
Unit193Jeudi: The ISO is 700M about, you can put that on your drive and use persistence.00:02
JeudiUnit193: Can I follow the same instructions to create a bootable USB as are provided for Ubuntu?00:04
Unit193Should, which ones?00:05
Unit193If in windows, use Linux Live USB creator.00:06
JeudiI use Macs.00:06
JeudiI was going to use http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx00:06
JeudiActually, wait, I'll just boot into Boot Camp and do it from there.00:07
JeudiUnit193: Thanks for the help.00:12
john_ramboWhen trying to purge blueman .......lubuntu desktop is gestting uninstalled ....Is there a way ?00:28
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
freedhey if anyone's here, i could use some help05:40
Subroutinehallo, why is lubuntu trying to mount encrypted swap before i log in? first i thought i messed something up, but then i had to reload os(i kept lubuntu coz i like it), but i keep having the same issue.07:20
Myrttiwell what did you expect it to do then?07:20
Myrttiswap usually is mounted before logging in, encrypted or not07:21
Subroutinewhy does it flag up en error when its so normal?07:21
Myrttiwell that's difficult to know without knowing details07:23
Soul-SingSubroutine, do you minotor swap via gparted, or via dsmeg/kernel logs?07:25
SubroutineSoul-Sing: none. i sepose im not the good in linux jet. i get this message on boot thet crypto swap isnt present but as soon as i log in i see it using fdisk or swapon07:27
Soul-Singi had problems with swap and fixed it via sudo gparted07:27
Soul-Singfdisk is another way to get some insight07:28
SubroutineSoul-Sing: ill give it a look. thanks07:28
Soul-Singgparted has to be installed on lubuntu07:29
Myrttigparted should be started with gksudo, not sudo07:29
Soul-Singubuntu/gnome has by default on board07:29
Myrttigparted is a partition management software so you'll have to be *very* careful with it07:30
SubroutineMyrtti: me and careful doesnt come well together :)07:30
Myrttibackups of important data?07:30
Myrttior nothing important on the harddrives07:30
Subroutinenothing important07:31
vn151502510Subroutine: could you `cat /etc/fstab`07:32
Soul-Singonly monitor the outcome of sudo garted, or show a picture of it07:32
vn151502510Subroutine: and "sudo fdisk -l"07:32
Soul-Sing "sudo fdisk -l" indeed07:33
Subroutineoutputs: https://pastebin.com/2V0J89QK07:36
Subroutineit looks ok to me - its just this warning on startup...07:37
Soul-SingDisk /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 doesn't contain a valid partition table07:39
SubroutineSoul-Sing: i thought that the way it should be. its encrypted07:40
Soul-SingThat is usually the encrypted swap partition, and as such will not have a partition table available to fdisk.07:40
Soul-Singon the other hand very techn. stuff as: http://blog.ubuntulinuxguide.com/2013/02/make-ubuntu-1204-recognize-encrypted.html...07:43
Subroutinesudo cryptsetup stauts cryptswap107:46
Soul-Singsudo cryptsetup status cryptswap1  you mean?07:47
SubroutineSoul-Sing: yes and i ment to type it on different keyboard too :)07:48
Soul-Singprob.: cryptswap1 is active and is in use07:48
Subroutinei have gotta go, but thats all. i will try Soul-Sing 's link when i get back07:51
Soul-Singhave a nice day07:51
Subroutineu 2 m807:51
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
=== f is now known as Guest53858
Dry_LipsLubuntu 13.10 doesn't work with unetbootin12:11
Dry_LipsAm I the only one having this problem?12:11
gonz_Dry_Lips: isolinux missing or corrupt?12:13
gonz_That's what I was getting just now with 13.04 and dd12:13
gonz_Then again I'm pretty sure I was just making a mistake with the arguments to dd.12:14
Dry_Lipsgonz_ isolinux is present, but I'm getting a "Missing operating system" when I try to boot...12:19
gonz_Yeah, I can tell you right now I'll most certainly be of no help. The 13.04 iso seems to work fine, though.12:24
gonz_If that's a route to take.12:24
Dry_LipsI'll try to use the usb-creator instead of unetbootin and see what happens...12:28
Dry_Lipsgonz_ yay, startup creator worked...12:41
Dry_LipsHi, when trying to install Lubuntu on an old machine (2,3 Ghz Celeron, 1GB RAM) I get this error message: SIS630 compatible bus not detected, module not inserted...13:03
Dry_LipsIs there a way around this?13:04
melodieI fired Lubuntu Saucy testing, I think it's beta or beta2, after zsyncing it seems not to change date and is still marked sept. 20 : is that because it is a beta freeze?16:20
melodieno one on board ? :)16:34
melodiedoes someone know why there is a ppa for intel drivers?17:36
Unit193There's a PPA for everything.17:36
Unit193Also, depends on where you sync'd the iso from, if you used the beta link then of course it's the beta.17:37
melodiehi Unit19318:05
melodieUnit193 is that the right link?18:06
melodiezsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/saucy-desktop-i386.iso.zsync18:06
melodieI was waiting for an answer before spilling a CD-R18:06
melodiebecause I'd like to test with a common install method18:07
Unit193melodie: isoinfo -J -i saucy-desktop-i386.iso -x .disk/info18:08
melodieisoinfo -J -i saucy-desktop-i386.iso -x .disk/info18:29
melodiereturns nothing18:29
Unit193melodie: Oops, sorry.  That last one should be /.disk/info18:30
melodieLubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" - Alpha i386 (20130920)18:30
melodiehow can I get the beta latest then?18:30
melodieI can wget it if needed, got a good adsl here18:31
Unit193Beta isn't quite out yet.18:31
melodiein the ml18:32
melodieRe: [Lubuntu-qa] Lubuntu 13.10 beta18:32
Unit193Yes, might be helpful to read the content, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2013-September/001059.html UIF and Doc string.18:34
genoobieI am installing lubuntu18:40
genoobieneed a bit of advice18:40
genoobiea bit of a newb18:40
genoobieI am doing a dual boot18:40
genoobiebut I'm not sure about the partitioning thing18:40
Unit193Well, what's the question?18:44
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:44
melodieUnit193 ok thanks, so I guess the ISO I have updated today is ok for testing.19:00
l4cr0sslubuntu install didn't have an sshd_config file by default, is there a way to generate one19:01
genoobiethanks Unit193 I got taken away for a m inute19:04
Unit193l4cr0ss: Maybe installing openssh-server? ;)19:04
Unit193melodie: Yeppers.19:04
l4cr0ssUnit193: lol, thank you19:05
genoobieso Unit193 since I am a bit new to this19:06
genoobieI should probably just make two partitions19:06
genoobie"/" and "/swap"19:06
melodiegenoobie what OS do you have in this hard drive ?19:06
genoobiepresently xp19:06
genoobieso the drive is 160GB19:06
melodiedo a full defragmentation, then reduce it19:07
genoobie40 is NTFS (xp)19:07
genoobiethere's 120GB left over19:07
genoobieI'd like to take a snapshot of the drive with clonezilla when I am done19:07
Unit193Swap and root would work fine, sometimes people do a seperate /home too, but not required.19:07
genoobieand make a restore image19:07
melodieyou could use Ultradefrag for this purpose, in order to have a good open source defragmenter19:07
genoobieI don't need to defrag19:07
melodieyou don't?19:07
genoobieno, I already have two spaces on the drive19:08
genoobie40GB is ntfs19:08
genoobie120 is unallocated presently19:08
genoobieso I am a bit confused by the installer options though19:08
melodieso you can point to it and let the ubuntu installer install to it with automatic method19:08
melodieor as Unit193 says you can do / /home and swap, as you wish19:08
genoobiein free space I am going to create two partitions19:09
genoobielet's say one is 30GB to contain the lubuntu installation19:09
genoobieand the other is 3GB for swap19:09
melodieif you create your partitions with Gparted for instance, you can then choose the "expert" option for install time, then select the relevant partitions to setup this one for / and that one for /home and this other one for swap19:09
melodieyou select with the left click then you have the options for each one19:10
genoobieright, that's what I am doing but just a bit confused by the options19:10
melodiewhich one ?19:10
genoobieso I say "35000 MB" for a logical partition19:10
genoobieext4 but the mount point is?19:10
melodiethe mount point for the root system has to be /19:10
genoobiegot it19:11
melodie35000 MB seems very very big to me19:11
genoobieI just think if I want to create a backup image, one partition would be easier for now.19:11
genoobiewell, that's going to include home and everything else19:11
genoobie"/bin /usr /var19:11
melodiea cloning tool such as clonezilla lets you choose whatever19:11
genoobieso you're saying that I ought not to partition this way19:12
melodieyou can clone one or several partitions at same time, and even choose which ones19:12
genoobieso another scheme is "400mb for /boot" and "10GB for /" and another 25GB for everything else19:12
melodieI have almost 16000 MB for my /19:13
genoobieso my question is does the order that you create these partitions matter19:13
melodiein my current distro19:13
genoobieI mean there's probably a convention to it19:13
melodie/dev/sda1           15G     11G  3,5G  75% /19:13
genoobieokay, so I can do 400mb for /boot 20GB for / and 15GB for everything else19:13
melodieI use 11 GB and it's full of apps19:14
genoobieso you say that "/" gets eaten up pretty quickly19:14
genoobieokay so I'll go with 2019:14
genoobiewhat about "order"?19:14
melodiegenoobie do you really need a separate boot partition ?19:14
genoobieit was suggested but not really19:14
genoobieI don't know why I would or wouldn't to be honest19:14
melodieswap first if you want and then / and then /home19:14
genoobieso melodie if I create these partitions19:14
melodiethis is not really so important but you can go this way19:15
genoobiewell I'd like / to be sda2 ideall19:15
melodieyou have a separate boot partition when you want to share the boot between several distributions19:15
genoobiemost of the documentation is written that way19:15
genoobieyeah, I'm not going to do that19:15
melodiesome used to do that when the hard drives where small and they had distros that could use the same kernel19:15
genoobieso if I want / on sda2, would I start with that first?19:16
melodiegenoobie the /dev/sda2 can  be your / or it could be an extended partition19:16
genoobiemelodie: thanks for this help btw19:16
melodieyou want an extended partition if you will have more than 4 partitions on the hard drive because the hard drives can't have more than 4 primary partitions19:17
melodiethen the first logical partition in an extended partition will be /dev/sda519:17
genoobiewhen I created the partition it's called "/dev/sda5" and the mount point is "/"19:17
melodiethe following will be /dev/sda619:17
genoobieso do I want a primary partition for "/"?19:18
melodienot necessarily19:18
genoobiewell it's going to be "bootable"19:18
genoobieif that makes any diff19:18
melodiethats for windows19:18
melodieWindows needs the boot flag, GNU/Linux doesn't19:19
genoobieso briefly, what's the point of primary vs. logical19:19
melodie4 partitions max on a hard drive19:19
melodieNTFS needs to be on a primary19:19
melodieyou can have:19:20
melodie/dev/sda1 Ntfs19:20
genoobie"/dev/sda2 ext419:20
melodie/dev/sda1 Ntfs for the user personal Documents19:20
melodie/dev/sda1 Ntfs19:20
melodie/dev/sda2 Ntfs for the user personal Documents - if any19:20
melodieI mean if any separate partition for the Windows personal files19:21
melodiethen you can have whatever you want to19:21
melodiewhat I do:19:21
genoobieso do I create a 40GB primary partition for "/" and 20GB within this for "/home"?19:21
genoobieor two separate partitions19:21
melodieI often have a distro which has everything in it in a primary partition19:21
genoobieeach with different mount points19:21
melodiethen from there I can partition the rest without booting a live19:21
melodiebecause you can't partition a mounted partition, right? So this is just a tip19:22
genoobieokay so I'll create two separate partitions each with their own mount point19:22
melodieand if you create an extended partition:19:22
melodieyou can put as many partitions you want in it19:22
melodiesuppose you want one just to put your video and audio files in it, you could do that and mount it to a directory of your choice19:23
genoobieso there's no advantage to having a "primary partition" as it were19:23
melodieit's really very flexible19:23
genoobieI need a good book19:23
genoobiebut to get started19:23
melodieyes, to get started:19:23
melodiedo one primary partition for your /, one extended partition for swap and /home and keep an empty space after the extended partition for future needs or tests19:24
melodiethen you can switch method any time according to your wishes19:24
genoobiethat's where I am just a bit confused19:25
melodiemake that last primary partition as large or a little more than the partition for the /19:25
melodiehard drive:19:25
melodiea scheme19:25
genoobieso I am making a primary partition 20GB for "/"19:25
genoobiethat's already done and in my table19:25
genoobiethe next partition I want to create is for swap and /home?19:26
melodie[---Ntfs primary---][--- system / primary ---][extended → a partition for swap | a partition for /home--][--primary for future use--]19:26
genoobiethat would be a single logical partition?19:26
melodiedoes that scheme help ?19:26
genoobieyeah, just need to understand that in gparted19:26
melodiegenoobie ok19:27
genoobieso okay, so I have /dev/sda5 as ext4 and a mountpoint of /home19:27
melodieyou will take for granted that one extended partition is seen by the hard drive controller as a primary partition19:27
genoobienow i create a swap partition19:27
melodiegenoobie I let you manage your thing now. ;)19:28
genoobieso I have /dev/sda1 ntfs19:29
genoobieI have /dev/sda2 for /19:29
genoobieI have /dev/sda5 for /home19:29
genoobieand finally /dev/sda6 for /swap19:29
genoobieand finally /dev/sda6 for swap19:29
genoobiethen there's 75GB "free space"19:30
genoobiefor whatever I wish19:30
genoobiein theory, when I upgrade to the next lubuntu, I only need to play with "/"19:30
melodieyou will have to tell it that /dev/sda5 is your /home19:31
melodieand not to format it19:31
melodieis the 75 GB space in the extended partition or after it?19:32
genoobieand boot loader goes to "/dev/sda"19:32
genoobieit's just called "free space" after the swap19:32
melodieyes, you can put the boot loader to /dev/sda : which has for name MBR, Master Boot Record19:33
melodiein Gparted you can see the two logical partitions wrapped into another color which represents the space containing the extended partition19:33
melodieusually light blue19:34
genoobiewell it looks like it's on the move19:36
genoobieI'm going to have 3 separate users19:36
genoobieme and my two children19:36
melodievery good19:36
genoobiebtw thanks again for the hand holding :)19:36
melodieyou are welcome19:37
melodiehow old are your children?19:37
genoobiewindows is such a bear to maintain19:37
melodieare you going to install edu software for them?19:37
genoobiehopefully they'll install it themselves19:38
melodieI have done some edu versions in another distro a pair of years ago, I 'll try to do a ubuntu openbox with the same setup before Christmas19:38
genoobieI am trying to phase out winxp19:38
melodiethey should not install it themselves, you should give them a hand19:38
melodieyou can look at a list I used19:39
genoobiemuch as you are helping me19:39
melodielook at the "Highlighted Applications" list particularly19:40
melodieget the same in your install and you can start having fun with the children19:40
melodieother games are fun too, such as pingus, supertux, supertuxkart ...19:41
melodiefrozen bubble...19:41
genoobiewill do19:41
melodiehave fun!19:42
genoobienow I am booted into lubuntu19:42
genoobieI don't see that my wireless is working19:42
melodienow I'm leaving ;)19:42
melodiesee you19:42
genoobiethanks again!19:42
melodiewelcome again!19:42
genoobieshould I give them "admin"19:43
genoobietrying to get my wireless working19:46
genoobiehello again19:58
genoobiewell I used lspi19:58
genoobieand there is "broadcom bcm4318" being reported by lspi19:58
genoobiebut ifconfig doesn't show an interface19:59
genoobieso I need a driver I think19:59
Unit193!bcm | genoobie20:01
ubottugenoobie: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:01
genoobiethanks, reading it now20:04
genoobieUnit193: problem is the machine doesn't presently have internet access20:06
genoobiebut I have a computer that does with USB transfer20:06
genoobiei mean using a flash drive20:06
genoobieso how do I get the "driver" onto the USB then installed onto the lubuntu machine20:06
Unit193Has an offline section, I've followed that a while back.20:07
kristalIt looks like Lubuntu is going to end up better than xubuntu at the rate it's going..... xubuntu hasn't changed much the past few years.20:13
kristal"Julien Lavergne announced in June 2013 that Lubuntu 13.10 will ship with Firefox as its default browser in place of Chromium."  Whooo muh freedoms.20:26
austinHi #Lubuntu, When I "sudo apt-get install wine1.7" i get the following error regarding unmet dependencies http://paste.ubuntu.com/6142822. I'm stumped, can anyone help?20:31
phillw!wine | austin20:31
ubottuaustin: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:31
austinThanks phill, apologies20:32
phillwaustin: no need to apologise, just that we don't have too much experience with it. I can say that  the advice I've picked up over time is to always use the latest version, if in only beta.20:33
kristalIn the future wine is getting a huge performance boost. :)20:33
phillw*even if it is beta*20:33
kristalWine is perpetually beta/alpha :P20:33
phillwthey do have stable releases, but the cutting edge one seems to be recommened one. i always suggest http://www.winehq.org/20:35
austinAgreed, I'm quite new to IRC and didnt realise there's a channel for the majority of subjects20:35
kristalIronically stable is never as good as the latest... except for when there's a regression...20:35
kristalYou kinda need 2 wines for everything to work, playonlinux or wahtever can manage that.20:35
phillwaustin: all feel free to pop in here and ask, we are being abrupt when we get the details from the bot, it's just faster than us typing it all in :D20:37
phillw*we are NOT being*... drat.. dyslexic fingers again :D20:37
austinI understand :)20:37
kristal#lubuntu doesn't rage being OT like some channels :P20:37
austinThats good to hear, when i saw the error i was worried about the grief i might get by asking20:38
austinx joined20:38
austinx asks question20:38
austinx gets answer20:38
austinx has left20:38
phillwaustin: if you ever want just a chat, we do have an O/T channel. #lubuntu-offtopic20:38
austinok, i'll keep quiet and join that channel ty phill20:39
kristal#lubuntu on the other hand rages when things are not minimal, muh screen space, muh rams20:39
phillwlubuntu prides itself on being friendly :)20:39
kristalAlso being faster.20:40
kristalToo bad steam box isn't using lxde due to no "corporate support" :(20:41
kristalThey're using gnome or unity from te looks of it... but they mention Qt support as well.20:42
kristalunity is using qt in the future isn't it20:42
phillwkristal: I don't know what unity is using, but lxde is moving gradually to Qt. It's a lot of work!20:44
kristalSoo... lxde and razorqt merging to become lxde-qt... when lubuntu becomes qt based It'd be interesting to see the theme change to give hommage to razor... perhaps a background with a sword jabbed into the ubuntu/lubuntu logo. :P21:26
kristalAll the other ubuntus are becoming too big to fit on CD :(21:31
kristalIt's funny how firefox uses more cpu but chrome uses more ram... firefox has tons of addons, mmm addons, and firefox phone!21:42
phillwkristal: only lubuntu is committed to CD size for 13.1022:10
Noskcajphillw, and netboot ;)22:49
Noskcajhello melodie22:51
kristalIt'd be interesting if Lubuntu has hardly any preinstaled software, so you'd have a small live disk to downlaod and install, and once installed a "pick your XYZ" UI comes up, you check the things you want, they install, bam, super friendly customization.22:51
melodiehello Noskcaj22:51
melodiekristal you can do almost the same with Ubuntu Mini Remix22:52
kristalmelodie: Yup, but I bet lubuntu can do it better :)22:52
Noskcajkristal, That is netboot22:52
kristalnet is too minimal for typical users imo22:52
melodiekristal then from there you can install the lubuntu-desktop meta package22:52
melodiekristal you have only a few packages missing, and I can give that list to you22:53
Noskcajkristal, MOst users don't want to "pick and chose", they want it already there. If you want more choice/lightness uninstall things or use netboot22:53
melodieNoskcaj quite true also22:54
kristalsad because it's true...22:55
kristalalthough even casuals argue over FF/Chrome :P22:55
melodiekristal if you want to annoy them, tell them about Midori !23:07
kristalIt's a good browser, but FF has muh addons.23:08
melodiekristal anyway you can't say Lubuntu has lots of programs installed for the user, it's quite minimal23:08
kristalGoing from Chroms to Firefox makes sense when you see the browser stats, it's by far the most popular so people were mostly switching that as soon as they installed.23:09
kristalAnd ya, very little preinstalled, which is good, faster dl/install/imaging23:10
melodieI would like to have htop and mesa-utils added in it23:15
kristalYa why the hell isn't htop on, it's kinda a defacto standard, everyone uses it... as for mesa-utils... that's very not mainstream, although I use it too.23:17
kristalAMD;s new GPUs are coming out, brace for wave of cheap awesome-o 7000 cards on sale.23:19
kristalThat feeling when you realize LTS is much older than Debian Stable right now... 14 LTS can't come soon enough.23:23
phillwmelodie: kristal As lubuntu is facing reducing the number of language packs, adding in things like htop etc only eats up disk space. For as long as lubuntu is committed to a CD sized ISO, they will keep things 'small'. :)23:27
kristalWell... I see lots of space being used by artwork... could slim down that.23:28
kristalBetter compression and symlinking redundant things.23:28
phillwkristal: the amount of space used for the artwork is very small.23:28
kristalHow about the sounds? Recycle and dump some wav for oggs23:29
phillwwe do not have sounds, such as startup sounds... we dropped them long ago :)23:30
kristalHmm... perhaps it's a bad idea looking at my install after I added stuff... gonna mount a fresh image23:30
phillwkristal: indeed :) We do keep it very lean :)23:31
kristalToo bad you can't use 7zip for higher compression. :P23:31
kristalThe poor image server... all the cpu power needed for that :P23:32
kristalHow tight for space are you? I could hunt around for some stuff on the daily live.23:32
phillwkristal: the beta1 manifest can be viewed at http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-dvd/lubuntu/releases/13.10/beta-1/lubuntu-13.10-beta1-desktop-amd64.manifest It is also on a lp area, I just don't have that link to hand :)23:37
kristalman languages eat a lot23:37
phillwyup, but essential as we are multi-language in our developers. Julien will only countence removing one if all else has failed.23:40
kristalSome of the graphics drivers are to cards soo old they would be in computers too old to run lubuntu... :-/23:40
melodiephillw I'm sure I could find stuff to remove to make space for htop and mesa-utils ;)23:40
phillwmelodie: more likely ant room would be used to add in the lang packs we've sacrificed.23:40
melodiephillw no chance, that would be too space greedy23:41
melodieI can have a look in my vbox now23:41
phillwBut, all this is for 14.04, and should be pointed to the brainstorming area.23:41
kristalxserver-xorg-video- Is wasting space, some of those drivers don't work properly and are from the early 1990's23:41
kristalwell, the cards themselves are23:42
melodiekristal not that kind of packages23:42
melodiethey are very important23:42
melodieand not very space greedy btw23:42
kristalSomething like xserver-xorg-video-cirrus which is one of the oldest is used in VMs, so you need to keep that... but xserver-xorg-video-trident is basically broken.23:43
melodiewhich ones of these drivers don't work well?23:43
melodieoh so23:43
melodiebut this won't save much space23:43
kristallol a not much23:43
kristalSome of the software's art wastes space but you'd have to do alternates which is a pain to maintain unless you asked the person making the software to make a change.23:45
phillwkristal: IMHO?.. drop desktop installer and just use alternate... we use sooo much space on a pretty installer that is used once and never again :D23:46
melodielanguage-pack-gnome-de-base and other language-pack-gnome might be avoided23:47
phillwbut, I'm a server person :D23:47
kristalInstead of dropping it, it can be shrunk a ton.23:47
kristalGerman is a popular lang23:47
melodiephillw kristal I have been used to test removal for making spinoffs23:47
melodiekristal it's not use to have it in the live because it is added during install time23:48
melodieunless the people aren't connected to internet, which is a bit difficult to deal with anyhow now23:48
kristalhahaha, does anyone use this?23:48
melodieand I don't say just about this one, but the other gnome-language packs are already there23:49
melodiekristal it's better to have it, for the stats when people are ok to use it23:49
phillwthis chat would be better suited in #ubuntu-offtopic No alterations to 13.10 can  now be made, you are discussing changes for 14.0423:49
kristalYa 13.10 is in stone, and is working well btw23:50
melodiephillw whatever23:51
melodieimprovements for next next is not that far ahead23:51
kristalubuntu-ot woulnd't like us talking about lubuntu changes...23:51
melodielanguages: german, french, portuguese, spanish : that makes many times 10 to 16 MB23:52
melodiethis is worth considering23:52
melodiekristal +123:52
kristalmelodie: We agreed on leaving languages to the very end23:52
melodiethey would not23:52
melodiekristal which means? (not english native)23:52
phillwkristal: melodie head to #lubuntu-offtopic and I will be happy to discuss further....23:52
kristalphillw: Sure23:53

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