
=== Kristall is now known as Krist
=== Krist is now known as Kris
=== Kris is now known as kris
=== kris is now known as hardware
=== hardware is now known as Hardware
=== Hardware is now known as HardWare
=== HardWare is now known as kristall
=== kristall is now known as kristal
=== kristal is now known as kristall
=== kristall is now known as kristal
darkxstricotz, hi09:06
darkxstit seems that XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP also is being found for g-c-c when loading from overview09:07
darkxstor something just broke ;(09:08
darkxsts/is/is not/09:08
ricotzdarkxst, hi, i see09:23
ricotzdarkxst, are you working on g-s-d?09:24
ricotzi might take a look later to resync it with ubuntu if needed09:24
ricotz(g-c-c was quite off in this regard)09:24
darkxstricotz, I think the displayConfig stuff should be implemented in unity09:24
darkxstg-s-d does need to be resynced09:25
darkxst3.9 packages were based of ppa packages before saucy upload happened so will be a bit of a diff09:25
ricotzdarkxst, that would be great09:25
ricotzok, i guess i will take a look then09:26
darkxstricotz, thanks09:27
darkxstit was actually on my todo list, but somehow I decided to try port gjs to c++09:27
ricotzoh, why is that?09:28
darkxstmozjs 24 has removed the C API09:28
darkxstnot that its even released yet, but I can make that happen09:29
ricotzi have played it a bit with it here09:29
ricotzmeaning packaging it from the repo09:29
ricotzwill need a newer icu which is easy to update09:29
darkxstyeh 99% of my versioning patches are now upstream09:30
ricotzbut there are a lot of patches needed to be backported from trunk to get a useful tarball09:30
darkxsthmm? they should be in 24?09:31
ricotzthe 24 branch isnt is a good "standalone" shape09:31
ricotzdarkxst, no i mean e.g. icu patches09:31
darkxstoh that is entirely seperate to what I am talking about!09:31
ricotzi know09:32
ricotzbut it prevents to have a tarball out of the 24 branch09:32
ricotzso some of these -- http://paste.debian.net/plain/4469009:34
darkxstricotz, have you opened upstream bug for this?09:35
ricotzdarkxst, i guess porting gjs to c++ isn't needed, but probably not the favor of upstream09:35
ricotzisn't / is09:36
ricotzdarkxst, no, i haven'Tt09:36
ricotzis there even a "mozjs24 release" bug yet09:36
darkxstnope, let me make one09:36
ricotzok, g2g for now09:36
darkxstricotz, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=919277, please add any other info you have there!10:03
ubot5Mozilla bug 919277 in JavaScript Engine "Create JS 24 Release" [Normal,New]10:03
winbThe GNOME Classic session will be included in the 13.10 release ? Or just the beta?12:52
winbAnd where can I download the Ubuntu Gnome 12.04 ?12:53
winbIt's not listed here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/12:54
Andy80hi guys14:04
Andy80after trying GNOME (the one available on ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 for Ubuntu 13.04) also on a second PC I ask: why is it so instable?!14:05
Andy80every session I get "System errors"14:05
Andy80or apps that crash14:05
Andy80like tracker, evolution*14:05
Andy80gcs or something like that14:05
Andy80and note: the "staging" repository is not enabled14:06
theenduserls -al15:45
theenduserlol I was way off15:45
bjsniderAndy80, there are known issues18:21

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