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kgunnkdub: thanks for that update01:14
kdubkgunn, sure, will send at least one a day01:14
rsalvetiricmm: kgunn: I can easily give that a try tomorrow01:15
rsalvetiI remember I did this once already when we had the black screen issue (using the kernel from 10.2 and such)01:15
kgunnkdub: ^01:15
rsalvetiwill do this first thing tomorrow :-)01:16
rsalvetijust got back after driving for quite a few hours, food and bed :-)01:16
kdubah great :) thanks rsalveti01:18
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kgunn_racarr, mornin'13:12
alan_gracarr: afternoon13:13
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didrocksRAOF: around?14:05
didrocksRAOF: you only send me the xserver pacakge14:05
didrocksnot the list of other package14:05
didrocksdoes it mean we only need to rebuild xserver?14:06
didrocksnot the rest?14:06
RAOFdidrocks: Oh. That's the only package that *I* need rebuilt.14:06
didrocksRAOF: the other doesn't dep on libmirclient2?14:06
RAOFNo ABI changes for the drivers14:06
RAOFdidrocks: No. The drivers depend only on the xmir module, which shelters them from mirclient ABI breaks.14:06
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didrocksah nice ;)14:06
didrocksok, I need to upload it in the ppa first14:06
didrocksRAOF: thanks14:07
didrockskgunn_: do you know if RAOF will be back?14:28
didrockskgunn_: xserver failed to build: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/151345408/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.xorg-server_2%3A1.14.2.901-2ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:28
didrocks(so everything's blocked in the ppa, unity8 and all dependencies)14:28
didrocks(it passed on amd64 and i386)14:29
kgunn_didrocks, he is at XDC which is portland OR i believe14:30
didrockskgunn_: anyone else to help debugging what's wrong?14:30
kgunn_didrocks, in theory x should work on arm, can we make an exception to expidite mir update for touch....14:31
didrockskgunn_: what do you mean by exception?14:31
kgunn_mlankhorst, ^ could you possibly help with building x for arm ?14:31
didrockskgunn_: putting Mir in the release pocket isn't possible, it won't migrate because we can't keep libmirclient2 and libmirclient3 coinstallable14:32
didrocks(due to the common dependency)14:32
didrocksand we can't release libmirclient3 because of this issue14:32
mlankhorstkgunn_: seems like a libunwind bug or a compiler bug14:33
mlankhorstoh it's in the compiler :P14:33
didrocksnice ;)14:34
didrocksmlankhorst: why the compiler? because the "__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0" is there?14:34
mlankhorstmight be it needs to link with g++, not gcc14:35
mlankhorstoh lets see14:35
loolit could be a link script issue14:37
mlankhorstlibunwind should not have undefined references by itself, though...14:38
RAOFYay armhf craziness!14:38
didrocksyeah, it's weird14:38
didrocksoh, a RAOF ;)14:38
didrocksRAOF: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/151345408/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.xorg-server_2%3A1.14.2.901-2ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz for context14:38
RAOFdidrocks: Yeah, just saw my email.14:39
mlankhorstany recent libunwind upload I can blame that one on? :P14:39
RAOFYeah, what have we changed?14:39
RAOFBecause that bit's *not* changed since 0ubuntu4, which built.14:39
mlankhorstactually there is..14:39
mlankhorst  * d/patches/fix-lzma-linking.patch: Include lzma when linking arm, arm6414:39
mlankhorst    and ppc32 libunwind, fixing FTBFS.14:39
didrocksthose 214:40
RAOFAnd by “fixup pkg-config configuration” we might mean “break X” :)14:40
didrocks- libunwind_la_LIBADD += -llzma14:43
didrocksand then +Libs.private: @LIBLZMA@14:43
didrocksI don't see how this interferes with what we are seeing?14:43
mlankhorstno it doesn't, but there has been another pload14:43
RAOFAlso added --enable-minidebuginfo to the configure flags.14:44
mlankhorstworst case I guess the act of rebuilding triggered it :P14:44
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lool--enable-minidebuginfo is pretty suspicious indeed14:49
loolcame in latest merge from Debian in 1.1-2ubuntu114:50
didrocksmlankhorst: RAOF: kgunn_: do you have any idea on this? quite lost TBH14:56
RAOFIs anyone trying a rebuild with a previous libunwind?14:56
mlankhorstdidrocks: I wouldn't be surprised if it simply happened because of toolchain changes. :P meh I have no builder atm14:57
didrocksRAOF: I don't think anyone is trying that14:57
kgunnRAOF: are you thinking rollback on toolchain is required ?14:58
RAOFkgunn: I'm just wondering if that's the problem. If it is then either rollback or fix is the way forward.14:59
kgunnah...just a test14:59
* RAOF sees whether xorg-server will build under qemu15:07
RAOFSomeone should write a parallel automake, so I could at least get 4 slow armhf-emulated processes rather than one. :)15:18
loolso I've rebuilt xorg-server on my nexus415:35
loolreproduced the failure15:35
loolthen I downgraded libunwind and tried to continue the build, and it seems to have past the point where it was failing15:35
loolI downgraded to libunwind8 + -dev in version 1.1-1ubuntu215:36
loolRAOF: ^15:36
looldid someone ping doko / James?15:36
RAOFlool: My build against 1.1-1ubuntu2 looks to be completing in sbuild, too. I don't think anyone's pung doko or James.15:38
RAOFYup, X seems to have got all the way through to the test suite.15:40
loolit's not done here, but it keeps going15:40
loolRAOF: let's move this to ubuntu-devel@15:40
loolerr #ubuntu-devel15:41
davmor2RAOF: if you have all this speed up through parallel builds when do you get time to practise you sword fighting http://xkcd.com/303/15:45
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roman2861Hello. Anybody here?16:04
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alan_gOnly us16:06
RAOFAnd the fish god.16:07
roman2861So, i have a problem - Mir doesn't works on manta (Nexus 10). Will somebody fix it? And may I dream about Mir on Nexus 10 in near future? Or only after 1.0 release?16:08
kgunnroman2861: so i know there's a branch up for it...https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/mali-client-render-support/+merge/18560316:09
kgunnnot sure it works completely...but...works-ish16:10
alan_gkgunn: should that be linked to bug 1203268?16:10
ubot5bug 1203268 in Mir "Mir does not work on Nexus 10" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120326816:10
roman2861ubot5: Yes, I'm am Zonov Roman, who created this bug. But bug is 2 month old. And i really want to see Mir on my Nexus 10 :)16:12
ubot5roman2861: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:12
kdubroman2861, give it... 3 or so weeks, i'm close to getting it working16:29
kdubgive or take ;-)16:29
roman2861Thank you! Your info is great!16:30
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dholbachon a galaxy nexus, the power button to lock the screen does not work with mir any more... is that a known issue?17:13
dholbachdo we have a bug open for it?17:13
dholbachis that the same on all devices?17:13
RAOFWorks on N4, although maybe not on the images.17:14
RAOFThat's DPMS support.17:14
RAOFSomeone was working on it, but I don't think it's being considered a blocker.17:15
racarrYep. I hear kdub is working on it in the process of updating our HWC bits17:16
racarrhopefully once that is finished it should work with no more mir changes.17:16
kdubracarr, yeah... hwc might need some more patches though17:16
kdubfor the galaxynexus17:17
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dholbach1193222 I think17:18
racarrYes. The bug status is a little out of date I guess17:20
racarrit's fixed on N4, but the API we use from the drivers isn't working on gnexus17:21
ogra_did someone tell ricmm ? i think he is still working on a powerd fix for this17:21
racarrogra_: Yeah we are in sync, the deal is17:22
racarrmir has to be the one to actually turn the screen off due to some...intricacies of the android APIs. so unity will publish a dbus api17:22
racarrfor powerd17:22
racarrWhich is just about to land here: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/add-screen-blank/+merge/18702817:22
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racarrafk, 20 minutes or so17:25
RAOFdidrocks: Ba baw!17:41
davmor2kgunn: Next app that is playing up.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/615122118:11
davmor2kgunn: again is this just general changes or an xmir issue?18:11
RAOF*Probably* not an xmir issue.18:12
RAOFAlthough it's particularly easy to tell from that.18:13
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davmor2RAOF: ah so is it best to point these at you?  It'll just be little snippets like this that I can gleam from the terminal start of the app18:13
RAOFdavmor2: You're welcome to filter them through kgunn, but it'll probably filter down to me anyway :)18:15
RAOFdavmor2: Does that work without xmir?18:15
davmor2RAOF: I'm going to go back over any that didn't work due to gfx issues latter on without xmir and then again on nvidia ruling out the intel driver and xmir but that won't be till I've hit the other 880+ apps18:18
RAOFdavmor2: Ok.18:19
davmor2RAOF: too much time taken with all the reboots,  I don't think I'm going to get everything done as it is and I started a fortnight earlier :/18:21
davmor2RAOF: Migration testing of the 960 commercial applications from raring to Saucy.  Quantal to raring took nearly 4 weeks for 600 apps and I didn't have to stay on top of the current queue at that time, this time I have it's not going to plan :D18:23
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kgunnkdub: you gotta branch for me to try ? n4 flicker18:43
kdubkgunn, just getting the tests in order atm18:45
racarr20 minutes...wasn't true :p18:46
racarrback now though18:46
racarr ill get my n4 ready for testing too :)18:49
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robert_ancellkgunn, I'm completely confused by what https://code.launchpad.net/~kgunn72/mir/changlog-update-0.0.11-for-mirserver/+merge/187070 is trying to do...21:20
rsalvetikdub: were you able to solve the flicker issue?21:22
rsalvetiwas just waiting the kernel + cm build with the other display stack here21:23
kgunnrobert_ancell: well, basically it was to bump the so name & in turn the build deps from21:24
kgunnu-s-c, unity-mir, & platform-apu21:24
kgunnor api even21:24
robert_ancellkgunn the packaging has gone from 0.0.10 to 0.0.11 and Mir is still on 0.0.10 (see CMakeLists.txt)21:24
robert_ancelland no sonames were changed21:24
kgunnrobert_ancell: so much for didrocks guiding me through it :)21:25
kgunnrobert_ancell: so, they landed mir today with no issue...but i guess that's cause they forced a build21:25
robert_ancellkgunn, yeah, I'm mostly confused by all the people approving it who should know what this change means!21:25
kgunnrobert_ancell: so for future reference...i would need to make a corresponding change to cmake....anything else?21:28
kdubrsalveti, was able to solve! have a mir branch, and patches for cm-10.1 n4 hwcomposer21:29
kgunnrobert_ancell: hmmm, so interesting question...if unity-mir, usc, plat-api are all expecting .11...is it because they use >=21:30
kgunnkdub: what!?!?21:30
robert_ancellkgunn, I think the idea is so a dependent package can depend on mir (>= 0.0.11) right?21:30
ChickenCutlasskdub, that is great news21:30
rsalvetikdub: what was the issue then?21:30
kgunndid you and rsalveti end up with simultaneous soln's21:30
robert_ancellkgunn in that case, update "set(MIR_VERSION_PATCH 10)" in CMakeLists.txt and the debian/changelog21:30
kgunnrobert_ancell: right...but i am saying they (usc, unity-mir) expect version 11 from their control file...21:31
kgunnrobert_ancell: therefore they are using a >= scheme21:32
kgunnrobert_ancell: and this is why 0.0.10 actualy works for them ??21:32
robert_ancellkgunn, right, but if you asked any code inside Mir what version it was, it would say 0.0.10 (in this case I don't think there's anything that would break)21:32
kgunn(its really a question not a statement :)21:32
kdubrsalveti, 1) we were relying on the vsync 'heartbeat signal' instead of having hwc's set arrange the sync21:32
kdubso that's what the hwc patch is for21:33
kgunnrobert_ancell: ok...so, question is, do we need to correct the cmake file and can we do so without issue ?21:33
robert_ancellkgunn, this is a side effect of having the version number defined in two places - once in the build system and once in the debian packaging21:33
kduband the 2) the shell is an 'internal client' and takes a bit of a different path than the ipc based clients. we were missing waiting on a fence for the internal clients only21:33
kgunnrobert_ancell: or...do we just wait for the next bump21:33
robert_ancellkgunn, we *should*, but in practise we can probably just live with it for now21:33
kduband thats what the mir branch is for21:34
rsalvetikdub: right, cool, let me know once you have the cm related patches in hands21:34
rsalvetiso I can upload a new android package21:34
kdubrsalveti, i'll send them after i double check they work okay with surfaceflinger... no reason they shouldn't but safer to double check21:35
rsalvetikdub: if you send me know I can do a local build and test21:36
rsalvetiwith sf21:36
kdubrsalveti, sure21:38
kdubrsalveti, sent an email with the patch21:40
rsalvetithanks, let me try that21:40
olli_this is exciting news gentlemen!21:49
rsalvetikdub: working just fine21:57
kdubrsalveti, great!21:59
kdubi kinda want to coordinate that patch going into the phablet build at about the same time as https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/fix-1215979/+merge/18734622:00
kdubwould minimize disruption to the mir devs working on the n422:00
kdubnot aware of a way to check against a phablet build version when packaging mir22:01
rsalvetiwell, you can dep/build-dep against the android version22:03
rsalvetithere's a package for it now22:03
rsalvetikdub: there's a conflict in https://code.launchpad.net/~kdub/mir/fix-1215979/+merge/18734622:03
kdubfixing... a minute or two22:04
kgunnhey racarr ...in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1303-mir-phone, there are like 3 stage items...are those all just enabling side stage23:00
rsalvetikdub: seems your mr works fine in here23:25
rsalvetijust got a unity8 crash, but that is not related23:25
rsalvetinot with this change at least23:25
kdubyeah, the unity8 crash is something else... racarr, know anything about that?23:25
kdub(i know some races were fixed last week, might be what we're seeing)23:27
kdubjust noticed there's a 'review type' field now in lp... handy23:44

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