
daveopsI'm not sure how well cloud-init is supposed to support RHEL-based OSes, but I'm having issues with it not setting the hostname permanently.18:04
daveopsRelated (old) bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=75097918:04
daveopstl;dr the correct hostname gets set on the first boot, but is unset on subsequent boots because RHEL uses /etc/sysconfig/network instead of /etc/hostname18:08
daveopsCentOS 6.4 guest, cloud-init-0.6.3-0.12.bzr532.el6.noarch18:08
smoserdaveops, 0.6.3 == old18:28
smosershould be fixed in newer18:29
daveopssmoser: thanks... i figured it was pretty antiquated. i'll update my stuff.18:32
harlowjaif u get stuck daveops let me know, y! runs 6.3, 6.2, 6.4 internally using cloud-init18:41
harlowjaand even 5.8 (yes i know)18:41
daveopsharlowja: thanks. i got it working on my version by doing some hackery in my cloud.cfg. i'm just removing /etc/hostname with a bootcmd command. it's not pretty, but we need to pull our packages from EPEL and that's the latest version they have atm.19:08
harlowjaya, in about 10 years RH will have the newer version19:09
daveopshaha... right?19:09
harlowjaya, we fight with that stuff daily19:09
daveopsharlowja: how are you guys addressing the issue?19:09
harlowjaold depenedencies19:09
harlowjawe build it :-P19:09
harlowjaits not so hard, its hopefully pretty much 'make rpm'19:10
harlowjawe have a few patches for cloud-init modules that do some y! stuff that also gets sucked in19:10
daveopsoh.. nice. i'll test it out and maybe we'll just end up doing that19:10
harlowjabut thats about it19:10
harlowjaya, it shouldn't be to bad19:10
daveopsappreciate the advice19:11
harlowjaif its not just 'make rpm' let me know daveops and then something has to be fixed19:13
harlowjaof course u might want to have a patch for cloud.cfg if u build it yourself19:13
harlowjato remove various things19:13
harlowja*debian/ubuntu things19:14
harlowjathose nasty things smoser put in there, ha19:14
daveopsfor sure... i'll just steal the patches the fedora guys are using19:14
smosereverything should "do the right thing", no?19:16
harlowjai think so19:16
harlowjabut just incase, ha19:16
harlowjai typically just reconfigure cloud.cfg to what y! wants, and remove all the other stuff19:17
harlowjabut people don't have to do that if they don't want19:17
harlowjaits not that many changes really19:17
smoseri'm not sure what i htink about that one19:17
smoserit just seem like possibly something could go wrong ...19:17
harlowjahmmm, whats the issue, i'm not really a syslog expert :-/19:18
smoseryeah. thats why i dont want to just take it.19:18
smoseri dont understand what si wrong.19:18
harlowjai'm with u there, maybe we can get an explanation as to whats broke19:20
smoserharlowja, it does work for you, right?19:26
harlowjanot using syslog :-P19:26
gholmssmoser: Yo20:03
smoseri commented in that mp.20:04
* gholms looks20:04
gholmsOh, the logging one.20:06
smoserbasically "it doesnt seem to be working, but it used to, so we should change somethign ..."20:06
* gholms nods20:07
gholmsYeah, that is a terrible description.20:07
gholmsAt that point I was terribly fatigued from working on my bug backlog all day.  ;)20:07
smosergholms, well, i'm expecting 0.7.3 like end of this week.20:14
gholmsOh!  That's good to know.20:15
gholmsI'm going to see if I can get you a better description of what it was doing, but the short version is that cloud-init logs were going to the default log file instead of cloud-init.log, and that patch was how I fixed it.20:16
smosertheres one change i'm expecting from utlemming, and i'd like to hvae the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/122592220:16
smoserbut its tricky20:16
gholmsThat one looks fun.20:16
smosergholms, yeah... i'm just weary of a config file change for something that used to work and should work.20:16

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