
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest33415
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czajkowskibkerensa: I don't think so no.06:46
hexafractionHi. I'm fairly new to Launchpad, and have a branch imported with Java code, which I have confirmed to compile with GCJ. How do I instruct Launchpad to actually compile it after nesting in other branches, as the run command is not actually allowed on the Launchpad builders?12:16
hexafractionAnd for that mtter, how is *any* build indicated in the rcipe? cMake?12:19
brainwashLP is down12:47
wgrantYeah, we've lost a datacentre12:47
brainwashoh, that's bad :(12:48
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP down due to a datacentre outage; we're investigating | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
skroon_where can I find all of the files on launchpad for ubuntu 12.04?12:55
skroon_i'm getting:  linux-server : Depends: linux-image-server (= but is to be installed12:55
skroon_so would like to manually downoad and install it12:55
dobeyhexafraction: you don't specify how to build the thing, in the recipe. you specify how to build it, in the debian/rules file. see other similar packages in ubuntu for examples12:56
hexafractionOh, understood now. Thanks.12:56
skroon_i'm getting:  Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.12:56
skroon_is it down perhaps?12:56
dobeyskroon_: launchpad is down right now, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/ is i think the URL12:56
dobeyyes, read the topic :)12:56
lucas_I think it's down12:56
wgrantMore specifically, the recipe specifies how to build a source package. The source package's debian/rules specifies how to build a binary package.12:56
skroon_ahhh ;-)12:56
dobeywgrant: well, really, the debian/ dir specifies how to build both the source and binary packages. a recipse specifies where to get the data :)12:57
skroon_dobey: could this also be the reason for my  'apt-get -f install'  not working ?12:58
dobeyskroon_: maybe, but launchpad and the ubuntu archive aren't exactly the same. i don't know if they're in the same DC or not12:59
wgrantskroon_: apt-get shouldn't be affected. Did you see any download errors?12:59
dobeyskroon_: and in any case, if you're using a mirror or a different archive host, the packages would be pulled from there instead12:59
dobeyright, and apt-get -f install may not necessarily even download anything.13:00
Maple__Is launchpad dow13:02
AlbertoSNLaunchpad is down now!13:02
skroon_dobey: well I can't do any 'apt-get install' at the moment, because it has found some packages with unmet dependencies13:02
czajkowskiAlbertoSN: see the topic13:02
AlbertoSNThe toppic isn't working!13:02
Maple__can't do any apt-get update13:02
dobeyskroon_: did you do apt-get update? (anyway, #ubuntu is the channel to ask for help about ubuntu)13:03
skroon_dobey: "Depends: linux-image-server (= but is to be installed" and "Depends: linux-headers-server (= but is to be installed"13:03
dobeyyes i see that13:03
skroon_dobey: yeah I did apt-get update, ok i'll ask #ubuntu13:03
skroon_dobey: however the solution online is they say I need to download a file form launchpad13:03
dobeyi don't know what "solution online" means, but there is plenty of wrong/bad advice on the internet, on many subjects, including how to fix errors on ubuntu13:04
AlbertoSNDo you know why Launchpad is down now?13:05
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czajkowskiAlbertoSN: the topic says LP is down due to datacenre outage, it's been investigated13:05
AlbertoSNOh, thanks for the info13:06
czajkowskiAlbertoSN: /topic is your friend for future13:07
czajkowskiAlbertoSN: or following https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus13:07
younasanyone reckons when will it be up again?13:10
TLEyounas: they are working on it13:11
czajkowskiyounas: it's kinda like relase day when it's out it's out, it's also the same for a server, when it's up, you'll know13:11
younasThanks TLE. my bad was just reinstalling Ubuntu on my brand new SSD :) so bit impatient :)13:11
TLEdepends on what happens I guess, on the scale from a broken a harddrive to the datacenter being hit by a meteor13:11
wgrantyounas: Why do you need Launchpad for that?13:12
wgrantWe don't currently have an estimate of when things will be back up.13:12
younasfew repositories arent working13:12
wgrantppa.launchpad.net is working fine, though you won't be able to use the automated PPA bits of add-apt-repository.13:13
younasi see.. well thanks guys you're an awesome support13:13
cadu-leitelauchpad seem to be off !?13:16
TLEcadu-leite: see topic13:16
czajkowskineed a bot in here to annouce the topic :)13:16
smartboyhwczajkowski, write one yourself;)13:17
BluesKaj_I suppose it's not news that Launchpad site is down :(13:18
czajkowskismartboyhw: sarcasim!13:18
TLEczajkowski: since it will usually be shown when you join and everyone so far that had to be reminded of it had just joined, then well, what are the odds they will notice a bot then13:19
smartboyhwczajkowski, nice sarcasm by spelling sarcasm wrongly;)13:19
czajkowskiTLE: first thing I do is check there13:19
cadu-leitesorry. and thanks13:20
TLEcadu-leite: no problem13:20
robbyta status blog would be nice :)13:21
wgrantrobbyt: https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus13:21
typewhich datacentre is it? are other (non ubuntu/canonical) sites affected, too?13:21
robbyta link to the status feed from the error page would be nice :)13:21
wgrantrobbyt: The normal error page for this situation has a link13:21
wgrantThis is the super-error-omg-everything-is-broken page.13:21
wgrantWhich doesn't...13:21
robbytoh! sorry guys13:21
robbytgood luck13:21
robbytsending you my positive vibes13:22
excalibrAfter you push a deb package source, how long do you usually have to wait for the ppa builder to finish building your package?13:22
smartboyhwexcalibr, depends on the queue13:22
smartboyhwIf it's long enough, you need to wait for 1-2 days13:22
wgrantQueues that long are rare nowadays, fortunately :)13:22
wgrantThe queue's rarely over an hour, and usually much less.13:22
smartboyhwBut if the queue is empty, probably just how long it takes to build the package in your computer (+ a possible 0.5 hours)13:23
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excalibrI see..13:23
dakersomething is wrong with LP.net ?13:28
TLEdaker: yes, see topic13:28
captainvmosno, it's just you13:28
captainvmoshush, we might still be able to fool him13:28
dakerTLE: ok thanks!13:29
dehaany rough estimates? which phase of fixing? search for problem, already fixing known problem, waiting for a tool to finishing?13:30
captainvmosif it's a proper DC outage, there's probably not a lot can be done ecxept wait for the folks at the DC to get their stuff together13:31
captainvmosand maybe browse the prices for alternate hosting13:31
smartboyhwI thought Canonical host themselves.13:32
captainvmosthe thing you have to remember is that quite often I don't know what I'm talking about13:32
dakeroh even http://www.ubuntu.com/ is down13:33
czajkowskiyes it's not just LP, although here is where people come to ask. Maybe poke someone who has the @ubuntu account handle13:36
czajkowskiit's up on Launchpadstatus13:36
wgrantEagleScreen: /topic13:36
EagleScreensome Launchad server is down13:36
dehaok, so it looks more like hours than like minutes to come back. thanks for the info.13:36
EagleScreenoh sorry, ok13:37
ARW0launchpad is down ?13:38
Anon13145You are probably already aware of it, but Launchpad is down.13:38
captainvmosno, it's just you13:38
smartboyhwARW0, see topic13:38
ARW0 roger that13:38
Anon13145Is launchpad down or is it just my end?13:39
StealthyLonerany estimate on how long?13:39
captainvmosjust you13:39
blast007Anon13145: read the topic :)13:39
JackYuhere too.13:39
palassoHi, is launchpad down?13:39
czajkowskidoes anyone read the topic any more ?13:39
blast007czajkowski: nope...13:39
wgrantApparently not!13:39
EagleScreenThis is the end of the World13:39
tsimpsonany more? did they ever!?13:39
captainvmosmake it ALL CAPS!13:39
czajkowskiI've just posted to the lococontacts list13:40
palassoczajkowski: thnx and sorry for asking13:40
czajkowskimaybe someone could post to a few other areas13:40
Anon13145It's down due to a datacentre outage and their investigating13:40
smartboyhwKeep Calm and wait for IS to restore please13:40
StealthyLonerdatacenter outrage13:40
Anon13145Ubuntu Forums seems down too13:40
czajkowskiAnon13145: yes a number of areas would be13:40
SirVerIIwhich data centre is this? is canonical running their own?13:41
StealthyLoneris there any estimate on anything? :<13:41
tsimpsonit'll be fixed as soon as possible13:42
sj0rsI can't access https://launchpad.net/phpmyadmin13:44
savvasETA on the fix? :)13:44
smartboyhwsj0rs, see topic13:44
flabberhet, launchpad down?13:48
smartboyhwflabber, yes, see topic13:48
thebrush_mobileit seems flabber13:48
kshitij8_is code.launchpad.net down?13:49
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to a datacentre outage; we're working on it.
* czajkowski hugs wgrant 13:49
kshitij8_nevermind.read the message..13:49
yousdohello https://launchpad.net/~gqrx/+archive/releases does not work :(13:50
* wgrant gives up!13:50
smartboyhwPLEASE READ THE TOPIC13:50
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #launchpad to: !
* smartboyhw gives up13:50
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to a datacentre outage; we're working on it.
* smartboyhw hates a non +t topic here13:50
sj0rsDatacenter not centre13:50
wgrantsj0rs: We're not Amercian :)13:50
sj0rsI hate centre, I have center domains13:51
wgrantNor American, for that matter.13:51
smartboyhwwgrant, I think of something that might help13:51
sj0rsUK, Aus?13:51
kshitij8_btw has been down for a while now?13:51
wgrantI'm Australian, the people fixing it are UK :)13:51
wgrantSo, both!13:51
wgrantkshitij8_: Just over an hour now.13:51
kshitij8_ohh..hope it gets back up soon. :)13:52
smartboyhwwgrant, "/msg ChanServ SET #launchpad ENTRYMSG LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN DUE TO DATACENTRE OUTAGE" helps a bit I think13:52
smartboyhwIt sets entry messages for users coming in13:52
awihi all13:52
awiis launchpad server down?13:53
wgrantsmartboyhw: I'm going to test if people can read allcaps topics first...13:53
WebbyITawi, yes, also ubuntu.com and ubuntuforums13:53
nsrosenqvistWhen can we expect Launchpad to be up again?13:54
kshitij8_do ubuntu.com and ubuntuforums and lp share the same datacentre?13:54
sj0rsRofl ubuntu.com offline13:55
WebbyITkshitij8_, I suppose yes. Also italian LocoTeam websites are offline13:55
awitnx, will wait13:55
dakerkshitij8_: what do you expect ?13:55
JackYukshitij8_, seems yes.13:55
sj0rsThought they were the absolute masters of hosting13:55
spandellaunchpad down?13:56
kshitij8_i hope its not a Denial of Service attack.13:56
TLEspandel: see topic13:56
sj0rsDatacenter outage because of DDOS?13:56
czajkowskisj0rs: its just out lets not jump to conclusions13:57
spandelany news about when it will be back up?13:57
cassaLaunchpad offline :C13:57
yousdowell.. now i must compile uff13:57
czajkowskicassa: see topiuc13:57
* kshitij8_ is just guessing :P13:57
cassaI know13:57
sj0rsJust kidding13:57
smartboyhwwgrant, heh heh14:00
sj0rsHow much money is lost in this outage so far?14:01
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yousdothis is an injustice14:07
yousdoi need gqrx14:07
yousdonow how i will do14:08
yousdoi cry14:08
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=== JackYu changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN due to a datacentre outage; we're working on it.
MrSamuelis there something wrong with launchpad14:14
MrSamuelI keep on getting "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."14:15
smartboyhwMrSamuel, see topic please14:15
MrSamuel"Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode."14:15
MrSamueloh okay14:15
MrSamuelnice :/14:15
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN DUE TO A DATACENTRE OUTAGE; WE'RE WORKING ON IT.
smartboyhw(I think we need to try full caps)14:15
groszekhaha. came here to check if anyone else has the problem14:16
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN DUE TO A DATACENTRE OUTAGE; WE'RE WORKING ON IT.| Follow Launchpadstatus for future updates. https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus
groszekor add colors to topic14:17
WebbyITOr mute the chan :P14:17
smartboyhwWebbyIT, good idea14:17
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groszekthere isn't any ppa mirror I suppose?14:22
wgrantgroszek: ppa.launchpad.net is not affected by the outage.14:22
hydruidlaunchpad down?14:22
hydruidlooks like so :P14:22
ukbeastoh. I wanted midori ppa lol14:22
felixonmarsand i want to add a ppa to my server....14:22
groszekno? I can't get it to work14:23
* felixonmars gonna do it manually :P14:23
ukbeasthow long has it been down?14:23
felixonmarsan hour or so?14:23
wgrantYou can't currently use add-apt-repository to automatically add a new PPA to your system, but you can do it manually.14:23
groszekahhh right, thanks14:23
ukbeastanything to with ubuntu has been down. (ubuntu forums, ubuntu.com)14:23
WebbyITaskubuntu and ubuntu-discourse are up and running14:24
felixonmarsso im doing: echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/node.js/ubuntu raring main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chris-lea-node_js-raring.list14:24
felixonmarshope this helps someone14:24
smartboyhwWebbyIT, nice new14:24
hydruidwow I can't believe Ubuntu.com is down.....whats up?14:24
smartboyhwhydruid, datacenter in London DDOS14:24
sj0rsReally DDOS?14:25
ukbeastwindows again with DDos. lol14:25
wgrantIt's not a DDoS.14:25
Wasterlaunchpad is down too?14:25
smartboyhwwallyworld, yes14:25
smartboyhwOops, Waster :P14:25
smartboyhwTab fault14:25
ukbeastYep. just have to wait like a goodboy for midori's ppa14:26
Wasterit's a pity14:26
wgrantukbeast: Which PPA?14:26
ukbeastpersonal package erm something14:26
`zpersonal package archive14:26
ukbeastthanks z14:27
smartboyhwIt's WHICH ppa14:27
smartboyhwNot asking about what PPA means-.-14:27
ukbeast ppa:midori/ppa14:27
ukbeastKeeping this window open as I watch familiar of Zero I guess14:28
b-eltznerthanks for the informative topic!14:29
WebbyITsmartboyhw, seems that someone reads the topic ;)14:30
smartboyhwWebbyIT, \o/14:30
`zalways those annoying people who come in and don't read the topic14:32
`zflood them with fifty lines of the topic!14:32
smartboyhw`z, ..14:33
sj0rs'Z then the IRC will also get DDOS'ed14:33
smartboyhwIt won't14:33
smartboyhwSince we do have topic limitations;)14:34
sudodusI cannot connect to https://launchpad.net/14:35
sudoduswhat is the problem?14:36
wgrantSee /topic14:36
smartboyhwwgrant, what's that last message?14:36
smartboyhwLooks like strange characters-.-14:36
`z"SHIFT OUT"14:36
OkoWscany idea if canonicals having issues,ubuntu.com canonical.com launchpad.net all down14:37
sudodusOK, thanks, I had to lift my eyes a little. I see now :-)14:37
wgrantThat was me pushing Ctrl+N twice to switch to another channel, but apparently irssi decided otherwise.14:37
`zOkoWsc, looks like it14:37
OkoWscah just looked at status "[LAUNCHPAD IS DOWN DUE TO A DATACENTRE OUTAGE; WE'RE WORKING ON IT.| Follow Launchpadstatus for future updates. https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus]"14:38
padcomHi there! Do we have any ETA on the DC issue?14:39
sj0rsThis is an absolute outrage!14:42
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smartboyhwsj0rs, keep calm14:43
OkoWscnot the worst,i found out as i was trying to add an ppa14:43
sj0rsI meant absolute outage14:46
DangerDevilthe internet is down ;-)14:47
StealthyLonerThe World is broken14:48
salaneOK we are now being entertained, " carnage and rioting can start now"14:48
warren-hillObviously the internet isn't down as were here14:48
sj0rsUbuntu equals the internet ;)14:48
warren-hillI used to exist outside Ubuntu, maybe I can again14:49
salaneMove over to the dark side xbuntu14:49
sj0rsLearn to automate your servers with ansible in the meantime, it's awesome14:49
WebbyITKeep calm and take a towel ;)14:52
Maple__still down?14:52
Maple__On another topic, @launchpadstatus gained, er, 13 new followers in 2 hours.14:53
WebbyITAnd if is a plane to have more follower? O.o14:53
salaneIts a bait and switch just to get new IRC followers14:54
smartboyhwLaunchpad successfully gained publicity! LOL14:55
salaneIf i hurry maybe i cant get a slashdot post on this.14:57
WebbyITIn Italy there is a saying that is about "Good or bad, important thing is speaking about it"14:58
yousdociao a tutti io vado ;)14:59
smartboyhwNaughx, if you want to ask about why LP is down, see topic:P If otherwise, welcome:)15:01
NaughxJust came to say hi :D15:01
WebbyITso, hi to you too :D15:01
ygthello everyone ^^15:02
ygtLAUNCHPAD IS DOWN.. i guess that answer my question :D15:02
Maple__There's also 36 more people in here compared to two hours ago15:02
Maple__...make that 38.15:02
smartboyhwygt, at least you read the topic, that's great:D15:02
Maple__And @launchpadstatus gained another follower in 10 mins.15:03
WebbyITAlso @ubuntu mail aliases are offline, right?15:03
dev-sevenubuntuforums.org seems to be down aswell15:04
* smartboyhw never uses these aliases even he has three @ubuntu + flavours aliases, so he doesn't know.15:04
smartboyhwdev-seven, true15:04
WebbyITdev-seven, if you need support use askubuntu.com or ubuntu-discourse.org15:04
ygtout of curiosity is gnome.org down too? i cant reach it15:05
dev-sevencan't reach gnome.org either15:05
Naughxgnome.org is down too :o15:05
ygtY2K bug on linux 13 years late? :O15:05
WebbyITI think is not related O.o15:05
dev-sevenwebby, thx, but I'll wait for launchpad to be online again15:06
DryvntI understand shit happens, and I understand that the right people are working on it, but damnit this is not a good time D:15:06
dev-sevenhehe, soon there will be conspiracy theories floating^^15:06
Naughxarchive.ubuntu.com works at least :P15:06
sj0rsIs launchpad down?15:06
WebbyITsj0rs, no, is onlu a dream :P15:06
ygtwait... today is the 21? two 1 = 11... 11-2 = 9! is it a new 911? alien are asking for help on the internet??15:07
dev-sevendoes anyone have any idea when we can expect launchpad to be up again?15:07
NaughxI would like to meet a friendly alien :P15:08
beunono news yet15:08
beunoso we don't know15:08
WebbyIT09/2013, 9+20+13=42, that is answer to everything ;)15:08
DryvntA bit of an out-of-there question, but does anyone have any idea of how I can get boot-repair through another source than launchpad? <.<15:08
DryvntKiinda need to fix my laptop15:09
barry_does launchpad being down have anything to do with ddebs.ubuntu.com also being unreachable?15:09
beunoDryvnt, if there's a package in ubuntu, maybe by apt-getting the source?15:09
ygtLa vita, l'universo e tutto quanto15:09
wgrantbarry_: Yes, one of the London DCs is mostly dead.15:09
beunobarry_, most of the DC seems down15:09
Naughx@Dryvnt, from sources: http://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair/15:09
WebbyITygt, credo dovresti parlare in inglese su un canale inglese :P15:10
barry_wgrant, beuno bummer!  thanks for the info (also explains why the us mirrors are happy)15:10
ygtWebbyIT, yup (da che pulpito :P )15:10
smartboyhwLooks like some KDE servers are down too -.-15:11
nerduxhi... that was just what I was coming to ask you guys, any news on the subject? like when is it going to be up again?15:11
beunono news15:11
Naughx@Dryvnt... forget it...15:11
ygtbut we came out with some good conspiracy theory about that!15:11
nerduxlol which is it?15:12
ygtalien asking for help and the answer to every questions 4215:12
nerduxg'damned aliens15:13
nerduxthey must have made an alliance with the evil forces... i mean bill gates, not darth vader15:13
DryvntWhat, Naughx?15:13
dev-seventhe NSA must be involved somehow aswell15:13
Naughx@ygt, no they wants to mix their genetical materials with yours.15:13
DryvntI had to go do some things. I'll into the sources. Thanks15:14
Naughx@Dryvnt, I though they were hosted on sourceforge... They're only hosted on launchpad... My mistake.15:15
DryvntOooh. Yeah I couldn't find them after looking a bit. Oh well15:15
ScottKsmartboyhw: Canonical hosts some of the KDE servers.15:15
DryvntGuess I'll just wait15:15
smartboyhwScottK, really? Oh no....15:15
dev-sevenI think sometimes you can also use grub & an ubuntu live usb15:16
ScottKYes.  It's quite nice of them to do so.15:16
smartboyhwScottK, not when it's down. Anyhow15:16
Naughx@Dryvnt... I've found something: http://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/files/?source=navbar I think it's a livecd with boot-repair. (If you want to download ~500mbish)15:18
wgrantLP is sorta back now. Things will be a bit shaky for a while.15:18
Dryvnt@Naughx Ah, fantastic. I'll get that on an USB ASAP. Thanks!15:18
smartboyhwwgrant, \o/15:19
DryvntI won't, lol!15:19
WebbyIT\o/ thanks for the funny guys :P15:20
`zshaky it is, 503s and stuff occasionally15:22
dev-sevenwell, I haven't had any success so far :S15:22
arowla_are there any mirrors we can connect to during the outage?15:22
sj0rsThank god the apt-get servers are not affected15:22
smartboyhwNo success15:23
sj0rsLol mirrors15:23
`zmine works for the most part15:23
wgrantWhich pages aren't working?15:23
`zonly sometimes i hit the down errors15:23
Maple__6 more followers. -.-15:23
smartboyhwHmm, first success15:23
Maple__503 now.15:23
dev-sevenahh, the ppa works now, but the webpage gives 'Please try again'15:23
sj0rsThere is light at the end of the tunnel15:24
Naughxhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ and if you're on mint packages.linuxmint.com15:24
sj0rsNew 503 error, yes! Progress!!15:24
nerduxit's working... or so it seems15:24
nerduxjust added a new ppa here15:25
dev-sevenyea, same and sucessfully downloaded wine1.6 :D15:25
fensilentworks :D15:26
ygtPPA added15:26
nerduxjust upgraded ninja-ide... success!15:26
kshitij8_ssh failed during bzr push. :(15:26
WebbyITkshitij8_, I just make a push and it works :)15:27
Maple__ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded15:27
Maple__fush dosh rash15:27
kshitij8_I'm still getting a timeout during push.15:28
Maple__W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net precise Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 65A5BA84FD316B5D15:28
smartboyhwThat's a fail15:29
dev-sevenwell, I got my ppa package, I hope you guys will get your services up again soon too. @launchpadteam: great work, keep it up :D15:29
Knuckleanything going on with launchpad.net?15:32
Knuckleive been unable to reach it about 75% of the times I tried in the past half hour or so15:33
blast007Knuckle: topic...15:33
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: LP is on the way back after a datacentre outage | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
Knuckleah, silly me15:33
Maple__和密码itlookslikelaunchpadisback 法人哦买他和偶他个不同哦你留言ian特人米纳绿色阿霉素听哦不饿阿蔡听阿必填宋体让莪餐厅阿蔡厕所所他和万恶贝斯特itselfstillgivinga503error15:35
Maple__fu language support15:35
Maple__...evil toilets?15:35
winbWhen I click Download Now on http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ im directed to this irc-channel.15:37
winbOh wait. Now it works15:37
winbI should have read the topic15:40
JackYusometimes work, sometimes not:(15:42
ajayHi, since LP is down, does that mean I cannot add new repositories? (just checking if this is the reason I have errors )15:47
smartboyhwajay, it's back BTW15:47
smartboyhwSo, you can use it15:47
kshitij8_push finally worked :)15:47
ajaythanks smartboyhw! let me try one more time15:47
ygtTYALL for the fun and the help! great job LP ty! have fun everyone15:48
ajayit works! thanks a lot! :-)15:49
Maple__"13.5 kB/s 2h 14min 22s"15:55
Maple__slow... ?15:55
slowjoemight be worth sending out a tweet update.  Well done on getting it back up15:58
wgrantI will once we've confirmed that everything's stable again.16:00
wgrantStill resolving a few issues.16:00
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
ScottKwgrant: You could tweet "LP: Mostly not dead"17:02
czajkowskiScottK: https://twitter.com/launchpadstatus/status/38145428501313945617:02
Maple__Overall, the @launchpadstatus twitter account gained 26 followers ;)17:17
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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