
johnjohn1013 weeks 3 days. i can't wait00:53
snadgefor what?00:55
johnjohn101release of 13.10 and hopefully ubuntu on my nexus 700:55
snadgeoh im already running 13.1000:58
snadgebut you mean.. from a getting excited perspective that its actually released? :p00:58
snadgetheres at least one bug that needs to be fixed00:59
johnjohn101bug for which? desktop or tablet?01:00
snadgeits not a show stopper because nobody uses gnome fallback (no effects)01:10
snadgeclearly ;)01:10
johnjohn101i didn't even know that existed, lol.  I am using it on a vmware machine at work and it's pretty good.01:14
SuperLagIs there any known issue that would cause $LAUNCHER_ICON to not retain its position?05:55
snadgeso where do i start looking for this ctrl-alt-t gnome fallback session bug ?08:55
snadgefiguring out which change broke it is half the fun08:56
Smedleshi all - annoying change in recent days to Unity - clicking the icon of an already running app, makes that app active, but does not change the virtual desktop like it used to09:23
Smedlesany way to change this behaviour?09:23
=== jje is now known as Guest58761
Smedleshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1229540 describes my issue09:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 1229540 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] Clicking launcher icon does not switch to application with multiple workspaces" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:44
boneslashHi guys is here anybody to help me with some delicius problem? :))12:24
Dark_lightHow are scopes in 13.10? last time I checked there was no way to disable them selectively, I liked some but don't care/want amazon ads when I'm searching for something12:26
boneslashIt was bad idea to install Ubuntu 13.10 still errors :D12:27
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
BluesKajboneslash, ??12:42
boneslashwassup man I am just saying hallo in an original way :D12:42
BluesKajwell, that's original alright , boneslash :)12:43
boneslashHey man are you on of the "helpers" or one of the "askers" do you know what I mean? :)12:43
BluesKajboneslash, got a question , just ask ,if we can help we will12:47
boneslashalright Is there any possibility of installing other programs similar to Wine?12:48
boneslashI have pretty big lags in every game, It is pretty annyoing I tried to connect myself to other wifi sites but It didnt help me :(12:49
boneslashI mean in multiplayer of course12:49
BluesKajsteam games ?12:49
boneslashwell not really :D12:50
boneslashZdaemon - for running Doom 1, Doom2, hexen, Heretic etc..12:50
boneslashoh and I had also this problem in Ubuntu 13.04 so I tried to upgrade it to 13.10 but It doesnt help :(12:51
BluesKajdunno much about games , boneslash , doubr running them in Windoiwsw VB environment would make them much faster12:52
boneslashOk thanks for help I hope It will help me12:52
BluesKajwhat will help you ?  I don't think virtuals will help12:53
boneslashI'll see12:53
boneslashoh and I didnt say the whole story I am running it on Acer Aspire one - Netbook12:54
BluesKajwhich ubuntu are you running ?12:54
boneslashbut I dont use Unity - using Xfce :)12:54
boneslashthere are everyday updates for it12:54
boneslashbeta version of course12:54
boneslashI had OS windows on this netbook12:57
boneslashbut now Ubuntu I am newbie - trying new OS :)12:58
BluesKajboneslash, being a new user it's usually best to run a stable OS like 13.0413:03
boneslashno problem I was experimentator always :D13:03
boneslashsame with my mobile phone - but that is out of the topic :D13:04
SuperLagNice. I didn't know about the Ctrl-Alt-t thing.14:28
taneliafter dist-upgrade and reboot, i get only grub prompt15:32
taneligiving linux /vmlinuz and initrd /initrd.img it dies of kernel panic15:32
taneliunable to mount root fs15:32
taneliis this to be expected?15:32
taneliupgraded pretty much every day, rebooted every couple of weeks or so15:34
taneliwas xfs support dropped?15:37
tanelixfs seems to be there in /lib/modules ... but it only tries ext3 ext4 vfat fuseblk15:54
tanelido i have to provide some new init= parameter to make it boot?16:09
taneliaha, had to provide root=/dev/sda1, now i get also "VFS: Cannot open root deice "sda1" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6"16:21
taneliany ideas what that might be?16:21
MoPacHi all. I'm getting a "could not calculate upgrade" error when trying to upgrade in place, and I'm wondering if there is a common reason for that and/or a way to access details of the error16:30
BluesKajMoPac:  what command are you using ?16:39
MoPacupdate-manager -d16:41
MoPacSorry, BluesKaj: update-manager -d , following the gui16:41
BluesKajMoPac:  so you're upgrading to 13.10 ?16:43
MoPacBluesKaj: Right16:43
BluesKajwhat about sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:48
BluesKajMoPac: ^16:48
MoPacBluesKaj: I could try that; is there any practical difference in what that does?16:49
BluesKajno gui , unles you have a setting that prevents release upgrades16:50
MoPacBluesKaj: Don't mind a lack of GUI; just want to make sure that doing it that way isn't me working around something that I shouldn't work around because update-manager has seen that something is going to break16:52
BluesKajMoPac: the package managers and apt all use the dpkg system to install /upgrade , if there's a problem dpkg will detect it16:55
MoPacawesome; thanks16:55
johnjohn101i know of no setting that prevents the update of releases, is there one?16:56
BluesKajjohnjohn101:   just the LTS only upgrade16:59
BluesKajonly one that comes to mind , but I don't know for sure17:00
johnjohn101it's ok.  just curious.17:00
johnjohn101hard to believe it's almost october and we're 3 weeks away. will 13.10 only have nine months of support?17:02
MoPacBluesKaj: Bah, do-release-upgrade also couldn't calculate but didn't give more details. Is there a way to run it verbose?17:03
BluesKajok, make sure you've updated, upgraded and distupgraded before trying to release upgrade , MoPac17:04
MoPacso it's safe to do dist-upgrade before release-upgrade?17:05
BluesKajit also removes unecessary packages and dependenies etc17:06
BluesKajMoPac:  also run autoremove and autoclean17:08
BluesKajI have to reboot , testing beta 2 atm17:18
ubuntu76has anyone came across a glitch on 13.10 beta 1 when renaming a file it blanks out17:25
ubuntu76i was trying to report it but there is no option17:26
TJ-what blanks out? a GUI application's window ?17:27
MoPacBluesKaj: Sorry to keep bothering. Got the same result - unable to calculate - after all the preparatory steps17:28
MoPacBluesKaj: is there a way to get a verbose log for do-release-upgrade -d?17:30
BluesKajlook in /var/log/syslog17:30
BluesKajdid you reboot after running those clean commands etc , MoPac17:32
MoPacBluesKaj: I didn't although there wasn't really much for them to do17:32
MoPacI'll give that a try17:32
BluesKajnop have tyou checked your partitions with gparted ?17:32
BluesKajerr MoPac^17:33
ubuntu76@Tj sorry i was called away the renaming of a folder the name just dissapears until you hit enter and you can't see what your typing17:58
ubuntu76also will we be able to upgrade to final beta when it comes out or do we have to do a clean install17:59
BluesKajubuntu76:  yes and no , but a clean install with data backup is always best18:00
AnonynimityI am running ubuntu 13.10. I have some lag issues with gaming.18:05
Anonynimitycould anyone help me diagnose this?18:05
MoPacBluesKaj: unfortunately, still no joy on release upgrade after reboot. No obvious hints in the syslog - would it help to do a pastebin of the apt log?18:46
BluesKajMoPac:  have you checked you partitions , there could be something there that will give us a hint18:47
BluesKajyour partitions18:47
MoPacwhat information about them should I check?18:47
BluesKajmake sure they show a definite size for one18:49
TJ-MoPac: Have you looked at the logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ ?18:49
MoPacYes; the apt.log in there shows a number of breaks and fixes, and the main log shows various debug entries and then failure/abort18:51
MoPac2013-09-24 12:40:53,219 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.'18:51
MoPacthe last thing in the apt.log is Broken gnome-control-center:amd64 Depends on libcheese-gtk23 [ amd64 ] < 3.6.2-0ubuntu3 -> 3.8.3-0ubuntu1 > ( libs ) (>= 3.4.0)18:52
MoPac  Considering libcheese-gtk23:amd64 50 as a solution to gnome-control-center:amd64 3218:52
MoPac  Holding Back gnome-control-center:amd64 rather than change libcheese-gtk23:amd6418:52
MoPac(sorry for the bad paste)18:52
TJ-MoPac: has the /etc/apt/sources.list already been edited by do-release-upgrade to refer to saucy, not raring? If not, will "apt-get -f install" fix it? It sounds like the kind of problem you get when you've used a PPA package at some point and then removed mention of the PPA from the sources lists18:56
MoPacTJ-: it's all showing raring at the moment18:58
MoPacTJ-: apt-get install -f finds nothing to do18:59
TJ-MoPac: No, it wouldn't. Let me check on a 13.10 install here18:59
MoPacTJ-: thanks19:00
FernandoMiguelI'm having a weird keyboard issue19:04
TJ-OK, I believe I have an explanation for you. You probably need to check for, and if not found, file a bug.19:04
FernandoMiguelit's missing @ and ] from many apps19:05
FernandoMiguelit doesn't detect alt+gr19:05
TJ-MoPac: The version of libcheese-gtk23 in raring is 3.6.2-0ubuntu3, in saucy it is 3.8.3-0ubuntu1. gnome-control-center says it needs libcheese-gtk23 > 3.4.0 ... so the raring package satisfies the version.19:06
TJ-MoPac: Not sure if the solution is in gnome-control-center's Depends versioning or in ensuring libcheese-gtk23 is updated prior to gnome-control-center19:07
TJ-MoPac: But, you could try specifically "sudo apt-get install libcheese-gtk23" first, to get you out this bind.19:08
MoPacTJ-: libcheese actually shows up a number of times regarding breaks in the debug section of the apt.log http://pastebin.com/aTNjstTV19:08
MoPacBroken libcheese-gtk23:amd64 Depends on libclutter-1.0-0 [ amd64 ] < 1.12.2-0ubuntu3.1 -> 1.14.4-3 > ( libs ) (>= 1.13.0)19:10
MoPac  Considering libclutter-1.0-0:amd64 50 as a solution to libcheese-gtk23:amd64 2019:10
MoPac  Removing libcheese-gtk23:amd64 rather than change libclutter-1.0-0:amd6419:10
TJ-MoPac: too many breaks on many packages there19:11
MoPacTJ-: could there be a common source for the problems?19:12
TJ-MoPac: I suspect you need to return /etc/apt/sources.list to its Raring state: "sudo sed -i 's/saucy/raring/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" then "sudo apt-get update" which should return to a 'good' Raring state, then try again19:13
MoPacTJ-: My sources.list doesn't have any saucy in it, though19:15
TJ-MoPac: Hmmm, have you previously changed it then? because do-release-upgrade performs by, in part, changing the release codename to the dev release to figure out the upgraded packages. Which is where those log messages originated19:17
MoPacTJ-: when it aborts, it reverts to the original state, which I assume includes rewriting the sources.list?19:17
TJ-MoPac... hmmm, never seen it do that for me when upgrades have barfed!19:18
MoPacTJ-: Well, it's either very broken (not changing the codename in the first place), or it's working very well (changing and then reverting back)19:18
MoPacI guess I could manually s/raring/saucy ... ?19:19
TJ-MoPac: not a good idea! You'd get into a worse mess19:20
BluesKajMoPac: perhaps backing up your data , then doing a clean installl is best in your case.19:21
TJ-MoPac: Here's a matching bug #122949119:22
ubottubug 1229491 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Can't upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 from Ubuntu 13.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122949119:22
MoPacTJ-: BluesKaj: thanks for the advice -- since my setup is a bit complex (dual boot), I wouldn't really have time to mess with a clean install right now19:25
MoPacI'll check out the bug -- have to go away for a bit now19:25
BluesKajdual boots are easliy handled by a cleran install , MoPac , they aren't difficult19:27
wilee-nileekerloi, I have to take off in a minute or so, but we want to be on the correct channel is all, here is some additional uefi info. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729519:59
wilee-nilee!uefi this as well is used20:00
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:00
wilee-nileekerloi, Besides the IRC that author of the thread is excellent help, and visits and uefi thread on the forums to help, might be worth having a thread there if you do not get answers here.20:01
kerloiwilee-nilee, Well I followed the instructions and many other tuto. My problem is that I have a BIOS motherboard20:02
wilee-nileekerloi, Yeah, they all are, so it is just a matter of getting the setup to work is all20:03
wilee-nileeI believe they all are if it is a oem uefi setup anyway20:03
BluesKajkerloi:  that should not be a preoblem , no uefi is easier to use installtion -wise than uefi is20:03
kerloiAN other problem is that I am unable to see any problem during the installation ... Even when I re-run the grub commands from the live usb everything seems fine.20:03
wilee-nileeI have to catch a bus now is all, so just wanted to get you some info.20:04
kerloiwilee-nilee, ok thx20:04
wilee-nileeno problem, best of luck. ;)20:04
ker_loiHi all. I bought a new laptop few weeks ago and I was unable to install ubuntu 13.04 on it (many hardware problems ...) I've decided to test ubuntu 13.10. The installation went fine but then when I start my laptop I have the grub 2 command line ... I tried to re-install without success or to live boot and re-run grub update and install without any success20:08
BluesKajker_loi: grub rescue ?20:09
Version1ker_loi:  can you boot using live CD?20:11
ker_loiVersion1, yes I have a live usb20:12
Version1ker_loi: have you deleted the ubuntu partition20:14
kerloiSorry my connection is not good tonight20:18
loiker>< Fed up with these disconnections20:20
loikerI see "GNU GRUB version 2.00-19ubuntu1" at the top, a line of informations about grub and then the "grub>"20:21
=== loiker is now known as kerloi
Version1kerloi: you can use Grub2Win if you have windows installed20:24
kerloiVersion1, I don't20:24
Version1kerloi: i think you need to type commands and boot the kernel20:34
ker_loiWell it's working. Maybe it will be enought for now. I'll wait 13.10 to be released to fix that problem20:39
ker_loiThx Version120:39

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