
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
* frankban lunches12:11
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterupgrade...reboot...aaand we're back12:27
gary_posterwelcome back frankban! :-) have a nice time?12:27
frankbangary_poster: it's good to be back, and yes, thank you, very nice time12:38
gary_postergreat :-)12:39
frankbanguihelp: I need two reviews (python, mostly code removal) for https://codereview.appspot.com/13824045 . Thank you!13:12
bacfrankban: will do13:13
frankbanbac: thanks13:13
* bac reboots13:17
gary_posterfrankban, looking now also.13:33
frankbangary_poster: thanks!13:33
* hatch isn't here, he just woke up too early13:34
gary_poster:-) sorry13:35
hatchhaha, it happens13:35
gary_poster(switching locations)14:18
bacfrankban: tips on QA for your branch?14:19
frankbanbac: for that branch, I think there is no need to QA, it's mostly moving code around. However I can quickly write 3/4 QA steps if you want to try the deployer support14:21
bacfrankban: i feel the same about the branch14:22
frankbanbac: cool14:23
hatchDo we have someone who's responsibility it is to approach providers and get them to write charms for their products?14:24
benjiI keep having test runs abort in the middle with no status reported.  Does anyone know anything about that?14:29
gary_posterI don't, other than that there is a timer for the tests that we've had to extend in the past benji.  I'm also back, fwiw.14:31
gary_posterif anybody said anything between my "brb" and now I didn't see it--backlog is upstairs.  (hm, I can fix that for next time)14:31
hatch^ gary_poster14:34
hatch(chat log)14:34
gary_posterthanks hatch! the people are the charmers--Antonio's team and Jorge14:35
hatchcool I'll ping him14:36
abentleybac, benji: We have a replacement ready for the charmworld lander.  Unless you object, we will start trying to use it today.  Cool?14:46
bacabentley: that sounds good.  i won't have any branches for cw landing today14:47
gary_posterjujugui, fwiw we have five urgent inspector bugs to tackle.  I have some calls this morning and am trying to move the two pending reviews (huwshimi, hatch) through, but afterwards will help.  When people can take one of the urgent cards, please do.  These are not "drop your current branch" cards but "do next" cards.14:47
Makyojujugui call in 10 kanban now15:50
bacgary_poster: no mongolian bbq for you.  bali hai burns.15:58
gary_posterbac, lol, what?15:58
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:58
bacyou never went there?  on 6 forks15:58
bacfor the nerd engineers it was more about stacking the plate than eating15:59
gary_posterheh, yeah never went.  too bad it burned15:59
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
gary_posterhatch ping16:01
* hatch pokes head up16:01
bacwinter in TN now benji?16:01
hatchI'm just watching edgeconf16:01
benjibac: fall has fell16:01
gary_posterhatch oh are you out today?16:01
hatchyep, did I forget to add it to the calendar?16:02
gary_posterhatch oh cool.  ttyl16:02
hatchI'll be around if you need me16:02
gary_postercool thx16:03
benjigary_poster: oops16:09
gary_posterbenji lol16:09
arosalesgary_poster, any way to pass a login URL for the juju-gui?17:06
gary_posterarosales, if someone needs to log in then the main url should challenge them.  if not, bug17:07
* gary_poster goes for quick walk17:08
hatchto elaborate a little bit - any url should redirect them to a login url17:16
hatchif they aren't logged in17:16
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
arosalesgary_poster, sorry. I didn't phrase my question right. I was wondering if there were options to the GUI url to pass in auth17:29
arosalesgary_poster, user story, is we are working on a juju quick start image, and want to be opinionated as much as possible. With that we went to have the GUI up and running, but we currently block in the GUI auth. We know what the username and password is, so we just wanted to see if we could improve the story there.17:30
arosaleshatch, ^17:31
hatcharosales: you can provide it in the config file17:32
hatchis that possible in your image?17:32
arosaleshatch, yes I think so17:32
hatcharosales: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/app/config-debug.js take a peek at the `user` and `password` properties17:33
arosaleshatch, we'll give that a try. We are boarding between the GUI being displayed on the host env and Juju operating in a VM17:33
hatchthe charm auto generates the config though which may cause an issue17:33
hatchoh intersting17:35
hatchI've never attempted that17:35
arosaleshatch, sorry when you said config I thought of https://jujucharms.com/precise/juju-gui/#bws-configuration17:36
hatchahh - it's been a while since I've been in the charm17:36
hatchlemme see if there is a way for you to customize that17:36
arosaleshatch, I would be fine with going http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/app/config-debug.js route, not sure how to implement that in a 'juju deploy'17:38
hatchyeah just looking if we implemented a way to modify that17:39
hatcharosales: doesn't look like it :/17:40
hatchthe only real option is to deploy it with staging=true17:41
hatchbut that doesn't really work17:41
hatchbecause then it goes to a sandbox mode17:41
arosaleshatch, basically my end to goal is to by-pass auth for this user story (local dev), and we can provide creds if needed since we are setting the env up anyways.17:42
hatchgary_poster: ^ any thoughts on the 'proper' approach?17:43
hatchall I can think of are ugly fragile hacks17:43
hatchI suppose the best way would be to add the u/p as a config option17:44
hatchbut I don't think thats a quick addition :)17:44
arosaleshatch, and there are no extra url parameters that get parsed for login, correct?17:45
hatcharosales: a possible easy sollution could be to log out their secret from the environments.yaml to the console during the script process to tell them that that's there password17:49
arosalesyup, we had that in our back-pocket, but just wanted to check with the experts here if there was any options we were overlooking17:50
arosaleshatch, thanks. sounds like, atm, it is not possible to pass authentication via url or cham config to the GUI.17:50
hatchyeah unfortunately no - I'd probably vote for providing it as a config options17:53
hatch s/a//17:53
hatchI'm not sure if that came through17:53
hatchyeah unfortunately no - i'd probably vote for providing it as config options17:54
benjiAt lunch I determined that my new headphones don't have a rattle.  I also determined that the headphone jack of my laptop has a short.17:54
arosaleshatch, +1 on a config opt to the charm if that is possible.17:56
* arosales realizes that would be dev work needed, but there are some local dev use cases. 17:56
gary_posterarosales, hatch there is one now pretty sure.  looking17:56
* arosales awaits gary_poster's search17:57
gary_posterarosales, hatch, right, there's one in the GUI but we have not exposed in the charm.  would be pretty easy to add.  what's the timeframe & what's the benefit?17:58
gary_posterarosales, I understand use case, I mean in your estimation how valable is that story to the quick start story?17:58
arosalesgary_poster, hmm17:59
arosalesits the the cost of having the user look in the console, then copy/paste into the GUI.  17:59
arosalesgary_poster, so not huge 18:00
gary_posterarosales, ack.  I want something like this in our quick start story too.  what is your timeframe?18:00
gary_posterI could have it done in probably 2-3 days.  I should get four or five urgent bugs fixed and released first18:00
gary_posterbut after that this would be a quick task18:01
arosalesgary_poster, we may go out with an image this week and then we can keep improving on it when you land features.18:02
gary_posterarosales, ack.  I'll try to sneak it in over the next couple of days.  will ping you when it is in, and might ask for qa to verify18:02
arosalesgary_poster, we would be happy to.  Let us (arosales and utlemming) when we should test. Thanks for working on squeezing it in. 18:03
gary_postercool arosales, welcome18:03
bacha, the ikea delivery man couldn't find our house so he invoked a non-existent ban on deliveries in the old city after 1pm and went back to the warehouse.  my evening just freed up.  i was looking forward to some cheap furniture assembling.20:39
benjiheh; customer service does seem a bit lacking in your present neck of the woods20:43
hatchheh around here they will just leave the paper on the door and not knock because they assume I'm not home21:08
hatchvery frustrating21:08
bacargh, lbox is causing my tests to crash again.  so annoying.21:39

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