
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:48
puffGridCube: You do realize guest11321 is already gone, right?00:49
GridCubei do now00:49
Ted_Hello to everyone00:50
GridCube!hi | Ted_00:51
ubottuTed_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:51
Ted_Would love some help, I am trying to figure out why my newly installed Xubuntu is running very slowly.00:52
puffTed_: Start by running top?00:53
puffTed_: Actually, start by opening a shell window and entering the command "uptime"00:53
puffTed_: Tell us what the load number is from uptime.  Then enter the command "top", which will show you which processes are using the most CPU.00:54
Ted_ 17:54:18 up 1 day, 18:22,  2 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.42, 0.4700:54
puffTed_: In top, you can press "m" to switch to which processes are using the most memory.00:54
puffTed_: That's pretty good, it indicates that your computer is not very busy.00:55
puffTed_: What slow behavior are you seeing?00:55
Ted_ 1511 seeley     9 -11  161m 3364 2284 S   1.7  0.3   9:16.93 pulseaudio         16417 seeley    20   0  219m  21m  14m S   1.3  2.2   0:05.59 plugin-containe    16444 seeley    20   0  126m  13m  10m S   0.7  1.4   0:01.05 xfce4-terminal       979 root      20   0 77908  30m  20m S   0.3  3.0  32:04.91 Xorg               16314 seeley    20   0  480m 108m  38m S   0.3 10.9   1:27.34 firefox00:56
Ted_sorry I tried to paist the top results00:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:58
puffTed_: What slowness are you observing?00:58
Ted_well most every action is slow to load. at the moment it isn't bad but for instance if I open the settings manager it take 30 to 40 seconds to appear00:59
puffTed_: Yiks.00:59
puffTed_: Hm, does the slowness persist?01:00
Ted_the biggest issue is while using firefox, any website I type into the address bar seems to take a really long time to start loading01:00
puffTed_: That's odd.01:01
Ted_yes the slowness is consistant even with restarting the machine.01:02
puffThe only thing I can imagine is that the drive is loading slow or something.01:02
puffYou didn't see this with other distros?01:02
puffTry this, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:03
Ted_I have tried a few different Puppy distros but the two that had good performance did not work on some websites that need to be accessed from this computer.01:04
puffThen log out, on the login screen, next to your username will be a little white circular ubuntu symbol.  Click on that and it will let you select between kde or xfce for window manager.  Select kde and log in, see if you get the same behavior.01:05
puff Ted_: Hm, on second thought, try sudo aptitude install lxde01:05
puffkde is kinda big and takes a little while to install, lxde should be faster.01:05
Ted_ok I will give that a shot01:06
puffTed_: If the slowness goes away when using lxde, then you know it's something about xfce that's causing the problem.  If it remains, you know it's something more fundamental.01:06
puffTed_: Changing back to xfce is easy, you do it the same way.01:06
Ted_lxde is installing now, thanks for the help / suggestion. I am really hoping to make the full switch to linux01:08
Ted_done installing, time to test her out.01:17
Ted_back again with my slow xubuntu02:05
Ted_As recomended by puff I installed LXDE wich did improve performace but I Firefox is still pretty slow.02:08
XRS1you could try Lynx02:29
Cool_Cockatiel1so is anyone out here02:32
z4velochi folks....got some issues...with xubu 12.04.3 64-bit amd03:43
z4veloci installed boot up mgr via ppa...now when i launch it...reqsts pwd...enter pwd dialog goes away and nothing...however after tracing net scans, i have to type xhost local: root....any ideas what went wrong?03:45
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vabiHello guys. I have a problem with thunar on Xubuntu 13.04. When i'm copying for example avi file to flash drive, it seems first few seconds to be very fast, and after that i stucks a few MB before the end. What should i do?10:17
vabinow, when i'd left it for a few minutes i see that it's not really stuck, it seems, like thunar can't estimate properly time left.10:18
yeyemanhow do I change the color of executable files in the terminal?11:26
baizonyeyeman: what do you mean?11:26
baizonif a file is executable, it will automatically change its color11:27
yeyemanyes, I want to change the color it changes to11:27
yeyemanthey are some kind of light green by default11:27
baizonyes they are11:27
yeyemanI have a white terminal bg11:28
yeyemanso light green is kind of hard on the eyes11:28
baizonyeyeman: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17299/what-do-the-different-colors-mean-in-the-terminal11:28
baizonyeyeman: or this http://www.ivankristianto.com/beginners-guide-change-ls-command-text-color/11:30
vabiI have a problem with MTP on xubuntu. Phone is ok, MTP is working properly on different OS and on other computer. On my xubuntu i have many crashes and for example i can't move file.11:33
vabii'm sure that it's problem with Xubuntu, because on my music player the same bugs occurs, when in MTP mode11:37
baizonvabi: what phone os? android?11:42
vabiYes, unofficial CyanogenMod11:42
vabibaizon: Xperia Pro, but it is occuring with all types of MTP devices.11:42
baizonvabi: i had often problems with PC <-> Android, thats why i'm using and recommend AirDroid ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sand.airdroid )11:44
baizonno problems since then11:44
vabibaizon: thanks for that useful app, but it won't work for me, i'm copying sometimes about 1GB of data. With my crappy internet connection it would last weeks :)11:46
baizonvabi: well it uses your local LAN11:47
baizonso it will be faster than USB11:47
vabibaizon: Oh, so thank you really much, i'll use it. Only problem is that it wont work for my music player :D So if anyone have any ideas, i would be really happy.11:48
baizonvabi: as you can see airdroid got an integrated music player ;)11:49
vabiYup, but i'm talking about a little mp3 player, another device :)11:49
baizonah ok11:49
Myrttivabi: so what have you done to troubleshoot and narrow down the problem so far?11:50
Myrttivabi: are you at all familiar with commandline interface?11:51
vabiMyrtti: i tried to use Clementine player to deal with music transfers, but it worked similiar to this one from thunar. I use commandline sometimes, i think I'm beginner.11:52
Myrttiso if you have one of the devices at hand right now, and you plug it in, what does dmesg and lsusb output? just last lines of dmesg would do. Use pastebin (paste.ubuntu.com works) if there's a lot of text11:53
vabiMyrtti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6140877/11:58
Myrttiand tail -f /var/log/syslog ?11:59
vabiMyrtti: I forgot to call you above ;)12:02
Myrttilet me read your problem description again...12:05
Myrttiso mtp works, to a certain degree, and then mysteriously fails12:06
vabiMyrtti: Maybe it's not really accurate. I can't move file within MTP, for example move some photo to another folder on my phone. Sometimes i'm copying something to my phone and after a few minutes of laggy copying i get empty folder instead of that one which i was copying. And it's giving me alerts that it can't delete something, for some reason (when i'm only copying).12:07
vabiMyrtti: And to that, i have a problem with estimating time left when copying to pendrive, i don't know, maybe it's linked.12:12
MyrttiI draw a blank sorry12:20
vabiMyrtti: No problem, i think that after installing pure 13.10 it will work OOB :) So i can live with this bugs that few weeks. Thank You.12:23
dlwhow to start a program at boot up13:24
nantouwhen will 13.10 be released?15:42
elfyin october15:42
bekksnantou: In 10/201315:42
nantou20th ofo october? 15th?15:43
Myrttiit actually says on the page15:43
Myrttibut generally it has been the third Thursday of the month15:44
Myrttias it is now15:44
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jonhigh9000Before my Question i am a newbie to xubuntu. is there any way to select cursor themes?21:40
xubuntu587you mean like trailing shadows of the mouse arrow?21:41
knomejonhigh9000, in settings manager, go to "mouse and touchpads", then select the tab "theme"21:41
jonhigh9000Cool. ty :) sorry about the question. :(21:42
David-Ajonhigh9000: don't be sorry, it was a perfectly valid question about xubuntu (or xfce)21:44
jonhigh9000David-A: thanks.21:45
cyberporkguys i've a problem, i've upgraded my pc from xubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 and after that my pc doesn't boot!21:57
cyberporkit only boot after i select the hd in the bios of my motherboard21:58
cyberporkthe pc is a intel g2020 on a asus p8h77-m21:58
cyberporkplz help me to resolve i need this pc for my office to work21:59
cyberporkanyone can help me to find the rpoblem?22:02
cyberpork it can be a uefi incompatibility?22:07
cyberporkheeeeellloooooooo guysssssssss22:16
cyberporkciao ragazzi!22:19
GridCube!hi | cyberpork22:20
ubottucyberpork: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:20
GridCubecyberpork, have you tried to choose a previous linux version on the grub menu?22:20
cyberporkyes but it doesn't matter22:20
cyberporki've tried all  kernel that i had22:21
GridCubehow is it that it doesnt work?22:21
cyberporkthe only solution is to define in the uefi bios the hd22:21
cyberporkand magically it boot22:22
GridCubethen its an uefi problem22:22
cyberporkin the bios i can also don't move anything and then boot22:22
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:22
cyberporkbut i must eneter in the bios first22:22
cyberporki'm reading this now22:22
cyberporkit can be a simple grub bug22:23
GridCubeyou might try to use boot-repair to fix grub22:23
cyberporkif i upgrade the distro to 13.04?22:23
cyberporkthe pc is at work and i can't go physically there22:24
cyberporkbut i can access to it by remote22:25
GridCubesorry this goes beyond my field of knowledge22:25
GridCubecyberpork, have you tried to run "sudo update-grub"?22:26
cyberporkhave you knowledge about uefi and bios? i don't know so mush about22:27
GridCubevery superficiallly22:27
cyberporki'm reading on the doc but i can understand a thing22:27
GridCubei know that for many uefi installations you need a dedicated partition just for the uefi settings22:27
GridCubeor you can disable the secure booting from uefi to avoid the need of that22:28
cyberporkin the bios i see 2 disk with uefi flag22:28
cyberporkand 1 disk22:28
GridCubecyberpork, uefi replaces the bios22:28
GridCubethere is no bios, just uefi22:28
cyberporkbut all of 3 are the only hd that my pc has!22:28
cyberporkok sorry22:28
GridCubecyberpork, those are the partitions, you need 3, one for uefi, one for your data, and one for linux's swap22:29
cyberporkwhy i see doubled hd in the uefi?22:29
cyberporkbut all of that are 500 gb22:29
cyberporkanyone have the same name22:29
GridCubecyberpork, how did you installed the system? are you sure that grub got installed in the first boot drive? maybe it got installed in the drive that uefi looks for second22:30
cyberporki've  only installed 1 time xubuntu 12.04 and the hd was clean before22:30
GridCube!es | felixx22:30
ubottufelixx: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:30
cyberporki've just bought for this pc22:30
GridCubecyberpork, you dont have any other drive? not even a pendrive?22:31
cyberporkmmm nothing22:32
cyberporkwhat can i try?22:32
cyberporkplz explain me what can i do GridCube22:33
GridCubeif it where me, i would try to see where grub got installed, i would try to run boot-repair and see if it can fix it for me22:33
GridCubei would see if the drive its flagged as booteable22:33
GridCubeand if in uefi its listed as the first boot device22:33
cyberporkin uefi is the first, it's the only thing i can move to boot p22:34
cyberporkthe strange thing is that boot after i enter and i exit to the uefi22:36
cyberporkalso if i don't move enything22:37
cyberporkGridCube, thanks a lot for support22:54
GridCubesorry i couldnt be of more help cyberpork22:54
cyberporki try to find the solution in the uefi22:54
cyberporkbye bye and have a good day!22:54

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