
maclinIs anyone nearby can help to confirm the problem of qatracker rebuilding? I request a rebuild of UbuntuKylin on qatracker yesterday, But it has keep rebuilding status for 14+ hours  and I can't cancel the rebuild now.01:23
ScottKdebfx: It's technically open, but if it's in Debian, I don't mind doing a sync, just file an FFe bug for the record.02:29
infinityslangasek: New fakeroot in sid has a patch from you.  Did you want to sync that?02:57
slangasekinfinity: that patch is nothing urgent.  setpriority() no longer causes problems for upstart builds.03:14
ScottKinfinity: If you have a spare tuit, would you please take a gander at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lesstif2/+bug/1222747/comments/29  - My brain is far to fuzzy to trust ATM.03:15
maclininfinity, hi03:44
infinityScottK: Looked at and commented.04:09
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.04:10
cjwatsonmaclin: The i386 livefs builder has been down all weekend and requires physical attention to bring it back up.  It's not specific to UbuntuKylin.08:10
cjwatson(Replying in two places since you asked in two places.  Best not to do that really.)08:10
JackYucjwatson, :).08:12
maclincjwatson, thanks08:15
JackYucjwatson, hi, would you help to review the FFe request at bug #1227197?08:19
cjwatsonI have a lot to do this morning, sorry08:21
attentehello, is there anyone i can talk to about this FFe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-greeter/+bug/122820708:29
LaneyI'll look at the list of FFes later on08:31
cjwatsonLaney: Wanna set up a migration block for final beta?08:46
Laneycjwatson: oh, yes, OK08:47
Laneygive me a sec and I'll pastebin the list the script gives for you to review08:47
smartboyhwLaney, um, we have uploads for Studio here waiting to be uploaded for Final Beta and nobody is sponsoring08:47
LaneyThings can be unblocked08:48
smartboyhwLaney, sure, telling you that:)08:48
Laneycjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614467908:50
cjwatsonDidn't moin used to have a copy-page action?08:51
Laneydoes here08:51
cjwatsonWhere is it? :)08:52
cjwatsonLaney: TBH I'm not sure I can realistically review this.  What flavours did you select?08:52
LaneyMore actions: combo08:52
cjwatsonLaney: Don't see it on help.ubuntu.com/community08:52
Laneyoh, help, was on wiki08:52
cjwatson"Unknown action CopyPage"08:52
cjwatsonso not supported there I guess08:52
LaneyI don't think I have meaningful access to that one08:52
cjwatsonNever mind, will just do it the crude way08:53
Laney['ubuntu-gnome', 'xubuntu', 'lubuntu', 'ubuntukylin', 'kubuntu', 'edubuntu', 'ubuntustudio', 'ubuntu', 'ubuntu-server']08:53
cjwatsonLaney: Seems to be roughly plausible for that, I'd say go ahead08:57
LaneyRoger. I just wanted a sanity check that I didn't completely break it in ways that I wasn't seeing.08:58
* Laney mails -devel09:00
cjwatsonstgraber: Could you prepare a final beta milestone on the ISO tracker?09:00
cjwatsonstgraber: Hm, never mind, I think I can09:01
LaneyYeah, any RT member can do09:02
cjwatsonThe "based on manifest" column seems fairly random - I went for "yes"09:02
cjwatsonAnd hopefully it's still correct to edit ~cdimage/.isotracker.conf09:03
LaneyIf you tick the "automtically publish" thing then it copies from daily to the milestone09:04
cjwatsonOh right09:04
LaneyI think based on that manifest toggle09:04
cjwatsonI'll edit *Process to say that then09:04
Laneygood idea09:04
cjwatsonLaney: did you mail -devel-announce?09:09
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: 13.10 Beta 1, 13.04, and 12.04.3 | Archive: beta freeze | Saucy Salamander Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
Laneycjwatson: No, just devel09:09
LaneyCan bounce if you want09:09
LaneyAlso, one more thing that I remember09:10
LaneyThe manifest http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/series/37/manifest needs to be current for publishing to the milestone to work09:10
cjwatsonOK, so we should re-enable netboot, Ubuntu desktop {amd64,amd64+mac,armhf+omap4,i386}, core, and Ubuntu server?09:12
cjwatsonI've done that, shout if wrong09:12
cjwatsondebian-cd/CONF.sh tweaked09:14
cjwatsoninfinity: I've done most of the technical actions necessary up to this point, I think.  I haven't done anything like contacting marketing for release notes, checking with QA/certification, etc.09:15
cjwatsonseeing as I'm not actually signed up for beta ;-)09:16
forestpiskiesorry to bother you busy chaps - do I need to deal with this http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/builds to get beta2 to show up on the tracker for us?09:24
* forestpiskie is new to this :)09:24
Laneyforestpiskie: The next build should show up automatically if you are in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/series/37/manifest09:25
forestpiskieyep - we are - just wanted to check, thanks09:26
LaneyAssuming another one happens (don't know if a full respin will take place) - otherwise the current daily can be copied over09:26
elfyLaney: I'll just let it chunter away and check later then - thanks09:32
Laneydid my bounce to u-d-a work?09:57
cjwatsonyes, just approved now10:00
Laneyah, k, didn't get a moderation mail10:00
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
cjwatsonFYI: Tomorrow morning we hope to be moving some archive jobs to a new machine.  Vulnerable services: saucy-proposed -> saucy migration, any content under http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/10:23
cjwatsonUploads, builds, publication to saucy-proposed and stable releases, and downloads from the archive will be unaffected10:23
cjwatsonLaney: Do you know why unity-scope-click showed up in your block?10:25
cjwatsonI don't see it in images10:26
Laneylet me see10:27
cjwatsonI only see it in ubuntu-touch, which you didn't list10:27
cjwatsondidrocks: ^-10:27
didrocksyeah, it's only used and installed on touch10:27
Laneyprobably a bug, sec10:28
asacubuntu-touch-session is the same10:28
Laneyhaha, I forgot to put back the code to consider the flavours10:28
Laneythat block is probably everything seeded on all images10:29
didrocksLaney: how long do you think it will take you? I can help unblocking to get a touch image for now if needed (listing ubuntu-touch-session and unity-scope-click)10:29
asacok ... could you unblock unity-click-scope and camera-app10:29
Laneytwo seconds10:29
asacand ubuntu-touch-session?10:29
Laneythere's no need to unblock things10:29
asacah ok10:29
didrocksok, great that the code is still around10:29
didrocksthanks Laney10:29
asacso this will just move after fixing the bug?10:29
Laneysomehow gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas got onto edubuntu10:31
Laneyblock should be better now, modulo that and anything else in the same situation10:32
Laneylike ubuntu-system-settings10:35
cjwatsonwell, I've done the block/unblock delegation for touch as mentioned on ubuntu-release@, so if it's just the odd edge case then they can unblock for themselves10:36
LaneyI doubt edubuntu actually want ubuntu-system-settings though10:37
Laneynow why did that happen10:49
Laneyoh, because of default_milestone10:50
smartboyhwPlease unblock ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme and ubuntustudio-default-settings from saucy-proposed.10:56
cjwatsonLaney: damn, did I not set it back?11:01
Laneycjwatson: no, but I fixed it11:03
Laneyhopefully ...11:03
ogra_Laney, is slomos comment on the gst-bad bug enough for you or do i need to hunt him down again to actually leave a bug comment ?11:04
Laneyogra_: Don't know, not read it11:04
LaneyLet me see11:04
ogra_i just added it, he didnt comment on the bug itself but left a line on IRc11:05
LaneyI'm trying to get at whether we'll have fun with the packaging in future11:05
ogra_i think the long term plan is to give the package its own source too (if thats possible witout forking the whole thing)11:06
ogra_though thats not 13.10 material11:06
Laneyis it?11:06
LaneyNot sure upstream would go for that11:07
ogra_if it can be merged fully upstream then the current approach is fine11:07
Laneynobody has told me they don't think it can be11:08
ogra_but i think upstream it would have to be a completely new plugin in the end ... i assume whoever wrote the android codec plugin this comes from didnt want to use hybris11:08
Laneysee jim's comments there11:08
Laneyanyway. Let's do it.11:09
ogra_ah, right11:09
* ogra_ hugs Laney 11:09
cjwatsonLaney: thanks, sorry about that11:23
Laneycjwatson: no problem11:23
smartboyhwLaney, saw my unblocking request? :)11:24
Laneyyes, so did other RT members; doing other stuff currently11:24
smartboyhwRelease Team: BTW, it looks like i386 images are simply not been built (it does build fail according to e-mail sent to our -devel mailing list, but I get no LiveFS build log at people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive)11:30
smartboyhwIt started since 2013092011:31
smartboyhwI'm wondering if it is related to the previous downtime of London Canonical datacentre.11:31
smartboyhwShouldn't be the reason though11:31
=== peterm-ubuntu is now known as Peter-lunch
smartboyhwIt happens to at least us, Kylin. Xubuntu, Lubuntu11:32
smartboyhwEven Ubuntu desktop11:33
LaneyThe machine went down11:33
LaneyBeing worked on11:34
smartboyhwLaney, thanks11:34
ScottKsmartboyhw: Also, already mentioned in this channel about 3 1/2 hours ago.11:44
smartboyhwScottK, oh, I didn't notice the backlogs about that11:45
Riddellsmartboyhw: I agree, no i386 logs in sight11:47
ScottKRiddell: the builder is down.11:56
RiddellScottK: ah hah12:28
cjwatsonsmartboyhw: Sysadmins have iLO access now, so it's waiting for a prod via that12:36
smartboyhwcjwatson, what's iLO?12:39
cjwatsonremote console12:39
smartboyhwcjwatson, ah great:)12:40
=== barry` is now known as barry_
=== barry_ is now known as barry
cjwatsonThe i386 livefs builder is back; I'll do a bunch of builds shortly unless somebody wants to beat me to it13:39
knomeinfinity, ping me when you've set Beta 2 release notes up for tweaking :)13:55
knomeinfinity, or ping me and tell me we should do that ourself. :)13:56
smartboyhws/ourself/ourselves/ :)13:57
jhodappScottK, ping14:06
Riddelljhodapp: if it's about kubuntu I can help14:06
jhodappRiddell, it's about qtmultimedia14:06
Riddellthat bundle of joy14:07
Riddelljhodapp: what's the question?14:07
jhodappRiddell, we need an approver for this FFe once it hits the NEW queue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/122798714:07
ogra_jhodapp, no, you need an approver for the FFe before you upload14:07
jhodappok :)14:08
smartboyhwAnyhow, he's asking the correct person:P14:08
ogra_jhodapp, when it hits the archive you need an approver from the ubuntu-archive team to get it through NEW14:08
jhodappRiddell, what orga_ said :)14:08
jhodappogra_, thanks for the clarification14:08
ogra_so first of all ubuntu-release approval, then the rest :)14:08
jhodappogra_, cool, this part is all new to me14:09
ogra_yeah, thats all these distro processes .... :) you cant know them yet14:09
Riddelljhodapp: commented I can do New14:10
jhodappRiddell, awesome...you're able to do that today by chance?14:10
Riddelljhodapp: yeah should be able to but it still needs a FFe14:10
* ogra_ hugs Riddell 14:10
Riddelljhodapp: presumably you're in contact with upstream to get it merged?14:10
Riddelljhodapp: are you wanting this in beta 2?14:11
jhodappRiddell, I'm not in contact yet, but will be heading that way soon...rsalveti might have been talking with someone from upstream though14:11
Riddelljhodapp: who else uses qtmultimedia 5 and might be affected?14:11
ogra_Riddell, thats all for ubuntu-touch14:11
jhodappRiddell, yeah, this is a diverted package only for touch14:11
ogra_Riddell, we dont do beta ... (we do every single image like a milestone for touch)14:12
jhodappRiddell, sergiusens put the package together if you have questions specific to that14:12
Riddelljhodapp: what does qtmultimedia 5 use now instead of gstreamer?14:13
jhodappRiddell, still uses gstreamer, just ported to 1.x14:14
Riddelljhodapp: this is quite a major feature to port to 1.0 isn't it? wouldn't you want to be in contact with upstream to ensure you're not duplicating anything?14:14
jhodappRiddell, but the reason we had to make a diverted package is because it doesn't port the mediacapture nor the camerabin support, which would break things on the desktop if we simply replaced the qtmultimedia package14:14
jhodappRiddell, the person who started the port was in contact with them and said there wasn't anything available yet for porting to 1.x14:15
Riddelljhodapp: presumably there's no sensible reason to install this except being an ubuntu edge user on a phone/tablet? so it shouldn't get in the way of desktop users14:16
ogra_Riddell, yeah14:16
jhodappRiddell, exactly14:16
ogra_it wont go into desktop14:17
sergiusensnot for desktop at all14:17
jhodappRiddell, any other questions we can answer?14:20
Riddelljhodapp: nope, approved!14:21
jhodappRiddell, excellent, thanks much14:21
Riddellpoke me when you need a review, although I'm doing install testing so may not be around for some periods14:21
jhodappRiddell, ok14:21
cjwatsoncrontab disabled, kicking off a full round of builds now14:28
jhodappogra_, can you push the packages for us now that we have approval? :)14:28
ogra_yeah, where are the source packages ?14:28
jhodappsergiusens, ^14:28
jhodappogra_, so when we have bug fixes to these packages, we don't have to go through the same approval process, correct?14:29
sergiusensogra_, jhodapp &^^14:29
ogra_jhodapp, right, its just for getting it in14:29
jhodappogra_, ok excellent14:29
tkamppeterHi, I have synced pyppd and hplip from Debian to get a security fix into Saucy. The fix is in HPLIP, thepyppd update merely only bumbs the version number, fulfilling a dependency of HPLIP and does not have real changes otherwise.14:30
tkamppeterThey two, pyppd and hplip need to be moved into the release now.14:30
kgunndidrocks: ok, i filed an FFe for libmirclient14:31
didrockskgunn: don't assign, please subscribe the release team to it14:31
kgunndidrocks: gah...sorry14:31
didrocksRiddell: Laney: hey, do you have some time to have a look at that one? ^14:31
didrocksthat would be helpful so that we can proceed and get latest Mir for touch14:32
didrocks(it has no real impact for desktop, apart from the rebuilds)14:32
kgunndidrocks: thinking...does mirserver also need one ? for since u-s-c is there....altho its in universe14:34
ogra_sergiusens, hmm, thats just the debian dir14:34
didrockskgunn: it doesn't impact desktop image as u-s-c isn't installed by default on desktop, the ABI breakage is for Touch, so I would say this will fall in the Touch FFe14:35
sergiusensogra_, bzr bd -S14:35
kgunndidrocks: ack, agree...but wanted to make sure14:35
ogra_sergiusens, what source tarball does it use ? i dont think we can upload the same upstream source tarball twice14:35
cjwatsonYou can upload it twice as long as the contents are identical or the name is changed14:36
sergiusensogra_, it's a different source package14:36
ogra_cjwatson, ah, thanks14:36
sergiusensogra_, do I need to change anything then?14:37
sergiusensogra_, source package gets a name like qtmultimedia-opensource-src-touch_5.1.1+git20130920+5b12abb862.orig.tar.gz14:37
ogra_sergiusens, let me test build ...14:37
ogra_i guess its alll fine14:37
sergiusensogra_, takes it's time ;-)14:38
sergiusensogra_, the latest build is also on ppa:sergiusens/phablet14:38
ogra_my chromebook is chuggin away :)14:38
Riddellkgunn: bug is now unassigned?14:41
kgunnRiddell: sorry, shall i reassign it?14:42
Riddellkgunn: doesn't really matter just wondered what it ment14:42
kgunnRiddell: me screwing up :)14:42
Riddelloh you following the "subscribe (do not assign to) the 'ubuntu-release' team. " instruction :)14:42
Riddellkgunn: what are the rdepends?14:43
kgunnRiddell: right...so, shall  i just update the bug with "apt-rdepends libmirclient" ?14:45
kgunnmaking sure i get the right rdepends14:45
Riddellkgunn: yeah, and note which flavours it affects14:46
jhodappogra_, are you working on qtmultimedia right now or in a bit? We also need our gst-plugins-bad-hybris package pushed as well14:53
ogra_jhodapp, do you know if ricardo comes back today or tomorrow ?14:54
jhodappogra_, I thought tomorrow14:54
ogra_i wanted to leave the plugin part to him14:54
ogra_then i should probably upload that too, ok14:55
kgunnRiddell: ok updated14:55
ogra_i'll try to get both done before end of my day14:55
jhodappogra_, ok excellent...can you let me know when you've pushed them and I can help verify that everything is good once they land14:55
Riddellkgunn: that's dependencies not rdepends no?14:56
ogra_jhodapp, indeed14:56
jhodappogra_, thanks14:56
JackYuLaney, hi. May I know when will you review the FFe at bug #1227197? It's middle night here:)15:04
sergiusensogra_, tomorrow15:04
kgunnRiddell: bah...sorry...now its right15:07
Riddellkgunn: which flavours does this affect?15:09
kgunnRiddell: when you say flavours...do you mean desktops ? unity, xubuntu etc ?15:10
Riddellkgunn: yes flavours are ubuntu (unity), edubuntu, ubuntu studio,mythbuntu etc15:11
Riddellthose ones might all be affected I don't konw15:11
dokoLaney, "Not touching package due to block request by laney" -> libnetfilter-conntrack15:18
Laneysee ubuntu-devel-announce15:18
kgunnRiddell: i think the answer is, any flavour using 13.1015:21
cjwatsonFlavours don't *use* 13.10 as such15:21
kgunncjwatson: i think my conjecture is still accurate right ?15:22
cjwatsonAnd I didn't think all flavours were using Mir?15:22
cjwatson(If nothing else, server is clearly unaffected, but I thought others had opted out of Xmir too)15:22
kgunncjwatson: there's no dependency on mir per se....in xmir mir sits under x unbeknownst to anyone, but yes...people can choose to fallback to no xmir15:24
cjwatsonIs libmirclient2 even on any images right now (other than touch)?  seeded-in-ubuntu suggests now15:24
cjwatsonkgunn: I thought you at least had to have the xserver-xorg-xmir package installed to use it15:25
kgunncjohnston: libmirclient2 is part of main archive, yes...you do have to have xmir installed( also part of main archive)...but the real trigger is the install of unity-system-compositor15:25
cjwatsonWhich is not even in Ubuntu desktop images never mind anything else15:25
kgunncjohnston: unity-system-compositor is in universe15:26
cjwatsonI'm cjwatson not cjohnston15:26
cjwatsonSo therefore this doesn't affect any flavours (other than touch) in their default configurations right now15:26
kgunncjwatson: woops...sorry cjohnston15:26
kgunncjwatson: that is technically correct15:26
cjwatsonI would recommend you take that interpretation as it makes it easier for you to land your change :-)15:27
kgunncjwatson: awesome...thank you for the navigation of logic there :)15:27
cjwatsonAlso FYI xserver-xorg-xmir is in universe, not main15:27
kgunncjwatson: reallly...so u-s-c install must pull it in ?15:28
Riddellsoftware centre?15:29
cjwatsonkgunn: Yes15:29
kgunncjwatson: wow..your right...hadn;t looked....15:29
cjwatsonRiddell: unity-system-compositor15:29
kgunnRiddell: sorry...u-s-c, unity-system-compositor15:29
kgunncjwatson: i was under the belief that we had everything but unity-system-compositor in main...thanks for pointing that out15:30
cjwatsonIt doesn't matter that much; xserver-xorg-xmir is a binary package produced by a source package in main, so it can be moved to main without paperwork once it becomes necessary for something else15:31
Riddellkgunn: where are these touch images that it goes onto?15:33
ogra_ dpkg-source -b gst-plugins-bad1.0-1.1.415:34
ogra_dpkg-source: info: using source format `3.0 (quilt)'15:34
ogra_dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address15:34
ogra_so how do i work around that ?15:34
kgunnRiddell: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/15:34
ogra_(an ubuntu maintainer committed with a canonical address)15:34
Riddellkgunn: cleverly hidden under ubuntu-touch-preview/ :)15:34
kgunnwe're tricky like that15:35
Riddellogra_: fix the maintainer line?15:36
didrocksogra_: DEBEMAIL=foo15:36
didrocksogra_: if you -k for signing15:36
JackYucjwatson, can we unblock some packages for UbuntuKylin flavor?15:36
ogra_Riddell, i dont want to change the changelog :) i just want to sign it :)15:37
Riddellkgunn: so aye if it's in touch only and the touch people are happy with it that's all good15:37
cjwatsonogra_: you don't need to15:37
Riddellogra_: it's not changelog it's debian/control15:37
Riddellpaste in Maintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>15:37
cjwatsonogra_: just set DEBEMAIL to something that doesn't contain ubuntu when you run debuild15:37
Riddelladapted to your preferred team15:37
cjwatsonogra_: that downgrades the error to a warning15:37
kgunnRiddell: yeah...they want us to land real bad...hence my showing up here :)15:37
kgunndidrocks: ^15:37
cjwatsonJackYu: sure15:37
ogra_thats news to me thanks !!!!15:37
didrockskgunn: saw it, please ping me once all the bumps we talked about are done15:38
cjwatsonand Riddell is right, this isn't about what you commit as, it's about the Maintainer field15:38
didrockskgunn: I'm changing the config15:38
didrockskgunn: and please merge my branch as well :)15:38
didrockskgunn: also please, ensure the changelog reference that bug number (as you are doing a merge to bump the version anyway)15:39
JackYucjwatson, great, please unlock youker-assistant and ubuntukylin-default-settings.15:39
cjwatsonJackYu: ^-15:41
cjwatsonBTW, please move away from the model where you have a single preferred contact point - I'm not always around15:42
JackYucjwatson, ubuntukylin-default-settings 1.0.7 and youker-assistant 0.2.1. The youker-assistant is still waiting for FFe review:)15:43
JackYucjwatson, got it.15:44
cjwatsonI'm not going to unblock something not in the archive yet, sorry15:44
cjwatsonLooking at ubuntukylin-default-settings15:44
cjwatson"* add some package dependencies and delete some packages" - your uploaders really need to be less vague!15:45
jhodappRiddell, both gst-plugins-bad and qtmultimedia are in the NEW queue and waiting for your approval15:45
Riddelljhodapp: queuebot disagrees :)15:45
jhodappogra_, ^15:45
ogra_jhodapp, he was to fast for you15:45
ogra_Riddell, coudl we get gst-plugins-bad too ?15:45
* ogra_ digs for the FFe15:45
JackYucjwatson, happyaron is here:)15:46
Riddellogra_: waiting for it to appear in new, where's the FFe?15:46
ogra_bug 122466515:46
cjwatsonJackYu: The uploader in this case is ShuiLu Pi, who I don't think is happyaron15:46
* ogra_ tickles ubotu15:46
cjwatsonJackYu: Also, disabling apport and whoopsie entirely?  *Really*?15:46
cjwatsonYou intentionally want to make sure that UbuntuKylin is left out of any error analysis, so we won't notice if a change regresses something for Chinese speakers?15:47
ogra_Riddell, thanks for the hint btw, i fixed the maintainer address in the end :)15:47
cjwatsonJackYu: And there's a misspelling, "UbuntyKylin"15:47
JackYucjwaston, yes, I will tell Pi.15:47
cjwatsonJackYu: Do you know if it's intentional that depends.txt was entirely removed?15:48
JackYucjwatson, yes15:49
cjwatsonJackYu: And putting random stuff in /etc/environment is not really the best plan - that will be hard to upgrade later15:49
cjwatsonJackYu: I'm sorry, I'm not at all happy with this upload and don't really want to unblock it while I have the choice.  The random Upstart overrides with no explanation are the worst (I see it also disables avahi-daemon and modemmanager), but really, all of the stuff I just mentioned should be addressed15:50
cjwatsonJackYu: Could you pass this on?15:50
cjwatsonJackYu: depends.txt> So you don't want e.g. unity-china-music-scope any more?15:50
JackYucjwatson, OK, let me check your comments and hope we can fix it soon.15:50
Riddellogra_: I'm away in 10 minutes, upload soon if you want me to New review it15:52
ogra_Riddell, i uploaded quite a while ago15:53
ogra_Riddell, didnt get a reciept either yet15:53
JackYucjwatson, we use recommends.txt instead of depends.txt, since if using depends.txt, removing one package will lead to the fail of default-settings.15:53
Riddellogra_: something may have gone wrong then15:54
cjwatsonJackYu: Ah, right.  Mentioning that the removed dependencies were duplicated as Recommends is the sort of thing that should have been mentioned in the changelog.15:55
ogra_Riddell, oh, indeed, iwont get a reciept mail since rsalveti owns the changelog15:55
cjwatsonJackYu: I notice that gnome-tweak-tool and chromium-browser are not in recommends.txt, though.15:55
cjwatsonogra_: Normally the signer is notified too.15:55
ogra_well, its already building15:56
JackYucjwatson, yes. we don't want to include these two packages.15:56
ogra_Riddell, we only need you for binary NEW for this one actually15:56
cjwatsonJackYu: OK.  Again, changelog :-)15:56
cjwatsonJackYu: It's not just for me, it's for your users too15:56
ogra_Riddell, i'll try to find someone else for that then15:56
ogra_cjwatson, well, i didnt ... i get other ubuntu mail so my mail server seems to be fine15:57
JackYucjwatson, yes, we should add more changelog for our decision:)15:57
ogra_could some archive admin let the gst/plugins/bad and qtmultimedia-opensource-src-touch builds out of binary NEW ?16:36
jhodappRiddell, ^16:40
ogra_jhodapp, he said he would be out16:41
jhodappRiddell, ah missed that message16:42
ogra_cjwatson, could you perhaps ?16:42
slangasekogra_: so we have a parallel upload of qtmultimedia-opensource now for touch?17:13
ogra_slangasek, atm yeah17:14
ogra_5.1.1 vs 5.0.x i thinnk17:15
slangasekdid someone already work out how we're going to transition back to the main packages once they bump to 5.1 in t?17:15
ogra_heh, not sure17:15
ogra_sergiusens, ^^ ?17:15
slangasekthe package names all look ok, as far as that goes17:16
ogra_we had a few reviews from different people17:17
ogra_and endless tests across the team17:17
slangasekwhich of those were archive admins?17:18
sergiusensslangasek, ogra_ do we need a test scenario?17:18
ogra_slangasek, Riddell ... who let it through source NEW as well17:18
sergiusensI can stage one in a PPA and see how it goes17:19
ogra_sergiusens, nah, i dont think we do17:19
ogra_we can test from the archive17:19
ogra_nothing is seeded yet17:19
ogra_we just need them through NEW17:19
ogra_so you can pull from the archive actually :)17:19
slangasekogra_: ack17:19
=== alecu is now known as alecu_errands
infinityGah, alarm clock fail.17:44
ogra_slangasek, the gst-plugins-bad one too ?17:44
ogra_there should be a new binary as well17:45
ogra_-hybris iirc17:45
mdeslaurLaney: could you unblock pyopenssl in saucy-proposed, please?17:45
slangasekogra_: hadn't gotten to it yet, doing it now17:45
* ogra_ hugs slangasek 17:46
ogra_jhodapp, ^^^17:46
jhodappawesome, thanks slangasek17:46
slangasekogra_: and gstreamer1.0-hybris is added on i386 in addition to armhf for the goldfish case?17:46
ogra_slangasek, right, just not amd6417:47
ogra_(and ppc)17:47
infinityslangasek / cjwatson: Either of you want to catch me up with reality, since I seem to have entirely missed out on what should have been Monday morning?18:20
slangasekinfinity: I think reality has mostly been waiting for you.  but we have an i386 livefs builder again, so that's good news18:20
slangasekand the beta freeze is on18:21
infinityLaney: Thanks for putting the block in.  No thanks for it being right before glibc would have migrated. ;)18:22
slangasekI assume we want glibc up to date for beta, however18:22
slangasekhave you forced it in yet?18:22
infinityslangasek: I haven't unblocked it, it's not particularly critical.  Just a security fix, a testsuite fix (which has already made jenkins happy, so meh), and a compiler swap for arm64.18:23
slangasekyes, but if you want it for release it should go in for beta18:24
infinityslangasek: But if other things are being unblocked and the world's still spinning, there's no harm in taking it either.18:24
* infinity unblocks.18:24
Laneymdeslaur: N18:24
LaneyNot here, ask someone else18:24
LaneyI want to set up a role account for milestone blocks so that I don't get all the pings. :P18:24
mdeslaurLaney: ok, thanks18:25
mdeslaurinfinity: could you please unblock the pyopenssl packages in saucy-proposed?18:25
infinitymdeslaur: I can indeed.18:25
mdeslaurinfinity: thanks18:25
infinityLaney: I can steal your block so I get the pings instead, if you prefer.  But yeah, a role account would do nicely.18:25
infinityslangasek: Per our previous discussion on the topic, I'm going to drop the +omap4 images from the beta.  Not sure if I'll get to the archive surgery to actually remove all the bits too, since there's some fallout from dropping the kernel (ie: d-i needs it torn out, etc), but no point in testing an image we intend to drop in a week.18:46
slangasekinfinity: right. this should probably be announced on ubuntu-release at least, before making the change?18:46
infinityslangasek: Announced before sounds like an invitation for discussion, but I agree that it should be announced period, sure.18:47
* infinity drafts.18:47
cjwatsonLaney: role account> good idea, Debian uses "freeze" IIRC18:50
infinityslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6146813/18:56
=== alecu_errands is now known as alecu
infinityslangasek: Taking your lack of response as consent and sending it.  *cough*19:22
slangasekinfinity: yeah, lgtm.  Did you confirm that kubuntu no longer wants it?19:22
slangasekIIRC that was one of the outstanding points19:23
infinityslangasek: I had a bit of a chat with Riddell, where the conclusion seemed to be "that's unfortunate, but if Canonical no longer wants to maintain the glue needed to make that go..."19:23
infinityslangasek: It's *possible* Kubuntu could do an omap4 desktop based on the -generic kernel and omapfb, since they don't *need* 3D acceleration like Unity does, but the performance would be awful.19:24
infinityslangasek: Nearly everyone I know, Canonical and Community, that uses Pandas, however, uses them to test builds, not to test GUI software, so a full desktop probably isn't that useful to 99% of 'em.  I do wish we had *some* default desktop target, but I suspect that's just not likely for 13.10.19:25
infinityslangasek: For 14.04, we could perhaps do it on Beaglebone Blacks or something.19:26
slangasekby 14.04, Intel tells me the minnowboard will make ARM obsolete19:26
slangasekof course, they also then proceeded to misspeak and refer to the minnowboard as the beagleboard in their own presentation, so there ya go19:27
infinityAll I want is one dev board with a proper open source driver that doesn't suck.  Is that too much to ask?19:27
apwheh with the latest unity even some of the existing released h/w now sucks19:27
apw(or mesa or something)19:28
tkamppeterI have synced HPLIP from Debian this weekend (hplip 3.13.9-1) to pull in a security fix, and it is still hanging in -proposed. Can someone move it into the release?19:28
infinitytkamppeter: Looks safe, I'll unblock it.19:29
tkamppeterinfinity, thanks.19:29
knomeis Janeks991____ seeking support in #u or so?20:16
knomeoh, sorry, wrong channel20:16
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
infinityslangasek: Any issues with me unblocking the 1-char fix in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/finish-install/2.43ubuntu2 ?20:49
cjwatsoninfinity: LGTM.  May be others ...20:55
infinitycjwatson: That's enough of a +1 for me.21:02
cjwatsonDon't see anything else obvious on a brief look.  I guess we'll find out.21:03
infinitycjwatson: It's a short-lived hack anyway, robher just pushed a kernel fix to LKML that will let us back this out for 14.04.21:04
cjwatsonk, cool21:04
infinitycjwatson: As for other things to unblock, not seeing anything obvious.21:05
cjwatsonNo, I meant other code to fix21:05
infinity(Also, I think Laney's block script doesn't get d-i anyway)21:05
cjwatsonBut don't see any21:05
cjwatsonI guess armhf/generic is fairly new so not too entrenched21:05
infinityYeah.  Also, I love that Debian picked a different name for that flavour. :/21:06
infinityI need to sit down and make the Debian armmp and Ubuntu generic things look as similar as I can manage in d-i.21:06
infinitySort of hoping for a future where we can tear out 99% of the subarch craziness from ARM.21:07
plarsbeta is not looking too good at the moment21:16
plarsxnox: seeing lots of install related issues21:16
plarsxnox: seen anything recently with ubiquity where it just fails to come up at all?21:17
plars"error opening config file '/root/.config/pango/pangorc': Permission denied21:18
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk
Riddellinfinity, slangasek: yeah we seem to have come to the conclusion it's ok to end the omap4 images21:44
infinityRiddell: I will try to put some time into making sure the omap4 d-i and server images still work for people who want to use Pandas as headless build test systems.21:45
infinityRiddell: (with the -generic kernel, that is)21:46
Riddellinfinity: I just installed the daily last week and it works fine as far as I can tell21:46
Riddellof server21:46
infinityRiddell: Does that already use the -generic kernel, or is that ti-omap4?21:46
infinity(I would have expected it to be omap4, but will be pleasantly surprised if someone already switched that over when I wasn't looking)21:48
Riddell...logging in...21:49
Riddelljr@airm:~$ uname -a21:49
RiddellLinux airm 3.5.0-232-omap4 #48-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 28 18:37:01 UTC 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux21:49
Riddelllinux-omap4                                     install21:50
infinityRiddell: Right.  So, what I meant when I said "make sure server and d-i images work" was "make sure they work with the generic kernel, cause I'm dropping that omap4 kernel on the floor and kicking it in the teeth".21:50
Riddellcruel but kind21:50
infinityDoes anyone have any other things they've spotted that need to be unblocked for beta?  If not, I'm going to do a full respin to pick up the bits we've trickled in over the day.23:40
slangaseknothing from me23:43

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