
NoskcajIs there any chance we could sync a newer version of lintian? saucy's version is already 3 releases old07:16
smartboyhwNoskcaj, I think we want it stable?07:30
smartboyhwThat can wait for T07:30
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
slangasekinfinity: seems cardamom is down?08:22
knomehmmf, somebody can confirm if keyboard shortcut changes are suspect to freezes?08:56
cjwatsonslangasek: Yeah, I asked #is about that on Saturday morning, no response as yet09:15
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
infinityslangasek / cjwatson: cardamom is coming back up (London) Monday morning.  Someone tried to reboot it and got it in a state that needed remote hands.15:53
slangasekcjwatson, infinity: ok19:53
micahgis cardamom down the source of the non-generated CD images?21:28
debfxScottK: is saucy-backports already open? (or is it not too late to sync a new multiverse package?)21:33
slangasekmicahg: yes23:12
micahggreat, thanks23:18

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