
XRS1Nice job on the lightdm login and the artwork guys!02:38
OvenWerksI think the lightdm stuff is the xubuntu guys actually.02:47
holsteinwilee-nilee: yo03:03
wilee-nileeholstein, I was watching a clarinet player last night playing middle eastern music, pretty unusual not western scales, was rather unusual03:04
holsteinwilee-nilee: interesting.. bending the notes to fit? or just kinda going for it?03:05
wilee-nileeI don't remember the link now is all03:05
wilee-nileeholstein, definitely bent, I'm a reed player, lol he was perfectly in tune.03:06
wilee-nileeclarinet is a difficult instrument itself, different fingerings for every octave.03:07
holsteinyeah, not like the sax03:07
holsteinor flute..03:08
holsteinbut, im sure if you are used to it, a sax or a flute seems oddd03:08
wilee-nileeno doubt, I saw it and just thought of you as a person trying to be in tune, hehe, which you do quite well. Probably so on a flute or sax, flute you could play a open holed and get by, I have seen middle eastern sax players as well, I'm always impressed with that, it has to be a strech to learn.03:10
caodepalhahi everyone. i kind of messed up with the ubuntustudio main menu. is there any way to get it to organize all the programs in the proper folders?03:43
XRS1launcher menu ->. settings ->main menu is the usual tool for organizing the launcher menu03:44
studio-user092hi, i'm installing ubuntu studio 13.04 on a new hp pavilion 17. i'm getting an error 'grub-efi failed to install in /target' what should i do to fix this?06:22
studio-user092thx in advance :)06:22
cfhowlettas in #ubuntu ... I'd guess UEFI issues, but as I've never (yet) had to suffer one of those ...06:24
cfhowlett*ask* in #ubuntu06:24
studio-user092okay, thx :)06:24
XRS1yeah its got a eufi06:26
luiggisvnecesito ayuda con el controlador de mi receptor wi-fi broadcom para ubuntustudio 13.0416:38

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