline spreadsheet? [19:45] doanac, ok, I'll give it a quick run to make sure and approve [19:45] doanac, yeah, should be added as a low risk [19:46] doanac, do you have edit access there? [19:46] i do now [19:46] doanac, add me as the contact if you want [19:47] thomi: you still around? [19:48] doanac: yes sir [19:48] here's the apparmor patch: https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/autopilot/click-apparmor/+merge/186869 [19:48] * thomi looks [19:48] i guess I need to add that to the landing pipeline spreadsheet as well [19:52] doanac: LGTM, approved [19:52] thanks [19:55] doanac: yeah, I have a line there already, so maybe just add to that? [19:55] doanac: although it's a new binary package, but I guess they care about source packages [19:55] k [19:58] device didn't come up after an update [19:58] black screen [19:58] I was r/w mode [19:58] this is pretty screwy [19:58] also sensorservice often has 90%+ CPU during boot [19:58] and right now continously [19:58] apt-get install strace: E: Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2: No such file or directory) [19:58] so looks like I destroyed my fs [19:59] lool: how did you update it? [19:59] popey: system-updates [19:59] I mean the OS update UI [19:59] uh [19:59] updates aren't supported on rw mode [19:59] i.e. they will break it [19:59] popey: but I often get corruption when I mount -o remount,rw /; apt-get install stuff; shutdown -r now [20:00] popey: right [20:00] popey: but the problem isn't really with the update, but with syncing fs changes [20:00] oh, ok. [20:01] popey: I guess something assumes changes are synced to permanent storage when they aren't and cuts power; I fear the fs on fs situation doens't help things [20:01] obviously the partially read-only fs helps with that [20:01] but say you've just uploaded photos to your home, you might be similarly screwed [20:01] (or your photos might) [20:02] anyway [20:02] * lool goes reflashing :-) [20:02] I guess we need to add some delay or chase this down === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [20:09] is there a test application or something to make sure acceleration is working? [20:10] I can't figure out whats going on, there are errors in unity8 about the surface but I can't get any output from surfaceflinger to figure out why stops === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [20:24] jfunk, popey either of you guys find something slowing down your phones a lot after you leave home with it? [20:24] it seems like something takes up a lot of cpu [20:25] * rickspencer3 wonders if something is crashing [20:25] sergiusens: just added another one-liner to my MP. i discovered a bug in phablet-test-run [20:25] https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/test-run-click-support/+merge/186875 [20:25] rickspencer3: so one thing I've spotted is sensorservice using close to 100% CPU during boot [20:25] lool, ok, but htis isn't during boot [20:25] this is when I go outside [20:25] rickspencer3: not left home much recently ☻ [20:25] now I actually screwed it to the point it wouldn't boot and sensorservice stayed at 100% [20:26] it seems like whenever I leave the office it happens [20:26] I think it's waiting for that comes up late [20:26] lool, hmmm, that hasn't happened to me [20:26] I even manage to update to 57 over 3g today [20:26] but I am getting that thing where click takes a long time each boot, but I think jdstrand knows what the problems is and is fixing it [20:26] rickspencer3: I guess the immediate culprit would be 3G then; maybe bring a laptop with you and run top? :-) [20:26] yes, booting takes an age here [20:27] lool, right, I tried to bring up the terminal, but then the app scope crashed or something :/ [20:27] installed apps is empty :) [20:27] ah hang on [20:27] did you find terminal using search? [20:27] popey, I tired to find terminal during search [20:27] using search, I mean [20:27] doanac, does this meaning you are finally switching? :-) [20:27] yes, known bug [20:27] rickspencer3, lock it to your launcher [20:27] bug 1225391 [20:27] bug 1225391 in Unity 8 "Installed Applications is blank after doing a search" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1225391 [20:28] sergiusens: i'm trying [20:28] sergiusens, that's kind of so a work around [20:28] but thanks for the tip [20:28] rickspencer3, oh, sans bug, I thought you were tired of searching for it [20:28] sergiusens, nah [20:29] I should check the /var/crash [20:29] * rickspencer3 peeks [20:30] root@ubuntu-phablet:/var/crash# ls -l | wc -l [20:30] 15 [20:30] looks suspicious [20:30] eek! [20:30] -rw-r----- 1 phablet whoopsie 18529096 Sep 19 15:57 _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash [20:30] rickspencer3, I've been in my house far too much to see anything, om26er -> have you seen anything slowing down the phone after you leave home? [20:30] I wonder if Unity was crashing and the slowness was the writing of the crash report and aport doing it's think? [20:30] this is why you guys need to be true Avengers [20:30] through away your android and iphones [20:31] plausible [20:31] ! [20:31] *pfiou* [20:31] jfunk, things are working pretty fine, atleast on my networks for the last few days [20:31] in sense of calling [20:31] so I was trying latest image, and music files didn't open at all [20:31] it launches the music app here [20:31] thankfully it's "just" the music scope, the home one works! :-) [20:31] ahh [20:32] bug 1228345 though [20:32] bug 1228345 in Ubuntu Music App "Launching track from dash new instance of app, not re-use of existing one " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1228345 [20:32] popey: that's known and there are some candidate fixes, but didn't want to land them today [20:32] cool [20:32] i cant scroll across to the apps lens [20:32] usually i can lock/unlock and get to it [20:32] now I can't [20:32] popey: that's when it crashes usually [20:33] popey: launch gallery app or something [20:33] popey: and then return to home, and it will work [20:33] got it [20:33] ta [20:33] popey, does it actually play for you? [20:33] rickspencer3, I think I know the slowness you talking about. the interface gets all slow and mostly I have to turn off the screen and turn it on again... [20:33] no pmcgowan [20:33] I have been trying to reproduce that for a few days [20:33] music app come up but not playing [20:33] ah [20:33] pmcgowan: doesn't work with spaces in filenames [20:33] lool, indeed I have those [20:34] ted patched it earlier [20:34] pmcgowan: this is fixed in the soon to be built music-app [20:34] vg [20:37] popey, you got a mako? [20:37] seems pressing the power button twice quickly can make your phone into deep sleep or something [20:37] screen won't come back [20:38] i do [20:38] om26er: how quickly? [20:38] popey, something like twice in .5 second [20:39] oh yeah, that's really happening for me :/ [20:39] its the third time [20:40] pmcgowan: well, or so we thought; there's another bug in upstart-app-launch that prevents it from working with latest music-app [20:40] lool, crud [20:43] om26er: yeah, i can reproduce that [20:43] popey, bug 1228386 [20:43] bug 1228386 in powerd (Ubuntu) "[mako] pressing the power button quickly results in the phone being in a dead state" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1228386 [20:43] fwiw, adb works fine [20:44] does not happen on grouper atleast. flashing maguro now [20:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart-app-launch/+bug/1228387 [20:45] Ubuntu bug 1228387 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "Doesn't unquote double-quotes from desktop files" [High,New] [20:45] hey, I am having a problem where a textfield doesnt seem editeable at all, any thoughts? [20:54] (process:790): dconf-CRITICAL **: unable to create directory '/root/.cache/dconf': Read-only file system. dconf will not work properly. [20:54] there's a lot of that in /var/log/upstart/powerd.log [20:54] maybe i didnt read it. But its AWESOME that the isntall wiki doesnt mention with one single word that you NEED a custom recovery... [20:54] day: it presumes you follow the instructions [20:54] popey: i think i did... [20:55] popey: again if i missed it, my bad [20:56] day: did you use phablet-flash ? [20:57] popey: i tried phablet. i tried recovery sideload. i tried everything [20:59] popey: without custom recovery nada. someone on #android said all rom installs will be blocked because they wont pass the validation [20:59] popey: even with custom ram phablet-flash failed. sideload + customrom did the trick [21:00] which device? [21:00] popey: n7 wifi [21:00] strange, never had that issue with my n7 [21:00] popey have you seen any issues with textfields not being editable on ubuntu touch? [21:01] victorp_: nope [21:01] :( [21:03] om26er: how do you get out of that deadish state? [21:04] om26er: its still running, just nothing on display [21:04] popey, adb reboot :) [21:04] no[pe [21:04] hangs [21:04] popey, I also did press and hold the power button for a long time to turn it off [21:04] that might have worked for me then [21:05] ah, ok [21:05] booting [21:06] popey, I would assume we can call that critical than critical ;) [21:06] meh [21:08] is flashing a maguro now, just to be sure [21:08] I have several for reporting bugs for Ubuntu Touch, but can not find where to make the reports, someone can help me? [21:09] JHOSMAN: sure thing [21:09] JHOSMAN: bugs in what bit? [21:10] Yes [21:10] popey: You can guide me? I have in my hand Ubuntu Touch updated and want to report errors. [21:11] JHOSMAN: can you tell me briefly where the problem lies? [21:12] popey: There are several, the one I'm seeing now is in Settings / TimeZone / Manually, I can not select my time zone city [21:12] known bug [21:13] not implemented yet [21:13] next! :D [21:13] popey: I use launchpad to generate bug reports? [21:13] yes. [21:14] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers has a nice list of links to where you can file them [21:14] Open Facebook and I came out the keyboard, just to the terminal, I had to close and reopen [21:14] rickspencer3: long boot> yes, click 0.4.7 and lxc-android-config 0.100 should fix that [21:15] nic eone jdstrand [21:15] popey: My screen turns off and only went on: or [21:15] :o [21:15] well, cjwatson fixed click, so he should get that credit :) [21:16] popey: I can not make installation of applications, such as Google+ [21:16] first boot after a fresh flash might take a little bit longer, but reboots should be much better. most reboots after a system-image update may be slower depending on what changed in the image [21:17] (but thereafter quick) [21:17] popey: Two hours ago I disabled the wifi, and did not re-turn, I had to reinstall the system (nexus 4) [21:17] JHOSMAN: there is an update to the G+ app pending in the store [21:17] JHOSMAN: you can "restart network-manager" which works around that [21:17] there's a fix in the works for that I think. [21:18] popey: Actually I can not install any application of the suggested, an error screen appears. [21:18] JHOSMAN: maybe you don't have a network connection? [21:18] JHOSMAN: if the network is down, you cna't install [21:19] popey: Yeah, I thought but I rebooted everything and it did not work. He fell off the wifi, and did not detect any network. [21:19] is there a quickfix for the keyboard/terminal overlapping? (text behind keyboard) [21:19] JHOSMAN: adb shell and then restart network-manager should work around the network issue [21:21] popey: Yes, that should fix, but I say, we must review the subject, to the end user. [21:22] JHOSMAN: a fix is in the works [21:22] ok [21:22] rickspencer3, hey! you might be seeing this bug 1228396 [21:22] bug 1228396 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 is sometimes very slow on unlocking the screen, need to turn off the screen and then turn it on to make it behave better" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1228396 [21:22] hi om26er [21:22] hard to say [21:23] popey: I use two-step authentication on facebook, and in step verification box, did not see the button "OK" of Facebook, the screen goes into a very high resolution and is not adapted to the screen, I had to search the entire screen. [21:24] I'll keep trying to reproduce this bug with the hope that i'll finally find the steps. === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:26] JHOSMAN: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+filebug?field.tags=avengers I'd file a bug there [21:26] JHOSMAN, ok might be at the bottom right of the screen if you zoom out [21:26] since we changed the browser string things went a bit problematic for few websites [21:28] popey: Yes, if I walk away I find, but the end user would not understand, in the application of Gwibber not pass this, you think I should report it? [21:28] om26er: up [21:30] JHOSMAN, report everything you find problematic in the browser, We definitely have things to improve there [21:31] https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1228398 [21:31] Ubuntu bug 1228398 in webbrowser-app "Two-step Verification // Facebook" [Undecided,New] [21:32] highvoltage: adding a screenshot would help the devs [21:33] oups sorry highvoltage [21:33] popey: om26er Not if I'm wrong, but encuntro not OK button to change the date of my phone. [21:33] JHOSMAN: adding a screenshot would help the devs [21:33] daker: ok [21:35] mhall119: hey, if I was going to try to get the information out about this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement/Permissions/1.0, what is the best list? ubuntu-phone? [21:35] jono: ^ [21:35] yes [21:35] ubuntu-phone list [21:35] or even popey :) [21:35] also the ubuntu app developer mailing list [21:36] popey: ubuntu-app-devel? [21:36] trying to find it [21:37] I seem to be subscribed to ubuntu-app-devel@lists.ubuntu.com, so it is a front runner in my mind [21:37] :) [21:37] nope.... [21:37] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps [21:37] jdstrand, popey well... [21:37] but thats really core apps specific [21:37] who is the intended consumer of this page? [21:37] app devs? [21:37] or platform devs? [21:38] jono: app developers and Ubuntu developers who either are writing services for apps [21:38] jdstrand, if it is mainly intended for app devs we should put it on d.u.c [21:38] I recommend we have it as a sub-page on [21:38] that's fine with me [21:38] mhall119, ^ [21:39] mhall119 can help you get it on there [21:39] wise [21:39] jono: but, assuming that happens quickly enough, I also wanted to send it to a mailing list. people are always asking about various parts of it [21:40] ubuntu-phone is where I've seen most of those questions [21:41] jdstrand, yeah, so we should publish on d.u.c, which will be launched next week [21:41] jono: I can say, it might be nice if I could edit this in the future [21:41] and then we will mail the lists and social media pointing to the page [21:41] jdstrand, sure, we can do that [21:41] jono: this is v1.0 of the policy. we are going to have v1.1, etc [21:42] mhall119 can help you get the page set up and then just edit it where appropriate in the future [21:42] and I'll surely have things to correct/clarify [21:42] ok [21:43] popey: om26er Not if I'm wrong, but find not OK button to change the date of my phone. [21:43] jdstrand, cool, it might be worth dropping mhall119 a mail as he is EOD soon [21:43] as am I. I was getting antsy :P [21:44] JHOSMAN, right, there is no ok button yet.. [21:44] JHOSMAN, ah it works on the tablet [21:44] jdstrand, :-) [21:44] om26er: So I think I'll run out of time and date: P [21:45] JHOSMAN, the design needs tweaking for it to fit on a phone [21:46] om26er: I have no OK button in the configuration of Date (Nexus4) [21:46] JHOSMAN, yeah both the phones have same height as in resolutions [21:46] JHOSMAN, even I do see settings on the nexus 7 but changing them have no effect [21:47] JHOSMAN, we'll haev that fixed before release atleast (I would hope so) :) [21:47] om26er: I'll send a photo for you to see :) and tell me whether to report [21:48] I have all the devices here, I am sure there won't be nothing new. but sure ;) [21:49] thats nexus 7 http://i.imgur.com/ayXRnjB.png [21:49] Nexus 4 http://i.imgur.com/7a7KRCI.png [21:50] is there a good virtual keyboard? with arrowkeys? that i can install quickly via apt-get? [21:51] JHOSMAN, you can use this script to upload things quickly http://ubuntuone.com/7KQ1GdgJQjglgMORs6YJuH [21:52] with device connected over adb ./touchshot -u will give you an upload link to imgur [21:53] om26er: https://twitter.com/namsohj/status/381174140146708480 [21:53] imgur error :P [21:54] o_O [21:54] mhall119: fyi, sent email [21:54] * jdstrand -> outta here [21:54] have a nice weekend [21:54] ditto [21:54] has there been any progress on porting ubuntu touch dev preview to nexus 7 2013? [21:54] om26er: not buttons :P [21:55] JHOSMAN, report a bug [21:55] JHOSMAN, I have a tool for that as well :p [21:55] rZ_: not that I'm aware of [21:55] here? om26er https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+filebug?field.tags=avengers [21:56] JHOSMAN, report for system-settings [21:56] JHOSMAN, I use this tool: http://ubuntuone.com/1sKgi6oKLK9lYK0iOJsslD [21:56] ./phonebug system-settings [21:57] this will gather all the logs from the phone and report that to launchpad from your computer [21:57] In this moment I run in Windows 8 =( [21:58] package name is ubuntu-system-settings [21:58] ok [21:58] JHOSMAN, here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+filebug [22:01] ;) [22:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1228409 [22:01] Ubuntu bug 1228409 in ubuntu-system-settings "Manual time change" [Undecided,New] [22:05] In the Facebook application, I'm noticing low resolution images. (ALL) [22:07] sergiusens, hey [22:07] sergiusens, can I still sync google contacts to my Ubuntu phone? [22:08] if so where are the latest instructions? [22:08] jono: sergiusens As you can sync contacts? [22:08] of Google account' === kentb is now known as kentb-out [22:10] popey: In the Facebook application, I'm noticing low resolution images. (ALL) [22:10] anyone can give me his input for those messages http://i.imgur.com/54zaXyb.png ? [22:10] sergiusens, looks like the old instructions don't work as we are read only [22:11] jono, should be, but only the two syncevolution commands are needed [22:11] jono, syncevolution is preinstalled [22:12] sergiusens, I tried but it says it is read only [22:12] [ERROR] ./.config: Read-only file system [22:12] I do not see syncevolution [22:14] sergiusens: The application if installed (for terminal) but I see the executable. [22:16] It is normal, if I open 5 applications put slow = (lag) [22:19] Youtube Bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/webbrowser-app/+bug/1228415 [22:19] Ubuntu bug 1228415 in webbrowser-app "Not play videos in Youtube" [Undecided,New] [22:22] jono, how are you logged in, that should be your ~/.config ... just double check if you are with adb to sudo -i -u phablet [22:23] sergiusens, with adb shell [22:23] sergiusens, yep I could log in as the phablet user [22:24] now when I run the syncevolution command I get: [22:24] [INFO] addressbook: looking for databases... [22:24] [INFO] addressbook: okay [22:32] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1228419 [22:32] Ubuntu bug 1228419 in ubuntu-system-settings "Storage size of files and folders" [Undecided,New] [22:33] stgraber, ping === Zuardi_ is now known as Zuardi [22:36] hello chilicuil ^_^ [22:38] hi JHOSMAN =D [22:39] jono, and then it just dies? I'll need to reflash to try that as I'm currently setting up for accelerated video playback with gstreamer that jhodapp worked on :-) [22:40] sergiusens, fixed it [22:40] so I ran the config command first [22:40] and then I ran: [22:40] syncevolution --sync refresh-from-server Google_Contacts addressbook [22:41] that seemed to bring in all my contacts [22:41] you remember me? :p [22:41] chilicuil: [22:43] JHOSMAN: yep, you help the ubuntu-mx team with the ubuntu olimpic games who didn't launch =P [22:44] :D Waw yea! :P [22:45] jono, great... it would surprise me if syncevolution would want to write outside of your home [22:49] sergiusens, yeah, it looks good [22:49] are we going to have this for 1.0? [22:50] jono, it's staying for 13.10 [22:50] jono, I never looked into it much since I thought we were going to be using some sort of online accounts mechanics to get these in [22:50] these being the contacts [22:50] sergiusens, right, that is what I presumed too [22:51] sergiusens, any idea how I sync my contacts back to Google? [22:53] jono, I can look at that tomorrow, but there is a way yes... there's also two way sync in there === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk [22:54] doanac, happroved https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/test-run-click-support/+merge/186875 [23:02] thanks sergiusens [23:28] hello [23:28] I'm in need of help [23:28] https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/1228437 [23:28] Ubuntu bug 1228437 in gallery-app "I can not share pictures to twitter" [Undecided,New] [23:29] hello Want [23:29] Looking for Ubuntu for a DELL Latitude ST [23:29] what would be the best distro to use? [23:31] Operative Sistem is Windows? [23:33] Want: ? [23:33] originaly windows 7 [23:34] but barely runs it [23:34] specs are absolutely horible [23:34] the DELL Latitude ST is x86, afaik ubuntu-touch hasnt been ported there yet [23:34] Want: Not, not run [23:35] See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices