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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:24
djnerokubuntu 13.10 doesn't exist00:25
djnerogreat work linux staff.... goodnight :)00:26
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benklopi'm having some kind of problem with my APT repo02:07
benklopit doesn't seem like any packages are getting loaded in from main02:07
benklopand I have not messed with my sources.list 02:07
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strukturedGreetings all, I have a lenovo x1, just installed latest kubuntu. Phonone reports no sound drivers except the dummy sound driver.02:14
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struktureddevice is this: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)02:15
strukturedI do some kernel updates, perhaps that will fix it02:17
struktured*see some02:18
Dutchmanstruktured: try running 'start-pulseaudio-kde' from the terminal, it may not have started on it's own.02:34
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strukturedDutchman: I get "Failure: Module initilization failed."03:51
strukturedok I restarted, all is well. sweet03:55
strukturedsome update must have fixed it03:55
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Dutchmanstruktured: Sorry, I was somewhere else. Good to hear it's working.04:08
strukturedDutchman: yeah, I guess when you first install it doesn't run all updates (but it does run some as it has a checkbox to tell it to during installation)04:22
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excognachi all. Something really wierd happened: i have kubuntu 12.04 with dual boot, and suddenly i can't select boot option with arrow keys, however presssing "e" highlights windows7 boot option. then i  can't type password for it.  yeah this is a laptop, keyboard is ok. haven't tried with ezternar keyboard yet. any ideas?07:45
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miguelcomo me cambio el nick?09:14
niklasHey guys ;)10:00
lordievaderHey niklas 10:02
niklasCan you help me?10:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:03
niklasI just installe Ubuntu 13.04 on my pc. In the start when I plugged my Razer Taipan into the computer it worked fine, but now it can move, but wont click. Do I need to update some drivers, or?10:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/10:06
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MacKPhi  @ all11:32
MacKPi have a strange problem (after update my kubuntu from 12 to 13.04). i can't connect to server via (s)ftp per konqueror or dolphin.11:33
MacKPmy error message in the konsole when i start konqueror there -> konqueror(6396)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned initialize() D-Bus call failed:  "The name org.kde.kded was not provided by any .service files"11:34
MacKPi found this here for that problem: http://kde.6490.n7.nabble.com/quot-The-name-org-kde-kded-was-not-provided-by-any-service-files-quot-td1539216.html11:34
MacKPbut generating such a file and adding the path /usr/bin/kded4 doesnt help at all11:35
MacKPdoes someone know what i have to do now?11:35
MacKPoh great.. when i start konqueror with sudo it works ><11:44
MacKPhmm intresting11:44
MacKPok i managed to get more problems now ^^ fine.. will have to fix that first i think.. starting konqueror with sudo konqueror was a bad idea i think xD11:48
miguel_larva: 11:54
miguel_larva: 11:54
miguel_larva: 11:54
FloodBotK1miguel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:54
MacKPhmm think i will have to restart.. hope i am back in a minute ;-)11:54
Nalkemi've a problem with kde: while maximize a program-window, the controll-panel's (i've 2) are over the program. i've 2 monitors with different resolutions11:57
MacKPre ^^12:00
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:02
MacKPok, i am at the beginning now.. can't connect to servers with ftp/sftp...12:02
MacKPmorning BluesKaj12:02
migueli'm connected12:02
migueli'm connected12:02
BluesKajhi MacKP12:03
miguelcomo me cambio el nick?12:03
andreuyeh nigga12:03
miguelcomo me cambio el nick?12:05
miguelmini ust12:05
miguelel de del temps12:05
BluesKaj!es | miguel12:06
ubottumiguel: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:06
migueles veu q tenim  parlar amb angle12:06
andreuok 12:06
miguelen cumlouder12:06
GrovRutaNHow do i add tabs to the KDE panel? :S12:17
BluesKajGrovRutaN, tabs?12:22
GrovRutaNyeah, i wanna add for example "Settings" wich i can click and directly see the settings tab instead of going on the application menu12:22
BluesKajyou mean icons , right ?12:23
GrovRutaNno, tabs12:23
miguelandreu gilipollas12:24
miguelandreu gilipollas12:24
BluesKajbest to quicklaunch in the panel , open the little cashew on the right end of the panel , add widgets , type quicklaunch , then drag or double click on it12:24
andreuzomos los oceanic12:24
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migueljoe papaaaa...12:25
GrovRutaNBluesKaj will try it out, thanks man12:25
miguelhy bb12:25
andreuai paapa12:25
miguelGrovRutaN: what i can change my nickname?12:25
GrovRutaNmiguel ?12:26
andreuthis is nice B)12:26
miguelwhat can i change my name GrovRutaN12:26
BluesKajmiguel, in the server text box  /nick newnickname12:26
miguelsorry but i don't understand12:28
miguelciao friends12:28
BluesKajmiguel, do you see the freenode tab in your irc client ? click that then do  /nick newnickname, in the textbox12:29
* BluesKaj just shrugs12:30
GrovRutaNBluesKaj http://files.myopera.com/mazwarbz/blog/ubuntu%20osx.png , i want like this guy has on the top12:30
GrovRutaNI dont know the english word for those12:30
BluesKajGrovRutaN, that looks like gnome to me , this is kubuntu /kde 12:31
BluesKajbbiab ...gotta reboot12:32
GrovRutaNBluesKaj , sure but it should be possible to add that somehow, right ? :P12:32
BluesKajyeah install gnome12:32
MacKPah, now i have it... generating a /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kded.service file with the right path was the key12:43
MacKPthx for listening to me ;-)12:43
FloodBotK1MacKP: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
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izanagihello, i have problem with usb. When i plug in pendrive, there is no info in Device Notifier and Dolphin13:48
izanagithere is no harddrives or anyothers in dolphin13:48
izanagiit is still possible to mount usb drive through terminal13:49
BluesKajizanagi, make sure the panels in dolphin are unlocked , right click in 'places'13:50
BluesKajyou can see mounted drives in thew terminal , use the mount command13:50
Moscherkoboldhello everyone, i have created a lockscreen with widgets for now playing music, is there a way to adjust the volume in the lockscreen? the hardware buttons of my laptops are disabled when the screen is locked13:51
BluesKajizanagi, also run lsusb , to see if the drive shows up13:51
izanagiBluesKaj: lsusb shows somr kingstone info13:52
izanagiBluesKaj: but i dont see any fat in mount command13:53
izanagiBluesKaj: everything was working before update from backports13:53
BluesKajizanagi, try rebooting witht the drive still plugged in 13:54
izanagiBluesKaj: ok13:54
BluesKajMoscherkobold, once the screen is locked you need to unlock it to access any ctrls , afaik13:55
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: i wanted to create a lockscreen where i can control playback, with the now playing widget i can control amarok play, pause, stop etc.13:56
Moscherkoboldnow the only thing missing is volume adjust13:56
BluesKajdon't see the point of lockscreen if you have that many open settings , Moscherkobold , sorry I have no clue about those settings anyway 13:58
izanagiBluesKaj: after reboot, there is still none in dolphin and device notifier13:59
MoscherkoboldBluesKaj: ok thank you, its for my working pc that i can acess playback but nothing more13:59
BluesKajizanagi, try system settings>removeable devices , check  the "enable automatic mounting" button14:02
izanagiBluesKaj: already tried that, no succes14:02
BluesKajizanagi, fat32 format , and is there anything on the drive ?14:03
BluesKajI use ntfs format on my sticks , they all mount just fine14:04
izanagiBluesKaj: fat32, works normally on my second machine on both windows and linux14:04
izanagiBluesKaj: it was working in kubuntu too before update14:05
BluesKajizanagi, have you done dist-upgrade lately ?14:06
izanagii added backports ppa and done update using update manager14:06
izanagiBluesKaj: ^14:06
BluesKajdo a dist-upgrade in the terminal14:06
izanagiBluesKaj: 0,0,0,014:07
BluesKajsudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:07
BluesKajizanagi, ????14:07
izanagiBluesKaj: yes, it did nothing14:08
izanagiBluesKaj: maybe reinstall of device notifier will work?14:13
BluesKajizanagi, I just checked one of my ntfs sticks and it's not showing up here either :(  ...strange14:15
izanagiBluesKaj: :O, very strange14:16
BluesKajhmm bugs in the upgradfes14:18
BluesKajlemme reboot , brb14:18
packge83hava anybody?14:36
lordievaderHey packge83 14:36
lordievaderIs there a !hello factoid?14:36
lordievaderHmm, guess not..14:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:37
dNSTARHello guys. I have a question.. When I start my computer it dosen't allways show where I have to write my encryption-password. But if I press esc I can write it but the interface dosen't look like the same. 14:42
BluesKajizanagi, ok works now , unplugged after reboot , and plugging in again enables my usb sticks14:52
izanagiBluesKaj: not for me14:53
izanagiBluesKaj: i did it manually though14:53
izanagiBluesKaj: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /mnt14:53
izanagiBluesKaj: not a solution, but still can copy files14:53
BluesKajiz so fdisk shows the stick ?14:56
izanagiBluesKaj: yes14:56
izanagiBluesKaj: i need to wait for an update?14:58
dNSTARubuntu can't open /dev/mapper/ubuntu vg-root no such file - Any help? :/14:59
BluesKajdunno , check the notifier and removeable devices in system settings to see if the stick is liatred as "removeable media"15:01
izanagiBluesKaj: yes it is, because it was working earlier15:02
izanagiBluesKaj: but it is not connected15:03
BluesKajizanagi, so the usb icon doesn't show in the system tray as a device ?15:06
izanagiBluesKaj: yes15:07
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keithzgAnybody here know about Kate's syntax highlighting? I added an xml file to define a type, but it isn't showing up in the menu.17:47
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FlyingFoXI just updated my 12.04 to 12.10, but the upgrade process got stuck at "cleaning up". I just restarted my pc. is there a way to resume the upgrade process where it got stuck?18:50
FlyingFoXI had a look at the whole update thing again, but it only wants to upgrade me to 13.04 now18:51
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dNSTARHello guys. I'm having some trouble with my mouse. I have updated all software updates, but it still work. When I plug my Razer Taipan into the computer I can't left nor right click, if I unplug it and stick it into another usb It works for like 10 seconds. Any solutions?20:38
dmattdNSTAR: you need to investigate, what the system does with the mouse20:47
dmattrun in terminal : tail -f /var/log/syslog20:47
dmattand only after that connect your mouse20:48
dmattand when it is connected, run : sudo lsusb20:49
dNSTARI'll try that, thanks!20:49
dmattmy mouse (completely diff. one) is identified as 046d:c52e Logitech, Inc.20:50
dmattthose numbers before name might help you google exact solution for your mouse20:50
dmattyou can even post it here, it is much more specific info20:51
dNSTARStill not working and after tail -f /var blablabla I get this error: ../../../../src/signond/signondaemon.cpp 360 init Failed to SUID root. Secure storage will not be available.20:54
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dmattdNSTAR: only messages which started after you plug in mouse are relevant21:12
dmattthe one above does not sound right21:13
dmattwhat is the lsusb number?21:13
dNSTAReh... How do I check that m8? I just installed ubuntu yesterday :P21:13
dmattsudo lsusb21:13
dmatttha will list all stuff connected to usb21:14
dNSTARBus 003 Device 004: ID 1532:0034 Razer USA, Ltd21:14
dNSTARMust be that21:14
dmattOk, than you are probably in a space for little bit more advanced linux users :)21:19
dmattanyway, you can start with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1166693 or read wiki on Arch wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Razer21:19
dNSTARThanks m8!21:20
dmattyou can find lot of link just by google "linux razer mouse"21:20
dmattasa I understood it from quick skimming through that material, you should set your mouse in windows to behave as noirmal mouse, than in linux you can map all of its buttons to functionality21:22
dmattnormally left right middle button and wheel should work outo of the box21:23
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chachanis there a way to change the way bookmarks on konsole are store?. I'd like to add a parameter to the SSH connection23:31

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