
tjaaltonrobotfuel: yo, radeon ready for testing on saucy-proposed, so if you have HD7xxx around it would be nice to know how broken it is :)14:59
tjaaltonerr, -ati that is14:59
robotfueltjaalton: so add -proposed apt-get update and install xserver-xorg-video-radeon?15:00
robotfueltjaalton: or do I need more than xserver-xorg-video-radeon?15:01
tjaaltonrobotfuel: it should pull the glamor bits15:02
tjaaltonso yeah, that's enough15:03
tjaalton"glamor: require 0.5.1 or newer"15:17
tjaaltonso it finally got a new release..15:17
tjaaltontime to update it then15:17
tjaaltonthis was the latest commit to ati upstream git..15:17
tjaaltonguess we want the changes post 7.2.015:18
tjaaltonespecially fa83d3d1636c3115:19
tjaaltonradeon: disallow glamor on pre-R600 asics15:19
tjaaltonehh, 0.5.1 was what I uploaded, so that's good15:35
tjaaltonhmm I wonder if the driver needs to ship an xorg.conf snippet to enable glamor15:42
RAOFtjaalton: I don't believe so, no.17:02
RAOFtjaalton: Yup. We've got 33d8408eec806355c2e55726679ec50ef3b769f1, which enables glamor by default on SI17:14
tjaaltonahh, indeed17:15
robotfueltjaalton: my radeon hd7850 has no 3d acceleration with glamor installed, openarena is getting 9 fps @ 800x60017:31
RAOFtjaalton: Bah!17:53
RAOFtjaalton: We *do* need an xorg.conf snippet to load glamouregl17:53
RAOFHm, well, we do, but it doesn't load glamoregl because /usr/lib/x86-64_linux_gnu/xorg/modules isn't in the module search path.17:59
RAOF/usr/lib/x86-64_linux_gnu/xorg/extra-modules *is*18:00
RAOFTime to add that path to xserver :)18:01
RAOFAlternatively, to install in /usr/lib/xorg/modules, because it's only ever going to be the same arch as the xserver.18:01
tjaaltonthe latter is more sane18:04
tjaaltonok fixed locally, I'll merge it with the one upstream change and upload18:08
tjaaltonand looks like xserver-xorg-glamoregl ships a snippet itself :)18:09
tjaaltonSection "Module" Load  "dri2" Load  "glamoregl"18:09
tjaaltonplus formatting18:09
tjaaltonoh you mentioned that already18:10
robotfueltjaalton: it's working after I moved the glamor lib to /usr/lib/xorg/modules \o/18:13
tjaaltonrobotfuel: yeah, figures. it'll get fixed in the next upload18:14
tjaaltontest build looks fine18:15
tjaaltonuh so I did upload 0.5.018:16
tjaaltonnot that it's much different from actual 0.5.118:17
tjaaltonsh*t, I should really set EDITOR when doing stuff over ssh..18:19
tjaaltonmixed with sucky hotel wifi18:19
tjaaltonok, uploaded18:38

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