
genoobiemy lubuntu keeps freezing00:48
genoobieit's a fresh install00:49
ianorlinare you using anything in particular when it freezes?00:49
genoobieI know how to diag xp fairly well but not linux systems00:49
genoobieany tips?00:49
genoobieyeah, seems like chromium has been open both times00:49
genoobieit will start with not responding to mouse clicks00:50
genoobiethen the mouse stops moving / disappears00:50
ianorlinwill it still respond on the keyboard?00:50
genoobieianorlin, no00:50
genoobiethen I tried ctrl+alt+del00:50
genoobieand the screen goes black00:50
phillwgenoobie: yeah, we have seen issues with chromium,00:50
ianorlinwhich opens lxtask00:50
genoobieno, lxtask doesn't appear to open00:50
genoobiephillw, that's too bad.00:51
phillwMenu --> Accessories --> LXTerminak00:51
phillwsudo apt-get install firefox00:51
genoobieiirc ff didn't play well with flash00:52
phillwin 13.10 we are reverting to firefox and dropping chromium00:52
genoobieany other good lightweight browser?00:52
genoobiethat plays well with flash?00:52
phillwgenoobie: ffox has been on a diet, I have no issues with flash00:52
Unit193"Plays well with flash" can you define that?00:53
genoobieI remember that I installed FF a while ago and games / videos wouldn't load00:53
phillwgenoobie: try the new version.00:53
genoobiephillw, that sudo apt-get will give the new version right?00:54
Unit193Flash has always worked for me, except when it crashes, but that's not really browser based. :P00:54
genoobieI guess I remember it didn't load at all00:54
Unit193And speaking of crashing flash. :D00:54
genoobiewell, I am at 91% at the sudo cmd00:54
phillwgenoobie: it will pull in the one from the repo. if there is a newer version, ffox will let you know.00:55
genoobieto keep things clean, I want to uninstall chrome00:55
phillwsudo apt-get -purge chromium00:55
phillwUnit193: is that correct? ^^00:56
Unit193Not quite.00:56
ianorlinchromium-browser I think00:56
phillwAhh... you cannot remove chromium until you have another browser installed.... lubuntu will just keep trying to find a browser.00:59
geniiA web browser shouldn't be a prerequisite01:00
geniiLike, what if I want no gui web browser and just run links2 or something on command-line?01:01
Unit193genii: www-browser, yeah.01:02
phillwgenii: go have a read of http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=15791 and then follow the thread further so as to learn just how dependancies are a royal pain in the neck :D01:02
* phillw off to my alcove :) Take care everyone.01:03
genoobieokay FF installed01:03
genoobieseems solid01:03
genoobieCL option "-p" not know01:07
genoobienot known01:07
genoobiewhen I sudo apt-get purge chromium-browser01:11
genoobiethere's a bunch of other things it wants to remove01:11
genoobieand lubuntu-desktop01:12
genoobiethat seems "bad"01:12
genii*buntu-desktop are virtual packages01:12
geniieg: It won't remove your lubuntu01:12
genoobiethat codecs-ffmpeg won't mess with anything either?01:13
Unit193It's for chromium.01:13
genoobiesweet, very nice01:16
genoobiehey all01:22
genoobiestupid me01:22
genoobieI uninstalled chromium-browser01:22
genoobiebut the machine locked up in FF01:22
kristalif you're locking up it's probally hardware related01:22
genoobieI don't know much about linux01:23
genoobieI hit ctrl-alt-del01:23
genoobiescreen went black01:23
genoobiethen I pushed "F1"01:23
genoobieI dunno01:23
genoobieso it said something like "failed to idle channel"01:23
genoobieGPU Lockup01:23
kristalwhat gpu do you have and which drivers you using01:24
genoobienow it says nouveau E[ 1031] failed to idle channel 0xcccc0000101:24
kristalnouveau, welp, that's nvidia01:24
genoobieNMI: PCI system error (serr) for reason a1 on CPU 0.01:24
genoobiedazed and confused but trying to continue01:24
kristaleither your gpu is screwing up or the graphics drivers are bad01:25
genoobienow the GPU works fine in winxp01:25
kristalwhat gpu is it?01:25
genoobiekristal: what do I "do" from here01:25
genoobiei.e. is the computer responsive at all?01:25
genoobieare there other keys I can hit to proceed?01:26
kristaldid you try installing graphics drivers before it did this?01:26
genoobiejust after a fresh install01:26
kristaldo you still have console access?01:26
genoobiebut the lockup doesn't happen right away01:26
genoobiekristal: how will I know if I have console access?01:27
genoobiewhat keystroke?01:27
kristalctrl alt f3 f4 f5 etc01:27
genoobiethere's nope01:27
genoobieno response01:27
genoobiehard power off?01:27
kristalmight as well01:27
* ianorlin doesn't know any way around it01:28
kristalstill wanting to know waht gpu you have01:28
genoobiegeforce 680001:28
kristalWell, the open source drivers should run fine on that... that was a card prone to overheating01:28
genoobielike I said, fine in xp01:29
genoobieI do notice that booting up the display flickers black bars across the screen a bit01:30
genoobieany diag tips?01:30
kristalthat's not a good sign01:30
genoobieI will say too01:30
kristalin windows what temp does nvidia's control panel say it's running at under load?01:30
genoobiekristal, that's interesting01:30
kristalI've noticed with linux, GPUs are either rock stable or very unstable, you don't get the in-between like windows01:31
genoobieI dunno if there's a temp in the control panel01:31
genoobiewill linux have a "temp" for the GPU?01:31
genoobieshould I boot into windows?01:31
kristalGetting temp with ati is easy... I forgot how to with nvidia. :-/01:32
kristalnvidia-settings does temp01:33
genoobieis that in linux?01:33
kristalalso lmsensors probally can get temp of cpu and gpu01:33
genoobieso sudo apt-get nvidia-settings?01:33
kristalya, you can find it in synaptic too01:33
qingluohi all, i'm writing a script to do some work on background. but the mount command will triger a remind window on desktop. how can i disable this?01:34
genoobieso there are a few nvidia-settings01:35
genoobieare those different versions?01:35
genoobie-304, -31001:36
genoobieshould I just get nvidia-settings?01:36
genoobiekristal, what do you think01:37
kristal310, old but still much newer01:39
genoobielooking at an arch-linux wiki01:39
genoobiethey say "nvidia-304" for geforce 6/7 cards01:40
genoobiebut that's arch01:40
kristalFor old cards i just use ope source drivers, xorg-edgers01:40
genoobienot sure what to "install"01:41
genoobiereal newb here01:41
kristalBest drivers for all cards imo01:41
kristalsudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa01:42
kristalsudo apt-get update01:42
kristalthen upgrade01:42
kristalwhen you upgrade it'll replace your old stock drivers with new-old drivers01:42
genoobiewhat if that makes it worse01:43
genoobiehow do you "reverse" that install01:43
kristalcan i get much worse?01:43
kristalif you wanted to reverse you can jsut delete the repo in synaptic01:43
genoobiebecause right now it works "sometiems"01:43
genoobieyeah, not sure how to do that01:43
kristalsynaptic package manger = app libraty with 40'000 programs you can add/remove/upgrade01:44
kristalas well as repo control01:44
genoobieso why do you need "repo control"01:44
kristalrepo control lets you pick the sources of your software01:45
genoobiewhy would the sources matter?01:45
genoobieyou mean bins?01:45
kristalspeed, and diferent version of things01:45
genoobieyou don't always want the latest version?01:46
kristalgenerally there's stable and testion versions01:46
genoobieso I am using 13.0401:46
kristalone great example of repos is wine... ubuntu's repos has wine 1.4, old, stable, can't do much, slow, but doesn't screw up01:47
kristalwine's PPA has wine 1.7, which is much faster, hell I can run skyrim jsut fine on linux01:47
kristalnot completely stable, but removes my need for windows for GAHMEN01:47
kristalPPA is atype of repo01:48
kristalGAHMAN/GAYMENS = games01:48
kristalWine also useful for photoshoop... although I use krita/mypaint/gimp nowadays01:49
kristalsynaptic is your friend, browse the games section, lots of great free games01:49
genoobiewell, I went to a flash games site (where it crashed last time)01:50
genoobieseems to be fine now01:50
genoobieintermittent failure?01:50
genoobieprobably GPU temp01:50
kristalflash is awful01:51
genoobiethis is was the third time it crashed01:54
genoobieit seems stable suddenly01:54
genoobieit's beginning to freeze01:56
genoobiemouse can still be moved01:56
genoobiewindows are unresponsive01:56
genoobiealt-tab yields nothing01:56
genoobiekristal: whatis the best diag at the moment01:56
kristalif graphics aren't screwed up but it's screwing up... memory corruption01:57
genoobiehow can I determine, I guess01:57
genoobieis what I am asking01:57
kristallinux has memtest01:57
kristalwhen youreboot there's a memtest option01:57
kristalit'll test your ram's stability01:57
genoobieso what should I do at the moment01:57
ianorlinyes memtest01:57
genoobie(if anything) to diag01:57
genoobiemy guess is memtest will yield 0 results (again because XP is stable)01:58
genoobieso I have to think that because XP is working fine01:58
genoobiethere must be a driver issue01:58
genoobiecan I be sure from the symptoms that the video driver is the likely culprit?01:58
kristallinux is failsafe, if something screws up it'll lock or panic instead of letting garbage data go by01:59
genoobieuh-oh screen just went black02:00
kristali'd test hardware stability, if it's good, then you probally just need a specific driver to work your your gpu which may not be a reference02:00
kristalalthough it does not sound good...02:00
genoobielike I said, hardware works OK with xp02:00
genoobiethat may mean nothing though...02:00
genoobiehow do I "test" these scenarios02:01
kristalwell memtest to start with02:01
kristalthen test cpu and gpu, check temps02:01
genoobielike a "complete"test?02:01
genoobiethere's 3GB02:01
kristalif your parts are running over their max stable temp you'll get lockups02:01
genoobieyou mean lock-ups in memtest?02:02
kristalmemtest doesn't lock up very easily, it'll generally report errors02:02
genoobieokay so suppose memtest passes02:02
genoobiethen what?02:02
kristaldepends on results02:03
genoobiewell, aren't there just two scenarios?  Pass / Fail?02:03
kristalif you fail, it's probally from a bad stick02:03
genoobieokay, so I am saying, suppose the memtest passes02:03
kristalif you lock, may be unstable cpu02:03
kristalpass means different problem02:04
kristalJUST DO IT02:04
genoobieright, I am doing it, but I don't want to keep you here02:04
genoobieit's only at 9%02:04
kristalif it hits 100 with no errors, that leaves cpu and gpu, ans temps02:04
genoobiecan the fact that XP runs in a stable fashion be used to eliminate factors?02:05
genoobieor does that yield no information02:06
kristalnot really, xp will chug along on unstable systems, it's not made to gaurntee god data like server02:06
genoobielike a linux system02:06
genoobieI have a feeling that memtest will yield no results02:07
kristalI have linux systems with 1+ year uptimes, Linux is either extremely stable or extremely unstable, it's meant to have no fuzzy in-between02:07
genoobieyeah, that's why I installed it.02:08
kristalwhich is what windows is famous for :P02:08
kristaldid you install xorg-edgers?02:08
genoobieno, not yet (memtest)02:08
genoobieso after I check memory that brings me back to nvidia-settings,nvidia-settings-304,nvidia-settings-31002:09
kristalwell if memtest passes i'd do that incase there's a driver issue, they're the best drivers so naturally you want them either way02:09
genoobieokay one more time02:09
genoobiewhat would I be "installing"02:09
kristalyou'd be adding a repo which contains the best graphics drivers/libs02:10
genoobiesudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa [21:42] <kristal> sudo apt-get update02:10
genoobieonce this happens, then what?02:10
genoobieI'm only at 27%02:10
kristalrun upgrade too02:10
kristalman your ram is slow, is it PC133?02:10
kristalapt-get upgrade after update02:11
genoobieDDR2 20002:11
genoobieyes, slow02:11
kristalin memtest the clock is the actual clock, so you have ddr-40002:11
kristalAMD or intel?02:11
genoobieso, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade02:12
genoobiethat will take care of the driver?02:12
genoobieprobably 2006 vintage02:12
kristaloh god don't say it's a presshot P402:14
genoobiebe back in like 5 min I have to reboot this other windows machine that I am chatting on02:14
kristalpentium 4's are famous for running hot which makes them unstable02:14
genoobiewill that command that I posted take care of the driver?02:14
genoobieit doesn't seem like it02:15
genoobieseems like something is missing, like a modprobe or something02:15
kristalyou'll use a better version of the stock one02:15
kristalalso more driver options02:15
genoobieyeah, but more options for me (a newb) is harder to understand02:15
genoobiebut I'm kind of figuring it out with your help.  Thanks btw02:16
kristalwell you'll want the newest nouveau or the newest nvidia-xxx02:16
genoobieyes, how will I "choose"02:16
genoobiehow will I know what my options are?02:16
kristalsynaptic is the easiest way02:16
genoobieonly 45%02:17
genoobieokay brb02:17
genoobie2 minutes02:17
genoobiekristal: you still here?02:21
genoobieso once "apt-get upgrade" is run02:22
genoobiethat will give access to a bunch of binaries that are more current02:22
kristalif that alone doesn't solve the problem, i'd check temps02:22
genoobieso to recap02:22
genoobiesudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade02:23
genoobiebut I don't get where the new driver gets applied02:23
kristalwhen you add a repo with newer something than your current something it will upgrade by default02:23
genoobieoh, i C02:24
genoobiebut if the driver is the incorrect one (an unlikely scenario) then this won't help02:24
genoobieI mean lspci showed geforce 680002:24
genoobiewhich is correct.02:24
genoobieI don't know if there are multiple geforce 6800 drivers02:25
kristalif the driver was wrong you'd default to vesa-mode, generally... or cli mode...02:25
kristalthere's a couple02:25
kristalHell, with my ATi card I have 5 driver options.02:25
genoobiehow do I know I have the right one?02:25
kristalunstable fast, slow stable, old old old02:25
kristalgood thing you're running lubuntu, ubuntu is kinda huge for a P402:26
genoobiekristal: yeah, I was considering xubuntu02:26
kristalxubuntu is nice too02:27
genoobielubuntu seemed a little faster / customizable02:27
kristalalthough lubuntu seems to have a more advanced future02:27
kristallubuntu can be modded to hell02:27
genoobieI installed it on a CQ5002:27
genoobieran 11 for like two years02:28
genoobiefew probs02:28
genoobiecompaq cq5002:28
genoobieso gradually I am migrating all the PC's to lubuntu / xp dual boot02:28
genoobiewith the hope of eventually abandoning XP02:28
genoobiewhich means I need some skill with lubuntu / win02:29
kristalWine lets you run a ton of XP software... XP support is being cut so no more XP.02:29
genoobieyes, but XP wasn't a bad OS02:29
kristalWine is pretty simple, you jsut run a windows exe/installer with wine and it'll run prety normally02:29
genoobieprobably the best one windows ever made02:29
kristal7 is a lot better... 8.... ehh...02:29
genoobiebut it's old and prone to infection (I have kids that trash the OS regularly)02:29
genoobiewin7 probably won't run on this older hardware02:30
genoobieand I would think win7 is probably prone to infection like xp02:30
genoobiethus requiring maintenance02:30
kristalWin7 nees at least 2GB ram... it could run on your P4, but slow02:30
genoobiethat's the part I am trying to get away from02:30
genoobiethe maintenance02:30
genoobieI want to set up machine02:30
kristali wonder what state the power supply is in after so many years, a quality one can last ages but a bad one degrades after 4-6 years02:34
genoobiekristal: memtest passes02:38
genoobieBSOD on this windows laptop02:38
ianorlinyay BSOD?02:38
kristalI haven't seen a bsod in over a year...02:39
genoobiehaven't seen one in a while02:44
genoobieapparently there's some kind of wireless card issue02:44
genoobieso I need to install the latest driver for the wireless card02:45
genoobiebut back to this02:45
genoobie(I'm going to have to disconnect for a minute probably)02:45
genoobie_kristal: still here?02:49
kristali was watching explosions on youtube02:58
=== benmoose is now known as SonikkuAmerica
genoobieI am back...03:03
genoobieI am finishing apt-get upgrade03:03
kristalno you're not, you never left03:03
genoobieWell, I had to disconnect b/c of the wireless card driver update on this xp machine03:03
genoobiebrb again03:06
genoobieI rebooted after the update03:15
genoobiehow do I know that I have the latest "driver"03:15
genoobieit "looks" the same03:15
genoobienow to check nvidia settings03:15
genoobieI can reproduce the crash pretty reliably03:16
genoobieif I go to "www.newgrounds.com"03:16
genoobieI can move the mouse03:17
genoobiebut then the rest is toast03:17
kristalflash is killing the graphics drivers?03:31
genoobieas soon as I go to newgrounds it locks up03:32
genoobieGPU lockup switching to sftware fbcon03:32
genoobiefailed to idle channel 0xcccc000103:33
genoobiekristal: not flash, because if I go to another site like armor games that uses flash, there's no prob03:34
genoobiethere's still a flicker as I log in and as I boot up03:35
kristalin synaptic there's a list fo drivers that'll work with your gpu in settings03:37
genoobieso I started up synaptic03:38
genoobiewhere am I looking?03:38
kristalsettings/sources etc03:39
genoobiewithin synaptic?03:39
genoobieI can't find where within settings that I should see optional drivers03:40
genoobieI see there is a problem in "software and updates"03:46
genoobiebb tomorrow03:48
genoobiethanks again for all the help03:48
R0b0t1`I keep getting kernel panics. Doesn't seem to be much pattern with them.05:16
R0b0t1`First one was with GPU, but all the other ones have been from various unrelated places.05:17
Myrttihave you checked memtest, fdisk and smartmontools?05:17
R0b0t1`I will memtest on next panic05:18
R0b0t1`the disk is fine though05:19
R0b0t1`I'm wanting to sandbox development of something under a different user. Will GUI programs show up under my WM? How do I start the user with an encrypted /home?05:33
manik_why does the OS go back to the default wallpaper after a reboot?05:52
R0b0t1`manik_, I am having issues with desktop settings in general06:29
R0b0t1`BG setting, size options06:30
R0b0t1`I think it is the same as yours06:30
yenalhi .. how can I uninstall plymouth under Lubuntu 12.04 x86_64 ..plymouth-dummy and replacing  mountall + cryptsetup  from ppa:dtl131/mediahacks doesnt work it still wants to remove lightdm, lubuntu-core and co15:05
yenaldoes nobody has any idea how to solve this?15:26
melodiehi all17:44
melodiegnu birthday !17:44
melodiejoin us with your comments!17:44
kristalSeagate Barracuda 7200.11 ==> WARNING There are known problems with these drives,20:58
kristal5 years old still no failure lol20:59
kristalI'd like to report a flaw in Lubunut for people living in cold places... the lack of power wasted means my room is colder than when using Unity. lol21:22
kristalMy graphics card is idling at 18w instead of 40w lol21:22
kristalLXDE/GNOME/KDE all going wayland... MATE/XFCE... uhh... welp.21:37

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