
UbuPhillupbkerensa: still the raring one's11:41
UbuPhillupkelemengabor: around ?12:58
kelemengaborUbuPhillup: yes, how can I help? :)12:58
UbuPhillupkelemengabor: i get Error in Translation:12:59
UbuPhillupa format specification for argument 1 doesn't exist in 'msgstr[0]'12:59
UbuPhillupat https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/+pots/ubuntu-system-settings/de/153/+translate13:00
kelemengaborstrange, it should accept the no variable for singular case. However, I have reproduced it in Hungarian too, so that looks like a launchpad bug13:05
kelemengaborit accepts "%1 minute" though, that should result in something usable to the users13:07
UbuPhillupkelemengabor: okey thank you13:08
sasa84hello, anyone here?14:50
sasa84does anyone else have a problem with one string in transmission? http://screencloud.net/v/4huQ14:55

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