
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
snadgecan someone give a brother a hand with this ctrl-alt-t shortcut problem with current metacity?08:56
snadgei really dont want to have to reinstall raring ;)08:57
UnHolyTerrorWhat is CTRL-ALT-T?10:02
snadgeopen terminal10:06
snadgeseems to be working ok in unity10:06
snadgebut it stopped working for gnome fallback (metacity) a week or two ago10:07
snadgei guess being able to track down the specific update that broke it would be a start10:07
snadgebingo.. its a kernel issue10:20
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BluesKaj'Morning folks12:02
geniiAfter latest update an hour ago, getting crashes from pinentry-qt413:41
geniiUnfortunately, additionally, "The problem cannot be reported: The problem happened with /usr/share/apport/apport-kde which changed since the crash occurred"13:45
yofelgenii: hm, does removing ibus-qt4 help?13:49
geniiyofel: Let me try and a restart, I'll report back shortly13:52
geniiyofel: Well, no crash alerts this time at least.13:59
yofelpossibly bug 1217110 then - though that shouldn't have only started now then...13:59
ubottubug 1217110 in pinentry (Ubuntu) "pinentry-qt4 crashed with SIGSEGV in QString::indexOf()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121711013:59
geniiyofel: I do updates twice a day... in the morning when lightdm is up I go to console and run them with &&shutdown -r now , at night I logout to lightdm again and run them with && shutdown -h now14:02
geniiyofel: I was getting some other crash last few days but not associated with any package14:02
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k1lsince some days zeitgeist-fts is eating all ram after a dash-search15:23
k1lneeds to be killed everytime.15:23
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ice9Is Ubuntu 13.10 beta 1 still very buggy?21:35
k1ldepends on your setup and usecase. when you dont activate -proposed (which is for automatic testing only) it should be quite good21:36
ice9will the amd64 desktop iso work on Mac?21:40
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee

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