
Omnifrog i finally finished wifes desk. It too all day today but it is done [link] http://imgur.com/ TZIZWG9,FljQsEA02:50
=== Omnifrog is now known as Omnifrog|pond
wrstgood morning tenc11:42
tencgood morning wrst13:22
=== Omnifrog|pond is now known as Omnifrog
tencSo now I'm using Pidgin for XMPP and IRC and it mostly works great but it really doesn't like being suspended. Actually lots of apps in ubuntu 13 seem to dislike being suspended.14:33
wrstwhen you lose your network connection it really throws lots of things into a bad way14:35
tencThat seems to be the common thread wrst, apps that rely on connectivity all get batty on resume.14:36
wrstI wonder if somehow the timeouts could be changed would help?14:37
wrstUnit193: ? any ideas ^^14:37
tencSpeaking of Unit193, xfce4 is really growing on me. I wish it did a little better with dual monitors in landscape/portrait but it's fantastic on my laptop.14:39
wrstI think the next xfce is suppsod to be better, but it does leave a little to be desired with dual monitor setups14:39
wrstbut Unit193 can speak much better concerning that14:40
twaynepriceHey Omnifrog :  http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/23/4761420/microsoft-announces-surface-music-control-cover15:48
Unit193wrst: Next version makes dual monitors much easier.  I use suspend on the other one, but not pidgin.  Skype handles the suspends just fine, and networking reconnects (when the wifi is broadcasting), and ssh connections reconnect as well since I'm using autossh.17:04
wrstautossh that's pretty nice Unit19317:05
wrsttenc: ^^^17:05
Unit193Xfce 4.11/12 has/will have several nice fixes.17:05
tencNice, good to know!17:05
Unit193There's a PPA if you like breaking stuff. :P  If you are fond of those indicators, might be interesting to know that xfce4-panel has a wrapper that allows gtk3 plugins in the gtk2 instance, so newer indicators work.17:09
Unit193(In git head at least. :D )17:11
tencI like the idea behind the indicators but it's not implemented well by any clients that I've used in unity or xfce.17:24
Unit193Deluge works better as a tray icon, yeah.17:25
wrstUnit193: I know you are pretty big on deluge? why?17:30
Unit193Well, it's just a better torrent client than transmission for me.  That's an example where the tray icon is better than indicator too.  Deluge works as a daemon which you can connect a webui, gtkui, ncurses ui (which isn't the best, but functional), and gives me more information than I remember transmission doing, though still not as much as I'd like.  Not sure if transmission has the features, or plugins that make the features I need. ;P17:33
Unit193It's python though, so that's a bummer.17:33
wrstwell it has an icon it has a webgui and a qt and gtk ui17:35
wrstand a daemon also17:36
wrstsounds like the same thing17:36
Unit193Yep, knew it had all those, it also has a -cli package.  Important bit is more info, and not sure it has the features.17:37
wrstit downloads torrents and lets you know what you are seeding :)17:38
wrstand more importantly runs on freenas easily17:38
wrstto me anyway17:38
wrstmore importantly17:38
Unit193Yep, and I only need it on Linux, and at one point winders. :)17:41
wrstthere is a nice gnome shell extension for transmision that keeps the info in the tray, and in kde the qt client has a nice tray icon that connects to the server17:47

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