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pittiGood morning05:47
pittishadeslayer: sorry, no idea about the automake test driver; I merely fixed the broken autopkgtest05:48
pittishadeslayer: yes, what cjwatson says; don't use cdbs' auto-update05:48
dholbachgood morning07:01
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pittibuilds fail with "Unable to connect to archive-team.internal:http:07:16
pittiinfinity: ^ known?07:16
cjwatsonpitti: known, we're working on it07:18
pitticjwatson: thanks07:18
cjwatsonpitti: fallout from the lillypilly->snakefruit switchover07:18
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shadeslayercjwatson: there is a multiarch'd virtuoso which uses debhelper in debian experimental, however that will break soprano, which is why I haven't requested a sync10:39
shadeslayerand thought it'd be a better idea to fix our own package10:39
apwpitti, hey ... whats the ramifications of adding a source pacakge which does not yet exist into apport in precise, specifically i am adding linux-lts-raring and it seems appropraite to add linux-lts-saucy at the saem time if that isn't going to explode10:46
apwpitti, as in adding a new link to debian/apport.links10:46
pittiapw: that seems rather straightforward10:46
pittiapw: i. e. if we already decide to SRU a new kernel, this should be part of that exception10:47
apwpitti, yeah agreed.  in this case i am fixing raring cause it was missed (and i'll send you a merge request to look at in a bit) and thinking we might want to do saucy in advance to save doing an additional SRU10:47
apwthough as it is so easy, perhaps we don't care10:48
pittiapw: if we already know that we are going to backport the saucy kernel, it seems fine to do it in one go10:48
apwpitti, ok, will just get this tested, and then get it up for review.  I think it needs that cause i am ripping out a hack which you added for before these packages hit the actual archive; and now is redundant10:52
pittiapw: ah, we added some PPA lookup?10:52
apwpitti, we added some PPA 'ok' which is fine i guess, but we also mapped the names over to linux else you couldn't file the bugs either10:52
apwand that doesn't seem appropriate any more10:53
apwand we only did it for quantal, not all lts kernels10:53
apwso it was a bit of an old hack10:53
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shadeslayercjwatson: well, I can also pass --add-missing which fixes the issue11:11
apwpitti, ok here is my proposed changes, they seem to work on a VM ok: lp:~apw/ubuntu/precise/apport/lts-backport-kernels11:45
apwpitti, if you could cast your weathered eye over them, then perhaps i can try the release process11:45
pittiapw: so the meta packages are named linux-meta-raring (or something such), not linux-raring-meta?11:47
apwlinux-meta-lts-raring | | precise-proposed | source11:47
pittiah, so it says in the second hunk, nevermind11:47
apwyeah after a shakey start we have standarised on the 'base name' (linux, linux-meta, linux-signed etc) followed by the variant11:48
pittiapw: LGTM then, thanks!11:48
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dokodidrocks, are you aware of the unity-* and friends build failures in the test rebuild?12:18
dokoseb128, has libburn ubuntu specific patches, or is it just the new upstream?12:21
seb128doko, just new upstream version12:21
dokobarry, could you have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20130917/+build/5014145 ?12:22
barrydoko: i'll put it in a tab for later ;)12:22
mlankhorstmdeslaur: poke :)12:27
mdeslaurmlankhorst: hi12:27
mlankhorstmdeslaur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glamor-egl/+bug/1227919 ?12:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 1227919 in glamor-egl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] glamor-egl" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:31
mdeslaursarnold: what's the status on mlankhorst's MIR? ^12:32
mdeslaurmlankhorst: sarnold will be here in 3-4 hours, I'll see what the status is then12:32
mlankhorstok thanks12:32
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dokoinfinity, I see you touched corosync last weekend. could you have a look at openais (ftbfs) too?13:08
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bloopletechI have just reported a bug in libgl1-mesa-glx, and I'd like to do what I can to avoid the bug being ignored/unnoticed. The issue revolves around the x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf alternative, and two packages that provide it, libgl1-mesa-glx, and nvidia-304. I am able to help troubleshoot the issue right now; if this is the wrong venue for discussing the issue, a pointer would be super helpful13:40
bloopletechThe bug url is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/122973413:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 1229734 in xorg (Ubuntu) "libgl1-mesa-glx conflicts with nvidia-current (nvidia-304)" [Undecided,New]13:40
bloopletechIf I could work out _what_ is calling update-alternatives, that would probably be enough, because at least then I can add the fix as described in the bug *after* that in the boot13:57
pittistgraber: what's the status of these "mount partitions on top of /etc/ files" hack? is that only going to last until we get a proper aufs/overlayfs working?14:17
pittistgraber: it's certainly not something which we could ever use in a converged ubuntu14:18
stgraberpitti: getting upstream aufs/overlayfs is I think the biggest blocker there, the Android kernels can be heavily patch and be rather ancient, so having reliable overlays was out of the question14:19
pittistgraber: right, but is that still the eventual plan?14:20
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stgraberpitti: it's one of the options we started discussing with slangasek when looking at the converged story, yes14:21
stgraberpitti: the biggest concern I have there so that if we choose to use aufs or overlayfs, we basically say no to community ports14:22
stgraberpitti: as no existing Android kernels support it by default and most ports maintainer lack the knowledge required to merge those rather massive patches14:23
pittistgraber: oh, why? you think that the block API will change so often that these modules don't port well across kernel versions/14:23
pittistgraber: if that isn't an option, then I guess we'll have to re-think having a writable /etc/, or using some other overlay solution14:24
stgraberpitti: well, I always noticed that those patches take a couple of weeks to get re-applied whenever we switch to a new Ubuntu kernel, so I assume they are a bit of a pain to apply14:24
stgraberapw would surely know more about that :)14:24
cjwatsonIIRC aufs is worse than overlayfs for that14:25
Laneypitti: do you think you'd be able to work on the timedated hack to tide us over?14:31
pittiLaney: if we actually find a solution how to do it, yes14:32
pittiLaney: I really don't want my name on a patch which does in-place file updating14:32
LaneyI guess we can add a writeable directory to /etc to store the intermediate stuff in14:32
Laneylike you suggested for /data14:32
cjwatsonThat was my suggestion14:32
cjwatsonMake /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone a symlink into that, so localtime ends up being a two-level symlink14:32
pittiso a two-level symlink, or copying the file content to /data14:33
LaneyShould be able to do it all within /etc14:33
pittiLaney: this needs to be changed in at least tzdata and systemd then, and possibly also in other tools which adjust the time14:33
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stgraberdoing that stuff within /etc would mean we have the original file in that sub-directory so factory reset will work properly14:35
stgraberhaving the symlink point to /userdata would be more of a problem (as I mentioned in the bug)14:36
apwstgraber, they are a mare to apply and forward port often yes as they dig right into the vfs, the bit which has no stable ABI14:36
stgraberand having the tools change /userdata/system-data/etc/... instead of /etc would work but won't give you much since bind-mounts work on the inode and th atomic replace currently done will switch inode too (with the bind-mount pointing to the old file rather than the new one)14:37
stgraberapw: thanks for confirming my fears! so definitely not something we'd want our community porters to do for all of their weird and old kernels (I had a few trying to run Ubuntu Touch saucy on 2.6.32...)14:37
LaneyCan't we bind mount the whole of /etc? :-)14:38
dokojamespage, zul: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg shows some missing MIR's for the dependencies14:40
stgraberLaney: you deal with crazy people adding stuff to /etc then ;)14:40
stgraberLaney: (the usual, how do you distinguish a new file being added to /etc from an old file being removed by the user locally)14:40
Laneydon't you have to care for that currently?14:41
Laneysome of the whitelisted things are conffiles14:41
stgrabertransition is a one time thing done on first boot14:41
zuldoko:  python-wsme (#1207030), msg-pack (#1207003) and (#1207034) have the MIR compete and waiting for promotion14:42
stgraberso any file (or directory) listed in writable-paths will be copied to /userdata and bind-mounted on first boot, if the content changes in the rootfs after that, you won't see it until you do a factory reset (which will trigger another copy from the rootfs to /userdata)14:42
jdstrandtkamppeter: hi! in your next cups upload, can you fix bug #1229766? I added the apparmor rule to the description14:43
ubottubug 1229766 in cups (Ubuntu) "noisy apparmor denials" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122976614:43
dokozul, python-wsme needs MIR's for it's dependencies14:44
zuldoko:  gotcha14:45
dokozul, promoted msgpack-python14:46
zuldoko:  thanks14:46
dokowill wait with python-thrift until the others are complete14:46
zuldoko:  thrift (#1207034) btw14:47
stgrabertedg: ping14:51
stgrabertedg: so I have a bit of a problem with edubuntu where we appear to ship ubuntu-system-settings and a bunch of other touch related packages by default...14:51
stgrabertedg: apparently that's because indicator-sound recommends ubuntu-system-settings | gnome-control-center14:51
mterryzul, I see the new MIR14:52
ogra_thats overly poitless on touch14:52
zulmterry:  cool one more coming down14:52
stgrabertedg: edubuntu ships gnome-control-center, but since ubuntu-system-settings is preferred, if we're unlucky at image build time, we'll end up pulling ubuntu-system-settings...14:52
ogra_tedg, drop the recommends, it isnt used on touch ... and since it breaks desktop ...14:52
ogra_stgraber, ^^^14:53
stgrabertedg: can you either drop the recommend or switch the order to be more reasonable?14:53
stgraberogra_: that'd work for me14:53
ogra_needs to be a hard dep or just carefully seeded14:53
stgrabertedg: please do it in the next two hours or I'll have to cowboy it myself into the archive. I consider this a critical bug for Beta 2 and as such want it resolved ASAP. Thanks14:53
ogra_else touch wont consider it anyway14:53
stgraberogra_: ah right, you guys still use no-install-recommends14:54
ogra_stgraber, please coordinate cowboying with #ubuntu-ci-eng ...14:54
xnoxtedg: it seems like your interpretation of "Recommends" is what the "Enhances" stanza is http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps14:55
tedgstgraber, K, will change.14:56
tedgxnox, The problem is that a menu item breaks if it's not there.14:56
tedgxnox, So it's not a crash, but it's not really an "additional feature"14:56
xnoxtedg: menu item breaks where? on ubuntu-touch panel, desktop panel, ubuntu-system-settings, gnome-control-center?14:57
tedgstgraber, Only concern is that I don't know if I can get it released... releasing is... tricky.14:57
tedgxnox, ubuntu touch for one, desktop panel for the other.14:58
xnoxtedg: i'm sure a few people can dput it, e.g. stgraber and myself included.14:58
stgrabertedg: so it's currently a blocker for an image we need to release on Thursday and needs to be tested today. So I know we've got the fancy CI process now and I'm fine waiting 2-3 hours for you to go through that.14:58
stgrabertedg: but if that's not done by then, I'll just dput it straight to the archive and add a manual unblock in britney to bypass the touch block14:59
xnoxtedg: right - recommends has no affect on the touch image, so indicator-sound must be seeded. Thus Recommends should be dropped, as one doesn't want gnome-control-center on touch.14:59
stgraberright, the way touch works means the change is guaranteed no-op there, so I don't buy the "affects touch" part :)15:00
tedgxnox, Well we've done all the other indicators with the recommends the other way.  So I'd prefer to keep them the same.  Or I guess change all.15:00
tedgNot sure why indicator-sound ended up backwards.15:00
xnoxtedg: instead seeds need to be correct for the menu-item to be correct in the indicator-sound. And probably indicator-sound should hide the menu-item if it can't find neither ubuntu-system-settings nor gnome-system-settings.15:00
xnoxtedg: recommends are _not_ installed on touch images. So recommends really has no effect on touch images. Not sure how the rest of them were done.15:01
xnoxtedg: i see explicit seeds on touch.15:01
tedgxnox, Sure, but that's additional test code for an invalid scenario, I'd rather fix it in packaging than write more tests :-)15:01
stgrabertedg: I think dropping the recommend from all of them would make more sense since recommends are ignored on touch. Having the recommend there just makes it that much more confusing when people are trying to figure out why a package is or isn't installed on a particular image.15:02
xnoxtedg: you can do "Recommends: gnome-control-center" as it will not be installed on touch, but will be installed on normal "fat" desktops.... until we converge that is.15:02
tedgI guess the difference for me is "can do" vs. "communicates what we're trying to say"15:03
tedgSure, it would *work*.  But "Recommends: gnome-control-center | ubuntu-system-settings," will work and describes the relationships.15:04
stgraberanyway, with my Edubuntu hat on, I don't really care what you end up doint, so long as we get an unbloated image soon, I currently have system-image-* + ubuntu-system-settings + gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas + ... so I effectively have no idea whether the bug I'm seeing in the image are a result of that or more important things I need to get solved by tomorrow15:04
xnoxtedg: it should be valid to install without recommends, yet for you one of them is a hard dependency.15:04
xnoxtedg: thus above usage of recommends is contradictory to the packaging definition of Recommends, as per http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps15:05
tedgxnox, "Recommends:  This declares a strong, but not absolute, dependency. "  which is what I think we have.15:05
stgrabertedg: accept that as far as touch is concerned you could just as well have put that in the description field since dpkg on those images cares as much about the description field as it does about the recommends one :)15:07
xnoxtedg: but you say indicator-sound is buggy, if your single recommends  is not present. (single, but can be satisfied by one of the two or both packages)15:07
tedgstgraber, Sure, but isn't that something we'll fix on touch eventually?15:07
xnoxtedg: not in 13.10.15:07
xnoxtedg: and we need to release working 13.10 images for both touch & edubuntu15:08
tedgxnox, Sure, but I can't express "one of these depending on which frontend you're using" :-)15:08
stgrabertedg: I hope we'll be consistent in that regard for 14.04, yes15:08
stgrabertedg: anyway, I'll get back to doing some work. I'll get back to Edubuntu stuff at 2pm here (in 3 hours), would be nice if you could get that thing fixed and landed by then. If it's not at that point, let me know how far you got and I'll cowboy the rest.15:08
tedgstgraber, K.  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-sound/recommends-reorder/+merge/18726515:09
xnoxtedg: but when recommends will be enabled on both touch & desktop, "Recommends: gnome-control-center | ubuntu-system-settings" will still be wrong, as it will then instead pull in gnome-system-settings into touch images.15:09
xnoxAnd e.g. desktop starting to use ubuntu-system-settings while edubuntu continues with gnome-system-settings for example.15:09
stgrabertedg: that trailing comma is confusing15:09
tedgxnox, Not if ubuntu-system-settings is seeded, no?15:10
tedgstgraber, I thought that was supposed to be to make diff's clearer?15:10
stgrabertedg: hmm, I suppose it does when it's a vertical list15:10
stgrabertedg: I'm just surprised dpkg isn't picky about this, but yeah, if that works, fine :)15:10
xnoxtedg: we have seeds exactly because there is no way to correctly order recommends for all packages. And at the moment, despite correct seeding, edubuntu seed is pulling the first recommends (ubuntu-system-settings).15:11
tedgxnox, I guess, are you sure edubuntu seed gnome-system-settings?15:12
xnoxtedg: yes.15:12
tedgHmm.  That's weird.15:12
tedgxnox, I think it's a foundations bug then.  /me closes15:13
xnoxtedg: two members of foundation are asking you to remove the buggy recommends and use seeds instead.15:13
xnox(stgraber and I)15:13
xnoxtedg: your move ;-)15:13
Laneyit does sound like a bug in the image process though, to be fair15:14
tedgxnox, So you're saying foundations is lazy and won't fix its bugs?15:14
Laneyeven if I agree with you guys that the quick fix is fine15:14
xnoxtedg: I'm saying your usage of recommends is broken, and not what it is intended to be used for.15:15
stgraberLaney: well, kinda, I didn't look at an apt debug output, but my guess is that based on ordering, both end up having the same weight (as uninstalled, recommended packages) and so whichever is first wins.15:15
tedgAnyway, yes.  That fix short term.  But it things like seeded things should always satisfy first.15:15
LaneyBut you get both, right?15:15
tedgSeems like I should be able to put something at the end of "infinite |s" and if it's seeded, that's the one that is taken.15:16
stgraberLaney: I do indeed, as I said, would need to look at an apt debug output to figure it out, chances is it's doing it in multiple run and Edubuntu is getting unlucky where Ubuntu is being lucky15:16
* Laney nods15:16
xnoxtedg: the correct way to do this is for you to do Recommends on a virtual package "system-settings" and then have both types of settings-mangers provide that virtual package. then the seeds will work correctly.15:16
stgraberLaney: ah, no, much simpler than that actually :)15:16
stgraberLaney: ubuntu-system-settings is in universe15:17
xnoxtedg: not on an " bar | baz" alternative.15:17
stgraberLaney: so it'd have been used in Ubuntu as well if it was in main15:17
stgraberLaney: Ubuntu builds without universe, Edubuntu builds with it15:17
stgraberLaney: so an Ubuntu netboot install would currently get you ubuntu-system-settings too15:17
tedgxnox, In the dependency resolution I can't see what the difference is there.  Effectively it's creating a temporary "tmp32" that both provide and then resolving to that.15:18
stgraber(one more reason to fix this ASAP as that means we probably have a bunch of users who have it on their Ubuntu desktop too...)15:18
LaneyYeah, I think it should be fixed now but it'd also be interesting to find out if the reason it showed up is fixable15:18
cjwatsonif you explicitly seed something that should take precedence, both in germinate and apt15:19
cjwatsonbut it has to be seeded in the same or an interior seed, not something exterior15:19
cjwatsonxnox: that won't help, germinate and apt would both produce nondeterministic results for a bare virtual15:20
xnoxoh. ok.15:20
cjwatsontedg,stgraber: I can look into the seed resolution point soon but not now15:21
xnoxcjwatson: what's the difference between interior vs exterior seeds? is include platform.saucy exterior?15:21
xnoxcjwatson: why would the result for a bare virtual be nondeterministic, if a package that provides it is already seeded?15:22
LaneyI guess it means that edubuntu's seed just has a dependency on the ubuntu-desktop package15:23
xnoxLaney: but e.g. gnome-control-settings is listing Task: edubuntu-desktop15:23
ogra_ubuntu toucxh doesnt (and probably will never) respect recommends15:23
ogra_that recommends is totally bogus15:23
xnoxLaney: s/settings/center/15:23
ogra_just drop it altogether15:23
cjwatsonxnox: no I mean desktop is outside desktop-common but desktop is inside live15:23
cjwatsonxnox: It shouldn't be nondeterministic if a provider is already seeded, but nor should foo | bar15:26
cjwatsonxnox: So no gain15:26
tkamppeterjdstrand, OK.15:31
tumbleweedhpodder fetch15:31
pittiawe_: wrt. the phone call stack, does this look about right? dialer-app → telephony-service-handler → telepathy-ofono → ofono ?15:32
pittiawe_: does anythign except telepathy-ofono talk to ofonod?15:32
awe_pitti, in mid-stand-up15:33
pittiawe_: thanks; I was wondering what I have to restart in order for recording ofonod (my approach from a few weeks ago doesn't work any more)15:33
pittiawe_: nevermind, can talk later15:33
didrocksjamespage: doko: we have an issue with latest libunwind: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/151345408/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.xorg-server_2%3A1.14.2.901-2ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:40
jdstrandtkamppeter: thanks!15:41
awe_pitti, I just finished the stand-up15:41
lool(thanks didrocks)15:41
loolRAOF: ^15:41
didrocksjamespage: doko: downgrading to 1.1-1ubuntu2 works15:41
awe_pitti, yes.. there are multiple processes that can/do talk to ofonod15:41
didrocksany of you can help figuring this out?15:41
didrocks(this is blocking Mir landing)15:41
didrocksasac: FYI, now that we have for sure the culpurit component ;) ^15:41
awe_telepathy-ofono, system-settings and NM are the top three...15:41
awe_pitti, fyi... we have a new guy in PES who I asked to do some work with umockdev/ofono last week15:42
awe_I was planning on emailing a few folks ( you, Jualian, ... ) to discuss15:43
jamespagedidrocks, does your build use pkg-config files?15:43
awe_as Alfonso ( abeato ) has run into some of the same kind of issues you may now be seeing15:43
jamespagethat was introduced in 1.1-215:43
pittiawe_: ah, maybe; it was working quite well a few weeks ago, but now it seems there is a lot of chatter from all different places towards ofonod, which makes predictable communications hard15:44
awe_that said, there's also some issues with ofono's protocol stream not being deterministic15:44
RAOFjamespage: Yes15:44
pittiawe_: so I guess for testing dialer-app we should rather provide a dbus-mock of the ubuntu phone service; and test that against a mock of telepathy-phone, and so on15:44
didrocksjamespage: it's xorg-server failing to build FYI15:44
jamespagedidrocks, yeah - I see15:45
pittiawe_: testing ofonod itself against a mock rild seems easier, as you can test that in isolation (right now this involves some 5 processes)15:45
awe_pitti, let's get the terminology straight, there's telephony-service and telepathy-ofono15:45
awe_so you're saying that we should mock telephony-service?15:46
seb128tedg, stgraber, hey, why "Recommends: ubuntu-system-settings | gnome-control-center," isn't right if edubuntu has g-c-c installed, shouldn't that be enough for the recommends?15:46
awe_for the dialer app tests?15:46
pittiawe_: that would be the logical thing (mock the direct layer below you)15:46
awe_( below the dialer app, you mean )?  ;)-15:46
pittiawe_: or perhaps telepathy-ofonod, as dialer-app seems to talk to both telephony-service AND telepathy15:47
pittii. e. there doesn't seem to be a clear layer separation15:47
RAOFjamespage: Ah. So the problem was probably always there, just that 1.1-2 actually made the configure check pass.15:47
pittiawe_: "ofono's protocol stream not being deterministic" -> did that change recentlY/15:47
stgraberseb128: if we'd install the indicator after the rest of the system is installed, yes15:48
awe_pitti, no, I think you just got lucky15:48
jamespageRAOF, might be15:48
cjwatsonseb128,tedg,stgraber: this is certainly odd - Edubuntu livefs builds install everything by tasks, so germinate's view of the world ought to win15:48
stgraberseb128: but we're talking about a rootfs build at which point neither is installed, both come from recommends so they probably end up having the same weight at some point15:48
RAOFWe've had a timebomb patch in the xserver since March :)15:48
seb128stgraber, isn't that going to create the reverse issue for touch then?15:48
stgraberseb128: nope, touch doesn't use recommends15:48
cjwatsonstgraber: it still ought to be controlled by germinate's expansion, via Task field15:48
RAOFjamespage: Confirmed that building with unwind 1.1-1ubuntu2 works, but also doesn't actually use libunwind15:49
awe_pitti, as mentioned we've done some analysis, and abeato has also come up with some ideas on how we could address these issues..  I'd like to review his notes, and then will share them with you, and others later today15:49
seb128stgraber, is that going to stay that way or are we up to get the same issue when we start using them?15:49
cjwatsonHmm, gnome-control-center is in Task: edubuntu-desktop, not Task: edubuntu-desktop-gnome15:49
* ogra_ still votes for just dropping the recommends15:49
ogra_add it back in 14.0415:49
cjwatsonogra_: I still want to investigate the underlying issue here15:49
ogra_and have the headdache then15:49
pittiawe_: ack; I currently got an assignment to create some autopilot tests for dialer-app and messaging-app15:49
pittiawe_: (some nontrivial ones, that is)15:49
pittiawe_: so I guess I'll investigate providing dbus mocks for telepathy next, WDYT?15:50
awe_ah, OK I was wondering who the DRI was for that task15:50
stgraberseb128: at some point it may be a problem, though if touch ever switches to installing recommends, the fact that ubuntu-system-settings is directly seeded by its main seed should make germinate do the right thing15:50
pittiawe_: "DRI"?15:50
jamespageRAOF, OK15:50
awe_designated responsible individual15:50
cjwatsonHm, so Task: edubuntu-desktop is a weird thing15:50
awe_sorry, too many acronyms floating around in my head15:50
jamespageRAOF, I guess an immediate fix is to drop the libunwind dependency from xord15:50
jamespagexorg rather15:51
awe_jamespage, what does RAOF mean?15:51
cjwatson$ diff -u <(grep-aptavail -nsPackage -wFTask ubuntu-desktop | sort -u) <(grep-aptavail -nsPackage -wFTask edubuntu-desktop | sort -u)15:51
cjwatsonIt really only exists because seeds/ubuntu.saucy/desktop doesn't force a task name15:51
jamespageawe_, RAOF is a person - no idea what his/her nick stands for tho15:52
RAOFWow. The build logs for xorg-server on the buildds are rubbish.15:52
seb128stgraber, ok, I will trust you and cjwatson to do the right thing here... seems like it should be working still without that change from what cjwatson said?15:52
RAOFjamespage: Running Around On Fire15:52
cjwatsonseb128: continue to follow my stream of consciousness, I'm getting there :)15:52
jamespageRAOF, lol - sounds familiar ;-)15:52
RAOFI *think* we're not building with LIBUNWIND, but the actual configuration message is “checking for LIBUNWIND... __thread” ☺15:52
cjwatsonTask: edubuntu-desktop-gnome includes the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, which normally covers this up because it recursively includes all the same things15:53
cjwatsonHowever, this is NOT enough to force the correct expansion in this kind of case15:53
RAOF(This makes more sense in context, as the surrounding checks are about TLS)15:53
stgraberseb128: yes, doing that change was the easiest way to get the image back to normal and as the change makes sense anyway (even if only for consistency with the other indicators), it seemed like the right thing to do for now.15:54
cjwatsonThe way apt works, it installs all the packages it's been explicitly told to install (which includes every package that a task expands to), and then it tries to resolve any of those that are broken15:54
cjwatsonBut that means that if you have this kind of ambiguity then it can only reliably be solved by top-level entries15:54
cjwatsonIn the case of Edubuntu, gnome-control-center isn't a top-level thing apt's been told to install - it's "just" a dependency of ubuntu-desktop15:55
cjwatsonSo it depends whether apt happens to follow the dependency chain leading to whatever tedg's package is first, or the dependency chain of ubuntu-desktop15:55
cjwatsonWhich is nondeterministic15:55
cjwatsonstgraber: I am reasonably confident that the correct fix for this is http://paste.ubuntu.com/6150689/15:56
cjwatsonWe should also kill Task: edubuntu-desktop - it does nothing useful except bloat the Packages file15:56
cjwatsonBut that's less safe, so I'd probably prefer to do that at the start of next cycle15:56
cjwatson(Because we have to make sure nothing is using it)15:57
stgrabercjwatson: yep, that live-build change makes sense since edubuntu-desktop-gnome always include ubuntu-desktop anyway15:57
cjwatsonstgraber: Want me to upload it?  Is there a bug number?15:57
stgrabercjwatson: no bug number, feel free to upload15:58
cjwatsonstgraber: done15:59
cjwatsontedg: see, Foundations fixes its bugs :-P15:59
cjwatsontedg: (which is independent of whether your use of Recommends is correct - I don't much care either way on that)15:59
tedgNot sure if I prefer a fix to to give xnox a hard time ;-)16:00
tedgor to16:00
stgrabertedg: so with cjwatson's change, our next image should be good regardless of the indicator change, so I still think it's worth fixing just for consistency's sake (and also to make the netboot installs less broken) but it's certainly less critical now16:00
cjwatsonstgraber: I think you're mistaken that an Ubuntu netboot install would get ubuntu-system-settings - it uses Task: ubuntu-desktop which should solve the ambiguity16:00
xnoxtedg: well.... =)16:01
asacdidrocks: whats the culprit component?16:01
* asac tries reading backlog16:01
didrocksasac: libunwind, RAOF and jamespage are working on a fix16:01
tedgstgraber, Okay, so I won't push for a release for just that.  But it'll be fixed in trunk and get out in the next release set.16:01
stgrabercjwatson: ah yeah, but it'll still be wrong for Edubuntu then, right?16:01
cjwatsonstgraber: Edubuntu netboot I'm not sure of, it might still need a tweak16:01
mterryzul, how come python-wsme doesn't Depend on python-pycherry3?16:01
RAOFdidrocks: Shiny new Xserver in your inbox.16:01
cjwatsonLet me check16:01
didrocksRAOF: directly delivered at home? I hope there is no extra charge ;)16:02
jamespageRAOF, are you trying the drop the dependency hammer?16:02
asacdidrocks: good news.  thanks16:02
RAOFjamespage: Indeed16:02
cjwatsonstgraber: No, Edubuntu netboot is fine - it so happens that it's been explicitly including the ubuntu-desktop task since intrepid16:02
RAOFjamespage: That seems like the most sensible course at this point.16:02
zulmterry:  not sure16:02
stgrabercjwatson: nice!16:03
cjwatsonstgraber: See bug 27631716:03
ubottubug 276317 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "Intrepid: Netboot. Edubuntu meta doesn't include things like OO.o or FF" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27631716:03
Laneypitti: writable directories work16:11
didrocksRAOF: I think you saw the new failures16:25
didrocksmaybe it's my fault, but I didn't touch anything from your dsc16:25
* didrocks looks16:25
RAOFOh, whoops.16:25
didrocksquilt push -a is happy16:25
gcdsHello, maybe someone could recommend data protocol to communicate between processes using unix domain sockets?16:26
RAOFShouldn't be.16:26
didrocksbut I don't see it ;)16:26
didrockswhy doesn't it yell here?16:26
didrocksApplying patch os-use-libunwind-to-generate-backtraces.patch16:26
didrocksRAOF: weird, isn't it? ;)16:26
didrocksanyway, your patch would interest me ;)16:27
RAOFdidrocks: Drop the patch from debian/patches/series :)16:27
* RAOF forgot to do that16:27
didrocksRAOF: ah ok16:27
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dokoseb128, could you have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20130917/+build/4993076 (gtk2-engines)16:45
seb128doko, ok16:48
didrocksand built on armhf, thanks RAOF!16:50
dokodidrocks, did you see my message about the unity-* and friends ftbfs?16:50
didrocksdoko: yeah, it's building in the ppa, so I think next landing will fix those16:50
didrocksdoko: don't have time to investigate in why the tests results don't fetch the right ones16:50
infinitydoko: Re: corosync, looks like the new version doesn't include coroipcc.16:51
didrocks(it seems you didn't see the ping about libunwind though, but we got that fixed thanks to RAOF)16:51
infinityroaksoax: Can you check out https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20130917/+build/5010725 ?16:51
dokoinfinity, yes found out the same16:51
infinitydoko: Oh, hrm.  Did you only drop the SPU stuff from gcc-4.8 and gcc-snapshot, but not older releases?16:55
infinitydoko: Looks like 4.4/4.6/4.7 are still holding newlib in main.16:55
dokoshouldn't be there on it's own16:56
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ reverse-depends src:newlib16:56
infinity* gcc-4.4-spu                   (for newlib-spu)16:56
infinity* gcc-4.6-spu                   (for newlib-spu)16:56
infinity* gcc-4.7-spu                   (for newlib-spu)16:56
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ reverse-depends -b src:newlib16:57
infinity* gcc-4.4                       (for newlib-spu)16:57
infinity* gcc-4.6                       (for newlib-spu)16:57
infinity* gcc-4.7                       (for newlib-spu)16:57
dokobut why are these versions in main?16:57
infinityBecause things {Build-,}Depend on them, I suppose.16:58
dokoinfinity, gmime and libunistring have test failures for locking cases16:58
infinitydoko: Oh, only 4.7 is in main, the other two are in universe.16:58
dokotest cases16:58
infinity(4.7 in main is, at least, my fault...)16:58
roaksoaxinfinity: sure!16:59
infinityAnd grub2, and u-boot, and a few others.16:59
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dokoeven the kernel still uses gcc-4.7 on armhf17:00
dokowe'll have to keep 4.7 for the whole android compat stuff, I assume17:01
bdmurrayslangasek: the other week we'd decided to let the fix for bug 1058884 be superceded by a security upload correct?17:08
ubottubug 1058884 in python3.3 (Ubuntu Raring) "Race condition in py_compile corrupts pyc files" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105888417:08
cjwatsondoko,infinity: mm, I can maybe see about switching grub2 to 4.817:13
sarnoldmlankhorst: I'll start glamor-egl audit today, once I'm caught up on the outstanding pings left over from my long weekend; I expect to finish it today (if it's really nice code :) or tomorrow (more likely)17:13
roaksoaxinfinity: i think we can actually drop it from the archives, but i'll need to look into reverse deps17:15
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roaksoaxinfinity: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6151010/17:21
infinitycjwatson: I wouldn't stress it too much, I'm not moving eglibc to 4.8 in this cycle.  Shows testsuite regressions I don't have the time to fix before release.17:24
infinityroaksoax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6151025/17:26
roaksoaxinfinity: os in fedora asterisk-ais related stuff has been dropped17:28
roaksoaxand fedora doesn't ship ocfs2-tools17:28
roaksoaxbut we can drop it17:28
infinityroaksoax: pacemaker-mgmt needs transitioning to the corosync new world order too (or also removal?)17:34
cjwatsonYeah, I tried to rebuild that but it failed17:34
roaksoaxinfinity: i'm gonna look at it now17:34
infinityroaksoax: If you could figure out the remaining corosync rdeps and finish the transition and file a removal bug against all the packages you think need to go, that would be helpful.17:35
roaksoaxinfinity: will do, thanks for finding this out!17:35
slangasekbdmurray: bug #1058884> yes17:58
ubottubug 1058884 in python3.3 (Ubuntu Raring) "Race condition in py_compile corrupts pyc files" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105888417:58
bdmurraymdeslaur: ^17:59
mdeslaurthanks bdmurray, slangasek17:59
infinityslangasek: Is that still a thing?  I thought barry had hacked around that?18:00
infinityslangasek: Oh, it never got out of proposed.  Sadness.18:01
slangasekinfinity: the fix is nearly impossible to do an SRU verification on and we have at least one possible regression report, so it's not published, yeah18:01
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infinitysarnold: Oh hey, good timing.  I was just about to bug you about glamor-egl and noticed you'd assigned the bug to yourself.  Does that mean the audit is underway and I should shut up and leave you alone?18:15
sarnoldinfinity: indeed, it's just sitting behind the morning's email and triage run..18:15
infinitysarnold: \o/18:16
sarnolddown to only FOUR MIR audits, it feels good :)18:17
infinitysarnold: Want me to get you some more?18:20
sarnoldinfinity: it -is- kinda fun :) I just wish I weren't blocking co-workers ...18:20
mterryxnox, you work with cherrypy3, right?18:28
infinitysarnold: Well, I try to only poke you when I think something really should be audited (like this case, library linked by X driver running in ring 0, WCPGW), but I can certainly give you more work. :P18:34
sarnoldinfinity: lol18:36
barryslangasek, infinity yeah18:41
mterryzul, cherrypy3 has tests that aren't being run.  They seem to require cherryp3 to be installed first.  Any chance we can dep8-ify them?18:42
zulmterry:  sure18:42
gcdsHello, maybe someone knows how to add library dependency to configure file /19:17
gcdsI have modified c app to use one library but would like to add it to the configuration file19:18
slangasekstgraber: so you moved the milestone on bug #1206872, but ... is that bug still an issue?19:19
ubottubug 1206872 in samba (Ubuntu Saucy) "samba fails to unpack (behavior change in patch) and ftbfs on aarch64" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120687219:19
slangasekdoko: ^^ can you tell me whether samba still needs config.* updates for aarch64?  If so I can certainly poke at it19:20
stgraberslangasek: I don't know, I just ran move-milestoned-bugs on all past milestones19:20
slangasekstgraber: ah :)19:20
dokoslangasek, I don't know, wanted to wait for a build on real hardware19:31
slangasekdoko: what's the first version of config.sub that supports aarch64?19:32
slangasekI can just check the source quickly19:32
dokoslangasek, just grep for aarch64, that should be fine19:35
dokoxnox, could you have a look at the libvigraimpex ftbfs? multiarch'd boost?19:36
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ari-tczewevery bug has to be ACKed until is sponsored by release team since yesterday?20:05
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slangasekdoko: hah, so the current samba in unstable has config.sub from 2009... yeah, guess that'll need an update20:43
infinityslangasek: dh_autotools-dev or dh_autoreconf to the rescue?20:56
slangasekinfinity: eventually21:00
infinityslangasek: dh_autotools-dev_updateconfig and dh_autotools-dev_restoreconfig can be nicely hooked into old skool rules files that aren't dh(1) friendly.21:01
infinityslangasek: And still much cleaner than shipping a big config.* diff.21:02
infinityslangasek: (and the added bonus of Just Working for new ports)21:02
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dokoinfinity, libidn has another locking test failure23:29
infinitydoko: Fun. :/23:38
infinitydoko: Worse, it works on Debian.23:39
* infinity grabs the source to test on current Debian and see if that's still true.23:40
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smoserdpkg-query --show | grep zlib23:46
smoserwhy does that say ':amd64'23:46
infinitydoko: Bah.  It builds fine on my kernel.  Might only break on precise's...23:47
smoserwhen none of the other packages ('zlib' say :amd64).23:47
infinitysmoser: Because it's a multi-arch:same library.23:47
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ dpkg -l libc6 | awk '/^i/ {print $2}'23:47
infinitysmoser: ^-- For example.23:47
infinitysmoser: MA:same stuff shows the arch, because you can have more than one.23:48
infinitydoko: Oh, wait.  That was on sid where it worked.  I'm not awake.  *tries saucy locally now*23:50
smoserinfinity, thanks.23:54
infinitydoko: Okay, yeah, libidn failure reproduced locally.  Can I blame your toolchain?  Seems more likely than my 3 glibc patches. :P23:54
smoserso if you debconf-set-selections libc6 values without ':arch', which do they apply to ?23:55
infinitysmoser: Without an arch qualifier, you get the native arch.23:55
infinitysmoser: Though, in the case of debconf, the templates are probably shared between all of them anyway.23:55
cjwatsonYeah, debconf doesn't use the arch qualifier for its owner fields.23:56
infinityWell, it COULD.  It's up to the maintainer to do so, though.23:56
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ debconf-show libc623:56
infinity  glibc/upgrade: true23:56
infinity* glibc/restart-services: ssh exim4 cups cron atd23:56
infinity* libraries/restart-without-asking: false23:56
infinity  glibc/disable-screensaver:23:56
infinity  glibc/restart-failed:23:56
cjwatsonOwner, not namespace.23:56
cjwatsonActually I wonder if my previous statement is true.23:57
infinity^-- I could be generating those with arch qualfiers during build, and naming them explicitly in maintainer scripts.23:57
infinityBut why would I?23:57
cjwatsonelsif ($ARGV[0]=~m!^.*/(.*?)\.(?:postinst|postrm|prerm)$!) {23:57
cjwatson        $package=$1;23:57
cjwatsoninfinity: The owner is used for garbage-collection on purge.  It's not part of the question name.23:57
infinitycjwatson: Oh, right.  I always forget that owner and namespace are two things for reasons I don't grasp.23:57
cjwatsonBut it is mentioned as the first field in debconf-set-selections input.23:57
cjwatson$ debconf-get-selections | grep libc6: | head -n223:58
cjwatsonlibc6:amd64     glibc/upgrade   boolean true23:58
cjwatsonlibc6:i386      glibc/upgrade   boolean true23:58
cjwatsonThat probably actually makes sense, since they want to be GCed independently on purge.23:58
infinityPerhaps, yeah.23:58
cjwatsonIn practice, getting the wrong owner at worst means that your preseeded answer is immortal and never gets purged.23:59
infinityOr it could be (but isn't, apparently) done the way dpkg file ownership is done, via refcounting.23:59
cjwatsonAnd for libc6, it really doesn't matter.  It's going to stick around forever anyway.  Likewise zlib1g, not that that has any debconf templates.23:59
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