
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
jibelthere is a regression in unity/compiz with latest updates ( +13.10.20130920-0ubuntu1) bug 122954006:04
ubot5bug 1229540 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] Clicking launcher icon does not switch to application with multiple workspaces" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122954006:05
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
veebersmzanetti: hey, who would be a good person to talk to re: the dash and scopes? I'm introspecting it and can't tell which scopes are 'enabled'. I.e. the social.scope details state enabled, but I can't see it on the phone (only have 4 options)08:46
mzanettiveebers: hmm... mhr3 perhaps08:49
mzanettiveebers: but let me have a look in the code08:49
veebersmzanetti: awesome, much appreciated08:50
mzanettiveebers: you should be able to get the amount of loaded scopes with dashContentList.count08:50
mzanettiveebers: and in the delegate you can get the scope.id I'd say08:51
veebersmzanetti: hmm, that might give me the count, but not which ones are enabled. I.e. I see the QQuickLoader with scopeId: "social.scope" has the properties: isLoaded(True), enabled(True), active(True)08:52
veebersbut I can't tell from the introspected details if it's available or not (i.e. the social scope isn't available on the phone, I actually have Music, Home, Apps and Videos)08:53
mzanettiveebers: hm... isn't that enough?08:53
mzanettiveebers: no... but in that case it won't show up in the loader either08:53
veebersmzanetti: hmm, then why can't I swipe to it? perhaps my settings are borked?08:53
mzanettiveebers: huh?08:54
mzanettiso it shows up on the desktop, but you still can't swipe to it?08:54
veebersmzanetti: hmm, actually08:56
veebersmzanetti: sorry I think I've lead you and myself astray08:56
veebersI've gotten the logs between what's running on the phone and what I have running on my desktop :-\08:56
veebersmzanetti: really sorry about that. Perhaps I'll have an actually question tomorrow. But for now I got that _all_ wrong08:56
mzanettiveebers: come on... no worries about that08:57
veebersmzanetti: cheers08:57
jibelCould anyone have a look at bug bug 1229540, please09:11
ubot5bug 1229540 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] Clicking launcher icon does not switch to application with multiple workspaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122954009:11
jibelthis is a recent regression09:11
jibelasac, ^09:11
dholbachdid anyone else notice apps like primarily firefox and thunderbird being extra slow since last week?09:15
seb128Trevinho, bregma, other compiz hackers: ^09:16
asacjibel: thats on desktop?09:30
jibelasac, yes09:30
dholbachjibel also filed bug 1229540, which I encounter as well09:35
ubot5bug 1229540 in unity (Ubuntu) "[regression] Clicking launcher icon does not switch to application with multiple workspaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122954009:35
jibeldholbach, I confirm the slowness on intel too09:35
dholbachit takes up to 3-4 seconds when clicking on a folder in thunderbird09:36
jibelespecially transitions between windows, dash, alt-tab09:36
jibelit's difficult to measure responsiveness with an application that heavily relies on network09:38
dholbachsure, this is more gut feeling than anything scientific09:39
seb128dholbach, jibel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/1228352 and https://code.launchpad.net/~townsend/compiz/fix-auto-vp-switch-0.9.10/+merge/186881 seem to be the "super doesn't work on other workspace" issue you discussed earlier09:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1228352 in compiz (Ubuntu) "[regression] Alt-Tab for all viewports will not switch viewports when selecting a window on another viewport" [High,In progress]09:50
seb128it's fixed in trunk09:51
seb128so I guess we need another compiz landing09:51
jibelseb128, thank you09:51
dholbachthanks seb128!09:52
Saviqpstolowski, hey, here's what should get you going with the invalidation https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scope-isactive/+merge/18717909:58
Saviqpstolowski, feel free to just push to the same branch09:59
pstolowskiSaviq: awesome, thanks!10:02
pstolowskimhr3: ^10:02
Saviqpstolowski, tested, too! ;)10:02
mhr3Saviq, are all those test changes desired/required?10:05
mhr3or mixed up branches?10:05
Saviqmhr3, cleaned up a little10:05
Saviqmhr3, if you look at it it's just moving stuff around10:05
mhr3very well, just wanted to check10:05
mhr3i'll merge it with my searchInProgress branch, don't want conflicts in it later10:06
Saviqmhr3, sure, just do whatever you want with it10:06
Saviqmhr3, treat as your own :D10:07
mhr3Saviq, like `bzr rm *`? :)10:07
Saviqmhr3, try doing that remotely on my copy!10:07
mhr3hmm, challenge accepted!10:07
mhr3don't forget you're running my code10:07
mzanettiSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/switching-previews/+merge/18699110:34
Saviqmzanetti, WiP?10:34
mzanettiSaviq: not any more10:34
Saviqmzanetti, could you please get design ACK for that? I feel, for one, that we need a bigger spinner10:35
Saviqand/or maybe darken the background while we're waiting10:36
mzanettiSaviq: I noticed that ApplicationsFilterGrid is not used any more. and in general the Dash directory contains a lot of unused legacy stuff10:36
Saviqmzanetti, you sure it's not used?10:36
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... just in one test10:37
Saviqmzanetti, right, it's using the generic one10:37
Saviqmzanetti, well, generally there's quite some cleanup that needs to happen around that indede10:37
Saviqindeed, even10:37
mzanettiyep. and I'm afraid testing of the whole scope thing is not good enough either10:38
mzanettiwhich is why my branch doesn't really contain a test for this10:38
mhr3we'll really need to setup a test scope and have some tests talk to it10:38
mzanettiit would require a lot of mocking and10:38
Saviqmhr3, +110:39
mzanettiyeah... what mhr3 said10:39
Saviqmzanetti, btw, could we get a spinner on first preview open?10:39
mzanettiSaviq: isn't it there?10:39
Saviqmzanetti, when you tap on "More suggestions", it just sits there10:39
mzanettiright... problem is, that this is triggered by a activate() on the item which is supposed to run the app10:40
mzanettiso in QML I don't have a way to know if there's a preview coming up10:40
mzanettithe scopes items would need an additional property "activatable" or whatever so it can trigger the correct signal10:40
mzanetti=> the spinner on first preview only shows up onPressAndHold (as I know a preview is coming up)10:41
Saviqmzanetti, well, or we just put up a spinner on activate()10:41
Saviqmzanetti, and drop it when anything comes back10:41
mzanettijust on top of the other stuff?10:41
mzanettiwould look quite bad imho10:41
mhr3mzanetti, all taps should do previews (minus apps)10:41
mzanettimhr3: in all scopes?10:42
Saviqmhr3, minus Online Videos, too, atm10:42
mhr3mzanetti, Saviq, hm?10:42
mhr3mzanetti, in all afaik10:42
Saviqmhr3, oups, it seems to do both, actually10:42
Saviqmhr3, yeah, I tap on an item in Online, get a preview, and soon thereafter the web browser10:43
mzanettiSaviq: really... just tried here... I only get the browser onClick10:43
mhr3Saviq, then it's broken10:43
mzanettioh wait10:43
mzanettiits broken indeed. first click behaves correctly10:43
mzanettithe others not any more10:43
davmor2morning guys I have a bit of an issue with the commercial apps that I am porting to Unity in that the installed apps seem to be showing up twice in the dash http://ubuntuone.com/3YJYgeuXb9jN9IYwkQwzLm10:44
mzanettiactually. only once you trigger a preview manually with longpress.10:44
mzanettiafter that it's broken and does both10:44
davmor2to saucy rather than unity even10:44
mzanettimhr3: ^10:44
Saviqdavmor2, known bug, in fixing10:45
mhr3Saviq, it is?10:45
Saviqmhr3, I saw a branch...10:46
davmor2Saviq: fantastic do you have a bug number I can subscribe to so I can retest once it is fixed please10:46
mhr3davmor2, where are the .desktop files?10:46
Saviqmhr3, davmor2 actually bug #122538710:46
ubot5bug 1225387 in unity-lens-applications "Multiple entries for each application" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122538710:46
SaviqFix committed10:46
Saviqor released, even10:47
davmor2mhr3: /usr/bin/applications10:47
mhr3that one was because of click scope10:47
mhr3so not relevant to this10:47
Saviqok /me shuts up10:47
davmor2sorry /usr/share/applications even10:47
davmor2Saviq: this is desktop commercial apps vs click apps10:48
mhr3davmor2, can you pastebin output of `libunity-tool -s /usr/share/unity/scope/applications.scope -q moves - r`?10:48
mhr3not - r10:48
davmor2mhr3: scope or scopes?10:49
mhr3scopes indeed10:49
davmor2mhr3: I'll just install libunity-tool first then it might work better then D'oh10:50
mhr3-tools :)10:50
mhr3is the pkg name10:51
davmor2mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614954110:52
mhr3are you fully updated?10:53
mhr3anyone, once again10:53
mhr3plus you're missing the "-q moves"10:53
Saviqmhr3, mzanetti, so we can then assume that, except for running and installed apps, everything else will give us a preview?10:54
mhr3Saviq, you shouldn't assume, you should request a preview10:54
davmor2mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614955910:54
Saviqmhr3, oh?10:54
mzanettihmm... I'm not really sure if that will be true forever10:54
davmor2mhr3: I updated this morning let me reboot incase that fixes anything10:54
Saviqmhr3, thought it was the scope that will come back with a preview on activation10:54
mzanettiSaviq: yeah. that's what's happening now10:55
mhr3davmor2, nah, it's fine, it was the missing param10:55
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I though we'll be continuing with that10:55
mhr3Saviq, that's just an old "hack"10:55
mhr3the ui should request the preview, then you get proper signals etc10:55
mzanettiSaviq: the problem with that is that we don't have a chance to know if a preview will come up or not10:55
mzanettihence we can't really display the ActivityIndicator10:56
mhr3that's why you should request a previe10:56
mhr3if you do, you know it will come up10:56
Saviqmzanetti, of course10:56
davmor2mhr3: Right so I'm up-to-date and rebooted and it is still the same so phew at least you are not wasting your time :)10:56
mhr3well... or an error10:56
Saviqmzanetti, mhr3, I'm game with that10:56
mzanettimhr3: but I'm still not convinced that we should do some if(name != applications) hack10:57
mhr3mzanetti, better solutions welcome10:57
mzanettisomehow the scope backend should tell us if this is supposed to be launched or not10:57
mzanettias everything else is dictated by the backend too10:57
Saviqmzanetti, thing is we don't want to let the scopes decide10:58
mhr3mzanetti, why should it care? it's ui thing whether it want to launch something or preview it?10:58
Saviqmzanetti, apps are the exception10:58
davmor2mhr3: So do you need a fresh bug for this issue?10:58
mhr3davmor2, no duplication when you search?10:59
davmor2mhr3: duplication does indeed go when I search10:59
mhr3mzanetti, it's just that sometimes scopes will give you preview instead of directly launching it :)11:00
mhr3mzanetti, but if you do request a preview you will get a preview11:00
mhr3davmor2, can you search in the dash for "moves" and screenshot it?11:00
mzanettiso we're 100% sure that everything should always open a preview (except apps)11:01
mhr3mzanetti, that's what design told us11:02
mhr3and that's what unity7 does now11:02
davmor2mhr3: http://ubuntuone.com/5ke5YUabcgNHzf9RJo8ZLu11:02
mzanettiok. in that case I'd say the activate() should never deliver a preview11:02
mhr3mzanetti, sorry, can't guarantee11:02
mzanettibut this seems all a mess then imho11:03
mzanettiif the scope has the power to device if it'll open a preview or not. then it also should tell us that11:03
mzanettiif unity is the one to decide than activate() should do what it says it does11:03
mhr3mzanetti, you can assume it doesn't, but unfortunately there are valid use-cases when an activation will bring up preview11:03
mhr3but those are rare11:03
mzanettiyeah... and exactly that's why I thought the if(name == applications) hack is bad11:04
mzanettibecause there are more exceptions11:04
mhr3mzanetti, i agree, yet it's a ui exception, not a scope exception11:04
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mzanettimhr3: what are those use cases where activate() should bring a preview?11:06
mhr3davmor2, sorry, meant in the apps dash page11:06
mhr3mzanetti, things that need payment11:06
mzanettimhr3: apps?11:06
mhr3anything that needs payment11:07
mhr3apps music videos11:07
mhr3you can't just "activate" those results11:07
mzanettimhr3: assuming we would only call activate() on installed apps anyways11:07
mzanettiare there still installed apps that need to open a payment dialog before launching?11:07
davmor2mhr3: http://ubuntuone.com/0sge41sSr0oGMViZFRLeuy11:08
mhr3mzanetti, well right now we don't do payments anywhere in unity811:08
mzanettisure.. but in the future... it somehow seems paymant for apps can only happen int he suggested apps, not in the installed ones.11:09
mzanettibut I might be wrong... people want to charge for everything at times :D11:09
mhr3davmor2, ok one more pastebin then, do the libunity-tool with -q ""11:09
mhr3mzanetti, heh, pay per use apps? :)11:10
mhr3opening new business models... why not11:10
mzanettiI really hope not... but I'm sure iOS supports something like that already11:10
mzanettianyways, in that case it probably should be an in-app payment mechanism anyways11:10
mhr3anyway, there are (rare) cases where you might get a preview when asking a scope to activate something11:11
mhr3i don't think it needs to be super polished right now, but it should support that11:11
mhr3ie, i know spinner is hard in that case, so let's forget about it11:12
mzanettiok... I'll change it then... but I warned you. this is getting messy11:12
davmor2mhr3: just so I get this one right the libunity-tool command you asked be to run earlier yes not just libunity-tool -q ""11:12
mhr3davmor2, yes, same as before but instead of -q moves do -q ""11:13
davmor2mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614961911:14
mhr3davmor2, libunity-tool -s /usr/share/unity/scopes/applications.scope -q "" -r11:15
mhr3that one pls ^11:15
davmor2meh yeah sorry wrong paste11:15
davmor2mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614963411:16
davmor2mhr3: I forgot to hit copy after select all D'oh. it's been a long day and I only started at 11 :D11:17
mhr3davmor2, eh, one more pls, libunity-tool -s /usr/share/unity/scopes/home.scope -q "" -r11:20
Saviqpstolowski, mhr3 re: bug #1226514 - how does that work in unity7?11:21
ubot5bug 1226514 in Unity 8 "[DASH] button in preview and scope icon do not show disabled state" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122651411:21
mhr3Saviq, yes11:21
mhr3Saviq, mzanetti, clicking a preview button can send back a "new" preview, in this case with updated button11:22
mzanetticreating a whole new preview?11:23
davmor2mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614965611:23
mhr3davmor2, hm, something is broken there, once again pls11:24
mhr3i mean, until it's different :)11:25
davmor2mhr3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6149661  that is different11:26
pstolowskimzanetti: yes11:26
mzanettii see... on installing click apps for example11:27
mhr3davmor2, you installed those via the software center?11:27
davmor2mhr3: I did11:27
mhr3davmor2, did they fly into the launcher when you did?11:27
mhr3trevinho, you broke stuff ^11:27
davmor2mhr3: they did11:27
mhr3davmor2, did you unpin them after they did?11:27
mzanettipstolowski: what happens if I install a click app, and while the progress bar fills in I request another preview? will the update to the other be cancelled?11:27
Saviqmhr3, well, yeah - it doesn't in unity8, but works in unity7?11:28
mhr3Saviq, right, sorry missed the "how" the first time :)11:28
davmor2mhr3: I did otherwise I have an unusable launcher there are 960 apps to test11:28
mhr3davmor2, perfect, can you note those things in a bug report pls?11:28
davmor2mhr3: sure11:28
Saviqmzanetti, not entirely sure how it works right now, but the idea was that "progress" would be an action that would get triggered on complete11:28
davmor2mhr3: is it just against unity7 or something specific11:29
mhr3davmor2, yes, unity711:29
Saviqmzanetti, so if we moved away from that preview, we should stop it from sending any actions, but refresh when we go back11:29
davmor2no worries11:29
mzanettiSaviq: I mean, once the progress bar reaches 100%, the preview changes to have 3 buttons instead of a progressbar11:29
mhr3davmor2, also, it'll remain broken for you even after it's fixed, sorry :/11:30
mzanettiSaviq: and from what I understood that happens with the same signal as a new preview would have been requested11:30
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that *should* be handled by the fact that reaching 100% triggers that action, and the scope comes back with a new preview11:30
mzanettiyeah... comes back with a new preview. what if the user switched over to another preview? that will be overridden with the old, completed one11:31
Saviqmzanetti, that action shouldn't be triggered11:31
davmor2mhr3: that's not a biggie I just didn't want it broken for end users,  I'll be wiping my system and reinstalling once I get all the app installed hitting 900+ ppas in apt-get update takes several hours :D11:31
Saviqmzanetti, unless you're thinking the action was already triggered, and we're just waiting for a response...11:32
mhr3mzanetti, trigerring the preview progress is same as triggering any other preview button - they can return a new(/updated) preview and navigating away should cancel those requests11:34
mhr3mzanetti, pstolowski has a branch that does preview cancellation11:34
mhr3well, in the backend... might need some extra hooking up11:35
pstolowskimhr3, mzanetti : yep.. and I just realized I don't have cancellations for preview actions. and interestingly, unitycore doesn't seem to support that :/11:39
davmor2mhr3: bug #122968111:39
ubot5bug 1229681 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity7: Application appear twice in the dash home page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122968111:39
davmor2mhr3: did you want any of the pastebins adding or are the steps to reproduce enough11:40
mzanettipstolowski, Saviq: ok... I pushed to the branch. should hopefully do what it is expected to: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/switching-previews/+merge/18699111:42
mzanettias in only call preview except for installed apps (which triggers the activityindicator also onClick)11:43
Saviqmzanetti, runningApps are handled separately, right?11:44
mzanettiSaviq: seems so, yes. not triggering any of this code11:44
Saviqmzanetti, k11:44
Saviqmzanetti, you actively disabling swiping in the list of screenshots when there's no overflow?11:45
mzanettiSaviq: yes11:46
Saviqmzanetti, not sure we want that11:46
mzanettican drop it... felt right to me11:46
Saviqmzanetti, can you get design folk to look at the whole thing?11:47
mzanettiyeah, on it11:47
Saviqmzanetti, right, so... if you switch between previews while they're loading, they get mixed up11:49
Saviqmzanetti, same with the update you mentioned11:50
Cimimzanetti, is there a way to slow down autopilot moves?11:50
mhr3davmor2, that's ok, i added a comment11:51
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... pstolowski is still working on the cancellation branch11:51
Cimiit's super fast I cannot see why it's failing11:51
Saviqmzanetti, right, that will help things11:51
mzanettiCimi: not entireley sure how. I think dandrader changed it intentionally to jump instead of move11:52
* dandrader reads backlog11:52
davmor2mhr3: nice one, /me goes off to break something else now11:52
Cimior if someone wants to help me here..11:53
mhr3mzanetti, suppose you should merge it with pstolowski's branch then11:54
dandraderCimi, mzanetti , well, I don't recall anything about this s/move/jump story...11:54
Cimihud tests are failing...11:54
Cimiis failing11:57
mzanettiSaviq: merged it with pstolowski's branch. looks quite good now.12:02
Saviqmzanetti, great12:02
mzanettipstolowski: any particular reason you didn't propose your branch for merging yet?12:02
Saviqmzanetti, I wonder if we should block on activate() in the preview - so that you can't switch away from a preview you've executed an action on...12:08
Saviqmzanetti, or somehow match the preview coming back with the spot where it should show up...12:09
kgunn_Saviq, so did you have any idea which osk issue olli was referring to ?12:10
mzanettiSaviq: wait... so. for example I trigger install on a recommended app12:10
Saviqkgunn_, no12:10
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, and switch away12:10
mzanettiSaviq: the progress bar starts. ok. switching away while waiting to be installed12:11
Saviqmzanetti, I'm not sure that actually works as intended atm12:11
Saviqmzanetti, I think the preview does the switching internally - except when there's an error, for example12:12
mzanettiI'm afraid it doesn't.... I guess the biggest problem is that items can disappear from the model while the previews are open12:12
mzanettiwell... actually... not really12:12
Saviqmzanetti, well, they could in theory, but we can make sure they won't12:12
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. it's us that control when search results are refreshed12:12
Saviqkgunn_, all of the things you mentioned in your emails are out of our control12:13
mzanettiSaviq: us as in the ui?12:13
Saviqmzanetti, yes12:13
Saviqmzanetti, with https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scope-isactive/+merge/18717912:13
mzanettiSaviq: ok... so I switch away, item gets destroyed. I switch back and the preview gets requested again12:14
mzanettiSaviq: should be fine I'd say12:14
Saviqmzanetti, it's not that12:14
Saviqmzanetti, and it doesn't get destroyed - not straight away - only when you switch more than one item away12:14
mzanettiyeah... that's true. that can be fixed tho12:15
Saviqmzanetti, cacheBuffer should be 0 btw12:15
Saviqmzanetti, still12:15
Saviqmzanetti, if you activate an action in preview 112:15
Saviqmzanetti, and switch to preview 212:15
Saviqmzanetti, right now the response for preview 1 will come to preview 2's spot12:15
mzanettiSaviq: that's what I asked before... pstolowski said it will be cancelled12:16
mzanettiSaviq: as soon as we trigger a new preview() request, any actions won't trigger the update any more12:16
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Saviqmzanetti, ok, let's see12:16
ChrisTownsendseb128: didrocks: ping12:17
* mzanetti setting cacheBuffer to 012:17
Saviqmzanetti, what if you close the preview after having activated?12:17
seb128ChrisTownsend, hey12:17
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... that might be an issue indeed.12:17
ChrisTownsendseb128: Hey, I have a Unity/distro related question for you.12:18
ChrisTownsendseb128: Does Distro agree with this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/unity/recommend-telepathy-indicator/+merge/18639212:18
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mzanettiSaviq: but tbh... I think its quite a bad idea that everything can ship a preview at any time and we have no clue where it came from and what it is12:18
seb128ChrisTownsend, that seems fine to me yes12:19
ChrisTownsendseb128: Ok, thanks, then we'll approve it.12:19
seb128ChrisTownsend, thanks12:19
seb128ChrisTownsend, since you are online, jibel and dholbach were looking for you earlier, new compiz seems to have lag issues on intel (your name come next to most of the approved changes in the recent landing so I guess it's a problem for you)12:20
ChrisTownsendseb128: Uhh...12:21
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I agree I'm not liking that cat'n'mouse play12:21
mzanettiSaviq: it should be a proper model, holding all items and data for all the stuff (initially empty). with a fetch(index) to actually fill in the data if remote content12:21
ChrisTownsendseb128: Hardly anything went into Compiz in the last release, definitely nothing that would affect performance.12:21
mzanettiSaviq: that way specific data can be updated in a performant and predictable manner, instead of just overwriting the whole set of data of whatever the current page is12:22
Saviqmzanetti, problem is you can't know what type of preview you'll get12:22
mzanettiSaviq: withing a category it should be always the same, no?12:22
Saviqmzanetti, not necessarily12:23
kgunn_Saviq i don't disagree with you12:23
Saviqmzanetti, a request for a preview for the same item might get you different preview type, depending on other conditions12:23
kgunn_just need to convince the our bosses :)12:23
seb128ChrisTownsend, ok, maybe that one is unity ... there was also the compiz/multiple workspace/focus issue that seems to be fixed in trunk12:23
seb128ChrisTownsend, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/09/24/%23ubuntu-unity.html#t09:1512:23
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yes, the workspace issue, I'm very familiar with:-(12:24
mzanettiSaviq: then we'd need a "previewType" property in the model data.12:24
mzanettiSaviq: that can change at any time12:24
ChrisTownsendseb128: That is definitely fixed, but that should have zero performance impact.12:24
seb128ChrisTownsend, ok, maybe the performance stuff is another bug12:25
ChrisTownsendseb128: Well, I have an Intel machine have not noticed any subpar performance.12:25
seb128jibel, ^ did you open a bug about the performance thing?12:25
Saviqmzanetti, potentially, yes, we'd have to go through all of the use cases and see where we can go - but anyway, not this time12:25
mzanettiSaviq: yes. I agree... something for a cold december day :D12:26
ChrisTownsendseb128: Also, new Firefox and Tbird was released recently.12:26
seb128ChrisTownsend, right, that could be an issue with those apps if that's specific to them12:26
ChrisTownsendseb128: Ok, that seemed to be all that was mentioned.12:27
ChrisTownsendseb128: I doubt they have Atom based machines, but performance on those chips is pretty bad right now.12:28
ChrisTownsendseb128: Due to Mesa 9.212:28
ChrisTownsendseb128: Anyways, I can only speculate right now, so I'll keep a look out for any poor performance related bugs.  Thanks!12:29
seb128ChrisTownsend, thanks ;-)12:30
jibelseb128, no I didn't, the machine I tested on is a test machine that I don't use every day, and I don't have a good base for comparison. I'll ask dholbach to submit one as he seems most affected by this performance issue12:31
seb128jibel, thanks12:32
pstolowskimzanetti: only reason it's not MPed is because I was adding support for result row to it12:41
mzanettipstolowski: ah ok... no worries then. I've merged the current state into my branch and set it as a prerequisite branch12:42
mzanettipstolowski: seems to work quite well btw12:43
mzanettipstolowski: one thing I'd need is to manually cancel stuff12:43
mzanettipstolowski: assuming I open the preview for a click app, click in install, then close the preview. when the installation is completed I think it would open again because of the action stuff12:44
kgunn_MacSlow|lunch, when will the mp be for prompting pin dialog ?12:45
pstolowskimzanetti: hmm, why? I'm giving you a preview instance, and make QML the owner of it, so it will be gone?12:47
mzanettipstolowski: didn't you guys tell me before that in that case new preview will be generated?12:47
mzanettiif that's not the case then we're fine12:48
pstolowskimzanetti: you mean this: mhr3 | mzanetti, trigerring the preview progress is same as triggering any other preview button - they can return a new(/updated) preview and navigating away should cancel those requests"? I'm not sure tbh12:51
mzanettipstolowski: yeah... that one12:51
mhr3pstolowski, mzanetti, you know in the ui when a preview is closed, at that point you should call something so that any pending requests to the scope (like waiting for response to action-activated) can be cancelled12:57
mhr3something == something that you'll agree on with pstolowski :)12:57
mzanettimhr3: yeah... that's what I asked pstolowski for :)12:58
mhr3right, i'm just translating ;P12:58
pstolowskimzanetti, mhr3 : ok, got you.. will add that, though afaict we miss that bit on unity core side...12:58
mhr3pstolowski, we do? don't we pass cancellable to those?12:59
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pstolowskimhr3: not to action activation in Preview::performAction()12:59
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mhr3pstolowski, :/ we need to fix unity-core then13:00
mhr3i hate touching unity-core, the whole thing is an abi break waiting to happen13:00
MacSlowkgunn_, as soon as I solved the exported MenuModel not showing up in the AP-tests... currently don't know what's causing this.13:01
kgunn_MacSlow, so does it work on the phone? i'm assuming you see the unexpected on the pc ?13:02
MacSlowkgunn_, yes... the issue is on the desktop-machine... I've not yet tried the ap-test on the phone yet.13:05
kgunn_greyback, thanks for the top approval help13:05
greybackkgunn_: only did my bit, hope everythings ok13:06
kgunn_MacSlow, it'd be interesting to see not only the AP test on the phone...but even just manual use case exercise13:06
MacSlowkgunn_, I can verify that today13:07
Saviqolli_, around?13:07
olli_Saviq, yep13:08
kgunn_MacSlow, thanks...one more ques, is the back end there & ui tied in?13:11
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MacSlowkgunn_, yes... for the MP only the autopilot-tests are missing (for pinunlock, password and user-auth) ... wifi-selection still has to be completed13:14
kgunn_MacSlow, oh yeah...i knew about wifi...but sim pin is the one we're gunning for13:15
kgunn_good to hear its all tied in13:16
MacSlowkgunn_, I was told by dednick, that the way signal-strength needs to be passed in a different way.13:16
MacSlowkgunn_, I think I already showed off the first three dialog-cases in screencasts already.13:16
kgunn_MacSlow, yeah...but can't tell if backend is there (at least i can't)13:17
dednicktedg: might be a good time for a full review of the simlock indicator-network branch of mine.13:18
karnimhr3: Hey man, would you have a sec to chat about what we last talked on g+? I need to access a model backing a scope. While I can iterate over items, CategoryResults type seems unmutable, and you can't instantiate CategoryResults from QML. Any ideas how I could update a model backing a scope?13:27
karnimhr3: Unless I can remove an item from a music (sub)scope, we can't integrate the OneAPI billing demo with the real music scope.13:28
tedgdednick, Ah, okay.  Is the notification support in Unity trunk or do I need a branch?13:28
mhr3karni, pls rewind, why do you need to change that model?13:29
dednicktedg: you'll need some branches13:31
hallynis there any plan to add some sort of "project window grouping"?  (so i can minimize/restore/switch between groups)13:31
dednicktedg: lp:~nick-dedekind/unity-notifications/simunlock.dialog13:32
dednicktedg: lp:~nick-dedekind/unity8/simunlock.dialog13:32
dednickSaviq: standup?13:35
Saviqdednick, indeed13:36
greybackSaviq: I'm doing the notes13:37
Saviqgreyback, yeah I see13:37
pstolowskimzanetti: I've updated my cancellation branch. i'm leaning towards MPing it and handling action cancellation separately (since it needs a change in unitycore, and this will delay entire thing)13:38
mzanettipstolowski: fine with me13:40
mzanettiCimi: so what exactly is the issue?13:48
Cimimzanetti, failing tests? :)13:48
Cimion the hud13:48
Cimimaybe it's math13:48
Cimimm doesn't seem like math13:48
Cimiit's weird13:49
mzanettiCimi: where is this happening=13:50
Cimi<Cimi> ~cimi/unity8/unity8.hud-2_hint-reveal-commit/13:50
Cimi12:54 | <Cimi> hud tests are failing...13:50
Cimi12:57 | <Cimi> unity8.shell.tests.test_hud.TestHud.test_show_hud_button_appears13:50
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
tedggreyback, Hey, are you planning on landing the upstart support for start/stop in a separate branch from focus/resume ?13:54
tedggreyback, Or is that all one mega-upstart-app-launch branch?13:54
greybacktedg: upstart will be one branch13:54
greybackseparate branch for focus/resume13:55
tedggreyback, Okay, makes sense.13:56
tedggreyback, So I'm not blocking the first one without the focus/resume stuff today, but probably soon.13:56
tedggreyback, When will I block you?  :-)13:56
greybacktedg: nope, you're not blocking me on the upstart stuff. That's me being slow getting tests working around it.13:57
greybacktedg: I don't think you will. From the mails you'll have the focus/resume stuff done pretty soon13:58
tedggreyback, Yeah, I'm hoping today.  But more worried about landing, releasing, etc.13:58
tedggreyback, But wanted to make sure that wasn't an issue, so we could find a solution if it was.  (i.e. release the API without backing or something)13:59
greybacktedg: you can land and release your stuff independently of my work - just tell me when so I can increment my package dependencies.14:01
mzanettiCimi: but what's the issue? I mean, you changed the behavior. of course tests are going to fail. You need to update them14:01
tedggreyback, Sure, but you can't link to symbols that don't exist.  So I need to get my part done first :-)14:02
greybacktedg: indeed. But I can manage locally with your proposed focus/resume API until you've that part ready14:03
mzanettiCimi: it doesn't seem that complex after all14:03
Cimimzanetti, can we slow down the mouse?14:03
greybacktedg: so don't worry about me, I'm too far behind you just yet14:03
mzanettiCimi: no... but I don't think you need that14:03
Cimimzanetti, code seems correct to me14:03
mzanettiCimi: well, you can. but I don't know how out of the top of my head14:03
mzanettiCimi: so. start with one test only. run this: autopilot run unity8.shell.tests.test_hud.TestHud.test_show_hud_button_appears14:04
mzanettiCimi: the test will fail, telling you that the buttons opacity is not 1.0 as expected by the test in line 6114:05
mzanettiCimi: but instead it is 0.514:05
mzanettiwhich is what you have changed. so adjust the expected value to 0.514:05
Cimishould be 114:05
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mzanettiCimi: right... the swipe_coords don't seem to match any more14:07
Cimimzanetti, mmm maybe because of the bottomMargin14:07
Cimidoesn't make sense14:08
mzanettiCimi: I added a sleep(10) before that check14:08
mzanettiCimi: it seems to move the pointer only very little14:08
mzanettiCimi: because it moves it to hud_show_button.y - hud_show_button.height14:09
mzanettiCimi: did you change the height of the button item?14:09
pstolowskimzanetti: my MP https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity8/cancel-previews/+merge/18724914:23
mzanettiCimi: so actually the issue seems to be that the button doesn't change its opacity to 1 indeed14:44
Cimimzanetti, yep but why?14:44
mzanettiCimi: I have a feeling... let me verify.. will take 5 mins or so14:46
Cimimzanetti, could be that onDistanceChanged is not emitted14:46
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mzanettiCimi: I think its the usage of Behavior together with states... thats a bad thing... but there is another issue14:50
mzanettiCimi: right now I see the button has 4 opacity values14:50
mzanettiCimi: 0 (when its hidden)14:51
mzanettiCimi: then there is one that looks like 0.25 (during the time it moves up/down)14:51
mzanettiCimi: 0.5 when it reached its final place but does not contain the mouse14:51
mzanettiCimi: and 1 when it contains the mouse14:51
mzanettiCimi: hoewer, I can find only 3 of them in the code14:51
Cimimzanetti, those are internal14:52
Cimimzanetti, hudButton changes the real opacity14:52
mzanettiCimi: yeah... I'm looking at the code. not the test14:52
Cimimzanetti, but from outside (what we are testing, bottomBar), it's correctly either 0.5 or 114:52
mzanettias I believe the issue is actually there14:52
mzanettiCimi: why doesn't hint have a opacity value set?14:53
mzanettithe state "hint"14:54
mzanettiso I'm quite sure thats the isse. if there is a state change while the behavior is still running the behavior overwrites the target state value again14:54
mzanettiCimi: 1) make sure all states have opacity values defined14:54
Cimimzanetti, it does 0.514:54
Cimimzanetti, line 215 here14:55
mzanettiCimi: 2) use a transition instead of behavior14:55
mzanettiCimi: sorry... meant the state "reveal"14:55
mzanettioh... it has extends hint14:55
Cimimzanetti, it works with the mouse though...15:01
mzanettithis is really weird stuff indeed15:05
Cimimzanetti, might be onDistance15:07
mzanettimhm... that looks suspicious indeed15:08
mzanettiCimi: yeah... quite sure thats it15:09
mzanettiCimi: the question is why though15:10
mzanettidandrader: can you see why this failes with autopilot? http://paste.kde.org/p7e10ed3215:11
mzanettiCimi: hah... probably it doesn't even go to recognized15:11
mzanettibecause the autopilot moves so fast that it's not detected to be a valid gesture15:12
Cimimzanetti, yeah15:12
Cimimzanetti, I was thinking that too15:12
dandradermzanetti, maybe autopilot is simulating a drag with move events too far apart15:12
mzanettidandrader: yeah... I think at some point they changed it to only do 2 points. start and end15:13
dandradermzanetti, so it's going straight to commitDistance, skipping the step where it would hit the revealDistance check15:14
dandradermzanetti, well, if I'm not mistaken, I recall I solved at least two autopilot issues I had by adding more steps into autopilot's drags15:15
Cimimzanetti, but it's not solved now :)15:16
mzanettiCimi: did you try what daniel suggested?15:17
Cimimzanetti, of course not15:18
Cimidandrader, adding those steps where? in the test case?15:24
mzanettiCimi: yeah... in the testcase... but for some reason I can't make it work15:39
mzanettigosh I hate autopilot15:39
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mzanettiCimi: ok. one step closer15:47
mzanettiCimi: this is the debug print from onDistanceChanged15:47
mzanettiDDA status: 015:48
mzanettiDDA status: 115:48
mzanettiDDA status: 215:48
mzanettiso it looks the dda is not the issue after all15:49
Saviqfginther, ah, you beat me to it by a minute, have now cancelled my duplicate job in unity8-ci15:56
Saviqfginther, I must say we've much improved on the stability of our tests now...15:56
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fgintherSaviq, glad to hear that.15:57
Saviqfginther, although I'm still seeing quite a bit of https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/scope-isactive/+merge/187179/comments/42716715:57
Saviqfginther, where all the tests on mediumtests-touch fail15:57
Saviq(ignore qmluitests, that's valid failure)15:57
Saviqfginther, I wonder if the 10s timeout is not enough there15:58
mzanettiCimi: ok... there is something more weird15:59
mzanettiCimi: I added debug prints in that onDistanceChanged and it turns out, the opacity is not related to the states at all16:00
mzanettiCimi: seems you overwrite it somewhere16:00
Saviqfginther, what's the issue with the runner for multiple suites? if it can be compressed to a sentence or two :)16:00
mzanettiCimi: when the state goes to shown the opacity is still 0.5. then only when it has onmouseover it goes to opacity 1. still staying in the shown state16:00
mzanettiCimi: I'd suggest you clean that mess up a bit... for example you add Behavior on opacity twice, once in BottomBar and once in HudButton etc...16:01
mzanettiCimi: hopefully it'll be easier to debug afterwards. or might even work magically16:01
mhr3mzanetti, i think your preview branch makes the music grid behave differently than the rest of them?16:02
mhr3would be nice to fix :)16:02
* mzanetti checks16:02
fgintherSaviq, my theory is that we need a reboot between the two test suites. unity8 has special handling to restart the shell and possibly that is causing the app tests to fail16:03
Saviqfginther, well, it should work without reboots, so let's make sure it does somewhen soon16:04
Saviqfginther, we should be able to repro locally with otto ,right?16:04
fgintherSaviq, otto still needs some work for touch16:04
fgintherSaviq, we've been using om26er's scripts so far16:05
Saviqfginther, so phablet-test-run?16:05
fgintherSaviq, checking16:05
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fgintherSaviq, it's calling autopilot directly, it should be updated to use phablet-test-run16:07
Saviqfginther, ok, I'll try and reproduce our latest failures tomorrow16:09
Saviqfginther, it might be as easy as adding some delay16:09
Saviqmzanetti, btw, there's a conflict in your split surfaces branch, when you have some free cycles (sic!)16:11
mzanettiSaviq: are you using that branch for something?16:14
Saviqmzanetti, trying to run it on mir currently16:14
Saviqmzanetti, I solved the conflict here, but there's some weirdness in launcher height16:14
Saviqmzanetti, so might be I did something wrong16:15
* mzanetti merges while waiting for compile run on phone16:15
* Saviq just set up sbuild+ccache properly on manta, hopes to speed up ā†‘16:16
Saviqmzanetti, can get you a script for ā†‘ that does *almost* everything needed16:16
mzanettiwon't that break every time you flash?16:16
Saviqmzanetti, somewhat16:17
Saviqmzanetti, I'm bind-mounting everything to /home/phablet16:17
Saviqmzanetti, or almost everything16:18
Saviqmzanetti, so it should be a case of `apt-get install sbuild` on flash, assuming home is preserved, which was not the case for me a few times now16:18
Saviqmzanetti, but well, who needs flashing anyway, apt should be good enough for a build machine ;)16:18
mzanettiSaviq: well... I flashed countless times in the last 2 days for some reason :D16:19
Saviqmzanetti, CRAZY!16:20
mzanettiSaviq: you know why16:20
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, /me still needs to try and repro with the latest stuff16:20
Saviqthat's one of the reasons why I have the sbuild, so that I can build latest trunks and beat the heck out of it on the devices16:20
mzanettiSaviq: nah... I'm pretty sure what happened and pawel's fixes look really good16:21
MacSlowSaviq, any idea by chance what changed in the current touch-image that could cause gi/DBus/Python to no longer work... -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/615086616:38
SaviqMacSlow, what if you run it manually?16:39
SaviqMacSlow, the dbus-launch... command, I mean?16:39
MacSlowSaviq, oh... btw... I'm using the flash-target "ubuntu-system" as "cdimage-touch" didn't work on my GalaxyNexus...16:39
SaviqMacSlow, it exited with code 1, so it sounds like an error dbus-launch removed16:39
MacSlowoh one sec16:39
SaviqMacSlow, image shouldn't matter16:40
MacSlowSaviq, doh... -> "Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed."16:40
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SaviqMacSlow, sounds like something in your env is b0rked16:42
Cimimzanetti, I didn't add it :)16:42
MacSlowSaviq, I hardly touched the settings after I flashed it16:42
mzanettiCimi: not really sure how to answer that one :D16:43
Cimimzanetti, I just added a couple of statesā€¦ you can see from the diff16:43
MacSlowSaviq, never mind... wasn't id=phablet...16:43
SaviqMacSlow, not sure what to make of that, no idea how dbus-launch should behave... or what it requires...16:43
MacSlowSaviq, works now16:43
SaviqMacSlow, right16:43
MacSlowSaviq, still not fully back yet...16:44
SaviqMacSlow, fish are EVIL16:44
MacSlowSaviq, well... I tried a new sushi-place downtown...16:45
MacSlowSaviq, looked very fancy and good...16:45
mzanettiif you really need to have fish... at least cook it before dude16:46
MacSlowbut then, I didn't see their shopping-habits or kitchen, which one usually takes for granted to be ok16:46
Cimimzanetti, are you sure of this opacity thing?16:46
Cimimzanetti, from what I see, there are two opacity16:46
MacSlowmzanetti, I'll stick to the known sushi-bars in the future16:46
MacSlowSaviq, password and user-auth dialogs work...16:47
Cimimzanetti, one is in bottom bar, and one in hudbutton16:47
Cimimzanetti, we are checking the one in bottom bar16:47
SaviqMacSlow, cool16:47
MacSlowSaviq, simunlock doesn't... as the indicator-network is "in the way"16:47
SaviqMacSlow, sure, MP away!16:47
mzanettiCimi: yeah... the state "shown" has different opacity values, depending on the position of the mouse16:47
mzanettiCimi: while it should only have the one defined in that state16:47
Cimimzanetti, it only has one16:48
Cimimzanetti, 1.016:48
Saviqmzanetti, yay, we got two surfaces on Mir - only problem you can only see the "flickers" from the launcher one ;)16:48
mzanettiCimi: yeah... in the code... but not for real16:48
MacSlowSaviq, the ap-tests aren't done/working yet... and I now have to sort out how to make the simunlock work with "indicator-network" being running in the bg16:48
Saviqmzanetti, but I assume this can be fixed by surface type or something16:48
mzanettiCimi: add a onStateChanged hanlder wnd print the current state16:48
Cimimzanetti, what you see is the internal opacity of hudbutton, doesn't count16:48
SaviqMacSlow, just so you know, tests are needed, but the feature probably even more16:48
SaviqMacSlow, so park the work on tests if you can, and let's just get the feature in and look at tests when it's done16:49
mzanettiCimi: yes it counts... it makes the code unreadable and unmaintainable. and tests are so hard to debug that you can't do it yourself any more16:49
MacSlowSaviq, well at least let me try to sort out the now failing simunlock as kgunn (and pete-woods probably too) is urging to have it in image16:49
SaviqMacSlow, yup16:50
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... its a standard surface... shouldn't flicker16:50
mzanettiSaviq: the only exception is alwaysontop16:50
mzanettiSaviq: ah... might ba that the alwaysontop is not working so its actually behind16:50
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, but Mir probably doesn't handle everything, we need to set the surface type or something16:50
mzanettiSaviq: and you see it flicker because of the same reason you see apps shining trhough16:51
Saviqmzanetti, yup16:51
* kgunn cheers on MacSlow 16:51
* mzanetti too16:51
* MacSlow wishes he was born a reno-air-race pilot atm16:51
Saviq\o\ /o/ \o/ \o\ /o/16:51
mzanettican we change the channels topic?16:52
* Saviq wonders who decided it's going to be cool to generate an ssh key per-ubuntu-device16:52
* Saviq couldn't do password-login to some places and couldn't figure out why16:52
Cimimzanetti, I don't think it changes anything in terms of tests16:53
MacSlowdednick, can the simunlock UI be used (in the snap-decision) with the indicator-network running?16:53
Saviqbut it seems trying 6 keys in a row makes the other side say not nice things16:53
Cimimzanetti, anyway, we can rewrite the code another time...16:53
Cimimzanetti, I didn't write this16:53
MacSlowdednick, that's what's currently blocking it to work on the device16:53
SaviqMacSlow, doesn't the network indicator trigger the sim dialog?16:53
mzanettiCimi: thing is debugged this for 2 hours now. I'm at the stage where I would start cleaning up the code if this would be my branch16:54
dednickMacSlow: I had it working on the device using my branches16:54
Cimimzanetti, ok...16:54
Cimimzanetti, I can start a rewrite but I cannot see how it could change16:54
MacSlowSaviq, well in the end yes... I guess... not sure about that integration-detail... but for demonstrating/testing I'd like to stick to my stand-alone python-examples... as I know much better how to control them16:54
dednickMacSlow: to a somewhat limited extent. I had some issues with ofono bugs. which are in progress16:54
mzanettiCimi: not saying you should rewrite16:55
mzanettibut there is something fishy with the states16:55
Cimimzanetti, I think it's only due to autopilot16:55
Cimimzanetti, what's wrong with the states?16:55
MacSlowSaviq, dednick: hm... that leaves me in an akward position for the MR16:55
dednickMacSlow: why?16:55
Cimimzanetti, I think the issue is that the mouse movement is not recognised16:56
MacSlowdednick, the example/test for the simunlock will never work on the device as is16:56
mzanettiCimi: it is... I added debug prints for that16:56
mzanettithe state goes to shown16:56
dednickMacSlow: why not?16:56
Cimimzanetti, and then?16:57
mzanettiCimi: still the opacity goes not to 1, even if the state is "shown"16:57
Cimiwhy on earth?16:57
MacSlowdednick, doh... never mind... just fixed it16:57
MacSlowkgunn: you'll get you screencast in a few minutes...16:58
Cimimzanetti, nothing is overriding opacity16:58
mzanetti let me run it again16:58
MacSlowkgunn, Saviq, dednick, pete-woods: I'll do a MR for the three first ext. snap-decision dialogs then afterwards16:59
MacSlowSaviq, I'll try to catch veebers later this night about my issues with ap-tests for the ext. snap-decisions, thus I can bring them in a later MR once I hopefully got them working16:59
Cimimzanetti, still same issue?17:05
Cimimzanetti, would be interesting doing the same with the mouse and see17:05
mzanettiCimi: no... I was wrong about the state... this is the output when running the test: http://paste.kde.org/pa950fa8917:06
Cimimzanetti, indeed it keeps stuck in hint17:07
Cimimzanetti, can you bzr diff | pastebinit ?17:07
mzanettiCimi: yeah. doing one more run with more debug prints. one sev17:09
Cimimzanetti, I have 10 mins then the gate closes and I'll lose my flight :)17:09
mzanettiCimi: you're at the airport?17:10
Cimimzanetti, yes17:10
Cimimzanetti, in the lounge...17:10
Cimimzanetti, gotta go to the dentist tomorrow afternoon :)17:10
mzanettiCimi: http://paste.kde.org/pc78df946 and http://paste.kde.org/p4e152d1517:11
Cimimzanetti, it's a relative17:11
mzanettiCimi: you fly to your dentist... interesting17:11
mzanettigotta renegotiate my salary I guess17:12
Cimimzanetti, what's interesting17:12
mzanettijust joking17:12
Cimimzanetti, is that onDistanceChanged is emitted basically only once17:12
Cimimzanetti, I mean one, very rarely17:13
Cimimzanetti, it should print loads of them17:13
Cimimzanetti, the drag is definitely too far17:13
mzanettiCimi: yeah... autopilot does freaking begin/end steps aparently17:13
mzanettibut i even tried to do it in a loop17:13
mzanettiwith calling each pixel manually17:13
Cimimzanetti, we should add some function that splits the movements into more than one, using for17:14
mzanettistill nothing17:14
mzanettilemme add it again17:14
mzanettione sec17:14
Cimitoo far -> too fast I meant17:14
mzanettiactually the too far was correct17:14
Cimiok :)17:14
mzanettibut yeah... same thing somewhat17:14
Cimimzanetti, the status "shown" is triggered by onDistanceChanged, same thing for the others17:15
Cimimzanetti, so it kinda relies on that to work...17:15
=== _salem is now known as salem_
Cimimzanetti, unless the asserts kinda stop the swipe?17:17
CimiI have to leaveā€¦ I'll have a look when I land17:19
Cimi"at least I'll see the light"17:20
mzanettiCimi: ok... I'll do some more debugging. by now I'm curious whats going on17:20
mzanettihave a good flight17:20
Cimi(aka, the sun)17:20
Cimichat later17:20
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* greyback eod18:03
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MacSlowkgunn, Saviq: screencast (still uploading) and MRs put up... see related eMail18:32
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, thanks!18:32
kgunnMacSlow: thanks man18:32
SaviqMacSlow, if you ask me, again, the feature is more important than the test18:32
SaviqMacSlow, so wifi selection dialog it is18:32
MacSlowSaviq, ok... also more likely to be completed before the week ends... regarding the ap-test... phew... I really don't know yet18:34
SaviqMacSlow, is ine18:34
Saviqwe'll get there18:34
MacSlowthink so too... see you folks tomorrow18:35
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Saviqmterry, "Note: You can only anchor an item to siblings or a parent."19:36
Saviqmterry, at the end of http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-item.html#anchors.alignWhenCentered-prop19:36
Saviqmterry, and yeah, I saw it was working fine19:36
Saviqmterry, but let's just be correct for the sake of correctness :)19:36
mterrySaviq, maybe by "siblings or parents" they really mean "non-children"19:37
Saviqmterry, not "parents", but "a parent"19:37
mterrySaviq, correct, but my point is the same.  They may just be meaning "anywhere else in the widget tree is fine, just not below the anchor"19:38
Saviqmterry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6151579/19:38
Saviqtest.qml:11:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.19:38
Saviqmterry, been there, done that19:38
Saviqmterry, your thing doesn't go up with that warning with sheer luck ;)19:39
Saviqmterry, I'd be keen to look if it actually is set through the createObject19:39
mterrySaviq, OK...  how does mine even work then?19:39
Saviqmterry, no idea ;)19:39
Saviqmterry, been looking through the log to see the same failure, but didn't :)19:39
mterrySaviq, the previous code did the same thing, panel.indicators also isn't sibling/parent of the edge demo19:40
Saviqmterry, yes it is, that's the first argument to createObject19:40
mterrySaviq, right, I forgot I placed each overlay object into its target object19:42
Saviqjeez why is U1 so slow :(19:42
mterrySaviq, OK.  I guess that's a simple fix to update the parent to be demo.indicators.content; weird that I was getting away with it19:42
Saviqmterry, we could probably just go with the Overlay having anchors.fill: parent by default19:42
Saviqmterry, and just create it as a child of whatever it's supposed to be part of19:42
Saviqmterry, but it's fine like it is, too19:43
mhr3ChrisTownsend, do you know when did the i386 failures start?19:43
ChrisTownsendIt seems like last night or so.19:43
ChrisTownsendmhr3: ^^19:43
mhr3ChrisTownsend, rather, when was last successful build?19:43
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Let me try to find that out.19:43
mterrySaviq, hmm, no I remember I ran into a problem with that elsewhere.  Like topEdgeDemo wanted to be created in underlay otherwise there was input issues, but it wants to target the dash19:44
mterrybut that's a sibling at least19:44
mterrySaviq, oh wait.  so is demo.indicators.content, eh?  Isn't that a sibling of the object I'm creating under demo.indicators?19:45
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Ok, these times are Eastern US times: last good build was reported at 3:41 am this morning.  First bad build was reported at 10:09am this morning.19:47
mhr3eh, where's a tz convertor when you need one :)19:48
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Yeah, really:)19:48
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Also, those are the times I received emails from Jenkins, so the times could be approximate.19:49
mhr3ChrisTownsend, you mean regular unity merge mails?19:50
mhr3last one i got is 12hours ago... hm19:50
ChrisTownsendmhr3: The emails from Jenkins CI jobs for MP's - either the initial CI or an automerge CI.19:50
ChrisTownsendmhr3: You want me to forward them to you?19:51
mhr3ChrisTownsend, this shows the times properly, right?19:51
mhr3and you're saying last success is 276, is that correct?19:52
ChrisTownsendmhr3: This is the last good job: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-ci/388/19:53
ChrisTownsendmhr3: This is the first fail job with the error I reported: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-autolanding/309/19:54
ChrisTownsendmhr3: So yes, for i386, job 276 is the last good one.19:55
ChrisTownsendmhr3: For failing on i386, this is the job: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-saucy-i386-autolanding/26519:56
ChrisTownsendmhr3: I hope that helps19:56
mhr3what would help is a i386 machine :/19:59
ChrisTownsendmhr3: We are trying to simulate the building in an i386 chroot.20:01
mhr3so am i20:01
mhr3but it's been a while that i updated it20:01
Saviqmterry, ah! sibling it is ;)20:01
mhr3will take a while20:02
mhr3ChrisTownsend, but anyway, the test-service helper crashes, would be nice to get a stacktrace where does it happen20:03
ChrisTownsendmhr3: Ok20:04
bschaefermhr3, sooo i just finished building unity in i386 pbuilder...and there are the failures:20:04
mhr3bschaefer, stacktrace pls ^20:04
bschaeferno scope problems :(20:04
mhr3hmm, yea, that no good20:04
mhr3bschaefer, do you have the ppas enabled?20:05
bschaefermhr3, its not crashing here :(20:05
bschaefermhr3, that does make sense20:05
mhr3bschaefer, enable them :)20:05
bschaefermhr3, daily build ppa right?20:05
bschaefercool, ill restart that then with that ppa...20:06
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mhr3bschaefer, updated my chroot, can't reproduce :/20:44
bschaefermhr3, mines building atm :(20:44
bschaefermhr3, though jenkins always likes to be different...20:44
bschaefermhr3, possibly you could get an i386 machine from qa?20:45
bschaefermhr3, yup, mine didn't hit the issue either :(20:51
seb128bschaefer, mhr3: need i386 testing for something?20:55
bschaeferseb128, yeah, for this issue:20:56
bschaeferthe i386 seems to be failing on scope tests20:56
* bschaefer digs up bug ChrisTownsend made20:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1229891 in Unity "Many Unity unit test failures on i386 CI due to some Scopes backend issue" [Critical,Confirmed]20:56
seb128does that require to build unity?20:57
seb128is that current saucy or trunk?20:57
bschaeferseb128, i believe saucy with daily build ppa, and yeah unity will need to build to run the tests20:58
seb128non trivial then20:58
bschaeferas the issue seems to be in libunity, which is causing unity unit tests to fail causing the automerger to fail :(20:58
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah, it's also trunk.  We are blocked on automerging because of this.20:58
bschaeferbut we can't reproduce the problem in chroot...20:59
seb128let me see if I can reproduce locally20:59
seb128so basically building libunity trunk then unity trunk should be enough?20:59
bschaeferseb128, as long as you have an i386 machine :)21:00
bschaeferthats the real problem we are running into...21:00
seb128yes, I'm running i38621:00
bschaefercool, then yes that should be neough21:00
* seb128 starts building21:01
bschaeferseb128, thanks!21:01
seb128bschaefer, libunity fails to build on tests here21:04
bschaeferseb128, hmm thats strange...21:04
* bschaefer also doesn't know much about libunity21:04
seb128../../test-driver : ligne 95 : 12106 Erreur de segmentation  (core dumped) "$@" > $log_file 2>&121:05
* bschaefer attempts to build libunity21:05
bschaeferseb128, this is just tests for libunity?21:07
seb128bschaefer, it's doing "bzr branch lp:libunity; cd libunity; bzr bd"21:07
seb128but "make check" in the build tree hits the same segfault reliably21:07
bschaeferi get a fun:21:07
bschaefer -a make test-nonrecursive; \21:07
bschaefer        sleep 1;21:07
bschaefer/bin/bash: line 1: -a: command not found21:07
bschaeferseb128, when I try make check...but i know mhr3 wanted a stracktrace21:08
bschaefer<mhr3> ChrisTownsend, but anyway, the test-service helper crashes, would be nice to get a stacktrace where does it happen21:08
seb128mhr3, hey21:08
bschaeferseb128, you've the daily build ppa?21:08
seb128no, current saucyt21:08
bschaeferhmm I think mhr3 mentioned the need for the daily build ppa, but that could have been for chroot only :(21:09
seb128well, I'm having the testsuit segfaulting in current saucy21:09
seb128that could be the same issue21:09
bschaeferwhich isn't good, yeah21:09
bschaeferseb128, would you be able to get a stacktrace and add a comment on that bug?21:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1229891 in Unity "Many Unity unit test failures on i386 CI due to some Scopes backend issue" [Critical,Confirmed]21:09
seb128well, I'm trying21:09
seb128but running that .py by hand doesn't segfault21:10
seb128not sure how to run "make check" under gdb21:10
bschaeferhmm neither do i, unless you know where that file is...21:10
seb128no, I'm trying to read the makefile21:11
bschaeferpossibly try to figure out which test suite is failing? in test/vala...21:11
seb128would be useful to have mhr3 around21:11
bschaefervery much so :)21:11
seb128FAIL: container-ownership.py21:11
* bschaefer does not know much/anything about libunity :(21:12
bschaeferwell thats in test/python...21:13
bschaeferseb128, i get the same21:17
bschaefer../../test-driver: line 95:  6877 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) "$@" > $log_file 2>&121:17
bschaeferFAIL: container-ownership.py21:17
seb128so you have something to debug (or mhr3 has something to debug since it's libunity)21:17
bschaeferwelll then this must be un related to the i386 issue...as i have 64bit...21:17
bschaeferbut it still needs to be fixed21:17
bschaeferseb128, right, would you still be able to install libunity and test unity out?21:18
bschaeferjust to see if you get unity unit-test failures?21:18
* bschaefer tries it out as well21:18
bschaeferas Im not sure if i was using the right libunity21:18
bschaeferseb128, thanks again, I don't want to keep you up to late!21:19
seb128bschaefer, don't worry, I'm not really working, mostly chatting on the computer, builds can run on the side ;-)21:19
bschaeferseb128, :)21:20
mhr3seb128, you're building it with latest vala21:30
mhr3seb128, pbuilder does it correctly :P21:30
seb128mhr3, not, I'm using 0.20.121:31
mhr3seb128, exactly, we use 0.18 to build libunity21:31
mhr3cause there are issues in 0.2021:31
seb128ok, current vala is 0.2221:31
seb128just for info :p21:31
mhr3ah, ok you win :P21:32
mhr3it should work with 0.22 iirc21:32
mhr3should have the fix we need21:32
seb128vala sucks21:32
mhr3yea, yea, c++ is awesome we all know that21:32
bschaefermhr3, im glad you agree :)21:33
mhr3bschaefer, sorry, didn't realize it needs a <sarcasm> tag :P21:35
bschaefermhr3, haha, i got it, but I suppose i needed a <joking> tag as well21:35
seb128mhr3, it's so great that I started that build 15 minutes ago and unity is still not half built21:35
mhr3seb128, and that's only one of the great features ;)21:36
bschaefermhr3, but wait theres more!21:36
* bschaefer has watched to many infomercials21:36
mhr3seb128, do you know if there are any other ppas the autolanding jobs use besides daily-build?21:38
seb128not that I know, why?21:38
mhr3cause isn't using trunks for the stack, and the daily build ppa is... you know... daily21:40
mhr3it's using*21:40
seb128bschaefer, mhr3: no test issue here :/21:58
seb128on that note I'm calling it a day21:59
* bschaefer wonders if its jenkins falut21:59
bschaeferseb128, thanks!21:59
mhr3seb128, thx for checking cu21:59
mhr3bschaefer, is there a way to have jenkins run through a branch without actually approving it?22:00
* mhr3 has an idea22:00
bschaefermhr3, hmm there use to be22:03
bschaeferveebers, ping?22:03
bschaefermhr3, if you link me a branch i can try to push it onto someone to test it22:04
mhr3bschaefer, actually i think if you'd just approve it22:11
bschaefermhr3, i can do that as well :)22:11
mhr3but not top-approve it'd run22:11
bschaeferyeah, sounds like a good idea22:11
mhr3let me prepare the branch22:11
mhr3bschaefer, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/get-some-debug/+merge/18737722:15
bschaefermhr3, done, and have a good night :)22:15
mhr3it's not even midnight yet :P22:16
bschaeferunless you want to stick around for it to output some fun22:16
bschaefer:), thats true here as well!22:16
mhr3oh wait, the change that happened is that we run on real hw now, right?22:17
mhr3so... yey for uncovered threading issues maybe?22:18
bschaeferhmm im not sure, but its consistent? You would think it would be easy to reproduce else where though right?22:19
bschaeferas seb ran it on his machine (im assuming hw)22:19
mhr3dunno, lets wait for the trace, but the error is pretty weird22:27
mhr3plus only on i386... :/22:27
* bschaefer didn't actually look at the error yet ...22:30
bschaeferthe stacktrace would be nice :)22:31
veebersbschaefer: pong22:42
bschaeferveebers, unpong!22:52
veebersbschaefer: ^_^ ack22:52
bschaeferthanks :)22:52

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