
=== DarkPlayer_ is now known as DarkPlayer
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=== jamesh\ is now known as jamesh
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tlonimhi, is there a way to mass update bug statuses' I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/41702 but is there a script (based on lp api or so)12:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 41702 in Launchpad itself "Allow mass changing of bugs' statuses" [Low,Triaged]12:37
saiarcot895In my debian/control file, if I specify the condition << 2.12.0, then will 2.12.0~ get matched?12:55
smartboyhw2.12.0~ << 2.12.012:56
smartboyhwSo yes12:56
gesersaiarcot895: dpkg --compare-versions 2.12.0~ \<\< 2.12.0 && echo yes || echo no13:03
saiarcot895Thank you smartboyhw and geser13:04
CarlFK http://paste.ubuntu.com/6144043/   (good) at the bottom is   http://paste.ubuntu.com/6144043/plain/  which redirects to a funky launchpad login?15:55
CarlFKnot sure where/who I should be telling this to15:55
CarlFKwget http://paste.ubuntu.com/6144043/plain/ ... HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found; Location: http://paste.ubuntu.com/openid/login?next=/6144043/plain/ [following]15:57
cjwatsonCarlFK: Yes, .../plain/ requires LP auth.15:57
cjwatsonCarlFK: My understanding is that before that was implemented there was a non-trivial amount of (IIRC) malware being distributed via paste.ubuntu.com15:58
CarlFKoh neat...15:58
cjwatsonCarlFK: If you're logged in it's fine.15:58
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
CarlFKcjwatson: https://launchpad.net/~carlfk  shows me logged in, but the paste.../plain is still redirecting me16:04
CarlFKthen I get the warning "Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party."16:05
cjwatsonIt may want you to log into each site16:05
cjwatson(can't help further on this, sorry)16:05
CarlFKis this the right #channel?16:05
cjwatsonYes, but the primary developers are on .au time16:05
cjwatsonSo patience is indicated16:06
CarlFKk - thanks for your help16:06
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
ali1234i'm having trouble with openid logins. it asks me what information to provide to the website but then when i click "yes" it doesn't redirect me back to the site i came in from. it just sends me to a blank page. is this a known issue or something on my end?18:23
ali1234deleted my cookies and it works now18:35
ricotzhi, chindi06 might be broken18:49
ricotzmight have been some hickup, looks like it works18:53
cjwatsonricotz: What was the symptom?18:57
ricotzcjwatson, it failed with a recognized chroot-problem18:58
cjwatsonricotz: I don't see it in history, so I assume you gave it back19:01
cjwatsonricotz: Some chroot problems are just unlucky timing with respect to archive changes, though; they don't all indicate broken builders19:01
ricotzcjwatson, yeah, i retried the build19:02
ricotzcjwatson, i see, that make sense19:02
ricotzthanks and sorry for the noise ;)19:02
bjfis qastaging.launchpad.net down ?20:46
cjwatsonProbably; staging's weekend DB upgrade was taken out by a DC power outage and had to be restarted.20:57
bjfcjwatson, ack, thanks20:59
bjfcjwatson, who should i mention that to?21:00
cjwatsonbjf: Nobody, it's known21:03
bjfcjwatson, ok21:03
cjwatson(I'm just going by IRC scrollback in internal #launchpad-ops about 21 hours ago)21:04
bjfcjwatson, thanks21:07

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