
jribubottu: has ops in #ubuntu now?01:38
ubottujrib: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:38
* Jordan_U wonders when daftykins will realize that jrib is a #ubuntu op.01:38
jribheh, decided not to mention it01:39
ubottuIn #ubuntu, FidbecK said: ubottu: I'm sorry. My problem is that I can't send files from my phone to my laptop01:50
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
IdleOnefix your connection!06:40
FlannelPricey: check yourself before you wreck yourself!06:53
Myrttiit's only once in ten minutes...07:00
IdleOnethat is almost like 8 times every hour07:02
FlannelIdleOne: You've got some interesting math there.07:13
ubottugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (jimmy_ bot abuse)08:35
chunkyheadikonia: i wasn't unbanned afterall, hmm..14:44

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