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SamizdatguyI think I'm having some kernel issues. Random key will stick from time to time, and music will randomly drop out for a couple seconds every so often.00:10
SamizdatguyI'm running 13.10 beta, but have had this issue before on earlier builds.00:10
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leo_33 in your opinion why would a headhunter continue sending you info about a job after a  job interview?00:32
geniileo_33: It's not really a Kubuntu support question, but my first inclination is to say the headhunter is an automated mass mailing system that doesn't know you went to the interview.00:34
leo_33sorry i know its not a kubuntu support. not it wasnt mass mail, the email was tailored to the job and to me.00:35
Samizdatguyleo_33: He really wants you to take the job so he gets paid.00:38
geniileo_33: They probably have zero contact with the place you were interviewed and don't know you went already. Or else the guy is horribly organized if you or the company told him your interview date.00:38
leo_33i think its waht Samizdatguy said.00:39
leo_33do these guys talk to people within the company?00:39
SamizdatguyGot me dude. Try #head-hunters00:40
leo_33nobody there00:40
SamizdatguyThough that might be a Herbie Hancock discussion channel.00:40
geniileo_33: Most headhunters don't have any contact with the companies they send you to. All they do is cull the job openings from newspapers, online ads, etc and try to find one which suits your qualifications so you can go there.00:41
SamizdatguyFull service here in #kubuntu00:41
SamizdatguyExcept for my kernel question.00:41
geniiSamizdatguy: Well, it's quiet and no support issues currently on the table.00:42
* Samizdatguy clears his throat.00:42
geniiSamizdatguy: Might want to try #ubuntu+1 since you're running 13.1000:42
SamizdatguyWhats the +1 all about?00:42
genii( it's the same channel whether Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, etc)00:42
SamizdatguyOkay, will do.00:43
geniiSamizdatguy: It's the channel for support on the upcoming not-yet-in-release-and-supported *buntu eg: Saucy00:43
SamizdatguyYeah, it's an old issue, though.00:44
jpbouzahi! I'm trying to install 13.04 in an AMD phenom machine.... I've tried with all the boot parameters, nomodeset, no acpi, etc... there no way to avoid the blank screen when hitting the start kubuntu.... is there any other work around?00:44
jpbouza10.04 installer works fine00:45
chachanjpbouza, did you try 13.10?01:02
jpbouzahi chachan , no I didn't, is there any fix about this?01:03
jpbouzacause I'm also trying with the 12.04 dvd and I get the same problem01:03
chachanjpbouza, I have no idea but you can test it01:03
jpbouzahehe, ok01:03
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lordievaderGood morning.07:14
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excognacHi all. Why my grub boot menu keys has suddenly changed from regular arrow keys to "p" for previous, "n" for next and "e" for last? I didn't change anything there. this a laptop with klubuntu 12.04 and grub 1.9908:31
excognacany ideas how to change it back?08:34
lordievaderexcognac: Do you also get this with an external keyboard?08:36
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:37
lordievader!pm| excognac 08:37
ubottuexcognac: please see above08:37
lordievaderexcognac: Would be a good test, it will tell you if the keyboard is at fault or grub.08:37
excognaclordievader: thanks. is there anything i an do without external keyboard08:38
lordievaderYou can try updating grub, but I'm not sure if that will help: sudo update-grub08:39
excognaclordievader: otherwise my keyboard functions properly except that if i boot win7 i can't type my password in. does this help?08:40
excognaci just updated grub, no change08:40
lordievaderHmm, that kind of sounds like a keyboard error.08:40
excognacis there any test i can run for it to ensure?08:41
excognacin other words how is it possible that grub and win has problems with the keyboard but a loaded kubuntu not at all?08:42
lordievaderThe linux kernel probably loads it's own driver. Google your laptop model to see if there are more issues with the keyboard.08:43
excognaclordievader: thanks for your help, i'll try to get an external keyboard asap08:54
lordievaderGood luck!08:56
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vuradohi! anyone know how to set kubuntu to 1920x1080 res inside virtual box?09:13
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CanidHello - - I have what should be an easy problem11:53
CanidI am trying to downgrade a program11:53
CanidI tried using Muon11:53
Canidbut the "force Version" button will not work11:54
Canidso I want to do it from the terminal11:54
lordievaderCanid: Is the earlier version available in the repo?11:54
Canidit is Thunderbird I'm trying to downgrade11:55
Canidthere's a 24 and a 17.0511:55
Canidbut I can't find the actual name of the package to use with sudo apt-get install11:55
lordievaderCanid: Downgrading/pinning I usually do through Synaptic. Not sure how to do so with apt.11:55
CanidReally? It's easier with synaptic?11:56
CanidI don't mind uninstalling it first11:56
CanidI did that yesterday, when I was trying to get muon to work11:56
CanidI was under the impressing I could just install it fresh with sudo apt-get install and specify the package I wanted11:57
Canidbut I get this:11:58
CanidE: Unable to locate package thunderbird 17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu111:58
CanidE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'thunderbird 17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu1'11:58
Canid(I've tried a few different combos, because the name I expected to work didn't11:58
CanidI tried " apt-cache showpkg "thunderbird" "11:59
Canidbut that lists all the thunderbird addons from the repository12:00
Canidand I can't see one that looks like JUST thunderbird12:00
Canidother than "17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu1 - mail-reader"12:01
Canidwhich it can't find12:01
CanidE: Unable to locate package 17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu1 - mail-reader12:02
CanidE: Couldn't find any package by regex '17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu1 - mail-reader'12:02
lordievaderCanid: This might help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto12:04
CanidI'm not sure that helps12:08
CanidI might use it to "pin" the version before I even install it12:08
Canidbut just to do that, I'd still need to know the proper name to use12:09
lordievaderCanid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get12:09
Canidokay... it's not finding a version 17 , 17.0 or 17.0512:15
Canidso maybe I'm wrong about a previous version being there12:16
Canidshows              1:24.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1                                        updates, security           (main)12:16
Canidwhich is version 2412:17
Canidand 17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu1                                        release           (main)         12:17
Canidwhich I thought was version 1712:17
Canidthey have different release dates12:17
lordievaderCanid: You can check with "apt-cache policy thunderbird"12:17
Canidfor version table it shows12:19
Canid *** 1:24.0+build1-0ubuntu0.13.04.1 012:20
Canid        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-updates/main amd64 Packages12:20
Canid        500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-security/main amd64 Packages12:20
Canid        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:20
Canid     17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu1 012:20
Canid        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/main amd64 Packages12:20
FloodBotK1Canid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
Canid(ah, that's where paste-bin is)12:20
Canid(I was trying to find it)12:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:21
CanidI just want to install the 17.0.5 build without the 1:24.0 update12:21
lordievaderCanid: This doesn't work: apt-get install thunderbird=17.0.5+build1-0ubuntu112:22
CanidYes, that did it!12:23
lordievaderNo problem.12:27
BluesKajHiyas all12:34
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:46
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Gargoyle1976Just had to change out my video card.  Video memory went bad.  New video card fine, but mouse is very jerky.  Any thoughts?13:09
excognaclordievader: hi again, I'm the guy with the keyboard issue: i tried it with external usb keyboard, it gives the exact same result: I can't use arrow keys in grub boot menu and can't type my pwd in for win.13:09
BluesKajGargoyle1976, which video card ?13:17
lordievaderexcognac: Huh, well that is annoying. I'm kind of at a loss for a solution. Perhaps someone else knows?13:17
ovidiu-florinplease add to the community page of kubuntu.org the link to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RomanianTeam13:20
ovidiu-florinRiddell ^13:21
excognaclordievader: still thanks a lot, Problem is the next: i have a laptop with kubuntu 12.04 grub 1.99 multiboot. upon having the bootmenu I canĂ¡t use arrow keys to select OS but "p" and "n" keys move the highlight, "e" jumps to last option, win7. Win7 boots, then keyboard doesn't work. External keyboard gives the same result13:21
ovidiu-florinRiddell: or directly to the ro.kubuntu.org site13:21
excognacgrub has been updated recently, no malwares found.13:22
ovidiu-florinoh, sorry, wrong channel13:23
Gargoyle1976Had a nVidia 9600gt.  got a gt610 to replace it.15:06
Gargoyle1976BluesKaj, Had a nVidia 9600gt. got a gt610 to replace it.15:07
Gargoyle1976Just had to change out my video card. Video memory went bad. New video card fine, but mouse is very jerky. Any thoughts?15:31
Gargoyle1976Had a nVidia 9600gt. got a gt610 to replace it.15:31
Gargoyle1976Mouse seems slow to react15:31
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rosco_yDoes anyone know why my HP Device Manager - Plug-in installer reinstalls the Plug-in every time I restart to my computer?16:01
Gargoyle1976any help on a unresponsive mouse?16:14
Gargoyle1976everything else seems fine16:14
shadeslayerGargoyle1976: what release of Kubuntu?16:53
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Gargoyle1976Sry for delay...13.0417:59
Gargoyle1976shdeslayer: Sry for delay...13.0417:59
Gargoyle1976shadeslayer: Sry for delay...13.0417:59
calcmandanLOL for gnome disabling middle click paste.18:31
BluesKajcalcmandan:  ask in #ubuntu18:37
Gargoyle1976shadeslayer: put a ps2 mouse on and the jerky mouse stopped....usb driver?18:52
arne_hi zoiss19:37
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grdnhi i'm new to this, can somebody help me, "how to connect to another irc" !?20:23
sithlord48configure networks.. 20:23
PiciDepends on your IRC client of course.20:23
grdnim using konversation20:23
grdnand wanna connect to "#5on5.css" for example20:24
sithlord48oh well i was assuming quassel since its the kubuntu default. for konversataion check settings.20:24
BluesKajgrdn:  depends on which irc server #5on5.css. is listed on20:25
BluesKajsithlord48:  that's a default that i fail to understand 20:26
grdnin the internet i found "irc.lc/quakenet/5on5.css/" but i think thats the "lifechat" address20:26
sithlord48BluesKaj:  why you don't like quassel?  or because its not the kde defalut? 20:27
BluesKajquassel part of that remote server metality that KDE seems to have acquired over the last few yrs , but not all of us use remote servers20:27
grdnso the problem is, what do i have to put in at F2 ->serverlist "server" ???20:28
grdnwhat address and which port do i need20:28
sithlord48grdn that depends on teh irc server.. you need the address. 20:29
grdnfor example for the quakenet 5on5.css channel20:29
grdnand where can i find that address?20:29
BluesKajkonversation is an easy to use and effective irc client , and why it's replaced by something as clunky and ugly as quassel is beyond me.20:29
BluesKajthat's my rant for today:)20:29
sithlord48BluesKaj:  but i like quassel.. althought i =ve not used konversation in a long time.. 20:30
BluesKajsithlord48:  well to each his own , i certainly won't use qussel unless i absolutely have to.20:31
sithlord48BluesKaj:  ill have to install konverstion check it out its been a long time like kde 3.0 days. lol20:32
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BluesKajreally sithlord48 , konversation hasn't really chnged very much, sasl is available , maybe some scripting , but I don't pay much attn to that stuff20:33
sithlord48BluesKaj: my irc needs are very basic i just sign on here help and maybe a few other rooms. 20:34
BluesKajyeah , same here , sithlord4820:34
harolddongare metacontacts enabled in the kubuntu builds of kde-telepathy 0.6.80? I updated but none of my contacts are grouped as metacontacts and I see no way to manually group them. What am I missing?20:57
kristalI'm having a little panic attack - microsoft owns nokia, nokia owns Qt... 22:02
kristalOhh it changes hands from Nokia to digia and Qt Project, phew.22:03
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LukX84Hi I'am new user Kubuntu...22:11
bootkillerkristal, http://www.kde.org/community/whatiskde/kdefreeqtfoundation.php22:20
Roeyhey all22:22
Roeyhey why does Firefox not respect the shortcut keys for Panorama?  And even when I choose "Tab Groups" explicitly, nothing happens.  What's mis-set here??22:23
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:47
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