
=== Namidairo`bnc is now known as Namidairo
=== D4rkSilver is now known as D4rksilver
DefyINFO:phablet-flash:Device detected as A820t02:10
DefySomebody help me02:11
imnicholSorry, this channel is pretty dead around 0GMT02:29
tancredoany1else is getting problems to import gcontacts to touch?03:23
=== LarrySteeze|Away is now known as LarrySteeze
drachensunthis is weird /dev under android has things that aren't accessible from /dev under Linux04:14
drachensunis that expected?04:14
drachensunthe EGL libraries are trying to call property_service and can't see it04:14
stgrabercwayne_: pong04:46
stgrabercwayne_: I'm only around for the next 5-10min, currently at Linux Plumbers 2013 and just got back from the closing party :)04:46
AskUbuntuTrying to flash Ubuntu touch onto my nexus 4 | http://askubuntu.com/q/34820805:51
f1razerwhat  proprietary software does ubuntu phone contain?07:42
nhainesNone, although ports may contain binary blobs from their Android drivers.07:43
f1razerand how stable is the os?07:43
nhainesUnclear question.  The kernel is fantastically stable.  Userspace crashes recover quickly.07:44
drachensun_rsalveti: Or any one else who knows about lxc, I've got a problem I can't figure out, /dev/socket isn't being shared between the Android container and Ubuntu08:26
drachensun_I've got my device I'm porting and a Nexus 708:26
drachensun_On the nexus 7, I can see how it works08:26
drachensun_Android binds /dev/socket to socket and socket was in the rootfs folder for lxc so Ubuntu can see it then bind it to its /dev/socket08:27
drachensun_My script has the exact same entries as the nexus 7, to make this happen in init.rc08:28
drachensun_and pre-start.sh sets it up08:28
drachensun_but whenever android starts, nothing in /dev/socket shows in socket08:29
drachensun_if I manually umount and remount08:29
drachensun_it then shows in /socket08:29
drachensun_under android08:29
drachensun_but back in ubuntu /var/lib/lxc/android/rootfs/socket08:29
drachensun_its still not there08:29
drachensun_I'm really not sure what is different in my system but I really don't know how to debug this, why wouldn't things I add in Android be showing up there?08:30
drachensun_Ok, it seems I had the wrong initrd and the binary init contained was the source of the problem08:57
drachensun_so now I can see property_service08:57
drachensun_but none of my drivers loading anymore08:57
drachensun_I guess that is a problem I understand at least08:57
crshbdncthas there been a recent change to the ubuntu touch images?09:24
crshbdnctwhen I tried it a while ago, it was cdimage-system, and now its different, and one of the developers made a comment on reddit which piqued my interest09:24
=== jo-erlend__ is now known as jo-erlend
VarunAnyone could help me with kernel modding for ubuntu touch?11:22
Ganster41Hi all. What's can be wrong, if ubuntu can't mount data partition. It says, /dev/block/mmcblk0p28 not found, but it present in Android with same kernel O_o11:44
ogra_ubuntu isnt android :)11:50
ogra_they use different services to maintain /dev, so they also use different names11:50
Ganster41And where I can find my EMMC partitions?11:53
Ganster41Now I have only FB console with boot log...11:53
popeyogra_: no plan to release today?12:34
popeyogra_: messaging indicator seems fixed12:34
ogra_popey, did you see the dashboard ?12:36
ogra_we drown in test errors12:36
* popey clicks12:36
ogra_i'm just doing a build that should at least fix all the unity8 failures12:36
* popey averts his eyes12:36
ogra_also download-manager is broken which kills all apps that use it12:37
ogra_(try to install a click package with the latest image)12:37
* popey might flash back to previous day then12:37
popeygoing out with geeks tonight, no doubt they will all want to play with it12:37
ogra_they renamed the dbus service ... now all apps look for the old name of that service12:37
popeyrather not hand them a broken device12:38
ogra_flash from the saucy channel then12:38
ogra_stable is stable :)12:38
tintihi, is anyone working with  Nexus 7?12:41
popeytinti: wassup?12:42
tintipopey: hi, I am trying to replace the kernel to add a FTDI module. I did it ok but know the mouse cursor appears on my desktop and the touch does no works12:43
tintiDo you have any idea of which application is responsible for handling input events?12:44
tintiis it done by xinput?12:44
popeytinti: what you running on the nexus 7?12:44
tintiubuntu touch12:44
tintishould I move to saussy?12:44
popeysaucy is under active development12:44
popeyraring isn't12:45
tintiok. If you dont mind can you tell me if you are using cm kernel or a patched one?12:45
popeyLinux ubuntu-phablet 3.4.0-3-mako #20-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 16 19:00:48 UTC 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux12:46
tintido you have also a wiki or a documentation telling how to build your own from scratch ubuntu-touch?12:46
tintimako is nexus 4 ?12:46
popeysame for nexus 7 though I believe12:46
popeysee porting guide link in the /topic12:47
tintinexus 7 is called grouper or tilapia12:47
* tinti RTFM tinti12:47
tintireally nice work you have being doing :)12:48
tintipopey: oh, have you moved to an Android like layout?12:52
popeyDunno what that means12:52
tintiwell on precise I had only two images12:53
tintibootimg and img which was supposed to be install on "userdata"12:53
popeyah, yes, things have changed quite a bit since raring12:53
tintiknow I am seeing "recovery ", "system". "bootimg"12:54
popeywe initially created a "flipped" image which boots ubuntu and keeps android drivers / bits in an lxc container12:54
popeynow we are using a read-only filesystem for the ubuntu part12:54
tintiwhich matches with android partition layout12:54
popeywhich makes it easier for us to do over the air updates as diffs12:54
tintifor sure12:54
popeythats the "ubuntu-system" mentioned on the install page12:54
tintithat is amazing12:54
popeythat's the one we're using mostly12:55
popeyit's pretty neat12:55
popeyyou can flip a bit to make it read-write for hacking12:55
tintiare you planing to have ubuntu for desktop/notebook on this way too?12:55
popeyvery easily12:55
popeyI don't know.12:55
ogra_popey, hmm, is that me or is chinstrap down ?12:55
* ogra_ cant reach any services 12:55
popeyssh: connect to host chinstrap.canonical.com port 22: No route to host12:55
tintisounds a bit difficult, specially because many apps expect to have write access (IHMO)12:55
ogra_irc seems gone too12:56
popeytinti: not any more12:56
popeyogra_: so it has12:56
popey13:56:15 < wgrant> No idea, but it's under investigation. Went down ~10 minutes ago.12:56
popeytinti: we use "click packages" which reside in /opt..12:56
popeytinti: and have restrictions on where they can write to.. app isolation12:56
tshirtmanhi there, i have a nexus 7 2013, looked around to check if it was supported by the same ubuntu-touch image, but i didn't find confirmation, a few youtube video says "2013" in their name, but show a 2012 tablet, so i assume it's just here to say the guide is up to date12:57
popeytinti: lots and lots of benefits to click packages12:57
popeytshirtman: i dont think anyone has ported it yet12:57
popeynot that I've heard anyhow12:57
tshirtmanpopey: ok, good to know, i don't want to brick my device ^^12:57
popeytshirtman: wise!12:58
tshirtmanmaybe the wiki should say that this only refer to the 2012 version until further notice?12:58
tintiso you are not just porting ubuntu to arm devices12:59
tintiyou are aiming a full env like android12:59
ogra_tinti, we have to ... else we wouldnt be able to drive the hardware ... the drivers and kernel modifications are to different to just have a generic image that works for everyone13:00
popeytshirtman: great idea - will fix that13:00
popeytshirtman: which page in particular?13:00
tshirtmanpopey: i was looking at this one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install?action=show&redirect=TouchInstallProcess13:01
popeytshirtman: cool13:01
tshirtmanthanks :)13:01
popeytshirtman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install?action=diff&rev2=65&rev1=6413:01
tshirtmannice :)13:02
tintithanks for the hints popey :)13:05
popeyno problemo13:06
* popey wanders off to play ouya13:07
=== Namidairo is now known as Namidairo`bnc
=== marlinc_ is now known as Marlinc
upifericoIs it possible to have ubuntu touch in spanish?14:33
upifericoIs it possible to have ubuntu touch in spanish?14:41
AskUbuntuHow to get audio input from Ubuntu touch device? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34834915:53
cwayne__salem, ping16:04
nomismhello. since the file system is read-only, many passages in the releasenotes seem not to be applicable anymore17:23
nomismis there some documentation aviable on the how to reobtain write mode and possible implications?17:24
calgarytoadhello all17:40
Ganster41How to update ubuntu-part of repo?18:41
Ganster41Or repo sync updates all?18:42
Ganster41Can I change Ubuntu ramdisk content? Whre it placed in sources tree?19:05
dakerguys i am running saucy, the version of ubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme package 0.1.46+13.10.20130916-0ubuntu119:43
dakerbut i can't use the Picker component it says module "Ubuntu.Components.Pickers" is not installed19:44
Shiggs|i5-2500kI have an HP TouchPad and I'm trying to install the stable build of 13.04 onto it. I found an XDA thread by castrwilliam but I can't get the uImage to boot. novaterm keeps saying it can't find the file. Any help?20:02
Shiggs|i5-2500khttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2132703 <== thread in question20:03
Shiggs|i5-2500kand that I'm referring to20:03
Shiggs|i5-2500kCarlosNeyPastor: hello20:04
SergenteJoker98what's the password of the ubuntu touch?20:05
SergenteJoker98of Lois Mcqueen?20:05
SergenteJoker98on new os20:05
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