
OvenWerksis there a reason there are no beta 2 upgrade tests in the tracker?02:27
OvenWerksAh, we have been respun again.03:19
OvenWerksI will have to resync03:36
* smartboyhw adds upgrade builds to ISO QA Tracker08:09
smartboyhwOvenWerks, I've added upgrade builds to the ISO QA Tracker, please report results accordingly, I'm going to write the testing announcement now.08:10
smartboyhwHmm, this announcement is getting a bit "Lubuntu" style-.-08:26
smartboyhwOr rather, balloons stlye08:28
knomeflood alert08:28
smartboyhwMy typo is a bit serious today08:29
smartboyhwHmm, for the title maybe it's a good idea to include statistics:P08:33
smartboyhwzsyncing the amd64 image now08:42
* smartboyhw starts testing10:10
smartboyhwI'm not expecting too many problems (since OvenWerks thinks it's quite good)10:12
smartboyhwReally nice wallpaper10:13
smartboyhwWait, a bug10:18
smartboyhwWhen I do the installation (not via live session), the wallpaper isn't using the new wallpaper10:19
smartboyhwI'm quite confident I saw the wallpaper during installation10:19
smartboyhwOops, live session10:19
smartboyhwOvenWerks, can you confirm the bug for me?10:21
smartboyhwBug 122965110:40
ubottubug 1229651 in ubuntustudio-look (Ubuntu) "Installation without live session is showing the old rock wallpaper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122965110:41
smartboyhwAnyone can think of any reasons? Looked through the bzr branch, no idea10:43
smartboyhwHmm, lightdm theme doesn't work either10:47
smartboyhwBut the session itself works10:47
smartboyhwI'm thinking that the lightdm theme isn't updated10:48
smartboyhwHuh, but it is10:49
smartboyhwHmm, wait10:50
smartboyhwzequence_, did you ask for a upload of ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme?10:51
* smartboyhw checks10:51
smartboyhwDamn, Riddell didn't unblock everything10:51
smartboyhwLet me ask again10:51
smartboyhwPhew, unblocked11:15
smartboyhwRequesting respin11:15
zequence_smartboyhw: No, I didn't11:25
smartboyhwzequence_, eh?11:25
zequence_I'm just on my way out the dorr11:27
zequence_Maybe some could arrange that?11:27
zequence_Though, not sure if it's needed.11:27
smartboyhwOvenWerks, zequence_ I'm respinning11:30
smartboyhwDarkEra, OvenWerks zequence_ please update your images to 20130924.112:22
smartboyhwHmm, the bug still hasn't been fixed. Let me see if lightdm-theme is happening wrongly12:49
smartboyhwI'm guessing it is a ubiquity bug12:49
smartboyhwYeah! Found the place for the fix!12:57
smartboyhwzequence_, do you think it would be appropriate to respin only because of Bug 1229651?12:58
ubottubug 1229651 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installation without live session is showing the old rock wallpaper" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122965112:58
smartboyhwI don't think so:P13:00
OvenWerkssmartboyhw: I don't know where the wallpaper isset for the installonly session.13:17
smartboyhwOvenWerks, ubiquity13:17
smartboyhwWhich the fix just went in.13:17
smartboyhw(But not uploaded)13:17
smartboyhwOvenWerks, you want a respin for that?13:17
OvenWerksOk, the slide show was not updated either so that is ok13:17
smartboyhwOvenWerks, eh? Is the slideshow planned for an update soon?13:18
OvenWerksin T13:18
smartboyhwOvenWerks, that's a long way away, and now I'm not getting what your "OK" meant;P13:18
OvenWerksnormally we do at least new first and last slides with the new backdrop13:18
OvenWerksok to just leave it I think13:19
smartboyhwOvenWerks, ah13:19
smartboyhwLet's just update it later;P13:19
OvenWerksWe need to have a list of places to do the backdrop. Maybe use a link13:20
smartboyhwOvenWerks, what a nice Virtualbox sound quality;p13:31
smartboyhwI can declare the image passed.13:32
smartboyhwNow, the upgrades (sigh)13:32
smartboyhwamd64 image marked as ready13:34
OvenWerksYup setting and lightdm-theme made it to the wild since lastnight13:54
OvenWerksok, upgrade i386 from terminal has passed. I will do resyncs for other tests tonight. Bye all14:02
smartboyhwHello madeinkobaia :)14:03
smartboyhwOvenWerks, awesome14:03
* smartboyhw decides to do image testing first14:04
smartboyhwimage upgrade testing, sorry14:04
smartboyhwThe terminal upgrades will simply have to wait14:05
madeinkobaiaHi all, hi smartboyhw :)14:21
OvenWerkszequence_: I added a bluprint for installer. Feel free to change almost anything about it. I am most wanting to make sure I have the things I want to change listed.21:12
OvenWerkszequence_: Also, whats with: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/ubuntustudio-dev.html ?21:13
OvenWerksnone of the items look like ours at all.21:13
OvenWerksAs if it points at the wrong blueprints21:14
* OvenWerks is off to pick up a son from school...21:14
OvenWerksthe new respin.... seems to have picked up lightdm-theme but not settings :P21:47
OvenWerksI am guessing this will only affect the live session and not the install, as the upgrade was fine.21:50
zequence_OvenWerks: none of our blueprints are in there anymore. We don't really need to do that22:45
zequence_OvenWerks: Important thing is we know ourselves what we need to do22:45
zequence_no idea why it is showing all those other stuff22:45
zequence_might be because ubuntu-motu is a member for ubuntustudio-dev22:47
zequence_OvenWerks: You got the idea on how I had planned to do the blueprints. There's no big hurry though. I'm still working on that, and doing an announcement later on what the deal is22:48
zequence_OvenWerks: I only changed the name to ubuntustudio-installer-t, as all our blueprints might as well be Ubuntu release based. Meaning, we work to achieve a set of goals for each cycle22:52
zequence_Well, also the approver to ubuntustudio-core and the drafter to ubuntustudio-dev22:52
zequence_..another reason for the blueprint name is you can't have several blueprints with the same name22:53
OvenWerkszequence_: no problem thankyou for fixing.22:54
zequence_it's quite possible to have several blueprints for each project. And theydon't need to be dependencies of the main ubuntustudio project22:54
zequence_we also don't need to have bluieprints for each and every project22:54
OvenWerksI could see that22:54
zequence_only those we want to work on22:54
OvenWerksYa, but I think these are things that need to be fixed. The ones with my name are mostly done, just waiting for saucy to be out of the way22:55
zequence_OvenWerks: Wouldn't it be better it showed installed packages being toggled?22:56
OvenWerkszequence_: did you see my email?22:56
OvenWerksI could I guess. That may give the user the idea they can use this utility to remove things too.22:58
zequence_OvenWerks: Would be better, I think22:58
OvenWerksThis would be problematic with our metas as it would remove the meta but not it's depends22:58
zequence_OvenWerks: Also, why should it exit, if there's nothing to install?22:58
OvenWerksIt exits with a dialog telling the user there is nothing in the list to install22:59
zequence_The way metas are handled is not a installer problem. It's how apt works23:00
zequence_If you want it to uninstall everything depending on the metas, you should add something to allow for that to happen, or just let it funtion the way apt does23:00
OvenWerksSo rather than showing an empty list it shows a box with an explanation of why there is nothing to display.23:00
zequence-workWhen is there nothing to install?23:01
OvenWerksuninstalls would be messy.23:01
OvenWerksThere is nothing to install if all the possibilities are already installed23:01
zequence-workOk, so it's an installer. But not an uninstaller?23:01
zequence-workDoesnt make much sense, does it?23:02
OvenWerksOne step at a time.23:02
OvenWerksOnce I have finished what I have, I can look at uninstalling23:02
OvenWerksthere are people who have hinted they would like to be able to uninstall whatever the meta installed23:03
zequence-workOvenWerks: One thing that you might want to add, if you haven't already, is do an apt-get update before even reading the available packages23:03
zequence-workOvenWerks: If there's no update before, some packages might fail to install - as they might have been updated since berfore23:03
zequence-workThis is a problem with Ubuntu Software Center, believe it or not23:04
OvenWerksFor that matter could add a place for adding ppas23:04
OvenWerksBut ya, update might be good, I already add some activity indication in there so it should be ok.23:05
zequence-workOvenWerks: The gnome2 overrides could be from the old Gnome days, but not sure.23:05
OvenWerksI will have a look through the change log sometime.23:07
zequence-workOvenWerks: I added a workitem for it. Might be good to do the apt-get update after accepting changes instead. This way opening the app will be faster. The only thing I'm concerned about is the first ever time you try to install something, if there is a database of packages for apt at all. Never checked that.23:08
zequence-workI'd rather we work at making it able to install/uninstall23:09
zequence-workand no matter if it removes the depencies for a meta. Each package will show anyway23:09
zequence-workThat could be fixed later, if wanted23:09
zequence-workAlso, if there are no packages to install/uninstall, that sounds more like an error. Like starting the application without arguments, or on a system that doesn't use apt and doesn't have packages with those name23:10
zequence-workWhat I meant was, making it able to remove dependencies for a meta could be fixed later23:13

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