
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ScottKRiddell: \o/02:31
ScottKWe weren't supposed to need that anymore, but I'll take it up with upstream.  Thanks for hunting it down.02:31
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Riddellbug 1131070 is a funny one, slavak gets a bad font on numbers09:12
ubottubug 1131070 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Wrong font for slovak numbers." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113107009:12
Riddellshadeslayer: what do you use fail2ban for?09:46
Riddellshadeslayer: moving your files onto the muckle drive, that's where the space is09:48
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smartboyhwRiddell, oh, so we are dropping ARM images10:10
* smartboyhw didn't believe that they are dropping ARM images with the PowerPC images still surviving-.-10:10
Riddellsmartboyhw: well that's the question10:12
Riddellarm images don't work and I don't think we have the skills or time to fix them10:13
Riddelland they're not in themselves useful10:13
Riddellit's a shame nothing useful has come of them, I had really hoped to get nexus images10:13
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cortexA9hello all10:52
smartboyhwHello cortexA9 10:53
cortexA9hello smartboyhw10:54
cortexA9testing kubuntu10:54
smartboyhwcortexA9, great!10:54
cortexA9it works ?10:55
smartboyhwUm, I think you should stop now (a bit)10:55
smartboyhwA new daily is coming 10:55
cortexA9the daily of today10:55
cortexA9i mean10:55
cortexA9i try it in a moment.10:56
apacheloggerthere's always another daily coming ^^10:56
smartboyhwapachelogger, the next daily is the official 1st candidate for Beta 2;)10:58
apacheloggerthere's also always another release10:58
smartboyhwapachelogger, sure10:59
cortexA9ok in the meantime10:59
cortexA9i test the daily of today.10:59
cortexA9ok all good.11:17
Riddelllordievader: did you get anywhere with local docs?11:26
cortexA9Riddell: all ok with kubuntu daily11:27
RiddellcortexA9: great :)11:27
RiddellcortexA9: oh but does the install only with wifi setup work?11:27
cortexA9oh didn't tried11:27
RiddellcortexA9: will you be able to do some beta image testing when we get images (probably testing tomorrow)?11:35
cortexA9yea Riddell11:36
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Pad: http://goo.gl/It6HGW 4.11.1 S/achv R+P/bpo | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Beta 2 coming this Thur
soeehiho :)11:42
soeefinally tomorrow new notebook and kubuntu on it <311:42
smartboyhwsoee, \o/11:43
Riddellsoee: ooh exciting, what is it?11:44
soeeit is not with preinstalled system but it will have as soon as i get it :D11:45
* Riddell realises this nexus image still exists http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-preinstalled/20130227/11:48
cortexA9Riddell: hehe11:48
cortexA9i think i had tried it11:49
shadeslayerRiddell: I thought /home was linked to muckle?11:50
cortexA9Riddell: it would be awesome if we can provide other updated images.11:51
=== greyback is now known as greyback|food
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:02
cortexA9plasma active is still in alpha ?12:05
smartboyhwcortexA9, we packaged 0.412:05
smartboyhwOops, 4.-12:06
smartboyhwRiddell, please update cortexA9 on the images:P12:06
cortexA9smartboyhw: for nexus 7 ?12:07
smartboyhwcortexA9, ask Riddell :)12:07
cortexA9i didn't tried the 4.12:08
cortexA9need to try it.12:08
ScottKRiddell: re armhf, I'd say let's go for it, but I mostly won't be around to do the work, so whatever you want is fine.12:11
=== greyback|food is now known as greyback
smartboyhwWow, KTp is reaching 0.713:17
smartboyhwSo sad that it won't make it into the Saucy archives (will it?)13:18
Riddellprobably not but depends on release date, what upstream says, how big the changes are etc13:22
Riddellthere's big changes ahead apparently for telepathy architectures, poor them13:22
smartboyhwRelease Date: 12th October13:22
smartboyhwSo, probably not13:22
Riddellmm that's pushing it quite a lot13:23
Riddelllordievader: nicer header :)  http://docs.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs.html13:23
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/p572808e1/13:42
Riddellsomething has gone wrong somewhere13:43
smartboyhwssl handshakes...13:43
shadeslayerI get SSL errors everywhere13:44
smartboyhwshadeslayer, heh heh hehh13:45
Riddellprobably means GCHQ is spying on you13:46
smartboyhwlordievader: What happened to the links at http://docs.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs/GettingInvolved.html ?13:52
Riddellooh they look broken14:00
shadeslayerRiddell: can you upload https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra/+files/kraft_0.51-0ubuntu1.dsc14:16
shadeslayerit built locally14:16
shadeslayerbut if you want, you can wait for it to be built https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra/+build/5043033 https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra/+build/504303414:17
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oy? I thought nobody was to package it :P14:17
shadeslayersmartboyhw: hm?14:17
shadeslayerI got an email from upstream14:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer, since it originated from Debian. I thought we need to let it go through Debian first (last version if 0.50-2)14:18
smartboyhwWell, upstream pinged you at least:)14:18
shadeslayersure, but isn't debian frozen?14:18
smartboyhwshadeslayer, huh?14:18
shadeslayerand ScottK is too busy14:18
smartboyhwThat quick?14:18
shadeslayermaybe I'm out of touch14:18
shadeslayerI thought debian was frozen, but *shrug*14:19
shadeslayerI would like to get that uploaded14:19
shadeslayerthen we sync from Debian next cycle?14:19
shadeslayerthere's isn't much to do14:19
smartboyhwshadeslayer, OK......14:19
smartboyhwRiddell, you seem more available, please unblock ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme and -default-settings from -proposed;)14:24
lordievaderRiddell: Have you seen my trello update?14:28
lordievaderRiddell: About the local docs?14:28
* Riddell looks14:30
Riddelllordievader: hmm we can do better than that I think14:33
Riddelllordievader: i see the old docs package just used the kde style sheets which is fine too, have you seen that?14:34
Riddell<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="help:/common/kubuntu.css">14:34
lordievaderAh yes.14:34
Riddell<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="help:/common/kde-default.css">14:34
Riddellso needs some url munging somewhere14:34
lordievaderHowever I have a feeling that our docs are incompatible with that. I could try though.14:34
Riddellgrab https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/kubuntu-docs_12.04.0ubuntu1_all.deb14:35
Riddelland take a look at /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/welcome/index.html14:35
lordievaderAlready got it ;)14:35
* Riddell looks at smartboyhw's request14:35
Riddellsmartboyhw: unblocked14:37
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah14:39
Riddellshadeslayer: any features in it?14:50
shadeslayerRiddell: upstream said just a teeny tiny one, but it's of no consequence14:50
shadeslayerand blog post says it's just a bug fix release14:50
Riddellshadeslayer: and you can't upload it?14:51
Riddellget some motu power!14:51
Riddell"Kraft creates and handless office documents in small enterprises."14:52
shadeslayertmp/kraft ยป edit-acl -p rohangarg -S saucy -s kraft check                                                                                                                                                               shadeslayer@solembum14:54
shadeslayerRohan Garg (rohangarg) cannot upload kraft to Saucy/Release14:54
Riddellshadeslayer: do you want to get motu powers? if so you can file a FFe to do it properly and use it as an example of your super packaging skills14:55
Riddellif not I'll just fix the typo and upload14:55
smartboyhwRiddell, some people think they just simply don't need it (like yofel )14:55
smartboyhwKubuntu Developers (kubuntu-dev) cannot upload kraft to Saucy/Release14:56
shadeslayerRiddell: just upload it :P14:56
* shadeslayer is in a 'don't particularly care' mood today14:57
Riddellokay dokay14:58
apacheloggeryofel: ping15:00
shadeslayerRiddell: I also have a fix for qt-gstreamer compiling here https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra/+files/qt-gstreamer_0.10.2-2ubuntu2%7Eppa1.dsc15:05
shadeslayerremoved some symbols15:05
shadeslayerit removes some template instantiations which don't break ABI and it removes some c++ symbol patterns15:06
shadeslayerwhich I am unsure about15:06
shadeslayerstuff like +#MISSING: 0.10.2-2ubuntu1# (c++)"construction vtable for QGlib::Interface-in-QGst::Bin@Base" 0.10.115:06
ubottuDebian bug 713350 in src:qt-gstreamer "qt-gstreamer: FTBFS: dpkg-gensymbols errors" [Serious,Open]15:08
Riddellshadeslayer: my attitude, which may be incorrect, is that if the compiler removes a symbol it's ok since the compiler knows more about these sorts of things than I do15:08
shadeslayerRiddell: okay, should be available for upload then15:10
shadeslayeroh heh15:10
shadeslayeryou already uploaded it15:10
shadeslayerI saw the ppa and it said "Newer version available" and went "whaaaa"15:11
* shadeslayer gest onto strigi15:12
shadeslayerstrigi fixed as well15:29
* shadeslayer hops onto tp-qt15:29
Riddellshadeslayer: you're on a roll today, what list are you looking at?15:34
shadeslayerRiddell: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20130614-saucy.html#kubuntu15:35
smartboyhwkubotu: give shadeslayer a cup of coffee15:37
* smartboyhw forgotten the command15:37
smartboyhwUh hum15:37
smartboyhwkubotu: help15:38
kubotuhelp topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 56 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, bans, bar, botsnack, chanserv, debug, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, googlefight, greed, greet, hangman, host, identica, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, map, markov, modes, newpackage, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quote, reaction, remind, ri,15:38
kuboturoshambo, rot, rss, salut, script, search, sed, seen, shiritori, spotify, time, topic, translator, tumblr, uno, urban, usermodes, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube; 32 plugins ignored: use help ignored plugins to see why; 2 plugins failed to load: use help failed plugins to see why (help <topic> for more info)15:38
smartboyhwStill forgot which one:(15:38
shadeslayeralready had coffee15:39
smartboyhwshadeslayer, an energy bar?15:39
smartboyhwYou might want that15:39
shadeslayerthen I stole vHanda15:39
shadeslayerI stole vHanda's yogurt15:39
Riddellshadeslayer: good stuff15:39
smartboyhwshadeslayer, what flavour of yoghurt?15:41
* smartboyhw hates strawberry15:42
shadeslayerhow can one hate strawberry15:42
shadeslayerit's pink!15:42
shadeslayerit's like saying you hate unicorns15:42
* smartboyhw hates unicorns, BTW15:44
shadeslayernote to self, ask people who apply for kubuntu dev positions if they hate unicorns15:45
smartboyhwThat's racism..15:47
shadeslayertp qt done!15:48
shadeslayeroh shoot15:51
shadeslayerI probably don't have upload rights to tp-qt15:51
BluesKaj"hate" something that doesn't exist , now is that logical ? :)15:51
shadeslayeroh I can15:51
BluesKajguess I hate work , i should be fixing stuff today15:54
* shadeslayer is covering up for lost days while moving15:55
shadeslayerRiddell: does this make sense to you http://paste.kde.org/pdfef0873/16:02
shadeslayerbecause for some reason WTF_USE_3D_GRAPHICS=0 isn't added16:02
ovidiu-florinthe docs.kubuntu.org site is composed of just static HTML pages?16:13
yofelapachelogger: pong16:20
Riddellshadeslayer: nothing about webkit build system makes sense to me16:24
shadeslayerit's like dealing with autotools16:24
yofelnono, autotools actually makes kinda sense16:24
shadeslayerI suppose you just need to be high to make sense of it16:25
shadeslayeranyway,  thoughts on that build error?16:26
Riddellit's not in the wrong logic is it? try putting it after the else16:27
* Riddell out16:27
ovidiu-florinwhat's wrong with the wiki.kubuntu.org site? once I've logged in, everything is upside down. the header is the orange Ubuntu header instead of the blue Kubuntu header, all the icons are orange instead of blue, and the links are different. what gives?16:47
yofelovidiu-florin: for some reason the theme-to-url matching doesn't quite work once you're logged in. Go to your preferences and set the theme to kubuntu-light16:52
ovidiu-florinpreferences -> "Internal Server Error"16:53
yofelhm, works here...16:54
ovidiu-florinworks now16:57
ovidiu-florinthough it's laggy16:57
lordievaderovidiu-florin: docs.kubuntu.org is static HTML and it is not static HTML ;) It is being generated from https://wiki.kubuntu.org//Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs17:06
ovidiu-florinlordievader: thank's 17:06
ovidiu-florinI'm looking over the script that generates them, now17:07
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Whoo :)17:07
geniiNot sure what's going on with the task manager but the icons are sometimes tiny, sometimes normal, sometimes only some of them are small, etc. After being up for a while seems to settle down to normal size, but for 5-10 minutes after initially loading it's a crapshoot.17:09
* shadeslayer sends some hate towards autotools17:10
shadeslayerI have a fix17:10
shadeslayerhowever I do not know where to put the fix :<17:10
shadeslayerokay pre-build sounds like a good place17:12
cortexA9added ?17:29
cortexA9downloadable ?17:29
cortexA9it's released ?17:29
soeei think http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamOS/17:31
cortexA9i know it17:31
yofelcortexA9: if the bot announces it then it's downlodable and added on the tracker17:39
cortexA9cool yofel17:57
cortexA9i testing it17:57
yofelhm, ubiquity still crashes on the wifi setup in installer-only mode (org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.UnmappedError.NmManagerError.Code4: Not authorized to control networking.)18:19
cortexA9all ok18:23
yofelcortexA9: mark whatever test you did as passed then on the qa tracker please :)18:25
yofeldidn't we have an installer icon in some obvious place in plasma-netbook in the past?19:17
shadeslayermy eyes bleed after seeing the diff between debian and ubuntu packaging in virtuoso-opensource19:21
yofelwasn't the general consensus about it to not touch it as long as it works? ^^19:22
lordievaderRiddell: What a lovely bug, because of one line in the header of the docs khelpcenter refused to include the css. The line was this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">19:22
shadeslayeryofel: well, it doesn't work anymore19:22
shadeslayerand I have some hacks to make it work19:22
shadeslayercompiling the debian package to check if it works19:23
shadeslayerif it does, then maybe we can sync it19:23
yofelwe have a higher version than debian...19:24
shadeslayersid has 6.1.6 ?19:24
yofelaccording to rmadison, sid has 6.1.419:24
shadeslayeror well19:24
yofelthat's multiarched and will break soprano - unless you want to then fix that as well19:25
shadeslayeroh bah :/19:25
shadeslayerokay then19:25
shadeslayerlets just fix our package19:25
shadeslayersync in T19:25
shadeslayermaybe ...19:25
yofelI think I even had a half working patch for soprano19:25
yofelbut seeing what it did in neon made me not want to finish it19:25
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/p4e02e2c7 < that's just the rules file19:26
yofel+1 for sync in T19:26
yofelwell, they removed cdbs rightfully19:27
shadeslayeryofel: review plz http://paste.kde.org/p1e4f8ca7/19:37
yofellooks fine, but what exactly does line 24 do?19:41
yofelI mean, why do we need that?19:42
shadeslayerautomake 1.13 introduces a mandatory file called test-driver19:42
shadeslayerwithout it, it will faile19:42
shadeslayerso we just link the sample test-driver file from automake to binsrc/config19:42
shadeslayerthat file isn't shipped in the source19:43
shadeslayerhttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65290 for eg19:44
ubottuFreedesktop bug 65290 in gabble "tests will fail with Automake 1.13" [Major,Assigned]19:44
shadeslayerI've pinged pitti19:45
shadeslayerbut haven't heard back so far19:45
shadeslayer"The parallel testsuite harness (previously only enabled by the 'parallel-tests' option) is now the default"19:46
shadeslayercheck the mecabs package in debian19:46
shadeslayerhas the same fix, and I just copied it over19:47
yofelah, I was just going to ask you where you got that regex from ^^19:49
shadeslayeryeah, same package ;)19:49
shadeslayerI am incapable of constructing complex regexes19:49
shadeslayerthough I understand it partly19:49
* yofel just wonders why it starts with (?19:49
shadeslayerI think it's kind of like case in C++19:51
shadeslayerthough I might have misunderstood it19:51
shadeslayermeep, need to figure out dinner19:54
shadeslayerI am still unsure about the linking fix, hopefully someone will reply by tomorrow19:54
shadeslayerk, gtg, dinner, cya tomorrow20:01
lordievaderRiddell: The docs in khelpcenter looks like this: http://griffioen.no-ip.org/kubuntu-docs1.png, code is over here: https://code.launchpad.net/~oliviervdtoorn/+junk/kubuntu-docs-local20:05
lordievaderovidiu-florin: What links where broken in the wiki?20:21
Riddelllordievader: ooh!21:42
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh

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