
=== shiznix_ is now known as shiznix
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mzanettipete-woods: ping08:42
pete-woodsmzanetti: hi08:42
mzanettipete-woods: I was looking into the colors of the infographics. seems that comes from the libusermetrics model.08:43
mzanettipete-woods: can you point me to the right place?08:43
pete-woodsmzanetti: yes, basically there's an interface (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libusermetrics/trunk/view/head:/src/libusermetricsoutput/ColorThemeProvider.h)08:44
pete-woodsmzanetti: and a dummy implementation with hard-coded colours (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libusermetrics/trunk/view/head:/src/libusermetricsoutput/HardCodedColorThemeProvider.h)08:44
mzanettipete-woods: so that's the only place were we get the colors from?08:45
pete-woodsmzanetti: at the moment, yes08:45
mzanettipete-woods: we'd need to make that configurable.08:45
pete-woodsmzanetti: obvious08:45
mzanettipete-woods: not by the user, but for the vendor08:45
mzanettipete-woods: no... I mean right now :D08:45
pete-woodsmzanetti: didn't we have this conversation last week?08:46
mzanettipete-woods: yes... I wanted to get it done right now08:46
pete-woodstell me what configuration to read / or if I should just make an API and I'll do it08:46
mzanettipete-woods: I guess we can just read some dconf key in there08:46
mzanettipete-woods: it's probably not something with a big future. but we need to have that configurable somehow for iteration108:47
pete-woodsmzanetti: should I just invent some configuration format to stick into dconf then?08:47
mzanettipete-woods: I'd say yes... keep it simple... 3 color strings (or whatever amount of different colors we need)08:48
pete-woodsmzanetti: basically we need 3 colours for each "theme", and should probably support multiple themes08:49
mzanettipete-woods: I think that's not even needed08:50
pete-woodsmzanetti: I don't want to have to do this twice, though, and it really won't make it much more difficult08:50
mzanettipete-woods: ok. in that case... feel free08:51
pete-woodsmzanetti: do we have a "canonical" way of accessing dconf from Qt?08:51
mzanettipete-woods: gsettings-qt08:51
pete-woodsmzanetti: okay, thanks, will use that08:51
mzanettipete-woods: QGSettings gSettings("com.canonical.Unity.Infographics", "/com/canonical/unity/infographics/");08:52
pete-woodsmzanetti: cool, writing my code for me! :)08:53
mzanettijust copy pasted it from my code and replaced launcher with infographics :D08:53
mzanettiin the hope it saves you 5 minutes08:53
pete-woodsprobably will!08:53
=== iahmad|afk is now known as iahmad
mzanettimhr3: ping09:27
mhr3mzanetti, pong09:27
mzanettimhr3: hey, how hard is it to do the FIXME in scope.cpp:172 ?09:27
mzanetti // FIXME: Change to use row index.09:27
mzanettiI'd need that09:28
mhr3mzanetti, why would you need that?09:28
mhr3also pstolowski wrote that code, he'll know better :)09:29
mzanettimhr3: because we need to change the previews to be able to swipe them left/right09:29
mzanettimhr3: and increasing/decreasing the index would be better that somehow finding all the data from a delegate from the outside09:29
mhr3i do remember someone mentioning the index when the branch was being reviewed, but there was some reason why we kept it this way09:31
pstolowskimzanetti: the fixme shouldn't be there anymore, at some point I had a branch that changed it to use index, but it was decided not do so, but unfortunately I don't recall what was the reasoning anymore...09:31
mzanettipstolowski: was it Saviq?09:32
pstolowskimzanetti: let my try to dig up in my logs..09:32
mzanetticool, tahnks09:33
pstolowskimzanetti, mhr3 : ok, I found out what was the reason09:34
pstolowskimzanetti, mhr3 : https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity8/use-dee-filtermodel/+merge/171846 made it no longer possible to support index-based activation09:35
mhr3oh right, cause the activation is on the scope level and not on the category level09:36
pstolowskimzanetti: in short, the indices doesn't make sense anymore internally afair, mhr3 can explain..09:36
mhr3pstolowski, you home scope fixes didn't do the category sorting, right?09:37
mhr3pstolowski, would be nice to get that in with the rest of the fixes09:37
pstolowskimhr3: right, I forgot about that.. let me add it to the next one09:38
mhr3cause now the device shows music first in home09:38
mhr3instead of apps09:38
mhr3people will complain :P09:38
mzanettipstolowski: so if I'm in GenericScopeView, how would I get to the information required to open another preview?09:40
pstolowskimzanetti: I'm not familar with qml side of things, but essentialy you just pass another row, unless it's the last row in the model09:41
pstolowskimzanetti: and you get the preview via onPreviewReady signal09:42
asac11:40 < asac> anyone can look at ==== unity ==== stack changes here ... http://people.canonical.com/~platform/cu2d/results09:42
mzanettipstolowski: that's the thing... I don't have access to that row09:42
asac11:40 < asac> and tell me if that changes anything in the ui?09:42
asac11:40 < asac> those are staged and just wanted to punt them in the archive... just double checking because of the freezes09:42
mhr3mzanetti, can't you just pass the model + index to your thing and then do model.get(index+1)?09:46
mhr3dee models do expose get iirc09:47
mzanettiI'm afraid Saviq won't approve that :D09:47
mhr3mzanetti, imo it's not that terrible if you just do that when you're changing the item09:48
mhr3ie on user action09:48
mhr3mzanetti, ultimately, why does this even matter? if you do have the index (which you wanted in the first place) you can just call the get() when activating the item09:50
pstolowskimzanetti: essentialy, you want to "advance" to the next/prev item in the model, and perform scope.preview(..) on it; can't it be achieved via a signal from delegate to the parent list?09:50
mzanettipstolowski: no... the delegate is hidden doesn't have anything to do09:51
mzanettipstolowski: the current preview is open and that's the one that needs to trigger loading for the next/previous preview09:51
pstolowskimzanetti: ah, ok, got it09:52
mzanettibut yeah... exposing the whole model is probably the best we can... holding the whole model in the preview and call get on next/previous. discarding it when the preview is closed09:52
mzanettiok... I'll give that a shot09:52
mhr3mzanetti, if you're touching the preview code it'd also be nice to have immediate response :)10:02
mhr3cause right now you see preview after clickandhold + whatever time the scope/network takes to return it10:02
mhr3it'd be cool to open the preview window right after clickandhold and show a spinner10:03
mzanettimhr3: ack10:03
mhr3mzanetti, then again designs say that preview should be open on tap, not on clickandhold10:03
mzanettimhr3: huh? but not for everything, or?10:03
mhr3mzanetti, right, installed/recent apps are exception10:04
mzanettimhr3: i.e. launching an installed app would be tedious if having to go through the preview10:04
mzanettimhr3: but what about the other scopes? i.e. music? should we always go through the previews there?10:04
mhr3according to designs, yes10:05
mzanettiwell... anyways... doesn't change the fact that it should open right away and show a spinner while loading10:05
mzanettidoesn't really matter to which handler it is connected10:05
mhr3mzanetti, oh but there's a catch - double tap should "launch" stuff right away10:06
mhr3no preview10:06
mzanettiok... I guess that's a different merge than the one with the preview list10:06
mhr3sure, just something to keep in mind10:07
mhr3hard to say whether a tap is going to be double one when you receive it :P10:07
mhr3unless sdk added Oracle {}10:07
easddo you know how to open window spread effect at first click on the launcher, and not the second one?10:32
mhr3Saviq, got the lock up again :( same trace as in the bug i reported10:40
mhr3this time it happened as i was closing lots of open apps10:40
mhr3yey for deadlocks10:40
asacmzanetti: Saviq: can you pleasea look for the unity changes10:48
asacand tell me if they change UI on the desktop?10:48
asacotherwise we cant push the button and thostrsscopes etc. are blocked10:48
mzanettiasac: unity7?10:49
asacsearch for === unity ===10:49
asacmzanetti: well check the changes in there10:49
asacquite a lot desktop changes... if that changes UI i need to find an exception10:49
mzanettiI have no idea tbh10:50
asacmzanetti: can you check please?10:50
asacmzanetti: i have even less of an idea10:50
asacor tell me who in unity team can check10:51
mzanettiasac: I wouldn't be so sure about that10:51
asacwe want to get that flushed in10:51
asacwho is doing this stuff? if we kick it out and it doesnt make saucy is that also fine?10:51
mzanettiasac: better ask Trevinho10:51
asackgunn: ^^10:51
asackgunn: who knows about unity desktop?10:51
mzanettiasac: this is unity7... I don't think even kgunn know about it...10:51
asackgunn: i need someone to check the changes pending and confirm that it doesnt change UI etc. for the freezes10:51
asacmzanetti: if he doesnt care, then we just dont take it and get no more updates in saucy ... i doubt thats the case  though :)10:52
asacTrevinho: hi10:52
asacTrevinho: your changes... if you need them better tell us now that they are good :)10:52
mzanettiChrisTownsend: ^^10:53
mzanettimhr3: do you know someone from unity7 that is around at this time?10:53
mhr3mzanetti, Trevinho andyrock ^^10:54
andyrockhola :D10:54
mzanettiandyrock: hi... can you answer asac's questions?10:54
asacmhr3: look for === unity ===10:55
asacandyrock: ^^10:55
asactell me if anything in there changes the UI10:55
asac(i dont think so)10:55
andyrockok let me check10:55
andyrockasac, no changes in UI10:58
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
dednickCimi: ping11:24
Cimidednick, pong11:24
dednickCimi: howdy. is ubuntu-settings-components in the archive yet?11:25
Cimidednick, apt-cache search :)11:25
Cimidednick, dunno11:25
dednickCimi: mh. no, it's not11:25
dednickCimi: we should probably get that in.11:26
dednicksigh. and i choose the day that didrocks is not in...11:27
mzanettipstolowski: why does preview() require all those parameters and not just the uri?11:28
pstolowskimzanetti: 2 reasons - 1) we would need to iterate over the model to find the rest (all need to be passed the backend); 2) that assumes uri is unique11:30
mzanettipstolowski: yes... I think the url is unique11:30
mzanettipstolowski: afaics, when I get the previewReady() signal I have no chance it knowing which preview it actually is11:31
pstolowskimzanetti: I think we don't want to make that assumption, it bite us in unity711:31
mzanettipstolowski: so how can I know which preview this actually is? it seems the Preview class contains none of the identifying items11:31
dednickCimi: you doing any work on that branch still?11:31
Cimidednick, it needs to be integrated11:32
Cimidednick, becoming real widgets...11:32
mzanettipstolowski: and given that we don't have unique id's I would need to have all that stuff in the preview again and compare everything again11:32
dednickCimi: hm. i want to move all the indicator widgets into there.11:36
Cimidednick, ok...11:36
Cimidednick, then import from this package?11:37
dednickCimi: yeah11:37
pstolowskimzanetti: unitycore has the result row already in the preview object, but it's not exposed in the bindings, so it needs to be fixed if we need to match on that11:37
mzanettipstolowski: what's the result row? the index?11:38
pstolowskimzanetti: no, that would be a struct or variant that carries actual values (same values you pass when calling activate/preview)11:45
mzanettipstolowski: another possiblity would be to introduce some sort of cancelPreview(...)11:45
mzanettipstolowski: so I would know that the incoming signal is the correct one11:45
mzanettiif always cancelling previous ones11:46
pstolowskimzanetti: indeed. that would be handled completly in the bindings (transparent for you)11:49
pstolowskimzanetti: ie. preview() request would automatically cancel the previous request11:50
mzanettiwhich bindings?11:50
asacmzanetti: Saviq: unity8 crashes in automation11:50
mzanettipstolowski: ah... yeah... even better.11:50
asaclook in build artifacts for the crash11:50
mzanettipstolowski: do you think you can add that for me?11:50
asacplease file a bug11:50
asacwe will forget in case it doesnt happen on retry11:51
mzanettiasac: where is the crash happening?11:52
asacmzanetti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/122809711:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1228097 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 and home scope crashes in automation in build 57" [Undecided,New]11:52
asacmzanetti: during unity8 autopilot runs11:52
asacall is in the bug11:53
asacand artifacts11:53
asacthe tests succeeded, just systemsettle failed because it apparently was processing the crash files11:53
mzanettiah... see it11:53
asacin case it doesnt go away11:55
asaci will let you know11:55
asacand get QA escalate it :)11:55
mzanetti"lol" is not evil enough... you should uas "muahahaha"11:56
asacmzanetti: so its happening again12:06
asacmzanetti: seems a real issue... just install 57 image on mako12:06
asacand run unity8 autopilots... i am sure you will hit the crash on 1 or 2nd try12:06
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mzanettiasac: ack12:07
Cimimzanetti, still keeping cdimage-touch or we can switch to ubuntu-system^12:07
mzanettiCimi: not sure... haven't tried ubuntu-system lately12:08
asacthostr_: ^^ i think home scope is also yours... 57 build always crashes that when running unity8 autopilot12:08
pstolowskimzanetti: I will. can you in the meantime rely on the previewReady signal as it is; it shouldn't block you, right?12:11
mzanettipstolowski: no, shouldn't block me... it will "just" cause the wrong preview to show up until this is in12:11
mzanettiwhen the user scrolls too fast, that is12:11
pstolowskimzanetti: exactly12:11
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
asacmzanetti: any news :)?12:18
asacsorry... just need info if this issue a) is making the phone not dogfoodable and b) whether it is understood to make an assessment if the current image can go out12:18
mzanettiasac: regarding the crash? no, not yet. I'm kinda in the middle of something12:18
asacmzanetti: well, this one is most important of all :)12:19
asacwhen can you loko at it?12:19
mzanettiasac: ok... give me a few minutes to bring this to a state where I can interrupt it12:20
mzanettiand I'll look into the crash12:20
asacmzanetti: do you already know enough to give an assessment about impact of dogfoodability in the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1228097 ? if not, please do once you know and ping me :)12:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1228097 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 and home scope crashes in automation in build 57" [Critical,New]12:39
=== jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp
Cimimaguro doesn't lock anymore here with cdimage of 18 sept12:55
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Cimiwell, now works :)12:57
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mzanettipstolowski: hey, about that crash... this is the closest I could come so far: http://paste.kde.org/pf84d9e23/13:01
mzanettipstolowski: any ideas?13:01
pstolowskimzanetti: I suppose it's random? it's in home?13:02
mzanettipstolowski: yes13:02
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mzanetticwayne: ping13:07
pstolowskimzanetti: do I need to be running today's image? any pattern to reproduce?13:08
mzanettipstolowski: yes, todays image and apparently it only happens with the latest unity build13:09
pstolowskimzanetti: I'm flashing and will try to repro. can you install dbg symbols to get better stacktrace?13:23
mzanettipstolowski: I don't even manage to flash the device...13:23
mzanettiphablet-flash bailed out and I can't recover any more13:23
mzanettibut yes... once I have it back up I will try13:23
Saviqdednick, standup13:31
Saviqmzanetti, ↑13:31
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
Cimianother thing, directionaldragarea uses abbreviations, like maxSpeed instead maximumSpeed13:43
CimiI think we wanted always to go with full words, right?13:43
CimiSaviq, dandrader|afk, ok was the "maxSilenceTime" causing the drop of the gesture...13:45
SaviqCimi, cool13:46
Cimiwondering what a sane value is...13:46
Cimidefault is 200ms13:46
dednickSaviq, mzanetti: jenkins ci builds seem to be taking a very long time today... any idea?13:49
dednick#1054 has been going for 5 hours13:49
mzanettidednick: which job?13:49
Saviqdednick, mzanetti we've switched to real hardware from the vm13:50
Saviqlooks pretty backed up13:50
Saviqdednick, yeah, the hardware is backed up - we seem to be down to two machines that can run autopilot tests13:51
Saviqfginther, any word on that ↑ ?13:51
dednickSaviq: ic.13:51
dednickSaviq: if you get a chance today can you look at the indicator messages merge? https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/unitymenumodel.messages/+merge/18155213:52
dednickthere are a few bugs waiting on it13:52
Saviqdednick, not gonna happen, I'm afraid, flying home in ~2hrs13:53
dednickSaviq: ah ok. I'll bug someone else :)13:53
fgintherdednick, Saviq, yes, it's at two machines at the moment. The long queue is the result of a failed machine and jenkins not rescheduling the jobs on the other system correctly13:55
fgintherdednick, Saviq, both machines are up and running now, and tests run in about 1/3 the time they did on the VMs13:56
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
tedgHey folks is greyback out today or just at lunch/rebooting ?14:03
dandradertedg, haven't seem him today.14:06
ChrisTownsendmterry: Hi14:12
mzanettitedg: he was at the sprint, but didn't show up in the standup. I assume he's on his way home14:13
Saviqfginther, sounds awesome, looking forward toit14:13
Saviqtedg, flying14:13
tedgCool, thanks guys.14:13
Saviqtedg, actually should be around later today14:13
mterryChrisTownsend, hello!14:13
ChrisTownsendmterry: Hey, I would like to know if distro agrees with this for Unity7: https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/unity/recommend-telepathy-indicator/+merge/18639214:13
Saviqtedg, well, actually he was on http://flightaware.com/live/flight/BAW202/history/20130920/0250Z/KBOS/EGLL - so assuming he survived he should be online some time soon14:15
mterryChrisTownsend, I'm probably not the right person to approve that these days.  When did we drop telepathy-indicator?  I'm not in-tune with Desktop enough to know whether we want it in or not14:16
ChrisTownsendmterry: Honestly, I'm not really sure what the history is behind this.  I'd usually ask sil2100 or didrocks, but they are both out, so I thought maybe you could help.  I'll just wait for one of them to be available.  Thanks for looking!14:17
mterryChrisTownsend, seb128 isn't here either...  :-/14:18
ChrisTownsendmterry: Right, he's another I didn't consider, but...14:18
mterryChrisTownsend, sorry  :(  I have been working on unity8 this cycle and haven't been paying attention to Desktop movement14:19
* tedg finds it a little weird Saviq was tracking greyback's plane14:19
Saviqtedg, ;)14:19
ChrisTownsendmterry: No worries, thanks for taking a peek anyways.14:19
cwaynemzanetti: hi15:11
mzanetticwayne: can you please test/review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/libusermetrics/color-themes-gconf/+merge/18677015:12
mzanetticwayne: btw... pete-woods is your hero... I didn't do anything in the end15:12
cwaynemzanetti: pete-woods: :D thanks guys, will test that out today15:17
Saviqmzanetti, N900 and N9 being examples of "this can be done" is a rather broken argument ;)15:17
mzanettino its not15:18
Saviqmzanetti, remember we're not normal people - normal people will leave dozens of apps open at any given time15:18
Saviqmzanetti, try doing that on the N915:18
mzanettiI do that too15:18
Saviqwell, for me N9 slows down quite a lot, and quickly, when I leave too many apps open15:18
mzanettiSaviq: the only real issue I have with that is GPS apps drain battery. but for that I'd say the solution wouldn't be too hard15:19
mzanettijust stop gps in the qt backend15:19
Saviqmzanetti, there's also misbehaving apps that are "taken care of" when they're stopped15:20
Saviqmzanetti, and TBH, I see no point in the argument about us "not doing multi-tasking well" - the user doesn't even know15:20
Saviqthey can do multitasking as they usually would15:20
mzanettiSaviq: oh yes he does. ever used android?15:20
mzanettieverything that's more comples than a fart-app will just behave weird once in the background and brought back15:21
Saviqmzanetti, remember we won't be just killing them for no reason15:21
Saviqmzanetti, while there's memory available, they'd just be stopped15:22
mzanettigames start from the beginning without having your high score saved, every network related app drops connections15:22
Saviqmzanetti, that's just bad apps, not bad multi tasking15:22
mzanettiSaviq: bad apps come from bad developers15:22
mzanettiSaviq: its waaaay more complex to get the state saving correct than not to waste resources15:22
Saviqmzanetti, sure, the gain we get is that bad apps from bad developers won't destabilize your system15:23
mzanettiSaviq: shutting down some task on a signal minimized() is easier to do than storing a uncountable amount of possible combinations for anything15:23
mzanettiat the cost of having much more bad apps15:23
mzanettinearly all, that is15:24
Saviqmzanetti, I disagree, but even so, it's still better for the user experience15:24
dednickCimi: ping15:24
mzanettiSaviq: I disagree there...15:26
MacSlowanybody ever ran into this one "WireProtocolVersionMismatch: Wire protocol mismatch at <session bus :1.355 /com/canonical/Autopilot/Introspection>: is 1.3, expecting 1.4" (trying to run autopilot-tests)15:26
MacSlowjust pulling updates again, in the hope that will fix the issue...15:26
thomiMacSlow: yes15:27
thomiMacSlow: that means somehow you installed python-autopilot 1.4 on top of saucy15:27
SaviqMacSlow, ppa:autopilot maybe?15:27
thomiMacSlow: there was a period of about 8 hours where the release team accidentally released 1.4 into the archive15:28
thomiMacSlow: so you may need to manually remove it, update, and reinstall15:28
MacSlowthomi, Saviq: *sigh* I don't know... or can't remember... to be honest15:28
thomiMacSlow: if you run 'dpkg -l | grep autopilot' the version numbers should all start with '1.3' or '1.4' if you're running T15:28
MacSlowthomi, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/613317515:30
* MacSlow looks for the PPA now...15:30
thomiMacSlow: you shouldn't have ppa:autopilot on your system15:31
thomiMacSlow: we release into the archive now15:31
Saviqpstolowski, could you reproduce the unity8/home scope crashes?15:32
pstolowskiSaviq: yes (with ap tests)15:33
Saviqmzanetti, ↑15:33
pstolowskiSaviq: and currently prepping a possible fix15:34
MacSlowthomi, in the last weeks I've been deep into ext. snap-decision, thus didn't follow ap at all15:34
Saviqpstolowski, awesome, thanks15:34
pstolowskiSaviq: btw, are AP tests restarting unity8 a lot?15:34
Saviqpstolowski, yes15:34
Saviqpstolowski, for each test, more or less15:35
pstolowskiSaviq: just once for a test? and there are roughly ~240 tests?15:35
Saviqpstolowski, no, just 50 tests or so15:35
pstolowskimhr3: ^15:36
Saviqpstolowski, and actually ~half of those are gallery app tests15:37
Cimidednick, pong15:37
Saviqpstolowski, we're at 36 total tests15:37
pstolowskiSaviq: ok, thanks15:37
MacSlowthomi, that doesn't look to good... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/613320815:38
dednickCimi: hey. was just wondering if you had any specs for the menus in ubuntu-settings-components. Just trying to merge mine into there now.15:38
Cimidednick, nope...15:39
dednickCimi: ie. desgins15:39
dednickCimi: ok15:39
thomiMacSlow: ok, it seems that those packages made it into the next PPA. I'll ask around and see if I can get that fixed.15:39
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
MacSlowthomi, how long does that take?15:39
MacSlowthomi, because this is blocking me from working on the ap-tests for the extend snap-decisions15:40
thomiMacSlow: I just asked in #ubuntu-ci-eng15:41
thomiMacSlow: it's not really something I can control15:42
MacSlowSaviq, ^15:42
thomiMacSlow: I suggest you ask there as well, so we get some traction sooner rather than later15:42
MacSlowSaviq, I can't/should not do an MR for the working ext. snap-decisions without AP-tests, I guess...15:43
MacSlowSaviq, although these not being in trunk blocks pete-woods on some tasks, because he is waiting on the pin-pad support in notifications15:44
fgintherMacSlow, hello, I'm trying to help with the autopilot version problem you are having15:45
pete-woodsMacSlow: it's not the pin pad support I need, it's just the plain old dialogues I need right now, the wifi selection dialogue would also be nice, but can come later15:45
fgintherMacSlow, are you seeing the 1.4 version on your local development machine or somewhere else?15:46
MacSlowfginther, thanks15:47
MacSlowfginther, also just put all my questions in #ubuntu-ci-eng for reference15:47
fgintherMacSlow, ok, moving there15:47
MacSlowpete-woods, "plain old dialogs" what do you mean by this?15:47
pete-woodsMacSlow: as in the simple "password prompt" type dialogue15:48
MacSlowpete-woods, those are all depending on the same feature added to notifications and need the same ap-testing... which currently doesn't work.15:48
pete-woodsMacSlow: np, I just didn't want you to think I needed more than I actually do15:49
MacSlowpete-woods, the password-dialog, login/password-dialog and pin-pad entry extended snap-decisions all work... and I've python-examples to play around with...15:49
MacSlowpete-woods, it just that without any ap-tests I cannot make a MR for those hoping it'll get approved and merged.15:50
MacSlowpete-woods, and I don't think you'd want to work with non-trunk branches for notifications, or do you?15:50
mhr3pstolowski, that totally explains it15:50
mhr3and also makes it test-only failure15:51
mhr3thostr_1, ^15:51
davmor2davidcalle: Is there a way to tell if the "themoviedb.org" scope is working, On the phone and desktop I have typed Iron Man 3,  I figured that should trigger a response but all the info options are from wikipedia15:51
mhr3thostr_1, so it's crashing because the tests are doing what unity doesn't normally do15:51
pete-woodsMacSlow: I'm already working with non-trunk unity8 for my development (I'm using your extended-notitications-2 branch)15:51
mhr3thostr_1, ie restart15:51
MacSlowpete-woods, well then you have password, login/password and pinpad already available to you15:52
davmor2davidcalle: nevermind I lowered it down on desktop15:52
MacSlowpete-woods, just let me check the revisions... not that I might be sitting on some, I've not pushed yet15:53
davidcalledavmor2, to check the state of a scope, the easiest way is to activate it directly  : eg. themoviedb:iron man 315:54
davmor2davidcalle: ah nice thanks15:54
MacSlowpete-woods, all good... you have what you need with the currently available revisions of lp:~macslow/unity8/extended-snap-decisions-2 and lp:~macslow/unity-notifications/extended-snap-decisions-215:54
pete-woodsMacSlow: yes, my development has not been slowed, all that is blocked is the landing :)15:56
MacSlowpete-woods, ok... yeah... sorry about that... I didn't expect autopilot being still such an issue...15:56
MacSlowpete-woods, I try to see if I can get around it with the tips from fginther15:57
MacSlowpete-woods, really wished myself I'd be able to get these into trunk by today15:57
thomiMacSlow: you really shouldn't be using the next PPA15:58
pete-woodsMacSlow: no worries, as long as you don't break the API, I am very happy!15:58
davidcalledavmor2, np15:58
MacSlowpete-woods, well I try to avoid breaking API... as much as possible :)15:59
davmor2davidcalle: hmmm phone is showing no result but the desktop is I'll try it again in bit :)15:59
MacSlowpete-woods, and then the "API" is really just a bunch of hint-names15:59
MacSlowpete-woods, libnotify and UnityMenuModel won't change that easily16:00
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davidcalledavmor2, the terrible wifi doesn't allow me to test now on my Nexus7, but there shouldn't be any difference, afaik16:04
davmor2davidcalle: got it remove the .org and then it works.  So just themoviedb:iron man 3 and it shows the same on both :)16:08
davidcalledavmor2, oh cool16:11
cwaynepete-woods: im trying your libusermetrics theming branch, but it FTBFS for me16:38
* dednick thinks it a good time to end the day when he spills a glass of water onto desk with about £3000 worth of laptop/phones/tablets on it...16:52
dednickplus the multi-adapter plug which has another few grands worth of stuff plugged in...16:53
dednicksigh... have a good weekend all.16:53
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thomidandrader: got a second?18:10
dandraderthomi, yes18:10
thomidandrader: so for autopilot, I need to be able to see where the shell thinks the mouse pointer is. FOr configurations that are mir/unity8, kgunn suggested you're the person to ask.18:11
thomidandrader: can we have some sort of simple interface to make that possible?18:11
thomithe current thinking here is that some sort of simple dbus interface might work...18:12
dandraderthomi, yes, it's possible to do such thing18:15
dandraderI mean, it's possible to implement such interface for autopilot to query18:15
thomidandrader: heh, that's a very carefully worded reply :)18:15
thomiBefore we can do application testing for non-touch platforms on top of mir, we'll need something like this.18:16
thomisince that's likely to happen in the next cycle, I think it might be wise to schedule this for sometime in the next few months. What do you think?18:17
dandraderthomi, you mean testing unity8-mir for the desktop form factor?18:19
thomidandrader: not just unity8, but anything running within it.18:19
dandraderthomi, because I didn't hear a word about getting it implemented yet...18:20
thomidandrader: my understanding is that that is supposed to wkr (although opt-in) in 6 months time.18:20
dandraderthomi, ah, you mean xmir18:20
thomiI mean mir + unity818:20
thomiopt in for 14.0418:20
dandraderthomi, interesting. that's news for me.18:21
thomiI'm sure kgunn will confirm that - sorry you had to find out this way :P18:22
kgunndandrader: its always been that way...but hey for unity8, you can already run no desktop...so the real key is rrunning with mir :)18:23
thomidandrader: kgunn: So I'll add a bug task to unity8, and assign it to.... someone?18:23
dandraderkgunn, it will just look like a huge tablet.18:23
thomidandrader perhaps?18:23
dandraderthomi, fine by me18:24
kgunndandrader: yeah ;)18:24
thomidandrader: consider yourself pressganged: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/116936218:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1169362 in Autopilot "Need a mouse backend that uses UInput" [High,Triaged]18:25
dandraderthomi, so the milestone would be 14.04?18:26
dandrader(for the unity8 side of that bug)18:26
thomidandrader: well, hopefully before 14.04 is released, but yeah18:27
thomiif I had my way it'd be in the next 12 weeks18:27
dandraderthomi, do your way18:31
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mzanettidandrader: ping18:37
dandradermzanetti, pong18:37
mzanettidandrader: this just happened when I wanted to drag down indicators: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6133905/18:37
* dandrader realizes it's Friday night in Germany18:37
mzanettidandrader: yeah... it is :/18:42
dandradermzanetti, hmm, at least it seems to be easy to avoit this crash. check if DirectionalDragArea::fetchTargetTouchPoint returned a valid touch point instead of null18:43
dandraderbefore using it18:43
dandradernull meaning that it din't find it18:43
mzanettidandrader: yeah... I've seen that.18:43
dandradermzanetti, the hard/curious part is how did we get into such state18:43
dandraderwhere the touch that's doing se gesture seemingly vanished...18:44
mzanettidandrader: yep. that's when I pinged you... I figured in a method called touchEvent_recognized() the touch event actually shouldn't be 018:44
dandradermzanetti, is it hard to reproduce?18:45
mzanettidandrader: not sure... I realized more often crashes when trying to reveal something... but this is the first time I actually got a trace (because was in the middle of deugging something else)18:45
mzanettidandrader: I didn't do much actually... unity started up, opened the phone app, did a phone call, and when that ended I tried dragging down the indicators and bam18:47
dandradermzanetti, can you file a bug report with the info you got?18:48
mzanettidandrader: if only I would be able to reproduce :/18:48
dandradermaybe the theme here is "making DirectionalDragArea resilient about disappeasing/inconsistent touch events"18:49
dandraderbut it could also be that touch events are coming fine but DDA messed up in a different way but ended up crashing just there18:50
mzanettidandrader: yeah... I believe more in the second one18:51
dandradermzanetti,  nah, DDA is perfectly engineered!18:51
mzanettifamous last words18:51
mzanettidandrader: bug reported18:55
mzanettihave  a nice weekend18:55
dandradermzanetti, you too!18:59
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mterryCan anyone explain if there's anything special I have to do as a shell to have the OSK work?20:37
mterry(I'm implementing the first-boot welcome screens, which runs outside of unity, and I'm not seeing it come up)20:38
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