
=== caribou_ is now known as caribou
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ppisatismb: morning07:55
smbppisati, apw, morning07:56
apwsmb, moin08:13
apwppisati, morning08:13
ppisatiapw: hi08:13
* ppisati feels hungry again...08:13
aramaybe someone should be looking at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/122961109:39
arait looks like the apport hook for linux-lts-raring does not exist09:40
apwara thanks for the heads up09:48
araapw, np09:49
ppisatiinfinity: you need to add 'generic-lpae' to the Calxeda Highbank entry in flash-kernel/db/all.db10:13
ppisatiinfinity: since we switched from parsing /proc/cpuinfo to device-tree (/proc/device-tree/model)10:14
ppisatiinfinity: some entries have a different string id10:14
ppisatiubuntu@m00:~$ sudo flash-kernel10:14
ppisatiKernel suffix generic-lpae does not match any of the expected flavors (generic highbank), therefore not writing it to flash.10:14
ppisatiubuntu@m00:~$ cat /proc/device-tree/model 10:14
ppisatiCalxeda Highbankubuntu@m00:~$10:14
ppisatiinfinity: and yes, it's a midway box10:15
ppisatiinfinity: problem is that, this way, we can't distinguish between ecx1000 and ecx2000 now10:15
ppisatiinfinity: uhm...10:16
=== gavin__ is now known as gavinguo
ppisatibut do we care in some install an lpae kernel on a non-lpae hw? do we have any seat belt implemented on x86 for this kind of scenario? i think we should follow the same path...10:32
ppisatiinfinity: ^10:32
ppisatiand with that said,10:32
* ppisati -> off for a bit10:32
* apw idly wonders how the heck we coped before VMs11:18
ogra_lots of 11:22
apwogra_, heh perhaps so ... perhaps so11:22
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jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting14:51
rtgapw, pushed unstable, looks like its gonna build. I disabled overlayfs and lttng for FTBS (and dropped VESA modularization until I can fix it)14:55
apwrtg, ack14:55
infinityppisati: No, we don't want that.  We want Calxeda to release their proper firmware that stops lying and pretending that Midway is Highbank.16:07
ppisatiinfinity: fine for me16:08
infinityppisati: All the testing I've been doing on Midway for them involved a uboot fdt hack to fix the model.16:08
infinityppisati: As instructed by Rob.16:08
infinityppisati: I'm told their new firmware will happen this week.16:08
robherinfinity, ppisati: why don't you look at capability flags indicating lpae is supported or not.16:10
infinityrobher: Because that would be yet another mangling/rewrite of what flash-kernel does, a bit late in the cycle.16:11
robhermodel is a bad thing to look at to begin with. OEMs could put whatever crap they want there.16:11
infinityrobher: But, sure, in the ideal utopia where all the kernels we carry are generic and generic-lpae, and no subarches matter anymore, that would be the sane thing to do, and we can scrap all this mess.16:12
infinityrobher: I was told you guys are releasing your new firmware that stops pretending midway is highbank so, at least for you, this will be solved this week.16:13
robherinfinity: yes that is right.16:14
infinityrobher: For the bigger picture, I agree it's all a horrible mess, due to ARM's history of being horrible and messy, but we're not rewriting and solving all of that for this cycle.16:14
jsalisbury## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes16:56
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues October 1st, 2013 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
* rtg -> lunch19:04
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=== kentb is now known as kentb-out

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