
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:03
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (DICKHEAD420,)02:05
ubottuqin_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:07
PiciLjL: http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ needs to be updated, and it looks like some parts of it are just not working at all.16:44
LjLPici, last time i tried to update it, Packages.gz was broken in some way by having duplicate entries or something. what parts aren't working, aside from missing releases?16:49
PiciLjL: I can't find wine or wine1.4 for precise.16:51
LjLPici: right, precise was the one where things broke, so there's probably main but not universe for it. i'll try again and see if Packages.gz has been fixed since last time, but if it hasn't, eh...16:52
LjLPici: Precise still fails, Query failed: Duplicate entry 'python-pyatspi-Precise-i386' for key 'PRIMARY' when adding Universe17:01
LjLi'll try Quantal17:01
LjLand Raring17:01
PiciLjL: Odd, python-pyatspi is in precise with versions 2.4.0 and 1.32.017:03
LjLPici: yes, and my script isn't a fan of a package being in the same repository twice, and honestly i can't blame it17:04
LjLquantal and raring are working, will be there shortly17:06
Picigood, good.17:06
Picinow when I suggest it again in the next few months, it should mostly work ;)17:07
LjLPici: it should now, yes. precise won't, not sure whether i should remove it entirely, or let it work with Main and Restricted only17:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, wilee-nilee said: !uefi this as well is used20:00
ubottuRory called the ops in #ubuntu (leo_33)23:03

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