
Unit193Who holds it for 2013 anyway?00:00
bluesabregood question00:00
bluesabredo you think just adding xubuntu developers for 2013 would be sufficient?00:00
bluesabreor should I put my own name?00:04
Unit193I don't really know how the team likes to assign it, thinking XPL, dev or something.  Might be you.00:05
Unit193Thinking XPL is right though.00:05
bluesabreok, I'll do that00:05
Unit193All set to fire?00:14
bluesabreI used myself, can change if needed00:17
bluesabrehow does this look?00:17
bluesabreeven made sure it was lintian clean :)00:19
Unit193Heh, you put it in the wrong order, newer up at the top. :P00:20
bluesabreI thought so00:20
bluesabrebut the order was funky already00:20
bluesabrehow's the rest?00:20
Unit193I didn't see anything to complain about. :P00:21
bluesabremicahg, mr_pouit, knome: https://code.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/xubuntu-default-settings/b2_fixes/+merge/18712700:31
micahgbluesabre: ok, will try to upload tonight01:51
bluesabremicahg, cool, thanks!02:01
bluesabremicahg: if you don't get a chance to do the upload, if you can get the merge in, I can add the upload to the sponsorship queue02:03
bluesabrefwiw, we also have one other merge that might be good to pull in at the same time: https://code.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/xubuntu-default-settings/keyboard-shortcuts/+merge/18235202:13
bluesabre(sorry for all the additional work)02:13
micahghrm, I might not get it up there tonight, very tired02:20
bluesabremr_pouit, if you happen to be around, would you mind merging these two branches in?02:53
elfyb2 got rebuilt ... 'looks' like we lost all the tests 08:10
knomewell, that happens :)08:11
elfytwice as it happens ;)08:12
knomewell anyway, we tested most of the images without problems before08:12
knomeor at least critical problems08:12
knomeso it should be relatively good testing again08:13
knomei can spin up a test or two today as wll08:13
knomeonce i stop fighting with presses08:13
knomewhatever is the correct enligsh word for that08:13
elfywe got 10/5 (mandatory), 2/1(run once)  for 64bit and 9/5 2/1 for 32bit so I'm happy at least with that08:15
elfyprinters :)08:15
elfytwice as much as for b108:15
elfyI'd always be happy with more though as well :)08:16
astraljavaI only had time for one test, life's too busy atm. =/08:59
astraljava...for thinking. Of course the machine could have had more occasions, but I forget to initiate when doing other stuff.09:00
knomeno problem, any test helps.09:06
ochosibluesabre: link to the gmb-bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/122380809:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1223808 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmbrc misses line to activate albuminfo-plugin" [Undecided,In progress]09:07
ochosibluesabre: so the patch is two-fold: (1) add a single line to our gmbrc.default file, (2) pull the latest version of albuminfo.pm from gmb-upstream git (https://github.com/squentin/gmusicbrowser/blob/master/plugins/albuminfo.pm)09:09
ochosiso those missing icons, how do they affect our icon-theme or me exactly?09:09
ochosiknome: ^09:10
knomeochosi, i don't know; do they?09:10
knomealso, did you see the duplicate09:10
ochosiif an app doesn't ship it's own icon, that's kinda not an icon-theme issue for us...09:10
ochosithat should be a bug in the app or in the packaging09:10
ochosino, i didn't check the duplicate09:11
knomewell do check it09:11
ochosialso the reporter said it's fixed in 13.1009:11
ochosiso why bother?09:11
knomethen don't09:11
knomei didn't catch that09:11
ochosior at least the reporter of the duplicate said that09:11
ochosi"I can confirm that, gufw's icon shows up in the settings manager on xubuntu 13.10"09:12
knomecan we "guess" a good symlink for the other app?09:12
knomesome generic icon or sth09:12
knomeor do you rather not to that09:12
ochosinot sure what the issue really is with gtkorphan09:15
ochosisomehow that bugreport seems to focus on gufw09:15
ochosii'd have to install and test it myself to be able to judge09:16
knomei assume just missing icon09:17
brainwash_did my message get lost?09:17
knomewhich one?09:17
knome(probably yes)09:17
brainwash_it was not about missing icons, it was about the icon path + name specified in the .desktop file, adding the image extension would hide the icon in the settings manager09:17
brainwash_(this one)09:18
knomebut that was about gufw09:18
brainwash_no more file extension09:20
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashlooks like it got removed by the package maintainer09:20
knomeIcon=@DATADIR@/pixmaps/gtkorphan.png for gtkorphan09:20
ochosiyup, that's not that good i suppose09:20
ochosiit should simply be gtkorphan09:20
ochosiso nothing we can do in our icon-theme about it09:21
knomeyep, we should mark that bug invalid for us and retarget for gtkorphan09:21
knomewhich seems to be in the same version since quantal09:21
knome(and even then, it looks like it's just a new ubuntu version, not really a new version of the app)09:21
brainwashbut still, why won't the icon show up if you add the file extension?09:22
knome0.4.4-1 in lucid, 0.4.4-1.1 in saucy09:22
knomebrainwash, i suppose because you shouldn't guess the file extension09:22
knomethat can be basically anything; practically it's usually png or svg09:22
brainwashmmh, still strange, the xfce4 app menu does not care about it, the settings manager however does09:24
brainwashgufw's .desktop file even contains "X-GNOME-Settings-Panel=gufw.png"09:25
brainwashbut this is an issue, that even I don't care much about :D09:27
knomethat's not an issue... if gnome-settings-panel needs that specific thing, fine09:27
knomenot our problem ;)09:27
knomeif the icon works everywhere else without .png, then good09:27
knomei suppose that's how it's supposed to work09:28
brainwashgot another one, driconf is affected too09:31
knomebrainwash, if you could please file a bug against the driconf package in ubuntu09:32
brainwashI'll add it to the list of affected packages09:33
knomethat works as well09:34
knomethough we should probably then rather file a new bug09:34
knomethis is getting messy, the original bug was something else09:34
knomeactually not09:34
knomebut the original bug is mostly about gufw09:34
brainwashoh, that bug report.. :D09:35
brainwashexpect more packages to be affected09:35
knomeso yeah, would probably be better to file a new bug09:36
knomewith a title of "Icon name is incorrectly defined in the .desktop file"09:36
knomeor sth09:36
knomethen just link all packages affected09:36
brainwashoh man, confusing stuff09:37
knomewant me to file the bug, then you can fill the details?09:38
brainwashso the driconf package has not been touched since years too09:38
brainwashif you like to, go ahead and file the report09:39
brainwashI'll add the missing details09:39
knomeok, just a sec09:40
brainwashafk for some minutes09:40
knomebrainwash, bug 122963509:42
ubottubug 1229635 in gtkorphan (Ubuntu) "Icon name is incorrectly defined in the .desktop file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122963509:42
knomei added driconf as well.09:43
brainwashgreat, thanks :)09:49
brainwashis bug 1061037 still around in saucy?09:51
ubottubug 1061037 in gdk-pixbuf (Ubuntu) "Using .xpm icons on desktop may draw huge icon" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106103709:51
knomei would imagine so09:52
bluesabreochosi, you there?09:53
ochosibluesabre: i am09:54
bluesabrethough I don't think my question is actually for you now that I think about it09:55
knomeok, get stuff fixed09:55
knomei'm off for a walk.09:55
bluesabreseeya knome09:55
knomebluesabre, nor me? ;)09:55
knomegood. ->09:55
bluesabreochosi, micahg, mr_pouit: added a debdiff here, is that the acceptable way to apply our own changes to source?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/122380810:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1223808 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmbrc misses line to activate albuminfo-plugin" [Undecided,In progress]10:06
ochosithanks bluesabre  (i wouldn't know whether the debdiff is good though...)10:08
bluesabreyeah, just adding you to the alert list10:08
ochosiit does look ok though10:09
olbido you have strange bug, in all isos, daily and beta 1 there isn't sound in virtualbox?11:11
knomewe're testing beta 2 now. can you check if you're able to reproduce there and file a bug if so11:15
olbii couldn't find beta 2 isos, or it is daily?11:21
olbithx knome11:28
jjfrv8elfy, are you saying you only have the numbers from yesterday's testing but not the results?12:41
knomejjfrv8, basically yes, the new images should be tested again12:41
jjfrv8Okay. I got a critical on both live sessions: #1229467. Just did the 64 again today and same thing.12:42
jjfrv8I also failed the post installation tests for bug 1185396 and bug 1098323.12:50
ubottubug 1185396 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "users-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in gst_user_profiles_get_for_user()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118539612:51
ubottubug 1098323 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole failes to play DVD" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109832312:51
jjfrv8won't have time to do more retesting until tonight.12:51
knomei'm off soon13:00
knomeanything you need me for?13:01
knomei guess that's a no13:07
knomesee you later :)13:07
olbiok, i'm off now, see you later :)13:50
elfyjjfrv8: no - I can see the results as well, but retests when people can will be good13:58
ochosican someone here please link me to the abiword ruler bug in launchpad? (can't seem to find it atm)14:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 1031137 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Abiword has strange black color" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:08
=== lokote_j1nes is now known as lokote_jones
ochosithanks elfy14:09
GridCubewhat does "package test" means?14:16
bluesabrein what reference?14:16
elfyGridCube: there are iso tests at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/270/builds14:17
elfyand package tests at http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds14:17
GridCubei never knew of that14:17
elfyit's quite new14:18
GridCubethats rather hidden, it should be in the same page as the iso test as part of your log of the test14:18
elfydid you miss me going on and on and on and on and on about manual tests? 14:18
elfygood lord 14:19
elfyNext time I do dev list mails I will cc you :p14:19
elfys/dev list QA mail14:19
GridCubemanual partitioning i386 14:20
GridCubeor amd64, thats not done yet so that one14:20
elfyjust zsynced them both - shall do another bunch of them too 14:21
* bluesabre will hopefully get a chance to do some testing tonight14:23
elfyresults look better this time than last time14:23
* elfy did 15 yesterday 14:24
elfythey archived the damned tests after I did a bunch 14:24
elfythen they did it AGAIN when I was asleep :|14:25
bluesabrenever be proactive, only do things right at deadline14:25
elfyyou've noticed how I report bugs ... 14:25
elfyd'ya think I should ... 14:25
GridCubeuh oh!14:26
elfyseen that as a bug somewhere I think 14:26
elfyis that 32bit? 14:26
bluesabreyup, "here's a huge bug that you will have no idea how to fix!"14:26
GridCubeno, 6414:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1229432 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Partitioning error when doing normal install after encrypted lvm install" [Undecided,New]14:27
GridCubei had a 8gb vbox drive, 1gb swap 7gb ext4, deleted all those, created 3 partitions, 2,5gb gb ext4 (set it to /home)5gb ext4 (set to /) and 512mb for swap14:28
ochosiphew, for a second there i thought it would be a visual ubiquity bug...14:28
elfyGridCube: just about to boot the 64bit on a laptop14:28
GridCubethere was no lvm involved14:28
GridCubeshould i hit ignore and continue or flag it as fail?14:29
elfyGridCube: I have seen that one myself - and I'd confused the installer 14:29
GridCubeor should i try to replicate?14:29
elfydbl clk in the icon - didn't start - right clicked - execute - then both had started - didn't notice till I aborted the top one 14:30
elfytry and replicate 14:30
elfyI'll be a the same point in a minute or two14:31
brainwashI encountered several partitioning errors while trying to install the daily image 2 days ago.14:33
elfyGridCube: which install was that? manual? 14:33
brainwashon top of that, the password prompt for full disk encryption during boot simply did not work14:34
elfyluckily that won't fail one of our tests then :)14:34
GridCubeit did not replicated itself14:35
brainwashdid anyone test FDE?14:35
GridCubenot knowing what that is, no14:36
brainwashfull disk encryption14:36
GridCubeah, no14:36
elfybrainwash: or they might have but it's not one of our tests - so we'd not have results 14:37
brainwashwell, it's not xubuntu related I would assume14:37
brainwashI see, maybe I can find a bug report addressing this issue14:38
elfymaybe - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/defects14:40
elfyif I can't find it after a while I report it and hope someone can find the dupe :)14:40
elfyGridCube: I've gone marching straight past that error point 14:42
GridCubeme too in the retry14:42
Unit193GridCube: When I got that I ignored and it seemed fine. :P14:43
elfyGridCube: maybe comment on that bug14:43
GridCubenext time ill do that14:43
GridCubeelfy, ok :)14:43
elfyor mark the bug on the iso tracker and comment there - it'll get added to the bug 14:44
brainwashouch, this one again - bug 122948614:44
ubottubug 1229486 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Lock screen before sleep doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122948614:44
elfyconfirmed that as well 14:59
elfyGridCube: got the same thing as you did15:01
GridCubethe partition error?15:01
elfyreporting it 15:01
GridCubesorry i got actual "i get paid to do" work15:02
elfyI meant I'm reporting it in anway :)15:04
GridCubemeta-d doesnt open thunar anymore?15:34
brainwashwasn't it f?15:36
brainwash(f)ile manager15:37
GridCube:/ why did i though it was d?15:37
GridCubemaybe directory?15:37
Unit193"Where's my (d)ang files!?" ?15:53
elfyhad the same bug again - both times for entire disk install - both times going from one arch to another15:55
GridCubethe packages test is very time consuming15:56
GridCubeelfy, where did you reported it so i can tag15:56
elfy#1220165 15:57
elfyGridCube: don't worry - I'll add it to your test result15:58
elfythat'll trigger it to the bug report anyway15:59
GridCubegoing to suspencion never works on virtual machines right?16:05
elfynot sure - don't think so 16:06
GridCubemmm because it did nothing when i tried it but i dont think that works16:06
elfyyea 16:07
elfysorry - I wasn't clear, I meant I don't think it works :)16:07
GridCubeprobably i need the virtual box addons16:07
_ToZYesterday I completed 3 tests on the new beta (live session, full disk install, post-install), created some bug reports (1229478 & 1229486), and entered the info in the QA tracker. Today I can't find any reference to these tests. Where might they have gone?17:19
elfy_ToZ: the iso's got respun and thus all the tests we did got archived 17:20
elfyhang on and I'll get it for you17:20
_ToZHi elfy. Does this mean I have to redo them?17:20
elfybut if you've got not filters I'd filter to xubuntu only first17:22
_ToZah yes, there they are. Are they still valid then?17:23
elfyis one of your's 17:23
elfynot really - I zsynced to the new iso and it grabbed 15%17:23
elfyso not valid17:23
_ToZSo I need to redo them?17:23
elfyup to you - I've ended up doing 25 of them since yesterday morning - it got respun twice 17:24
_ToZok thanks17:24
elfynot sure which tests you did - if you still have the install I'd imagine an update/upgrade of that would put you in the same state17:25
elfyI'm fairly relaxed about it tbh - I've grabbed the bugs people reported that subsequently got archived17:26
elfyup to a short while ago across all the b2 tests people did we got 59 results17:28
_ToZOne other thing I noticed that I don't know if its a bug or a change. I know there are issues with sound-indicator. Killing and restarting it as per the bug report brings it back, but there is no entry for gmusicbrowser there any more. Was this a design change, or should I report it as a bug?17:28
elfythought I'd seen that - but there's been talk in here about gmb so I might be confused - report it for the moment 17:29
_ToZThink I'll grab the new respin and give it a whirl and double-check it then.17:30
elfyok - you zsync them?17:31
_ToZno, I'm old school. Download and burn.17:31
elfyassuming you still have the old one :)17:31
elfyzsync will just download the difference between the 2 17:31
_ToZok thanks17:35
pleia2for what it's worth, I wouldn't go as far as to say earlier ones "aren't valid" - it's awesome to do tests at any time and report bugs, just for the beta specifically there is more work to do with respun images :)18:52
elfyI'm just copying the XPL :)18:53
elfybut I'm really happy with the testing that got done for B2 :)18:54
elfyeverything got covered 18:54
elfytbh - I've been happy with most of everything during the cycle 18:55
knomeme too18:56
elfyknome: if we've got a bunch of desktop tests by the morning I'll mark it ready and mail the list18:59
knomeno need to do that19:00
knomei mean, let's wait until the testing is ending on thusrday19:00
knomelet people run more tests19:00
elfyok 19:02
elfynot sure I'll remember on thursday morning - back to work then 19:02
knomei can do that19:03
knomewe need to prepare the release notes as well19:03
elfycan we look at that tomorrow then? I''ll be about most PM/evening19:03
knomethat would work for me19:04
knomeor maybe, say until 12UTC :)19:04
knomeor a bit later19:04
knome(at least)19:04
elfyok-ish - working in the morning/early afternoon - I'll ping you when I'm here perhaps19:05
knomesounds like a plan19:05
knomei'm off watching a movie19:25

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