
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
linfenghello all, could I seek help about building xorg-server for ubuntu here? I don't know if it's proper to ask here, but thanks in advance :)04:20
linfengMy problem is that I want to backport a patch for xorg 1.6.4, and rebuild it for exactly ubuntu 9.10. I google for a long time but can't find any guild about this.04:24
linfengWhat I need is the xorg confirue option for u910, it there any website teach me for that? I can't get any useful info even on ubuntu official website :(04:26
linfengHi, is there any guy who is awake can help me?05:52
dpmlinfeng, if you ask your question, perhaps :)06:12
linfengaha, dpm so nice you are :)06:13
linfengI want to seek help about building xorg-server for ubuntu ?06:14
linfengMy problem is that I want to backport a patch for xorg 1.6.4, and rebuild it for exactly ubuntu 9.10. I google for a long time but can't find any guidance about this.06:15
linfengWhat I need is the xorg confirue option for u910, it there any website teach me for that? I can't get any useful info even on ubuntu official website.06:15
dpmlinfeng, I'd recommend asking on the #ubuntu-x IRC channel or on their mailing list. This is a channel for application development as opposed to platform development, and while people would be happy to help you, I don't think we've got any X experts on the current channel. You'll find more info on how to contact the X team here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/SwatTeam06:18
linfengOh, got it. dpm, thank you very much for your help :)06:20
dpmnp :-)06:20
zsombidpm, popey, nik90, nik90_: finally, the Alarm API with EDS integration landed in SDK trunk06:27
dpmzsombi, *\o/*06:28
dpmwhat a nice way to start the day :)06:28
zsombidpm: and I'm updating the other MR which fixes/extends the API so we can get that landed too06:29
dpmzsombi, excellent. Quick question: do you happen to know the status of the discussion with indicators (i.e. how alarms will actually be shown)? I haven't really been following it, and I'd be interested to know how the notifications will happen06:31
zsombidpm: not followed that, Charles hasn't responded on the email, we need to ping tvoss about that06:32
dpmzsombi, let me try to reach to thostr_ later on, as this seems to have to do more with Unity APIs and tvoss is on holiday. Would you be happy to join in a call later on in the morning?06:35
zsombidpm: I'll be away for about 2hs, will leave in ~1h. Not sure whether I can add value to that, I haven't followed notifications at all, as I haven't had  to deal with it...06:36
dpmzsombi, no worries. So that I have more context, how does the alarms API cater for notifications? Is there a signal or some sort of notification to hook into the indicators API?06:38
zsombidpm: alarm has nothing to do with the notifications, it's mor ethe backend who should do the jomm. and in our case it is the QtOrganizer, more precisely the EDS server. Alarms are stored as ToDo entries in EDS, the question is how that triggers the notification. So far I know that part is not yet in place, you should get renato into loop for that.06:40
dpmzsombi, ok, thanks.06:41
dholbachgood morning07:01
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timpgusch: do you have a small piece of code that I can use to reproduce this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/122778307:57
guschtimp: sorry no - but simply load a big image (on the desktop you might need to make it bigger than 8192 pixel)07:59
timpgusch: ok, I'll try08:06
timpgusch: the sourceSize is already set to the sourceSize of the input08:07
guschtimp: but it seems when changing the image, it's not08:08
guschtimp: in the settings app I was able to see the selected (big) background, when starting the app again - but not when it was freshly selected08:09
timpok, I'll experiment a bit08:10
timpgusch: the code I pasted on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1227783 should expose the bug?08:15
guschtimp: if the image is really big, yes, I think so08:17
timpok, I'll try to make a really big image.08:18
guschtimp: the problem occurs here in the settings app http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/view/head:/plugins/background/SwappableImage.qml08:20
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timpgusch: UbuntuShape can also have an image as input08:53
timpah it has08:53
timpthe ses is for the fading??08:54
guschtimp: I don't know thy the UbuntuShape and the Shader is used there09:00
guschtimp: but the shell uses plain CrossFadeImage (well a copy of it at the moment), mzanetti knows more about that09:00
timpgusch: ok, I managed to reproduce the bug without those and a 10K^2 pixels image09:00
mzanettigusch: yeah... I already started a branch where I dropped the copy of shell's crossfadeimage. but always got interrupted before finishing it off so far09:01
timpuntil today I didn't even know we had a CrossfadeImage in UITK09:02
mzanettisame here :)09:05
Laneyyes the ses is for fading09:21
Laneyyou can't (couldn't) put a CrossFadeImage directly in an UbuntuShape09:21
LaneyK aleo helped me with that at the time09:21
timpLaney: you work on system settings?09:36
timpperhaps setting the source size would solve the issue09:37
timphave to think if that breaks something.09:37
Laneyfeel free to try ;-)09:38
Laneywe're at a stage where playing with stuff like that has to take a back seat09:38
Laneyfor now, anyway09:39
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dpmmorning timp, loicm, I think one of you had a chat with the RSS Reader app guys and you gave them recommendations for how to display UbuntuShape'd articles in the overview grid, and how to have an UbuntuShape displaying an image and another one within displaying a title. We've now got the same situation with the Music app (see the screenshots on the MP), would you mind adding a comment to the MP if you have any recommendations for them, so that they09:42
dpm are in sync with what the RSS guys do? -> https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/albums-page-label/+merge/18713209:42
dpmpopey, ^09:42
* popey looks09:42
popeyooh, thats pretty09:44
loicmdpm: hi, is that because you're not satisfied with their current rendering?09:46
loicmdpm: I'll give them the same recommendation I gave the RSS app guys09:47
dpmloicm, I'm happy with whatever makes sense from the SDK point of view. I'm just trying to make sure they follow the same recommendations as the RSS reader guys, so that we're not reimplementing the same thing again. Thanks!09:48
loicmdpm: sure09:49
dpmgreat, thank you :)09:50
loicmdpm: just added a comment on the MR09:52
dpmsuper, thanks loicm09:54
oSoMoNdaker: hey, can you merge the latest trunk in one of the remaining two MRs, so we can merge it?09:55
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dakeroSoMoN: sure10:02
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dakeroSoMoN: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/webbrowser-app/fix.1169758/+merge/18689210:13
oSoMoNdaker: thanks, approved10:14
dakeronce it's merged, i'll update the last one10:17
dholbachdpm, the list of apps still needing some fixes (or are waiting for other reasons) are these, right? ramsamsam reader, skimbou, memories and audiotape, right?10:21
dholbachdpm, I pinged all of them again10:21
dpmdholbach, I noticed that memories is already approved and installable, so it seems the security guys made an exception10:22
dpmthanks :)10:22
dholbachok, that's one off the list then10:22
nerochiarodoes anyone know if there's a way to fake making and receiving calls on the phone without having to have a SIM in it and spend money ?10:47
nerochiaro(not to mention have another phone)10:47
AskUbuntuCompiling code that depends on QT4 with QT5 installed | http://askubuntu.com/q/34943010:53
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oSoMoNgusch, nerochiaro: hey, could one of you please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/fix-deps-alignment/+merge/187166 ?11:08
nerochiarooSoMoN: done11:13
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks11:15
danielholmhi, anyone who knows a way to extract data from a localStorage DB? like to a file? or could tell me where the db file is so I at least can back it up?11:39
popeydanielholm: sqlite3 /path/to/database.db .dump11:44
danielholmpopey: cool. and they are stored in ~/.local/share/Qt\ Project/QtQmlViewer/QML/OfflineStore?11:45
popeygrep music *.ini11:45
popeywill tell you which one11:46
danielholmawesome. thank you! I think I got em now11:46
danielholmthats even better, since I had a lot of them11:46
popeyyeah, we all do ☻11:46
popeyfun ☻11:46
danielholmhehe. I'm reseting my broken nexus and it had all my quesions from the quiz app I worked on a couple a months ago. so thank you :)11:47
danielholmyeah! got them. that was quite easy - when you know how to :p11:48
oSoMoNdaker: the last MR is ready to be updated12:00
dakeroSoMoN: doing it12:00
dakeroSoMoN: done https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/webbrowser-app/fix.116975912:01
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
dakeroSoMoN: do you know why i am getting "module "Ubuntu.Components.Pickers" is not installed" ?12:03
dakeri am using the saucy with the latest version of the ui-toolkit12:04
dakerubuntu-ui-toolkit-theme:i386/saucy 0.1.46+13.10.20130916-0ubuntu1 uptodate12:04
dakerand it's the same version where the picker component was added https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/0.1.46+13.10.20130916-0ubuntu112:05
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dakerand nothing in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/12:06
wellsbdaker: I just downloaded the picker and picker delegate from source and bundled it in my application as a workaround until the picker lands in the toolkit.  Not sure why it's not there yet12:08
dakerwellsb: look at the changelog https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/0.1.46+13.10.20130916-0ubuntu112:09
dakerand i do have a "Picker" section on gallery12:09
wellsbzsombi provided this update a few days about about the picker:  there are few things that needs to be there first: 1) CI needs to work again, 2) I don't have tyet the UI confirmed from UX for the components, 3) I got other more urgent things to do first... so expect at least 2 more weeks to get the components...12:11
wellsbmay have been date picker specific, though.  I'd have to check the conversation12:12
zsombiwellsb: Ci works again, Picker tumbler is already in the trunk, Dialer is under review, and I'm working on the date and Time picker API right now12:12
wellsbRight.  I took the picker from trunk to implement my own date picker in the interim12:13
dakerzsombi: will the date & time picker be global ? cause we nee them for the browser too12:14
dakeror just we just need to copy the code ?12:15
zsombidaker: there are going to be in UITK yes12:16
dakerzsombi: perfect12:16
zsombidaker under Ubuntu.Componets.Pickers12:17
wellsbzsombi: For date picker, the model for day number changes based on month.  Right now the pickerstyle says to move to index0 if the model changes.  Will this be fixed?  Right now, I'm just keeping track of the previous value and if the modelchange caused the selectedindex change, I just revert back to the previously assigned value12:18
wellsb(if the selected index is less than the model count, of course)12:19
LaneyIs there a way to ask a Switch (& similar) to not update their 'checked' state when clicked by the user?12:20
zsombiwelolsb let me check...12:21
zsombiwellsb: ^12:21
dakerLaney: a hacky way onclicked : checked: true12:25
dakernot sure if it will works or not12:25
Laneythe last one needs to be an =12:25
Laneyand you can't hardcode true12:26
Laneybut yeah, that probably does work12:26
zsombiwellsb: hold on, why do you change the model?12:27
wellsbBecause there's more days in january than in february.  Since you're asking that question, clearly that's not the best approach.  What should I be doing?12:28
zsombiwellsb: is a model changes, the index must be reset to 0 as you don't know whether the previous index would point to the proper position, especially if you don;t have that index anymore in the model12:28
wellsbYeah, I observed that.  I added a bunch of code to handle that issue, but it seems less than ideal12:30
zsombiwellsb: but the question is still unanswered: why would you need to change the model?12:30
wellsbHow would you propose I show 30 days for November and 31 for December in my picker?12:31
zsombiwellsb: depends :) if we must show only the days based on the month (i.e. not graying out the ones which are not selectable) then you're right. But the index can be restored if you keep an internal date which follows the Picker selection12:33
zsombiwellsb: but that will be the way DatePicker will work12:33
wellsbYeah that's how I'm handling it now.  Good to know12:36
zsombiunless I come up with a better solution :)12:40
wellsbFeel free :)12:40
wellsbLike keeping the model at 31, and setting the individual delegate item's visibility based on month12:41
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oSoMoNgusch, nerochiaro: would one of you be available for a quick review? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/toolbar-spacing/+merge/18720513:12
guschoSoMoN: ok13:13
guschoSoMoN: approved13:19
oSoMoNgusch: thanks13:20
wellsbAre there plans to extend the webview functionality to allow to setUserStyleSheetUrl from qml13:39
wellsbI'll see about setting it w/ js13:40
oSoMoNbfiller: here is a MR that updates the visuals for expanded activity view: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/activity-expanded/+merge/18719014:04
bfilleroSoMoN: cool will look14:07
zzzzhow do i delete a document in U1DB14:27
dakerzzzz: from the web ui ?14:31
zzzzdaker : in a qml app14:31
dakerzzzz: yes, the db is uploaded to the web, so i guess you will see it here ubuntuone.com14:32
zzzzdaker : iam making a notes app, i want the user to be able to delete a note from the app. And by 'document' i dont mean a file, i mean a db document : http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-13.10/qml/u1db-qt5/tutorial.html14:34
dakeri see you mean from the qml app, right ?14:34
zzzzdaker : yes14:35
dakerzzzz: maybe mhall119 can help you14:35
mhall119daker: I don't think the u1db is shown as a file on ubuntu one14:37
mhall119if anybody is intersted in app developer advocacy, we have a live session going on now: http://ubuntuonair.com/15:27
mhall119and #ubuntu-on-air channel of Freenode15:27
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oSoMoNgusch, nerochiaro: can one of you please approve https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/pot-update/+merge/187275 ?15:59
nerochiarooSoMoN: you got it15:59
oSoMoNnerochiaro: thanks15:59
nik90|Officekalikiana: ping (a small question regarding sqlite storage location)16:19
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dakeroSoMoN: \o/16:53
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Chocantonik90_: Hey, thank you for your review. I made all modifications, and I think your are agree about the maintainer of the package, I will put my name. Just for the architecture, why are you thinking "any" should not be ok ?17:42
nik90|OfficeChocanto: since it is a c++ plugin, maybe you need to specify the architecture where it needs to be built specifically..like amd64 and armf17:55
nik90|OfficeChocanto: again I *think*17:55
nik90|OfficeChocanto: perhaps you should ask dpm or mhall119 about this alone17:55
Chocantonik90|Office: I will ask :)17:55
nik90|OfficeChocanto: will check again when I get home in about 2 hours... still in office :(17:56
Chocantonik90|Office: But again thank a lot for your review :)17:56
nik90|OfficeChocanto: np17:56
Chocantonik90|Office: I you want to check again you can, but my modifications will only be what you said17:56
Chocantonik90|Office: So if everything else is ok..17:56
nik90|OfficeChocanto: then I guess it is good to go17:57
Chocantonik90|Office: Because if fginther is available I will ask him to add it to the PPA tonight. Good luck with your work !17:58
nik90|OfficeChocanto: thnx. leaving now.18:13
=== bfiller_food is now known as bfiller
bfilleroSoMoN: regarding the activity view, assuming it's desired that the expansion occurs above the domain now rather than below?18:26
oSoMoNbfiller: yes, that’s a change that design requested, apparently for consistency with other apps where the expansion happens above18:27
bfilleroSoMoN: ok, also have you tested when you have "today" and "yesterday", "last 7 days" populated? I only have "today" in my history so can't test those scenarios18:28
oSoMoNbfiller: yes, on my device I have all the sections populated, and it works well18:28
bfilleroSoMoN: cool, approving then18:28
oSoMoNbfiller: thanks18:29
AskUbuntuCan Unity be used as an independent interface in a custom non-ubuntu build OS? | http://askubuntu.com/q/34960819:00
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kalikiananik90: the location for sqlite is about to be in the app-specific folder as opposed to Qt Project *soonish* if that's the question. it's waiting on getting into the images20:25
kalikianasometime in the next days20:25
kalikianaChocanto: was it you asking about opening downloaded files? turns out loicm is the one working on that20:26
Chocantokalikiana: Yes it was me :) Ok thank you !20:26
ChocantoSo... loicm ping ?20:26
nik90_kalikiana: yeah I saw your branch and hence the question. So would the database be stored in .local/share/ubuntu-clock-app?20:38
kalikiananik90_: to be exact the name is equivalent to what applicationName in your MainView says20:39
nik90_kalikiana: that's what it says. thnx20:39
kalikianajust mentioning it for clarity. the other day I saw a name that was so weird I thought the person didn't understand what to put in there :-P20:40
nerochiaroboiko: still around ?22:26

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