
derevscrum is bullshit, Agile is bullshit.  I'm so sick of it by now.00:22
derevits a truckload of hypocracy i'm sorry to say00:23
derevcargo cult00:59
cmaloneyI dunno, I think Agile is a good philosophy01:29
cmaloneymarred by many folks implementing bits and pieces poorly01:30
cmaloneyMuch like GTD01:30
derevrick_h_: https://github.com/DerekV/BookieClient02:10
derevI'm rewriting the backend using Retrofit.02:11
derevas a library02:11
cmaloneyWe're out here with my laptop and a rs232 cable moving the telescope using Stellarium02:46
cmaloneyGood morning13:22
rick_h_derev: cool, will peek at that14:10
cmaloneyWelcome, daemoneye15:58
daemoneyethanks cmaloney15:58
cmaloneydaemoneye and I were talking about LUGs / Locos, and come to find out he's in MI15:59
cmaloneyIn the Washtenaw area16:02
cmaloneyNow we need to get you using Bookie and listening to Open Metalcast and we're good. :)16:02
cmaloney(That's rick_h_'s project that he's been working on)16:03
cmaloneyIt's a really nice Bookmarking site16:03
daemoneyecool.  I'll have to check it out.16:04
rick_h_http://www.flickr.com/photos/7508761@N03/9917140306/sizes/h/in/photostream/ in the woods baby!16:19
brouschSon of a ... why did I not find either of these when I was looking for a pure Python make replacement? http://thechangelog.com/pynt-versus-invoke/17:38
brouschinvoke looks nice17:41
greg-grick_h_: wait, that campground has satelites at every spot?17:43
jcastrorick_h_: ^^^17:47
brouschbah, no windows support in invoke17:57
rick_h_das can die :P18:02
rick_h_greg-g: heh, yea lots of long term people here18:02
rick_h_next to us they've got a big screen TV outside under a tent covered awning and a giant sat. dish18:02
greg-grick_h_: :) went to a campground like that in the sierras this spring, was kind of cool, really18:02
rick_h_yea, nice because people live here so they're kind of settled, quiet, take care of the place18:03
rick_h_really nice in the VA mountains here. Perfect weather.18:03
greg-goh, virginia, cool18:03
rick_h_almost prefer to just stay here and relax vs go on to MD tomorrow18:03
rick_h_derev: typo! check out stored in the Bookmark file. Very cool to get another API implementation though.19:15
daemoneyehmmm... This is going to be fun... I'll be finishing up a ham radio net as the next scheduled irc meeting on Oct. 6th.  yay for cell network cards.23:17

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